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Posts posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. -MC Username:B3ast_mod

    -Time Zone: GMT+8

    -Will you have the time to produce several MC skins every week?: Depends, i can only do it on weekends <3

    -Will you try to check your forums messages roughly every day to make sure you don’t have an order pending?: I do

    -Why would you like this job?: Because i think it'd be fun RP

    -Is there anything interesting about you/your character I should know?: Well, I'm going for an insanity VA

    ((My character is going to be Maynard the painter))

  2. A man wearing a paint covered coat posts a beautifully painted picture with a sign underneath


    "Private painter looking for work!"
    "I can provide a one time service or be hired as a personal painter."
    "PlSoease contact Maynard for offers, or pin a reply under this



    Some of his paintings can be seen here:



    (( I've been looking to put my art req's in Roleplay for some time now, guess nows better than never))

  3. ((OOC))

    Timezone: GMT+8

    TS(Y/N): Y

    Skype(You may PM this to me): crome_saber

    PvP Skills(1-10, 10 being perfect):7-8

    RP Fighting Skills(1-10): 10 (not to brag but..)

    Do you have the VA 2a?(Preferred, but not needed): None of yet, still waiting for a good reason to get one


    Name: Roy Orodreth

    Alias: The White Cross

    Age: 29 elf years

    Race: Elf

    Reason for Enlisting: looks interesting

    Past Jobs: bartender~

    Any other Allegiances?: *Chuckles to himself* "To the highest bidder!"

    I            Roy Orodreth    will
    uphold the values of the company and swear to never break a contract
    that involves my person. I swear that if I am to ever break a contract
    or break my allegiance to the company, that I am subject to any and all
    punishments assigned to my person.

  4. Gestahl rides his Swine Steed past the crossroads and spys the notes on the ground and pinned back up.


    He shakes his head and laughs. He holds the carrot tied to his magic garden hoe infront of Abner as the piggie continues south toward Urgan lands.


    "If only it were that easy"

    Maveric passes by the note in his stroll.

    "Hmm.. wonder if i can get a teacher this way"


  5. *Roy reads the poster with his one good eye*
    "Ha, some fool is starting up his own kingdom, lets see how long you'll keep your independence!"
    *he continues to march of with his men behind him, still joking about the poster*

  6. *Roy removes his eye patch to read the post*
    "What, The order died off? Well, wonder what else happened while I was gone"

    *picks his pack up once more, leading his men to nowhere*


    ((BTW do i have to re apply? or no? ))

  7. Name: Roy Orodreth

    Race & percent of elven blood: High Elf 100% elf

    Place of birth (city, country, continent): Malinor

    Age: 29 elf years

    ==========OOC BIT==========

    Mc name: B3ast_mod

    Skype, if you have/want to share: crome_saber

    Alt or main?: Main





    Aeyrius grunts, nodding to himself as he keeps the application with him, going to seek out this individual to tell him of his acceptance.


    (-Snip- after Kaldo beat me to the gun.)


    Will we meet RPly?

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