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Posts posted by milksoda

  1. Atsuko awoke in a startle with shaken breath did she rise, taking blades to her hip, donning her armor and placing reed betwixt her teeth. 

    Stepping past the checkpoint she donned kasa and paced offward, the wayfarer would persist. 

    She wandered until her mind was clear once more, "What a terrible day to be Samurai. . ." thought the Onna Musha.

  2. The Treaty of Nevaehlen

    In effect as of the Year of the Kouryuu, 182 SA (1115 Kamijikan)




    The contents of this passage shall serve as the peace and non-aggression agreement between the Isle of Nevaehlen and the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate. Both parties signing this pact declare adherence to its terms under oath of blood, honor and soul to our ancestors.


    As such, the details of this treaty are listed below.


    • The Isle of Nevaehlen and the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate agree to uphold the peace between their realms and their vassals and to resolve disputes between their lands amiably and honorably. Both states agree to not campaign against one another’s sovereignty or aggress upon eachother’s people in a pact of Non-Aggression.
    • The tenet does not apply to defensive agreements made prior to this agreement. Fulfillment of prior defensive agreements will NOT be taken as breaking this treaty.
    • Both parties recognize one another’s sovereignty and border claims of incorporated and unincorporated lands with the region of the old Talar’nor fjord as being claimed by the Isle of Nevaehlen whereas the majority of the Brightwald, the Sakura Mori and the Cursed Mori being claimed by the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate.
    • Both parties agree to the practice of cultural exchange between their peoples in hopes of learning and growing from one another.
    • Both parties agree to the sharing of intelligence and the cooperation of campaigning against Do’Badders and Yokai (Darkspawn, Netherdoers, supernatural anomalies). 
    • Both parties agree to the free movement of trade and to the exchange of a tax-free stall within each other's capitals.
    • The Isle of Nevaehlen shall agree to aid the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate in its quest to restore the life of the Norowareta Mori (The Cursed Forests).
    • The duration of this treaty shall last 10 years where both parties will reconvene to discuss the renewal or development of the relations between both parties.


    By the judgment of our ancestors, this document is adhered by and those after them under oath of blood, honor and spirit,

    On behalf of the Shugo of Koyo-Kuni,

    LADY ATSUKO of UGOKOYAMA the Wayfarer, Shugodai of Koyo-Kuni, The Iron Lady of Sakuragakure and the Light of Gushiken Academy




  3. "A wheel is not a wheel if one looks at it from the side."


    "I hope you can see that in the next life."


    Spoke a super duper sad Jenny planting a singular stone upon dirt, beside planted flower.


    A flower that would wither.


    But redemption did not degrade nor rust. A stone may shave but its sediment would still be carried by the wind off toward the unknown.


    Upon the stone were singular name scrawled: Adya.


  4. Atsuko wojacked in the burned remains of Sakuragakure. . .

    Though, as an old Lector character return to that retinue of Samurai with three goals instilled within her was new hope.

    "It is not Jowarida."

  5. Atsuko former Valkyrie Aelia of the Seraphim branch of the Lectorate stares at the missive, blinking - she wonders where this mystery Lector's room was in Lectorgrad perhaps he was hidden in the walls. Too did she wonder how the order restarted without a single Lector being let known! Perhaps a mere misunderstanding. . .


    Surely, if he was truly a Lector he could prove such by answering the Lector kids menu questionnaire found at Lecty Lectorbears Pizzeria (Funded by Gibs Co) which she promptly mailed to the writer:


    (Your name here! :D) (The date here!!! :D)


    1. What was Danzen's mom?

    2. How many scoops of icecream is a Lector allowed to eat?

    3. Fill in the blank! _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ Rock!
    4. True or False: Ahn Gulr passed his novitiate trials after 40+ years of service.

    5. True or False: Owyn was a farfolk!?!?
    6. How many Seraphim were there?
    7. Archlector Galway Blanco gained immortality from what?

    8. Which LECTOR was trapped in a beam by Moto Moto the interdimensional Yokai for a century in the blood rift at Tsutenkaku?

    9. Circle the name of Horen's wife!!!: Julia - Juli'el

    10. Name your favorite cleric and swordbearer duo below XD: _________

    12. Please name all wowj's between wowa and wowz

    13. The seven skies is ACTUALLY which restaurant?

    14. Father Harold wrestles which animal on his birthday?

    15. How tall was Inquisitor Dharas?


  6. A watering can leaking multihued light refracting ichor drop to the ground beside the dim blue flowers such was meant to feed. A cloaked ex Primarch gazed up at the comets from what remained of the ruins in wide eyed excitement bringing the comically large telescope to her eyes in that makeshift observatory as she misunderstand the situation completely.

    "Wooaahh. . ." Jenny uttered happily, though "realization" soon dawned upon her as she stood within the meteor impact site. She did not have five arms! She made a few faux bicep curls of silent appraisal, then glancing back upward to the spectacle, then back to her noodle arms.

    ". . .Not it!" She touched her own nose, her arms weary from the last ordeal. Saying naught more before that hermetic Starchild went back to laying bricks and watering flowers.

  7. Name of the Artifact:

             Risky Dice


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             TheNamesMcQ, CashDinero


     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             Camulos Ersutu, Oro Oro


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):



    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:


    See above/below.



    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    See above/below.



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:








    。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆


    Long ago it was rumored a vessel wrought of animii was hurled toward our rock in a small coastal village, though no one has seen it - only the wreckage that came after.


    Rising from it came the Starchild. In her neverending search through the infinite cosm for her old home, her original plane. She sought to replace her broken ship, though she misplaced her tools, found by mortals to be utilized at their whims.


    Thus the Risky Dice were born, alas, she failed to find her home in her three uses of the artifact, and now entrusts the task to mortals scattering them across the lands and passing them down from hero to hero until she can find home once more.


    。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆










    The other Djinn esque abilities are hidden from the description to avoid metagame.






    If you are the owner of this MArt please read and familiarize yourself with the Arcane Displacement feat to completion.






    Due to the Starchild’s knowledge of the forbidden inner workings of the Planar Dictate melded with the MArt Creation ability. Both dice are infused with the ability to allow one access to realms otherwise hidden from the material plane.


    One can Arcane Displace by rolling the dice, after doing so a key will spawn in the user’s hands that when used on any door the door’s location will instantly change.


     Upon opening they will now see the infinitely vast beauty of the cosmos regardless of what was initially behind the door and as they take a step through they will instantly step on the ground of the new random plane, the door closing behind them.



    Due to the Demi Djinn spell party hands that allows for Illusions, Conjuration, and Transmogrification, it would be very simple to make a door or dice have neat visual effects as well as to spawn a conjured key that is flavored to look fun in the hands of a user. The MArt Creation spell mixed with the Arcane Displacement FA possessed by the character Jenny are in my eyes sufficient for the creation of this simple MArt.


    *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:




    1. Take out the die or dice.

    2. Shake die in your hand and conduct SOME manner of lucky ritual, whether that be blowing on your hand, kissing the die, or proclaiming your love for gambling outwardly. The user can choose a freeform way to manifest their fortune through placebo.

    3. Roll the dice and use the subsequently manifested key on a valid door.


    *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:



    IC INFO:

    Upon conducting the first two steps of the Risky Dice ritual a key will manifest in the hands of the user in the likeness of the realm that they roll to travel to. For example the Lemon Dimension will spawn a citrus key made of Lemonskin and rind with a singular leaf dangling from its chassis. The Crystal Labrynth dimension will make a shining key that one can see their own evil reflection within. This is freeform and can be decided by the user. They must then use the key on any door for it to transform into a portal to another realm upon opening.


    A character who has not been taught how to use the Risky Dice may experiment and fiddle with the object until something works. This is freeform as the knowledge of using the MArt is not intended to be gatekept.





    One can utilize the Risky Dice to Planeswalk in a manner of [6]emotes, [3] emotes for each die. If all parties consent one can utilize the Risky Dice by rolling both dice at the same time for a total of [3] emotes, due to the fact that one is not conducting a ritual that is reliant on innate knowledge but rather an artifact that expedites the process.


    Despite the quicker speed. . .One is still subject to all the rules those in possession of the Arcane Displacement feat are. For example one still cannot Planeswalk during combat. If one is touched or interrupted in the middle of the process by so much as a simple grazing the Dice will flicker red and emit odd alien animiic sounds indicating that one must try again. Interplanar gambling requires complete and absolute focus.


    If one is mechanically compromised but not in combat or captured (their absolute focus is SOMEHOW not disturbed) and wishes to use the die they must adhere to the [6] emote planeswalking ritual like normal Arcane Displacement users even if they are only using one die. Maybe they fumble with the key or something, be creative.  The intent is for the three emote ritual to be used for non conflict situations only and is just a flavorfully faster way to planeswalk. This is here as a just in case catch all clause for a situation I find unlikely to happen.


    As is true of the Arcane Displacement feat each die holder can take one person with them for a total of four total Planeswalkers all four are allowed to go to the same location.


    The dice can only be used to Starwalk three times total but the other abilities can be used indefinitely, not using the item to Starwalk specifically is what constitutes the item being inactive. Inactivity for three months is subject to terms below in the Gift of Charity clause.


    OOC NOTE: THIS IS NOT A MEANS TO JUST GIVE SOMEONE SHUNTING/ARCANE DISPLACEMENT AS THE DICE CAN ONLY BE USED THREE TIMES PER PERSON. The Dice also have a few other abilities that make it so this is not just a copy paste of Arcane Displacement feat but rather a blend of Djinn and shunting.


    The Gold Die: 

    If Brother Gold is used alone: In accordance with the Arcane Displacement location ST document; the Yellow die has 11 sides. Thus, when one rolls they must roll 1-11 and be forced to travel to the corresponding plane of the resulting number.

    /roll 11


    The Purple Die:

    If Sister Purple is used alone: In accordance with the Arcane Displacement location ST document; the Purple Die also has 11 sides. When one rolls they must roll (1-11) but treat it as 12-22 and be forced to travel to the corresponding plane of the resulting number.

    /roll 11 and translate.


    1 = 11

    2 = 12. . .

    . . .12 = 22.



    If you are one person rolling both die /roll 22



    Each person /roll 11 to check for special rolls. (See below).

    If there are no double 1’s or double 11’s then pick a person to /roll 22. Take the result.

    If there are double 1’s or double 11’s the plane traveled is predetermined, see below.









    - Planeswalking with Risky Dice subjects one to all the redlines in the Arcane Displacement feat if applicable. As a reminding but nonexhaustive list:

    • One is always subject to death and harm without the confines of Earth. Conclusively, death out in the cosmos, far from the faculties of any monk, entails an irrefutable PK.

    • Depending on the level of hostility in each realm (the order of which is detailed in a confidential document), each Saint’s Day spent in a realm may further aggravate the beasts within the cosmos and thus threaten the survival of a Planeswalker. Some realms are host only to docile creatures, others may severely endanger a player in as little as an hour – the character itself may never know.



    - Utilizing the Risky Dice is by virtue of the name the risk of the user and not the being who gifted it to them. It is out of the Extraterrestrial Djinn’s hands if they die.


    - The flavored keys are used to enhance roleplay NOT to warn the user that the plane they may be entering is dangerous and circumvent the inherent risks of planeswalking. Once one has spawned the key one must go through with Planeswalking to that plane. If a flavored key would make a character think twice then that key appears as a simple rusted key with no indicator as to the location. The character is not allowed to deduce ANYTHING for the sake of mechanical advantage from the key.


    - A valid door is defined as anything with a keyhole that can be opened that the character can fit through.


    - Unlike normal shunting, Risky Dice users can never choose the realm they’re going to. It must be determined by luck alone.


    - Once the dice are rolled the key is automatically spawned. They cannot be rerolled until the plane is entered and returned from.


    - With consent from an ET and with LT approval players are allowed (just like in normal Arcane Displacement) to do an interplanar event on the server itself if they have a group of over 2. This can only be done with both dice.


    - Items can be brought back from realms subject to normal Arcane Displacement redlines.


    - The dice have the durability of bones and can be destroyed any way normal dice would be destroyed.


    - If there is anything that has been missed in these redlines please refer to the Arcane Displacement feat as once again all the redlines apply.


    - After three shunts the dice will stop working and will need to be passed on or be taken back by the Creator. The user also can't revisit the same plane twice.




    If both dice come together and roll 1’s (1 and 11 respectively on each colored die) these are called Double Comets. The dice will glow a brilliant hue and the master skeleton key will spawn. The players can go to a custom realm of their choosing that follows the rules of the original Arcane Displacement post regarding visiting custom realms. Though the characters are still under the impression they are heading somewhere random.



    When both dice are brought together and roll the highest numbers on their respective die (Yellow 11 and Purple 22) or mechanically represented by the rolling plugin as (11 and 11) a purple key shaped like a J is manifested and the user is “transported” to an odd realm of the Djinn’s design upon proper usage.



    - Follows the same redlines as listed in Arcane Displacement.


    *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:


    *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:


    JENNYLAND: A seemingly interplanar coastal city that bears where the sky is the celestial view of space above. Lighthouses, streamers, fishing docks and masked celebrators are scattered across the seafaring plane. Multiple moons and varying odd celestial bodies are in full view as one gazes upwards. There is a constant festival within this city of brilliant lights and circus-esque themes that would be familiar to the material plane though it bears whimsical and alien features that are subject to the user's freeform design like all planes are. The people in this land all bear irregular bright skin tones and antennae across their heads. Large men of yarn are puppeteered by nothing as they bring joy to the citizens of this happy plane.


    In “daytime” hours the dimension will be a nonstop party where nobody is a stranger and everyone bears deep warmth and hospitality, urging the planeswalker to stay forever if they’d like to leave their troubles behind. But one can only leave this addicting realm during Night time before the massive clock in town square strikes midnight.


     During “night time” one will have to overcome obstacles and riddles in order to make their way back home. Maybe a mirror maze that shows you your insecurities and only lets you out when you overcome them, or a two headed clown with three riddles guarding a bridge home that overlooks the clouds. Such is subject to the freeform imagination of the user like any other plane while staying within the confines of the theme. Nothing can truly harm them in this realm, only mentally scar them with vicious whimsy as the Planeswalker is forced to overcome their deepest mental hardships.


    The story goes that Jenny sadly failed her three roles, and now is giving the dice to adventurers in order to send a message back to her original plane.





    • You can’t die in Jennyland! That’s mean!


    • The trials are freeform and can be from the contractor’s psyche, perhaps they have something deep within that they need to overcome.


    • Jennyland is still on the material plane. But the players are taken to an undisclosed location that cannot be found on the map.


    • When you go to Jennyland to onlookers it still looks as if you went to any other plane by walking through the doors to prevent metagame.


    • Planes are weird and there are an infinity of them, you cannot metagame that this one is fake.


    OOC Explanation:


    Yes, yes, Djinn can’t make planes. This is an Imaginary Realm spell in which the Djinn can take their contractor into a world of imagination subject to their complete control so long as it is non combative, the trials they overcome are likely perhaps a part of their own psyche due to the freeform nature of the forum post a Djinn can tap into the psyche of the contractor with the Dreamcatcher spell if necessary and heal, alter or change mental trauma and memories. As for taking people to a different location the Cloud Walker spell allows a Djinn to noncombatively and flavorfully leave roleplay by flying or teleporting into a mist while following the rules of soulstoning, this mixed with Party Hands creates the illusion of teleporting to a different location to onlookers. This isn’t unheard of as Naztherak have a very similar spell called Hell’s Gate. That is why this is feasible to add to the abilities of this MArt. 


    Though this is not a real plane it is still a place the Contractors are taken to as they would be any other plane but it still resides within the material plane, and is in line with the freeform nature of making “custom realms” in the Arcane Displacement feat.



    Up to three times in an event should a hero spend [2 emotes] - 1 emote to shake and 1 to throw. They can store a successful roll at the discretion of the present ET to be used at a later time. For example, maybe landing a long shot of an aimed crossbow, narrowly dodging an attack, or gleaning insight into something the ET wishes to hint toward them.




    The ET has full discretion over the success however, it should not result in something unlucky occuring but rather a boost in some way. However the ET decides is fitting to prevent this MArt from breaking events.


    OOC Reasoning: There is precedent set forth for luck existing in the LoTC universe because certain dark magics can curse people with unluck. I feel as though given the nature of Djinn it would be thematically fitting that they could bestow a boon of luck to the discretion of ET. Djinn also have the ability to store skills and muscle memory through Era Embodiment and can transfer that skill to aid a mortal in their trials.



    Due to the illusory magicks of the Creator of these dice, when used for their actual numbers like gambling, bets, or games the dice will appear to have real numbers upon their person, they will take upon the required amount of sides and will roll whatever the user wills them to. It takes 2 emotes to roll the dice 1 to shake and 1 to throw. The user can display the result using [!] rather than rolling.



    - The transforming of the dice cannot be seen by the naked eye, though if checked with Arcana Flow lenses one can detect the large amount of mana within the dice to detect cheating.


    - The dice will take upon the form of whatever the user wills it while they are shaking it within their hands.


    OOC Explanation:

    See Party Hands above.



    The holder of this artifact will feel an innate sense to want to play games and try their best to gamble against difficult odds. A passive ability that can be roleplayed to the discretion of the player but should not be ignored.





    This does not make you suicidal, it just makes you feel a compulsion to play games and gamble.


    OOC Explanation:

    This can be done with the Emotion Manipulation spell of Djinn that can tug upon the soul and alter the personality of the contractor.



    If the artifact is being vaulted or hoarded instead of being used the item will seek to spread itself.


    • I don’t want this MArt sitting on a shelf and getting no use. It should be used and circulated so people get a chance to experience something rare they otherwise would not, similar to how the Planar Dictate is swapped from player to player every 3 months.

    • Every 3 months if this item is inactive by a player not logging on the dice may return to Jenny the Genie (FunTzu aka milksoda) (not to be mistaken as Qard or Malik or the Time Pig from the Zu). This is not meant to be an instant recall but rather just a method to ensure the item is actively used.

    • If the holder has permanently died and the artifact is not passed on it may also return to the creator. If the dice are stolen from the character upon death they may keep the relic.

    • The dice will return to the Demi Djinn if the player is banned so the creator may pass on the relic to another on a case by case basis, a day ban won't get rid of your dice subject to the discretion of ST.


    • The Djinn creator will have to make an sreq to request the Dice back from the current possessor if necessary and the conditions are met.

    • Either of the dice can be remade by the Demi Djinn ONLY IF the Dice has been destroyed. An sreq should be made if the die is destroyed. The Demi Djinn can know if the dice is destroyed innately. This is to say there can only be 1 Gold and 1 Purple die in existence at a time.











    The purpose of this MArt is to give players another avenue to experience Planeswalking in a flavorful way. I think that ultimately Arcane Displacement is a flavor feat that does not have a lot of practical use in LoTC. I think we need more MArts that aren’t just weapons or character buffs and I think by ensuring there are 2 dice that two players who would have never interacted before are now encouraged to generate rp with another as they search for the other dice user. I enjoy bringing players together and I love planeswalking (even if it's just forum rp) . It's a cool concept and I want to spread it to players who I think will make great use of it. 


    The only reason I explain such an idea in great detail is simply so players have a cheat sheet to look at and for ST to reference if necessary. I wanted it to be easily accessible and I also tried to hammer in the redlines to ensure it couldn’t be abused in the worst case scenario.


    Many thanks to wowj the Lector for peer review. Please comment "lectors" under this post if u think im radical.


    Thank you for making sure it’s readable to a new player and going “Good job Milk”, Rushodan and Kuebiko.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    See above/below.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    See above/below.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

             1 set of dice for 2 individual items.


    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. Jenny could not read but she recognized her own name upon the missive and smiled. Something she had been practicing. And so the spirit of whimsy did seek to FEEL the missive. The words osmosizing into her very psyche as she peer toward it from unorthodox sideward gaze. She understood now. These trees had no mouths? Who knew! Perhaps the things she heard all the time whilst gazing into space were something else. Perhaps people. Regardless Jenny now soon came to understand that she was a sheep. This was very shocking. And so cold water was splashed upon her face, slapped, battered, AWOKEN, to the crimes of the dirt people. She thought to POOR GAR'FIALD THE FAT ORANGE VICTIM. WHO SHE HAD HELPED MANY CENTURIES AGO TO FULFILL HIS DREAM OF BECOMING A WORLD FAMOUS COMEDIAN. She thought back to his fat stupid orange monday hating cavity that was directly in his chest, never again would she hear him explain the joke right after he said it. She considered how many cats animals scratch trees in nature ARE THEY TO BE EXECUTED AS WELL???? SHALL WE TAKE TO THE FOREST AND GUT EVERY CLAWED BEAST WHO DARE SCRATCH THE VERY BARK THEY LIVE BENEATH Though the worst crime of all was the chutzpah to go so far as to arbitrarily connect her to a bandage wearing monkey boy who lives in a zoo? AN INSULT. TO THEM I REBUKE YOU! Jenny slapped the paper as if anyone could hear her think. I WILL HANG MY HAMMOCK ON THE TREE!! I WILL STAND AROUND THE TREE!!!! IT DOES NOT CARE FOR IF THEY CARED THEN THE BURNING BUSH ITSELF SHOULD HAVE WRITHED IN AGONY!


    Jenny nodded. Satisfied with the new thought embossed into her brain. She rolled over and went to sleep in her tree hammock.

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