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Posts posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. As Meta see's the note he chuckles gently, "Just like the last two escaped....Certainty these amateurs selling a slave in public just announcing who they kidnapped is just asking for trouble from their friends and family."

    (( Sadly surrion doesn't have a family   :(  ))

  2. MC Name: B3ast_mod

    Skype Name (may be sent via PM’s): crome_saber (philippines)

    Agreement to Follow Server Rules: Yesh

    you acknowledge that the Masked Masters CAN and WILL kick you out
    should you break any server rules or exhibit particularly poor roleplay
    without attempting to improve: Yes

    Links to VA, both accepted and denied (write “No VA” if you have not written one accepted or denied):






    RP Name: Roy "The white cross" Orodreth


    Age:506 (I think)

    Short Biography: Roy used to be a law abiding citizen until his parents were killed by orcs his cousi and best friend got lsot at sea, as he searched for him he started to see what the world was really like, it was filled with traitors and scoundrels. He soon decided to decide on his own, do whatever he wanted, in time he became a true villan, a murderer and a theif. ALthough he did all this, he still keeps a low profile through out his life.

    Talents/Skills: Archery(Rangers), Knife Throwing(Personal), sword play (Training), and The building of seige equipment

    Loyalties(where/whom are you loyal to): Roy says and i quote "My loyalty is to the highest bidder"

    Moral Boundaries: Chaotic Neutral

  3. ]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: B3ast_mod

    Alternate Account Name:


    How old are you?: 15
    Time-Zone: Philippines
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Played in Some RP servers, sadly they are all dead/shut down
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: The ancient scrolls of Googe'l (Google)
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: [link]
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): None
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Acting as if you are one with your character.This is the most basic skill needed to play in a role play server, for example. You want to say to another player that you want some bread, instead of just simply saying that you want some bread, you use your characters name and a sort of "dialect" in chatting with the other player according to your race etc.
    Meta-gaming: It is giving your character knowledge that only the player should know about, for example, the player knows another player in real life. And that player told him where his house is located. Your character should not be able to know this unless another player told him/her where it is, or by locating it by chance.
    Power-emoting: For me,its not giving your opponent a chance of beating you, it is because you either did not give them a chance to respond, or what you did was simply to OP. For example, you cannot simply say, *runs to the dragon then cuts its head off*, it is because you did not give the person roleplaying the dragon a chance to respond. It should be, *runs to the dragon and prepares to strike* so you will give a chance to the other player to respond to you action.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name:
    Súrion Orodreth
    Current Age: 507
    Sub-race (if any): High elf
    Past /
     History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Surion Orodreth was born in a very wealthy family, rich, esteemed and everyone had high expectations of him. He grew up being trained by expert swords men, and trained in the art of archery, and studied under alchemists. The boy's Parents had expected him to be involved in politics when he grew up.
    Surion had what every boy would have wanted, Money, a family, and servants, but he lacks one thing that every normal child his age had. Freedom to choose his destiny.


      Because of this, Surion grew up to be a rebel, and saw politics as a waste of time. Growing up in the capital city of Malinor, he lived in luxury and had no worries. This made Surion's denial of the government even bigger, seeing the weasels and rats of society become politicians and slowly corrupt the government. When he was old enough, his relatives had forced him to be involved in politics. Soon, he was elected as the assistant of the Medi'iran of the city. He stayed in this position for 6 long years, and in these years he had gathered enough evidence to prove that the government was corrupted and unworthy of their positions. From lies and broken promises, to assassinations and mass murders, he kept these secrets for 6 years and he was ready to let the citizens know.

       The night before he was to tell these secrets, he informed his most trusted friend and relative. His brother, Mak'thul Orodeth. They met at the town square and went to a near by tavern. Before they reached the tavern Surion had noticed someone following them. He then told his brother to keep up with him, and his brothers response was "Keep up with you in what way?" at that moment, Mak'thul had noticed the strange men following them, and he followed his brother. As they were running they heard shouts from nearby guards instructing to close all exits. The two brothers went through alleys , around houses, and climbed some walls leading to a dead end. As they were losing hope, Surion spotted a small hole, large enough for one man to pass through, seeing this, his brother told him to go first and said that he will follow. As Surion crawls through the hole he hears the guards coming closer and closer, until he heard his brother shout these words "Go brother! Escape! Do not let them find you!". With this, Surion crawled so fast that by the time the guards voices had faded away, he had reached the exit of the small tunnel. As he stands up, and looks at the wall of the great city he hears a twig break behind him, as he turns around, his expression turned from tired, to seemingly lifeless as he sees a a group of heavily armed elves lead by a familiar face. El'thero, the man that he had insulted by pointing out his schemes to steal the citiy's wealth , before his head was covered by a bag, he sees a small grin on El'thero's face.As the bag was removed he saw himself chained to a steal chair in front of the Maheral and Sohaer. Then he heard a voice say "Let the trial on the cases of Surion Orodeth and Mak'thul Orodeth begin!". and as some light was shed on the room. he saw next to him. his brother bruised and beaten. Before he could react, the mysterious voice said "Under the law of the city, No treason shall be committed against the government of Malinor, or the ones who break the said rules would be persecuted and judged under the eyes of the Maheral and Sohaer!". Then the Sohaer speaks "As the mastermind of the said treason, *Surion's eyes widen up* Makthul Orodeth shall be Executed!- NO! I am the master mind not him!" interupted Surion."SIlence!" said the mysterious voice. "Ehem, and as an accomplice, Surion Orodeth shall be banished from the city, and stripped of his Wealth and rights as a citizen of Malinor!" continued the Sohaer. As Surions face turned pale, he turned to his brother, whos face was as pale as his, as his brother's head turns to him, he hears him say: "Live on brother, never falter.". These brought tears unto Surions eyes as his brother was carried by two large elven men to the exit of the court room. As he sat there, depressed and confused, he sees El'thero walk to him as if he had won a competition and say : "Too bad the great Surion had to betray his city, I guess all the lies  you told about me are not true then -laughs-" whith that, Surion is taken away by the elven guards out of the room and threw out through the gates of the city, Never to return again. Through the years of isolation, Surion learned to love animals, but in turn, hated any other race. He now lives in the forest near the great crossing, selling herbs,potions and enchanted books to Adventurers who stumble upon his shack.

    Ambitions for the Future: He wishes to avenge his brothers death, and one day return home to Malinor.
    Personality: Although serious and tends to stay away from people, He has a deep emotional wound , because he thinks that it is his fault his brother was executed.

    Skills: Alchemy, archey and swordsmanship 
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):

    He has light yellow hair. think eye brows and has dark brown eyes, although seemingly skinny, he has very muscular arms and upper body.

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He has a soft spot for Animals and has turned vegan, when he goes to a city, he wears a black cloak and covers his face. 

    He has a scar on his right arm that he got from combat training

  4. (( I will post this one for mish :P, log in faster damn it))

    *You see a note on many different trees and boards all around different cities*


    Name: Surion Orodreth

    ((MC-Name: B3ast_mod))
    Race: Elf

    Age: Uncertain
    Condition: Good

    Place your bids bellow the posters.

  5. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Main Account Name:B3ast_mod
    Alternate Account Name:Gederp
    How old are you?:15
    Time-Zone: GMT +8
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?:LORTC and other dead servers

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: When a player acts as if he or she is the character and only know what the character knows.
    Meta-gaming: When a plyer uses information that is supposedly only for the player not for the character, and also abusing MC mechanics.
    Power-emoting:When an RPing character power emotes, he or she does impossilbe feats such as carriying a bucket of lava, or just simply stepping back to dodge an attack, or even "Insticntivley" senses a person following him/her.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Aegro Aegnis
    Current Age: 257
    Race: Elf
    Sub-race (if any):
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):


    Aegro was born in salvus with pure blood elven parents. At the age of 10 Aegros parent suddenly dissapeard leaving the house unpayed for, and leaving a large debt for him to pay.Being 10 years old, aegro did not know what to do, until one day a group of heavily armored men crashed through the door of his house, looking for a payment, Without any money, Aegro was sold as a slave , switching from master to master. When he was 80 a young age in elven years, he got away from his captors and ran away as far as he can, to VaerHaven, a land far from Oren. There, he Issolated himself from society, only visiting the city for food and to do odd jobs. He did this for 50 years, until one day, a group of adventrers found his cave, and thought of him as a beast, becasue of his large body and red eyes, he soon transfered back to Oren land, where his owners were long dead, For him he was finally free, free from slavery. Al he wants now is to see his parents, and ask them why he did it.
    Ambitions for the Future:He wants to see his parents, to know the reason they left him.
    Personality: Often disrespectfull he usually travels the land of anthos alone, collecting precious things and then selling them, he is sometimes greedy.
    Skills: He has no particular skills except for cooking since he was a slave (haha)
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):

    skin_20130630200036190421.png (I'll edit this as soon as possible, sorry ^_^)
    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He is 7'6 and very muscuallar but friendly when nto threatened.

    • Minecraft name:B3ast_mod
    • Skype ID: crome_saber  (its an old account)
    • Time zone:
      UTC/GMT +8 hours
    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?
    • I beleive that it's The right amount of actors and creative scenarios that make an event successful.
    • What type of events are you most interested in creating?
    • Events that players will take interest in other than be discouraged such as treasure hunts and exciting adventures.
    • What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team?
    • I know that the phrase "I have a creative mind" is used allot in these kinds of apps but I am a self proclaimed "Writer" and I usually like putting tonnes of effort in making my stories look as professional as possible.
    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you, as an actor, could create for others (one paragraph each):

    "We come from a far away land"

    "Large ships are spotted on the shore near the cloud temple with strange markings on the sails, Armored men come down the ships, wearing strange looking armor. These lead to Oren officials being threatened, discovering a possible new enemy, colonists, looking for new land but instead finding  Anthos, The "colonists" soon discover towns, coincidentally in Oren lands, to them there are certain rules to colonizing land, First is removing the local population for precautionary measures, and Oren, and other nations are the local population. " ((Not really antagonists but something like a neutral threat))


    "The tower of challenge"

    "Somewhere in a forgotten land, is a very large and tall tower, with ancient markings. It omits a strange aura of magic. As you enter, a strange creature greets you, all white , wears a grey and blue coat, and somewhat resembles a rabbit with a human body. It stands up, using his golden staff as support and says:"Welcome challengers to the tower of challenge" It further explains the many different floors of the tower containing different challenges, more difficult than the last.  "And at the very top, if your lucky enough" Says the creature. "You will receive one wish, no limitations, but only ONE wish" . As you try to process this information, the creature slowly walks aside, the large door withing opening, showing a large stair case leading up. A large amount of magical energy can be felt coming from whatever there is above. The tower of challenge, is it worth it?"



     "Don't Dig straight down"

    "As dwarven miners dig deeper underground, trying to find more precious ores, they hit a rather large cave, letting out a horrible odor of rotting corpses and feces. First there was silence, as the dwarves widened the entrance to the large cave. Dark and ominous, the dwarves send in a small group of scouts, Thinking it might have been an underground tribe of orcs, or a secret passage for enemies. The Miners wait for hours but none of the scouts come back, they start to get suspicious so they report it to dwarven officials that send in a small group of soldiers, to clear the cave. Like before, For hours they heard nothing, but soon after, they hear the sound , similar to someong dragging a large object on snow. As they walk closer with a torch at hand, they stop cold, their eyes wide open, their bodies frozen in fear, as they see a large, creature, 9 feet tall , sharp teeth and dark violet skin up to its tail.  But that wasn't the only thing that frightened them, in it's hand, has a dwarf, head decapitated and body mutilated and covered with blood, the group of miners run for the exit but as they run more of "IT" came and grabbed most of the miners, as two of them escape they run up to the stairs, blocking the exit as fast as they can, afterwards then go towards the baracks, to report what happened. But as soon as the large group of Armored dwarven soldiers, they were to late, the large wooden door, that needs atleast two strong men to close was broken down, scratch marks can be seen on the door, one of the miners collapses in fear, and the other shakes uncontrollably. The monsters, monsters that hunt in the dark and has lived in the dark has gotten out, starving after years of being trapped in the cave. What will happen? "


  6. *A poster is pinned on walls and bulletin boards of different cities*

    Come one , come all!
    To Fair Ground Job shop!

    What we offer:
    Jobs ranked in Tiers from 1 to 4
    To post a job request either send me a bird or talk to me personally ((B3ast_mod))
    All posted jobs shall require the payment of 10% of the total Reward for the completion of the job.

    There is no Limitation on the number of people to take on a Single job, to enter, one must simply pay 50 minas entry fee for the said job.
    Jobs are ranked by; Reward, difficulty to accomplish, and General appeal <3
    Anyone is qualified to Take jobs from Tiers 1-3.

    There is NO age requirement


    Visit us now at VaerHaven, just look for Fair ground job shop near the frozen lake!

    Fair ground job shop is not responsible for any injuries and or deaths experienced during a job.

  7. *A note is pinned here*
    To any who read this, I am Kha, I have reached the north and seek help,If you wonder how this was posted, I had a friend do it, I seek a companion or two, heck, the more the merrier! I will wait for all who wishes to join me by the Destroyed city. I shall leave in three to Four Elven days. Goodluck.

    ~Kha Rune, Delver


    ((Message me Via forums if you have questions. I'll be back in 2-3 days because of school))

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