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Posts posted by Cpt_Noobman

  1. 15 hours ago, Treshure said:


    If winning PvP was considered power gaming I’d be very banned.

    Winning PvP isn't the issue, the issue is that the attack in the room served no narrative and completely derailed an important moment for around 30 people in attendance, essentially spitting in the face of your posted essay and everything it promotes for no other reason than a handful of people's ooc need to pvp.

  2. 2 hours ago, Raomir said:

    “Silence yerself child molestor.” says to the disgraced Dwarf before turning to the rest of the brave warriors.

    ”Well done lads yeh ‘ave defeated perhaps teh most cowadleh dwarf after Fili Grandaxe!”

    463787fe544e785a64f4147b0b260cc9.pngsays Fili

  3. 20 hours ago, ryno2 said:

    "Reformation follows the ascendance of Koralon Onyxheart to High Queen of the Dwed. At least those in Kaz'Ulrah recognize when a change is needed and act on it, rather than let it stagnate...or worse, move to a stronger nation for protection," quips Officer Grudgebeard. 

    "If your organizations cannot last for mere weeks than perhaps there is something wrong with the nation as a whole that merely starting over won't fix"

  4. 2 hours ago, Algoda said:

    "Nevermind that it was the Grandaxes who pulled their swords on their brethren first, I remember the losing side bringing oreners to fight on their side aswell. No one did what was right in the slaughter of the Senate, yet here you confirm the spineless actions of Holm in the recent slaughter.


    Harboring and helping Charles commit this act against someone who had no part in the War of the beards proves how far you've sunk in your self pity."

    Holm is not Ulrah, and Ulrah has done nothing to earn the trust, respect, or help of Holm. The holmites attended the corronation only as a courtesy to Dreek, but when foreign raiders attacked the throne, it was not our job to defend those who harbor terrorists and sponsor raids against us. Keep in mind, every orc raid you permit and attend is an action comitted by Ulrah itself.

  5. 2 hours ago, Algoda said:

    "Charles is a naughty boy, yet that does not change the fact about one thing; Both the Azadarians and the Holmites ran from the fight like the cowards they are.


    I hear some of you claiming that the Holmites did not take part in this, yet when a fellow group of dwarves entered Holm we were met by notable figures of that petty nation defending Charles's actions as "revenge" for the Frostbeards actions many years back, even though Dreek Ireheart had nothing to do with that.


    They rejoiced, as in their mind they want the kingdom that was born by Frostbeard blood to die, no matter who comes in between. 

    I will never forget this, and I hope you never will either.


    Shame on these sons of Urguan, may their souls never reach Khaz'A'Dentrumm."


    Kòri 'The Stand-in' Stormbreaker would exclaim.

    "Leaving the fight is better than bringing the fight as the Frostbeards did when they brought human mercenaries to slaughter the Urguanian senate. With any luck, Dreek's soul and a select few others will be the only ones saved from that throne room, the rest are surely doomed to Khorvad's torment for their crimes"



    ~Anbella’s Hearth~

    Brewing Company




    Anbella’s Hearth is a brewing company based out of Holm. We strive to offer the best quality drinks, for decent prices that offer good resale value. For our beers, we use imported hops to produce the distinct flavor we strive for in all of our drinks. Our mead and cider are brewed using our own honey and apple trees giving them a uniquely “Anbella’s” flavor.


    Samples are available at our brewery located beside the Holm public farm where you may also try apples from our orchard and taste the honey from the bees that graze on it.




    We will not sell in bulk amounts less than half a keg (16), those who order two kegs or more (64) will receive a 10% Discount off their whole order. To order please leave a paper at this notice, or visit the facility in person.


    Pale Ale:


    Our ale has a slight amber coloring, it tastes full and malty with a strong taste of hops as well, and is very refreshing.


    1 Bottle: 4 Minas

    1 Keg(32): 128

    2 Kegs(64): 256 Minas -10%= 230 Minas



    Our lager smells and tastes almost floral, with a zesty, citrus-like aftertaste that will leave you wanting more.


    1 Bottle: 5 Minas

    1 Keg(32): 160 Minas

    2 Kegs(64): 320 Minas -10%= 288 Minas


    Hard Cider:


    Our cider is strong and sturdy, but not too sweet. It tastes heavily of the apples used to brew it, with a slightly-sour aftertaste.


    1 Bottle: 5 Minas

    1 Keg(32): 160 Minas

    2 Kegs(64):  320 Minas -10%= 288 Minas




    Brewed with apple blossom honey and spiced, our mead is thick and sweet tasting, perfect for warming up on a cold night.


    1 Bottle: 6 Minas

    1 Keg(32): 192 Minas

    2 Kegs(64): 384 Minas -10%= 345 Minas


    For any questions or concerns, please contact the owner, Fili Grandaxe. ((Cpt_Noobman))

  7. 8 hours ago, Medvekoma said:

    I will have to post a disagreement here, one not solely based on the semi-infamous circlejerk that managed to split Dwarven community. Howerver, the current lore for both runesmithing and golemancy lack in details, clarifications and definitions. This has led, recently, to a controversy where a never-defined piece was brought up in regards to the runesmithing lore which is still missing from either of the implemented lore pages. Mind, golemancy lacks an implemented lore page in general.


    I have played throughout Axios and these two pages have been brought up over and over as examples for pages that need both clarification and update to remove hidden lore. Over a year has passed since that verdict was made and neither pages were updated accordingly. Coupled with the Arcadian group's past with bending lore on the go, I will have to post a definite no-no here.


  8. Username Cpt_Noobman

    Timezone EST

    Group/Nation: Dwarves


    Have you ever held a staff position before?

    Yes, I have been ET builder several times in the past


    Have you ever been banned before?

    A few times, once for xray which I will always dispute, and a few smaller bans that never lasted more than a day or two.


    What style do you prefer to build in?

    I build in many styles but I am most proficient in semi-messy medieval in both high and low fantasy, and in some aspects of nature builds.


    Are you comfortable using World Edit commands?

    Yes. I'm not an expert in world edit, but I am able to use it to aid myself in my building.


    Provide screenshots of three builds you have created from the following list: Terrain, Creature, Medieval, or High Fantasy


    Avar Terraforming outside of Kal'Valen in Vailor.




    I've made a plethora of medieval/low fantasy builds, these are a few of my more notable ones.


    4.0 Grandaxe Keep: https://imgur.com/a/ZYNVH

    Siccato: https://imgur.com/a/Phr7l

    Caer Oswyn: https://imgur.com/a/OL0n4

    Az'Adar Keep (currently in-game): https://imgur.com/a/v8qjhu0



    This build is from one of my build trials the last time I was ET. I admit it's not that great, but creature builds aren't really my forte.



    High Fantasy:

    I don't have any screenshots of it, but I worked extensively on the City of Malin last map. The area I worked on was a library-ish building surrounded by gardens.




    Explain what you feel results in a quality build

    A quality build is functional AND aesthetic. When you make your build it is important to keep in mind what it is being used for. You need to make sure there is enough room for everything it will need and that it's overall structure supports it's function. In addition to this, it is important to get detailed where details are required. It is the small things that often times impress people. You should get as detailed as you can without compromising the way a build appears from far away.


    Why do you wish to become an Event Team Builder?

    Dreek has asked me to make a new builder app so I can assist him with building event sites for his dwarven event line. That is the main reason I am re-applying, but I also enjoy being on the ET in general. Helping develop the server feels very fulfilling and I take pride in knowing that my builds are being used to provide events for other players.


    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    When I put my mind to it, I can pump out a quality build in a very short amount of time. However, I also tend to procrastinate.


    How much time could you give this position in the foreseeable future?

    I have the whole summer off and right now I haven't found a job yet, so at the moment I could dedicate several hours a day to the position.

  9. -==(The Legend of Barradin)==-


    As Retold by Fili Grandaxe, Temple of Az'adar


    Image result for dwarf with hammer


    Long ago when the world was still young and Yemekar’s creation was new, Khorvad sought to corrupt Yemekar’s creation and bend it in his own image. Though he could not sway the other gods to his cause, he was able to grip lesser beings. And so he chose to corrupt the Aengul Wyvrun, one of Yemekar’s most treasured children amongst the celestials. Wyvrun embodied many admirable qualities such as righteousness and purity.


    However, Wyvrun was not beyond Khorvad’s grasp. Khorvard corrupted him, filling his mind and heart with vicious thoughts and burning desire. Unable to resist these temptations Wyvrun found himself vulnerable, exposed, and complacent. Khorvad’s chiefmost servant, Iblees, came to Wyvrun and corrupted him with his power. The Wyvrun that the gods once cherished was lost and in his place was Odnarch, wicked, greedy, and filled with hate and disdain for the gods and those who worshipped them. And so his sights were set upon Urguan…


    Odnarch’s power and thirst for death were immense. Villages and cities were wiped out by his hordes of ice-monsters and corrupted beings. The Dwarven defenders found their weapons wrought of steel and iron useless against Odnarch’s greatest creations and so they fell in droves to his onslaught and were then added to his ranks. Desperate, Dwarven scholars turned to the Runelords of yore for a solution.


    The runesmiths produced weapons and armor bound with the holy magic of Ogradhad and gave them to three champions from amongst their rank to confront Odnarch. Along with these weapons the champions were provided with one of their greatest creations, the Kal’Varak. The Kal’Varak was a magical prison capable of separating the mind and soul from the body and leaving them trapped within. And so the champions led by Barradin, the most skillful amongst them, set out to lay a trap for Odnarch.


    They climbed upon the sloping, snow-covered hills along the border of Odnarch’s destruction. In the caves beneath the hill they laid the Kal’Varak and awaited the arrival of Odnarch’s armies. Finally, they arrived. Three Dwarves stood against a magnitude of corrupted soldiers and did battle with them. Their hammers and axes utterly destroyed those they fell upon, ripping apart their corrupted bodies and allowing the souls to pass to Khaz’a’Dentrumm. The weapons the enemy used glanced off the runic armor and shattered. Against these hordes the triumvirate was unstoppable.


    The battle began to subside. The hordes of monsters and wraiths under Odnarch’s command backed away from the field and disappeared from sight. The three champions were exhausted, confused, and distraught. Had their efforts been in vain, would Odnarch not accept their challenge? A blood-curdling screech echoed across the valley, the wind became stinging and bitterly cold against their faces and a blizzard set in. Before them, a great mass emerged from the clouds and landed. It was Odnarch in the form of a terrible, blue dragon. It turned it’s head to the sky and released a sickening roar before setting upon the champions.


    They fought Odnarch, fending off his blows with their runic armor, and dealing damage with their hammers. However, they were not indestructible. Odnarch caught one of the champions with his tail and sent him flying across the valley where we was never heard from again. Barradin and his final companion began retreating to their trap, making the beast believe it had the upper hand. Once they reached the spot, Barradin’s friend stood upon it and bid Odnarch to approach.


    Odnarch took the challenge and charged him, where he spoke the sacred word that caused the ground to erupt beneath the two. They both fell down to the Kal’Varak below where the dwarf was consumed by the prison. However, when Odnarch came in contact with the contraption, he struggled against it. He was being pulled into the trap but was starting to break free of it, wailing in agony as he did so. Barradin saw this and knew Odnarch had the power to escape. He threw himself into the hole, with his hammer raised. He slammed the hammer upon Odnarch’s neck and dealt a blow that forced him to collapse, being pulled into the crystal. Barradin fell past, narrowly missing his own trap and landed on the ground next to it, saved by his armor.


    Barradin arose, and looked to his hammer. It had been transformed as some of Odnarch’s power was trapped within it. However, the battle was over. Odnarch was defeated and his armies were dispelled. Barradin returned to his kingdom with the Kal’Varak and his hammer. He was hailed as a hero, and he mourned the loss of his friends. The Kal’Varak was hidden away from those who might release Odnarch, and the hammer remained with Barradin and was passed to his next of kin upon his death but then was lost. It would be many hundreds of years before again, Odnarch threatened this world.


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