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Posts posted by Cpt_Noobman

  1. 12 hours ago, Hiebe said:

    Oathbreakera? Were would dat idea come frum? 


    Dwain frowns and rubs his beard.


    Doesn't cost tu live ere,open fer all, ove any race. Dat citizenship an noble positions are tu give descendents a goal tu achieve, tu give back tu see fellow resident ove da 'Old. Not dat anyune can't be elevate based on der great achievements tu da 'old. A Irongrinder an a Brinejaw both assisted with materials fer da 'Old. Dey ave been elevated tu citizens get der actions.


    Dwain would remark in Khronhiem.

    Fili refers Dwain to the book of grudges for his explanation.

  2. The Wronged:

    Fili Grandaxe and the Remnant


    The Assailant:

    Clan Frostbeard


    The Wrong:

    Wanton kinslaying and warmongering, the ravaging of the Grandaxe Clan, the Destruction of Urguan


    Terms of Settlement:

    The dissovlement of Kaz'Ulrah and the abdication of false king Hamnil Frostbeard, or the extermination of Kerwyr's bloodline.



    The following has been crossed out


    The Wronged:

    Fili Grandaxe


    The Assailant:

    Clan Irongut excluding Dwain Irongut


    The Wrong:

    The breaking of oaths sworn to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and betrayal of my personal trust.


    Terms of Settlement:

    A personal apology and a blood oath signed upon rune stones to never break an oath again.

  3.             Current Username:



        Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice):

        You got it  Cpt_Noobman#3818





        Timezone(s) you mainly play: EST


        What group/nation do you consider to be your main?


                Dwarfs, but I am also proficient in Human builds and decent in Elven builds. I have no experience in Farfolk or Orcish builds but I’m excited to give them a try.






        Have you held a staff position before?:


        Yes, I have been an ET builder twice previously and an ET Actor once for a short period of time.


        Do you currently hold a staff position?




        Do you plan on applying for other staff positions?




        Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason?    


        Once for Xray by my old pal Dizzy, but I will have the phrase “I didn’t do it” engraved on my tombstone.   




        What style do you prefer to build in? (Low fantasy, High fantasy, dungeons, creatures, terrain, etc.)


                 My preference is messy Medieval/ messy Dwarven builds, but I can do anything if need be. One of my most treasured builds was actually a terraform of the Isle of Avar in Vailor


        Are you comfortable using world edit commands?


                Yes, though my skills at world edit are basic


        Provide screenshots of three builds you have created from the following list (Terrain, Creature, Medieval, or High Fantasy)



    https://imgur.com/a/OL0n4 Caer Oswyn

    https://imgur.com/a/Phr7l Siccato

    https://imgur.com/fZJY7di Untitled Ruins



    https://imgur.com/a/wcSZH Avarian Forest


    High Fantasy:

    https://imgur.com/a/xcHYM Axios Urguanian Steamers


        Explain what you feel results in a quality build.


    I believe there are two attributes to a quality build. A story, and details. The story of the build dictates why it looks the way it does, it has to meet what it’s environment presents and fit in with it. Details are the placement of blocks that give character to the build. The main structure and shape is easy to create but the details you choose to provide give your build a distinct feeling and character.






        Why do you wish to become an ET Builder Member?


        I have been an ET Builder several times in the past, and I believe it gives me more reason to play LoTC. Whenever I fall into a rut I feel having a job on the server to perform while RP is slow gives me more reason to stay active. On top of that, I enjoy building on minecraft and building for the server gives me a chance to share my builds with other people and helps me improve my skill.


        What strengths would you bring to the team?


        I try to do my best to make detailed and interesting builds and I also work well with others. I like to take commission builds depending on what they are to help the actors.


               What are your weaknesses?


        To make a good build and stay with it until completion I really need to inspire myself to do it. If I don’t have a clear picture of what I want a build to be and how to do it I tend to procrastinate and take longer than I should. For builds I am excited about however I can complete them very quickly.


        How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?


        At least an hour a day if needed, more on the weekends. I’m in my Senior year of High School and I’ve already been accepted to my top College picks so I’m trying to stress less and relax.




    Fili Grandaxe, an aging dwarf of more than 500 years stands before the citizens of Kal’Omith. His once fiery orange mane is speckled with the gray taint of old age, his haggard face reflects the stress of his immense lifetime. However, in his eyes remains a light, a faint glimmer of his youth that he grasps with every ounce of his being. He steps forward to speak, his eyes twinkling stil…


    Lads… Two hundred and sixty years ago, I made my mark upon this world and enlisted as a legionnaire. I knew then that I would fight for this kingdom, that I would die for this kingdom if need be. But that was when I was young, when I was energetic and willful. Now, I am tired, worn down by years of needless and senseless bloodshed.


    We’ve known for months that we’ve been fighting a losing battle, but that has never deterred us in the past. We’ve bled and died in droves to maintain our sovereignty, a sacrifice we were all willing to make. No invader would ever destroy us, not man, not orc, not elf. However, this war is unlike all the rest. We have not been fighting a war against any foreigner, any invader, we have been fighting a war against ourselves.


    Fili holds up his hands, he looks at them mournfully


    My hands… never did I think then, that they would be soaked in the blood of my own kin! Never did I believe that it would be a dwarf upon the other end of my blade! The time has come to end this war, for if we do not all of Dwed kind are doomed to burn in eternal damnation with Khorvad himself!


    He looks around at the crowd gathered in the city, the glimmer in his eyes gone


    We shall lay down our arms and put an end to this violence.


    This is not a decision made lightly, lengthy planning and deliberations have gone into this proposal, but it is the best course of action for a future in which Dwarves may survive…


    I have come to this decision based on several assumptions, those being


    That any Dwarf who wishes to integrate into the kingdom ruled by Verthaik shall be able to do so.


    That any Dwarf who wishes to live apart from the new kingdom will be allowed to, that they may leave peacefully to live their lives elsewhere without the threat of persecution or pursuit.


    That the holdings of Arcadia, Sitarae, and those in possession of the Shix’s shall be allowed to remain independent of the new kingdom and will not be attacked nor harried in any way unless they attempt to undermine the new kingdom...


    Lads, the time to pass the torch is upon us, the gods in their infinite wisdom have delivered us to this moment and we must trust that is their will that we end this conflict...


    For the final time, I say to you

    Narvark oz Urguan.


  5. Declaration Of Regency


    As the final order of Grand King Frerir Irongrinder, regency of the Grand Kingdom shall be passed to I, his Grand Confidant. The purpose of my regency is clear, to end the war between ourselves and the Dwarves of Kaz’Ulrah. I shall make that my purpose until my time of regency has passed. I ask for cooperation and solidarity as we move through these trying times. Soon we shall know peace.


    May Ograhad’s Wisdom Ever Guide Us

    ~Fili Grandaxe


  6. Calling of a Clansmoot



    Image result for dwarf scholar concept art


    Greetings friends! Thank you to all who attended today’s moot, it was a rousing success. In accordance with the opinion of all those who attended we shall be having another clansmoot next stone week at the same time and location. We shall continue discussions shelved from this week’s moot and the opportunity to bring up new topics shall once again be available. I hope for as successful of a convening next week as we experienced today.


    Narvak Oz’Urguan!

    ~Fili Grandaxe




    The meeting shall occur next saturday, 10/14 at 4:00 PM EST.

    The location shall be the same, the meeting chambers of Kal’Omith




    The Clansmoot of 1632

    As scribed by Fili Grandaxe


    • The meeting began with light conversation, we discussed the opening of the new Emberhorn tavern, and the Emberhorn’s mentioned the construction of their new clan hall.

    • Shortly after, Aldal Ireheart arrived at the meeting to represent his clan, the meeting began in earnest.

    • Fili Grandaxe announces that Grand King Zahrer Silverbeard is willing to resign from his position to allow Frerir Irongrinder to take the throne.

    • Most of the clans accepted the statement well, most agreed that Frerir would make a fine king, though the Doomforged expressed disapproval.

    • A vote was called, Doomforged were the only clan to vote no. Zahrer named Frerir his heir, and Frerir agreed to take the throne soon.

    • Clan Doomforged expressed concern over the Grand King taking the name Silverbeard. Frerir vowed not to take the name Silverbeard when he takes the throne and mostly settled the dispute.

    • Discussion about the legion arose, clans seemed in agreement that recruitment should be enhanced. Elder dwarves should dedicate time to the legion instead of solely relying on young lads.

    • Discussion arose about introducing a new representative body to the government to represent clans' views. Clans were in unanimous agreement, discussion shall occur further at the next moot after Frerir takes the throne.

    • Discussion occurred about Frostbeard propaganda, and the lies and persuasion techniques they use to pull new Dwarves from their rightful kingdom. Clans were in unanimous agreement that measures must be taken to stop this.

    • Clans unanimously agreed to reconvene in one stone week to continue discussion on shelved topics that can be best handled once Frerir’s reign begins.


    Go Forth In Ogradhad’s Wisdom,

    ~Fili Grandaxe



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