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Posts posted by Pandan

  1. 2 minutes ago, Booklight12 said:

    Soo, does that mean it's still feasible with enchanting? Cause i've done that with the magic for a while now. And did the research and RP ICly to crete it. But not this exact design or how it works. So it'd still be different. Even still I do like a written up way for mages to communicate with eachother. Not a fan of birds.


    Currently there is no lore approved means of long-range communication between mages. 

  2. Queen-628329.jpg


    Merry Christmas LOTC!


    Just thought I'd spend some time address the community of this day of Christmas (or, any religious occurrence you may celebrate around this time of year!) and wish to the best throughout today, we've changed a lot over 2015 to say the least. We've gone through admins, GM's and even lost a team in the process before we managed to reach the end, yet going into 2016 I'd like to believe as a community we're stronger than ever. This is only proven by the constant increase of player count, so hopefully thats means we're doing some right! If not, we're just very lucky, and quite frankly we've had enough luck to maintain our player count through the most drastic of times.


    Yet now, as we near 2016 I hope we can bring you better content in the form of communication, moderation and also technical. Who knows what the future of this server holds, yet with the continuation of what we're doing and aim to achieve I do hope we can bring you a much better product that everyone can enjoy.


    Anyways, keeping this short! Spend some time with your families, as irritating as they may be. And if you're over the age of 18 (or 21 for Americans) grab a cheeky drink or two.



  3. MC name: Pandann

    Character's name and age: Edwyn, 30-something.
    Character’s Race: Human

    What magic/s did you learn?: Translocation.
    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Translocation would be learnt from a variety of sources, one of which being a book found among the many brought to this realm.. Giving him the basic theory, which enabled his invention of voidal shifting which utilizes similar concepts of the latter magic.
    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: 


    Translocation is regarding the complicated relationship between both the molecules and mana a object holds within itself, and how by learning such it can be 'stored' within a state of stasis deep inside the void itself. It all starts with the deep study of an object, for unless the exact complexion of an object is known recalling it into existence is literally impossible. Hence why storing objects within the realm of unknown for extended periods of time is such a unique risk, as even the slightest loss of memory could leave it stranded within the abyss. Once you're sure of its quantities and qualities you may connect yourself to the void and 'push' it inward through a visual portal of sorts, typically at first with your hands yet later tiers of capability allow even usage at range. There it remains floating, the molecules disconnected from both reality and one another until called forth by the translocationist once more.. With the exact knowledge of its every aspect can the mage bring it back into existence with the reverse of before. The only true limitation of this magic is mana itself, for you must match the amount of mana the dormant object holds in order to send it into the void.


  4. Evening all!


    Today I bring a variety of news regarding the changing positions, trials and new GM's! So without wasting more time, lets go.


    New GM's









    New Lead's


    MAT:- Tsuyose


    FM:- Dohvi



    ET:- Dizzy



    New Trial's










  5. agA6rYP.jpg




    Today we bring a small update to you in the form of the spawn location, which to those mildly observant in noticing myself alongside multiple ET copy/pasting and building would already know that we've chosen the docks as our new spawning grounds.


    We feel this was the best choice considering the active flow through this area, plus easy direction to the capitals instead of perhaps new players becoming lost trying to find the single cart that leads them there. We'll continue to work upon this and update the boats leading to the nations, etc. So keep an eye out for that.


    Thanks for the patience, Dan.


  6. Good evening LotC,


    Just a small change for you today, regarding the horse rule with was prior to this the following; 





    Horses that are not near any settlements/ or buildings can be stolen by make a modreq.





    The issue with the rule comes from two senses. The first of which being the difficulty to actual steal with the horse plugin currently upon the server, being that to 'steal' a horse we must first kill it and replace with usually awful one. Atop of that its always been an issue with moderating, as although the horse needs to be outside the boundaries of a settlement most people tended to just.. push them outside, yes, we know what you're doing.


    Therefore for the sake of ease of moderating, and removing perhaps unfair theft of horses that do more harm than good. The following rule shall be implemented.





    Horses may not be stolen under any circumstances.






    Thanks for your patience, Dan.




  7. Additional regulation should come into effect with this.

    Come the death of a nation leader, no resources may be taken.

    This has been a problem for a very long time - recent events only highlight the on-going problem, the GM team should put it to bed properly. :)

    I actually concur with this, thus have made a small change to the rule..



  8. Hello!


    Another change for you today, however this time in the form of an introduction of a new rule sparked by two recent occurrences that have been brought into question by both the moderator, and administrative teams. We apologise to those affected by these actions so far, and hope others won't be harmed within the same way.




    Come the resignation of a nation leader, resources may only be taken of a maximum of 10% with proper role-play overwatched by a GM at its time of occurrence. If the nation leader comes to be PK'd through various means, then no resources may be taken.





    - Dan



    Edit: Added a small bit.

  9. Upon occasions it becomes difficult to notice who maintains interest with becoming a GM come the end of the next trial period, so in turn I've gone through and denied all applications.


    If you're still interested in the role, feel free to siphon your application from the graveyard and re-post it with a  link to the old one to allow me to read feedback from the various player groups.



    Thanks for your patience,

    - Dan.

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