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Posts posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. iXvfrMH.png

    You see a small halfling, no more than four feet sitting on a smaller stool infront of a canvas
    As you approach him he gives you a big smile

    "Welcome to Hoblo's Road-side art shop! Feel free to browse my old paintings!"

    As you walk around, you feel as if you were in a maze, where the walls were made out of paintings.



    Tiny announcement:

    Yeah, after injuring my arm, I dislocated my right thumb from a soccer game......
    But i'll get on your characters as soon as i can, I may do one later tonight.

    (( dA link: Here))

    So im back from real life after some... horrible incidents, but rest assured i will now accept requests!


    Actually its up to you on how much you pay me :>








  2. Sync had been walking down the path leading to his new home in Malinor. Several thoughts had been running through his head as he finally reached the entrance. Outstretching his hand, Sync grabbed the front of the door in order to gently pry it open; a soft 'creak' echo'd throughout the area.


    "Home sweet home~" Sync chimed to himself as he shut the door behind him.


    As he stood in the entrance he couldn't help but bite at the lower part of his lip in excitement. There, upon the sheets of his bed; was the Elven armor he was promised. Sync took in a long breath of air in order to fill his lungs as he took a few steps forward in order to greet the pieces of armor.


    "Heh. If only Mum' and Pa' could see me now. I'm sure they'd call me everything but Son." Sync stared down at the metal in silence before finally moving to the paint palette on the surface of his counter..


    A brilliant White Rose had been painted on the back of the armor.


    "..It was an Oath I swore, I intend to always be a White Rose.. even though they're not around anymore.."


    Sync returned the palette and looked outside and up at the stars.


    He sighed.


  3. Just a suggestion:

    yeah, extend dem lands but:
       - When certain towns appear there should be a section of the staff that specifically makes the towns slowly be taken over by nature ( ET builders)

      -Once the town is taken over, all regions for the town will be removed (If it is a ghost town) So it will look like ruins 

    Like it?  Dislike it? 

  4. Roy chuckles at the poster, dipping his finger in a mud puddle and draws a mustache on the humanoid figure in said poster




    Minecraft IGN:B3ast_mod

    Time Zone:GMT +8


    Do you understand this has to be a fairly active

    or main character? I don't want inactive workers.: Yeah.



    Name: Ben Flowstone


    Preferred job:  (I'd rather be a smith but any will do )

    Nationality: Anthosia? (dafuq)

    Race: Human

     Willing to move to job location?: you know im a hobo.


    (( Yesh lark, our adventure is not over yet ~koots))

  5. Minecraft Name: b3ast_mod

    Skype Name (This may alternatively be PMed to be for privacy purposes): crome_saber

    Applicant Name: *roy thinks of a fake name*" velkém "

    Race and Age: elven

    What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal): librarian

    List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: none

    Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): edit soon

    By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: yes

  6. *A notice is sent out to all members of the Company*

    'Mercenarys of the Kathaik Mercenary Company it is my duty to inform you that the company has come to a close. This company has come under competition in recent months, and combined with my other responsibilities has been unable to keep up with it. I have noticed several of you have already deserted my company. Good, this change will be easier for you then. To all Dwarven members of this company, I recommend that you take an active role in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. To all Human, Elven, or Orcish members of this company, I wish you safe travels.

    May Yemekar what over all of ye.

    -Dreek Ireheart.'

    *Roy sighs*

    Another one bites the dust, when will i find a group that doesnt die of as soon as i join?

  7. A man garbed in questionable garments, his long hair whipping behind him in the fickle wind. Leaning on the tips of his toes his distant eyes running over the mans artworks, nodding his head up and down with mild excitement. "You my friend will do me one of these! I shall give you five hundred minas if you would conduct me one of your artworks, don't disappoint me."

    Yeah, i'll be on about 2 days from now and start doing the requests, and it would be better to meet all of you in RP aswell.

    By the way, I love that character <3 Final fantasy

  8. The Kathaik mercenary company is looking for men and women who are professional fighters. We accept any and all races. If you decide to join us, leave any other allegiances at the door. We provide our men with a home, food rations, weekly pay, and constant contracts. If you are interested please take a look at our information.


    Roy The White Cross Approves of this

  9. If you want to avoid PvP, play a child or a woman or something.


    Honestly, due to the uneven distribution of wealth in this map everyone's a bandit of some kind. I'd just simply avoid people who you know will start fights and go RP with a group of people that you know enjoy not getting into combat.

    This and either a highelf that lives in their city, or a normal halfling

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