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Everything posted by Pandan

  1. If you’ve items in Adria you’ve got the next three days (12/04/19) to remove them before facing eviction.

    1. drfate786


      Is this a joke or for real?

    2. Pandan


      PRO gave permission along with two administrators. Its real!

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Region evictions should take 7 days before happening

  2. ARDRYLL MORVAEL OFFICE OF THE OKARIR’SAN HAELUN’OR SILVER AND SOVEREIGNTY Whilst the Silver Enclave of Haelun’or remains indebted towards the Kingdom of Gladewynn for their assistance within restoring unity and stability for the mali’aheral people, the time to acknowledge change has come about. The sovereignty to which we sacrificed in honour to our people, to bring them together, is something to which must be restored once more. Hence with the following proposed terms, we have managed to restore an alliance between our two great nations that shall only come to bring even greater unity between the ‘ame and ‘thill. - maehr'sae hiylun'ehya - The Terms, agreed upon by both nations, are as followed: [I ]: The Protectorate of Haelun’or is hereby disestablished; its lands, people and resources are restored beneath a new sovereign state, the Silver Enclave of Haelun’or. It holds the right to manage all internal and external affairs, including conference and diplomacy in regards to international relations. [II]: The Kingdom of Gladewynn and the newly formed Silver Enclave of Haelun’or shall be unified in an alliance of military, trade and information. Both states hold absolute responsibility of mutual defense, agreeing to provide military support when the sovereignty of another is at risk. [III]: No restriction of movement shall be enforced between the two nations, providing the person in question has not been explicitly banished by the governing body. In any circumstance neither nation is obliged to extradite figures deemed unlawful by the other. [IV]: Both nations recognise the Royarch of the Elves as the one and only true representative of the Wood Elven people, and the Maheral of Haelun’or as the one and only true representative of the High Elven people. This agreement reaches across every realm, known or unknown. [V]: In circumstance of establishing external alliances outside of this treaty, both nations must prior agree to the terms when proposed and also adhere to a mutual agreement with the nominated nation. Those signed beneath pledge their names and respective nations to the terms in unanimity, bound by blood to the oath in which they commit. THE MORTAL QUEEN, LAYLA ATRAEDES, LADY OF THE BARROWLANDS AND LOFTYWOODS, SOVEREIGN OF THE ELVES AND SERVANT OF MALIN THE MAHERAL, DIMAETHOR VISAJ, PROTECTOR OF ALL HIGH ELVES, SILVER-BLOODED, RULER OF THE PURE, THE COMPLETION OF THE PLEDGE, AND SERVANT OF LARIHEI
  3. Does anyone make skins? I can't pay within mina, but can use paypal!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pandan


      Depends on the going rates, I suppose. 

    3. Mj.


      200 mina for a pair of sunnies 500 and you can use my skin 

    4. Kvasir


      you should contact people like areln and halsi, I hear they are great!

  4. I.. er, anyone know how to change the ol' status? Mines gone all funky, and I used to use AdminCP!

    1. Harri


      to change what now

    2. Pandan


      I.. meant signatures. I fixed it however. 

    3. AGiantPie


      Admin disconnect personified..

  5. What did I miss?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Space


      top shelf because it's hardly used and out of the way


      ok i'm done

    3. EntoraX


      birdy there's like 9 million gms cant you just pm one to tp to you

    4. Pandan


      In reflection, it would've been better to provide nations access to the a/b/c regions but remove settlements that appeared outside of their regions. It may still be a possible option, and I'm available to answer any questions a GM/Admin/player may have. 

  6. Quick Question: How would you feel about the first (and current) settlements receiving LC also? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SeventhCircle


      I think thats fine

    3. idiot


      Yeah. I think the first settlements should get Lc.

    4. Moochael



  7. How is everybody doing?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      I wanna get back to work tbh. This map is pretty af

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Also I'm super excited to explore again!

    4. bumblefina


      free kincaid

  8. As per expected, we're running over slightly on the given timeframe. Be aware the development team has been working solidly for over 12 hours so patience is most appreciated. 

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Kvasir


      @A Moongazer 'that's nexus for you' is the new Thanks Obama.

    3. Smaw


      Adam, leave your salt in Vailor. It nearly ended that map itself.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      he lend hands to leo and they increased together the blood pressure world-wide

  9. Time to sleep and hope nothing is burning when I wake up. 

    1. Harri


      dw dan, you have me to watch over everything for you :DDD

    2. Emenzi


      Don't be to hungover!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mmat


      How much of the remaining **** to do is ruins and ****?

    3. Pandan


      That's all regions, there. We're pre-emptively regioning the world, anything build-wise left is either replacing trees or minor nature upgrades. We could release at this time, however it wouldn't be ideal. Lore builds are taking a much less priority as they can be completed on launch, and I'd rather have something for you then await them to be completed honestly. 

    4. Silent™




      So many regions.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zaezae


      one of the arguments is "****" Stay classy Pandan.

    3. Chaw


      numbers rule the world

    4. KeatonUnbeaten


      theres a typo in the 'tahn complete section' where it should be ceru, but otherwise


  10. http://imgur.com/a/x1wpH  Freema and Ang have done a class job with the swamp, take a glance!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LatzMomo


      I've seen better.

    3. Hanrahan


      It looks fantastic! Don't let these salty jerks spoil anything!

    4. Anderssn


      You need better builders

  11. Nothing in particular. The healing waters was inspired from Kitten's lore but everything else was more.. my idea? I can't think of anything else that has imbued a gods power into the light of the sun and then placed that power into fire/water. Typically I tend to start with an image, something.. interesting, and try and write lore for the image. It may sound odd but it works for me.
  12. It'll basically be a new strand of clericalsim, so you'd have to learn it like so.
  13. It states in the lore, that they do mix. For instance a priest healer is able to assist within the efforts of the waters, whilst a war-cleric may assist within the efforts of the flame. Aka: You only ever need one Divine Warden to instigate the spell. And yes, you can learn both (or all three hopefully..)
  14. As its classified as high skill, it not only requires the fire to be setup but also several lines of prayer. This isn't a quick thing.
  15. Two things added; Flowing Atonement Two Clerics; high skill. Within the presence of the waters, the healing capability of a priest is enhanced drastically, wounds become healed quicker and under less strain. (( 20x20 around the isolated pool )). Burning Entrapment Two Clerics; high skill. Taking use over an unusual circle of fire; the flames blocked any entry in or out of its centre. With this any figure may be locked within, the unholy and cursed becoming harmed should they defy their cages will. (( Does not negate 30 minute prison rule, may be presumed either the sun went down or sunwell became cut off. )) Please continue to submit your feedback and suggestions!
  16. It did! Actually, that was my inspiration for the water aspect of it.
  17. The elder cleric was more a part of the lore, in reality this serves as an entirely new line of clerical magic. Hosper and I would take upon teaching roles and teach it to those that ask, etc. Regarding the second point, I'm actually looking for more functionality within the ways of spells. So if you've any recommendations say so! Edit: The five men-battle spells are more there for large end-of-days events, if you understand. Not just your everyday battle.
  18. If you refer to the 'faiths weapon', anyone can wield it. However it'll only last the day. Its like a temp-buff.
  19. Change Log: 22/07/2016:- Lore Posted. 22/07/2016:- Added: Flowing Atonement Two Clerics; high skill. Within the presence of the waters the healing capability of a priest is enhanced drastically, wounds become healed quicker and under less strain. (( 20x20 around the isolated pool )). Burning Entrapment Two Clerics; high skill. Taking use over an unusual circle of fire; the flames blocked any entry in or out of its centre. With this any figure may be locked within, the unholy and cursed becoming harmed should they defy their cages will. (( Does not negate 30 minute prison rule, may be presumed either the sun went down or sunwell became cut off. ))
  20. Clericalism: The Divine Warden Justice & Purity through Water & Flame. Tahariae’s clerics were always one of the cycles within the realm. Their numbers would rise and fall like clockwork; orders forming and scattering. At times it would seem that the light of purity had a strong presence, the tales of grand healings and evil being vanquished. Then nothing, the light of Tahariae hardly being seen with the clerics scattered and unorganised until another prophet was found. Tahariae watched this happen for centuries to great dismay. Purity must be a constant of the realm and the clerics need to be there to defend it. A scattered force paled in comparison to the taint that spread through the realm. The Itharel had been returned to their mortal forms and the light flickered in the darkness. The clerics of the past forgeten and their deeds undone. Their work yielded no lasting purity, it merely delayed the inevitable. Tahariae watched this happen and was saddened. With each cleric lost Tahariae’s connection to the descendants realm grew weaker; the aenguls all seeing vision growing clouded. How could one protect a world which they could not see? Tahariae sought to cast a new light into this darkness. To create a beacon to it’s children and call them home. They should not dwell cowering from the corruption, they should be able to reclaim that which has been stolen. The flames of purity ought burn within the realm as bright as the morning sun. Tahariae shall tether itself to more than it’s followers; the stag shall ingrain it’s light into the very realm itself. Tahariae calls to the elder clerics “Return to me. Bathe within my light once more and forge it into your land. Stare into the sun and know that I shall stand with you in the darkness. Wherever you find it’s radiance you can find me. “Push back the darkness and create refuge within the realm. The light of your realm can fuel the waves of purity. Through water and fire the realm can be cleansed. Together my children we can begin our reclamation” Method Divine Wardenism is based around the concept of imbuing the light of the sun with the power of Tahariae. Unlike typical clericalism the light cannot be manifested through a living soul due to its considerably more extensive power, even trying to pull forth that degree of power through a mortal vessel would surely do considerably more harm than good. Instead Tahariae relies upon the radiance of the sun, combining his own power with its beaming light to bless either water or flame into certain states. Unfortunately this comes at the cost for outside the reign of the sun, as the moon rises and casts its dreaded shadow his power too comes to fade. Thus, without a light-well present any blessings will fade. Wardens take upon a much more ritual based methodology; requiring the use of either the water or flame within context of the demanded effect. In order to undergo the ritual, several conditions must be met; Firstly an adequately skilled warden must be within the presence of either flame or stream as they are the catalysts for creation. However the remaining power required for the various spells may be fulfilled by another of Tahariae’s blessed; either a priest for the waters, or a war-cleric for the flames. After such a prayer is spoken, its content down to the warden par the first line. “I, divine warden.” The remaining length is dependent upon the skill requirement. A low skilled ability would merely take a single sentence, whereas the higher skilled would require a multitude. A downside to intertwining light and Tahariae’s power is the power becomes significantly less direct, thus more powerful capabilities require greater time to bring to fruition. If all is done correctly the source shall take upon a golden edge, indicating it has taken upon the properties of the blessing. Depending on the spell within question the prayer may continue, or the effect has already come to manifest itself. Example Prayer “I, divine warden. Ask the lord of light to bless upon the flames before me with his authority, power and radiance. With his flames I shall carry out his wishes, casting aside the impurities of our realm and bringing forth justice to the darkest of corners.” The flame becomes illuminated by a golden light, the gathered three clerics continued to imbue their power into the words of Galan. The object inside continuing to resist the heat of the flame. “With his blessing we cast aside the twisted, dark and vindictive nature of the object before us. Its taint upon the world is a feared and dangerous item, to cleanse it is our role, for we serve the lord of light.” A roar erupts from the flame; it's dancing, golden strands of light grasping ahold of the object within an almost blind sense of fury. Within the twisted object screeches out of pure resistance as its very substance becomes little but ash. Light-Well The light-well is a construct used alongside divine wardens in order to enable their capability outside of the sun's embrace. However, unfortunately, this well is unable to be moved, stagnant in location and only formed when two divine wardens come together. Its formation is a tricky process and one that develops over time. The two wardens come together, stating their prayer and blessing either a pool of water or flickering flame which is exposed to the radiance of the sun. Upon such it will immediately take upon a similar golden glaze, however, early formation leaves it within a weak and unempowered state. It must be left to strengthen itself over time, the longer it is left the stronger it may become. Corruption Light-wells can be corrupted through the various dark magic. In response, they become harmful for any cleric that nears them unless cleansed, which in the case of minor wells is an easy task. However those that I've sat for years within gathering power can become so twisted and dark, even nearing them is a life-draining task. Thus they should be protected by those that rely on them. Spells The Waters Restoration and purity; the waters flow imbued with Tahariae’s light as they flood the realm with his power. Blessed Waters One Cleric; low skill. Waters bathing within sunlight become blessed with a constant glimmer; those who submerge themselves within eased of pain and mended of small wounds. Lights Remedy Two Clerics; medium skill. Waters of a single use, seeping deeper than wounds of the flesh and attempting to wreck havoc upon any corruption harboured deep within one's self. Flowing Atonement Two Clerics; high skill. Within the presence of the waters the healing capability of a priest is enhanced drastically, wounds become healed quicker and under less strain. (( 20x20 around the isolated pool )). Scorched Lands Three Clerics; high skill. Within lands of highly twisted and cursed nature; the gathered may imbue reservoirs with luminance causing light to rain from the skies. A powerful means of cleansing the land of impurities. Radiant Communion Five Clerics; high skill. As several come together, combining their strength into a body of water exposed to direct sunlight, they try to communicate with their lord of light, Tahariae. (( Requires explicit staff approval. )) The Flames Destruction and justice; wrecking havoc to those that defy Tahariae’s will by endowing them within his golden flames. Faiths Weapon One Cleric; low skill. An edge of a weapon is left in the heat of a flickering, golden flame. For the remaining hours of the day it’ll be lit within the flames of Tahariae, cutting through the twisted and cursed with ease. Protections Blaze Two Clerics; medium skill. Used to form a protective aura surrounding a small fire pit, maintaining itself until the sun comes to fall or the nearing light-well running dry. (( 10 block radius surrounding the fire-pit )). Burning Entrapment Two Clerics; high skill. Taking use over an unusual circle of fire; the flames blocking any entry in or out of its centre. With this any figure may be locked within, the unholy and cursed becoming harmed should they defy their cages will. (( Does not negate 30 minute prison rule, may be presumed either the sun went down or sunwell became cut off. )) Flames Desolation Three Clerics; high skill. An object of twisted significance and power is placed within the golden flames and after the rituals completion, a blinding column of light shatters the skies, striking down and pulverising the item within judgement. Stags Reign Five Clerics; high skill. A roaring bonfire becomes enlightened within a golden glare; from its dancing flames emerges a white stag entirely constructed by light itself. The illuminating figure aiding the clerical kin within the battle they face. Red-Lines - Blessings cannot exist outside of the radiance of the sun, or the presence of the lightwell. Should either of these fail to exist than the spell shall not be formed or will dissipate - Each spell requires a specifically trained divine warden however the remaining clerical need may be fulfilled by either priest (waters) or war-cleric (flames). - Light-wells have limited capacity and require extended periods of time to grow within strength; during the early stages unless tended to regularly and exposed to natural light they may all but fade with time. Corruption from dark magic may also lead to even the strongest of sources expelling a twisted light, causing them to falter. - Adequate time to prepare spells should be given. Low-skill blessings may be summoned with considerable ease, however, higher skilled require several lines of prayer and preparation. OOC Note: This lore was written to act as a new strand of clericalism alongside the current; war-clerics & priest-healing. We felt that with the strong re-introduction of ascended and the previously returned Xan magic clericalism almost fell short of both, bringing nothing unique to the table. However with this we hope to do that, offering something slightly different than your run-of-the-mill light conjuring. We also hope it’ll enable clerics to come together once more alongside offering more capacity for dark vs. light conflict (the tainting of sacred light wells). Please leave any feedback below. Written By: Pandann Hosper
  21. If you're interested in 5.0 building then perhaps give me a PM with some of your work, we're looking for all the hands we can get!

    1. DrakeHaze.


      I wouldn't want to spoil it for myself

    2. atles


      sent you one last week

    3. InfamousGerman


      heard spookyleans a great builder ; )

    1. AlmondTree


      Aerial transportation is the new hot. 

    2. Neri



      >no air


    3. AlmondTree


      No there is no lore for that! Refuse!

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