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Everything posted by Azkott

  1. McName: Azkott RpName: Volk Skype: andreszuniga123 Profession: Man-at-Arms TeamSpeak: No, but I could work on it. Time-Zone: Central.
  2. Vice Marshall Sir Jon Wulfe-McLeod sits in his house, with his brother Aep, pouring over the designs of their new clan hall. As he sits there, thinking, he cannot help but remember who he was once, long before Adunia. A wanderer, a homeless sword, a man without purpose. The memory sits there, clear as day. He drifts off into a daydream, sifting through his oldest of memories. The memories end, when he remembers his new purpose; The Adunian Vice Marshall. After finishing up the brief chat with Aep, he moves off, heading to the armoury to pick up his new tabard, a spring to the large man's step.
  3. This brought me back to the time Jon kept coming into the clinic, covered in all kinds of wounds. Good times. :3
  4. OOC: MC Name: Azkott Age: 15 Country: United States/Mexico Time-Zone:Central Time How much time can you be online per day?: Quite a while, though it varies, for my days are very random. How long have you been playing on the server?: About 3 months now. What past guilds have you been apart of?: the Mageshields. Have you ever held a leadership role before?: No I have not. How would you describe yourself?: A strong young man, keen of mind and to some extent wise. He is, though, A bit strong-headed and doesn't let go of a grudge for quite a while. Do you have a Skype? If so what is your name?: Andreszuniga123 ((not very creative, I know.)) Do you have a VA?: No, I do not. IC: Name: Jon Wulfe Race: Human (northerner) Age: 23 Past Experience: Village burned down, have forever since wandered the wilds. Many do not take a liking to a tall stranger, and as such have in many occasions been a outcast. What are your skills?: Swordsmanship, bowmanship, sailing, strategizing, tracking and exploring. What weapon do you prefer?: the hand-and-a-half sword. Why do you wish to join the Order?: Because it is a good cause, a honorable one that in my point of view wishes to end a great number of evils in this realm. What is your personality like?: Kind, and of a charming and helpful disposition. A bit curious, and strong-headed. What are some strengths of yours?: My willpower, my courage, my voice which has on many occasions ended the blood-spill before it begins, and my love for chivalry and honor. What makes you different from others?: The fact that I constantly want to help, and am usually never seen complaining, besides the fact I play a great amount of instruments, which is uncommon for a man of my size. Why should we accept you into the Order?: Because never in my life have I seen a cause so true, a cause so pure as this one. A cause to end all rascism, sexism, and overall the great evils in this realm. I wish to join so that when my name goes down in the history books, or maybe even my ballad sung by a bard, I want to be remembered as a honorable man, one who upheld honor and chivalry, and wished to put a end to all evils that so terribly plague this realm. What position do you wish to achieve in the Order?: Whatever position. I just wish to help in what I can. If I am promoted to a higher standard, then great, I get to help and influence even more people. Tell us more about yourself (Biography): Jon Wulfe is a kind and caring man, raised with thoughts of Chivalry and Honor by his caring and loving parents. He grew up with tales of knights and heroes of old who saved the realm countless times, and he himself aspired to be as great as them. He spoke, wrote and read in almost-perfect common tongue, and learned the elvish one as well, almost like a passtime. His father trained him avidly with a sword, shield, axe and bow to hone his fighting skills to the extreme. As a result, Jon was strong, kind, chivalrous, intelligent, and considered by many to be honorable, the way he always wanted it to be. His village burned down when he was 14. He was off climbing a great mountain, finding a golden rose, which in his village's tradition was to be given to the woman he loved. He did, in the end, give it to the woman he loved, but only as she lay dying in his arms, for his village was viciously attacked when he was gone. Though not all his fault, he blames himself for not being there, and when questioned about this event, he grows grim and solemn, very unlike the cheery man who is usually seen singing and playing on his lute. Several years after he departed his destroyed homeland, he was captured, rather forcefully I might add, by slavers, and sold as a gladiator in a far away land. Through much sacrifice and ultimate triumph, Jon emerged as the ultimate gladiator, not only ensuring his place on some later book or novel, but also winning his freedom. He departed, and at the age of 21 he reached Anthos, where he has lived for two years now, traveling to-and-fro from border to border, getting to know the land, making a name for himself as a honorable man, and overall trying to make a difference in this realm, which is so apparently violent, corrupt, and evil. I, Jon Wulfe, hereby pledge my skills and my life to the advancement and support of the Nieric Order. I swear my loyalty to the Order and swear on the blood of my brothers and sisters, to serve faithfully and never leave the Order until the day I take my last breath. I shall abide by all the laws of the Order. If I violate these terms, so help me God.
  5. Jon Wulfe Nicknames: "Beardy" "Jonny" "Alpha" Age: 26 Gender: Male Race: Adunian Status: Single. Description Height: 6’7 Weight: 215 Body Type: Well-Muscled. Eyes: Icy Blue. Hair: A straight, sandy blonde. Skin: White, with a slightly tanned complexion. Markings/Tattoos: Several scars mark his upper right chest, remnants and memories of a time when Bolts and Arrows seemed to be his worse nightmare. A tattoo of a snarling wolf's head, half-circled in ancient runes, rests on one of his shoulders. Health: usually healthy, though sickness likes to sneak up on him whenever he isnt ready. Personality: He is regularly incredibly kind, and even jolly. He always seems like a simple, innocent kind of man, always willing to help others. He has an intense respect for the world of Honour and Chivalry, and has even adopted several of its basic codes. He is sometimes known to be blunt, for better or for worse, and an furiously curious man, meddling in the randomest of affairs. He is at times much to curious; It is probably due to this he is a wanderer. Inventory: Depending on the occasion, really. On a standard day-to-day, he can be seen with his trusty bastard sword, Wolfsclaw, and a Saxe knife. A sketchbook and some charcoal can also be found on him, along with a satchel full of food and several, randomized medical supplies. Further Details: He is loyal, and faithful. His stubborn attitude usually helps him accomplish the hardest of tasks, while his sometimes grim disposition has been known to cut right to the chase and solve a variety of situations with ease. Life Style Alignment*: Lawful Good, though has no set code. Deity*: Arke’ith Religion: The old faith. Alliance/Nation/Home: He lives and serves Adunia and her people. Job/Class: Knight, fighting. Title(s): Sir, Vice Marshall of Adunia. Profession(s): At the moment, he serves the adunian military in any way possible. As for employment, he has none, prefering to be known as a fighter above all. Special Skill(s): The arts of blacksmithing, sword-fighting, building, logging. For some strange reason lute-playing and cooking also made it to this list. Flaw(s): His grudges can run deep, years on end. He is a stubborn, strong-headed man, despite his loyalty and honorable disposition. He is saddened rather easily. Jon is also known to be incredibly gullible, and it is a well-known fact any woman with a smile can trick him into doing things. Weaponry Fighting Style: Defensive and patient, prefering enemies to come to him. In moments of rage though, he will not hesitate to raise his blade and charge, no matter the danger. It has usually been this which has led him to self-injury countless times. Trained Weapon:A number of swords, the axe, and the longbow. Ofcourse he also endevours in brawls, which have led him to have some sort of understanding of fist-fighting. Favored Weapon: The bastard sword. Archery: In a time of self-hatred and grief, Jon forsook his blade for the rather difficult-to-wield longbow. In time he became rather good at it. Eventually when his emotional storm cleared he returned to melee combat, but was left with a rather good understanding of the bow, and an overall respect for a weapon he thought of as dishonorable for so long. Biography Parents: Ulrich Wulfe, Luthien Wulfe. Siblings: Corbett Wulfe, Valerie Wulfe. Children: N/A. Extended Family: Scattered, really. Sometimes family pops up, it has been so since the times of Asulon. Pet(s): Muninn the Raven, a rather quirky bird with a fiery attitude. Apparently, him and Jon bicker about everything. History Jon Wulfe was born on a snowy night to Luthien, a fair elven bard who had wed to a rather strong, wandering Adunian man named Ulrich. Not much can be said about them, other than that his father had been selling his smithing wares in Malinor one day, and upon taking a break in the local tavern, fell for a beautiful elvish maiden, who seemed to have wooed the rather grim man with her voice. All that can be truly said was that theirs was a passionate romance, that ended in the birth of three children, Jon being the eldest of them. They lived in a small farm on the outskirts of Malinor, near the ice wall of the north and a bit aways from lenfarthing. It was a simple life, but a truly happy one, especially for Ulrich, who had fought all his life in defense of his home as a man-at-arms in the Adunian military. Jon had, since childhood, showed a keen interest in learning, and a passion for curiosity. His father and mother both appreciated this greatly in their son, though they couldn't offer him alot in terms of studies. He worked around the farm from an early age, granting him a knack for patience, a hard-working ethic and a rather good outlook on most tasks he set out to accomplish. At the age of ten his father saw him whacking away at wheat as if slicing down scores of skinny, swaying foes, and as such thought his son should learn the ways of a warrior. Ofcourse his father had been a man-at-arms, hardly the stuff of legend. But he taught him the basics over the years, training mostly with twigs and branches, too poor to afford a real teacher or any kind of equipment. He did show a acute sense of it over time, reacting quickly to most situations and showing how best to solve them. His mother once found him looking through random books, flipping the pages. When asked about it, he simply responded with: "Im lookin' fer the pretty pictures, mum." His mother couldnt help but smile to herself, and set off teaching his letters, and the proper forms of reading and writing. So to recap, over his teenage life he helped raise his siblings, helped his father around the farm and in the workshop, all the while learning the basic art of sword defense, and the typical offensive strike. His mother slowly taught him how to read and write, and though he never became quite as good as his elvish mother, he could succeed. Along with that, his mother also taught him the basics of playing the lute, which would serve him much later in life. When he reached the age of sixteen, Jon set out on his own journeys around Anthos, looking for ways to perfect his oh-so basic arts, and find his own path. Artwork http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/364/f/1/boromir_by_deligaris-d5po92u.jpg (I have a edited version of this, more fitting to my characters looks, but with no place to post it without copying this amazing artist's work, I decided to leave it be. Just imagine this character having green eyes and blonde hair.)
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