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Everything posted by BenevolentManacles

  1. This is so dumb wars aren’t meant to last this long it’s getting more toxic and shitty every week please make a warclaim or figure something out or I’m going to worldedit tythus’ house into the aether.
  2. THE TREATY OF TEMESCH Proclaimed and enacted upon the 15th of Horen’s Calling (Snow’s Maiden), in the year of our Lord, 1729. A treaty for the relinquishment of the County of Temesch from the Holy Orenian Empire, and a pact of most earnest and brotherly love between the Imperials and the Alderfolk, and terms of military and political cooperation, etcetera. ARTICLE I: The Holy Orenian Empire agrees to cede the County of Temesch, consisting of the ancestral lands of the Alderfolk once known as Alderyn, as well as any associated claim therein, to the Principality of Gladewynn. ARTICLE II:The Holy Orenian Empire recognizes the Principality of Gladewynn as an independent protectorate; with the Emperor as their suzerain. ARTICLE III: The Holy Orenian Empire and the Principality of Gladewynn agree to a full military alliance, for all purposes defensive and offensive, as brothers-in-arms in the eternal struggle. ARTICLE IV: The Holy Orenian Empire recognizes the Prince of Gladewynn as sovereign of the Alders. ARTICLE V: The Principality of Gladewynn recognizes the Holy Orenian Emperor as sovereign of humanity. ARTICLE VI: The Principality of Gladewynn, in addition to the aforementioned full military alliance, will permit the Holy Orenian Emperor to recruit voluntary auxiliary regiments from among the Alderfolk in times of necessity. ARTICLE VII: The Holy Orenian Empire will be forbidden from quartering Imperial troops in the Principality of Gladewynn, by virtue of its status as an independent state. ARTICLE VIII: The Holy Orenian Emperor, Alexander II, does declare the Prince of Gladewynn to be his loyal and trusted friend, and to be loved by him, thus rendering all who would conspire to cause him harm or hindrance liable to incur his royal and Imperial wrath. This treaty shall remain in effect throughout the reign of Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, and throughout the reign of his legitimate successors according to the correct systems of primogeniture succession. In the case wherein one signatory or nation is found to be in violation of this pact, all articles shall remain in effect, so long as sincere diplomatic efforts are taken by the offending party to rectify the situation. IN NOMINE DEI His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, Prince of Helena and Duke of Roden His Highness, Kairn Ithelanen, Prince of Gladewynn
  3. The Vira’ker Accord Issued and confirmed the 15th of Harren’s Folly, 1727 ______________________________________________________ Since the noble Prince Vaelor of Vira’ker first stepped into the halls of the Imperial Palace, he has offered nothing but friendship and alignment towards the common goal of world peace. He has operated in accordance with the de facto alliance forged between him and the Imperial Crown, and has earned trust thereof. Therefore, we see fit to forge this alliance in accordance with all legalities, and bring our mutual affection for the peace we both seek to fruition. ______________________________________________________ ARTICLE I. The Holy Orenian Empire and the Sable Principality of Vira’ker shall rally to eachother’s defense in the face of external or internal threats to their sovereignties. ARTICLE II. The Holy Orenian Empire recognizes the Sable Principality of Vira’ker to be the rightful sovereigns of the mali’ker, or Dark Elven people. ARTICLE III. The Sable Principality of Vira’ker recognizes the Holy Orenian Empire and Alexander II as the rightful sovereigns of all mankind. ARTICLE IV. The Holy Orenian Empire and the Sable Principality of Vira’ker commit to military cooperation in all operations pertaining to the security of world peace and the destruction of those who would seek to dismantle it. ARTICLE V. The Holy Orenian Empire and the Sable Principality of Vira’ker commit to open trade and travel throughout their respective nations. IN NOMINE DEI His Highness, Vaelor Syllar, Prince of the Sable Principality of Vira’ker His Imperial Majest, Alexander II, Prince of Helen, Duke of Roden
  4. Agreed! Two people living in Arcas who attack eachother’s homeland and brutally accuse and ravage each other would never cooperate. But, you and I can have a good talk about how we can make our in roleplay conflict fun for both of us, in a myriad of ways, totally at your discretion as long as you agree!
  5. The cool thing is, if you and your bandit target are cordial ooc you can work out bigger raids, events, situations, and just take over the whole thing so long as everyone’s making an effort to make a story, which is what we’re here for. You can draft your whole own set of bandit rules that you and that nation leader can agree to, and get exactly what you want out of it, insofar as everyone thinks it’s fair and can turn it into a fun experience.
  6. I’ll have a full post on this thread later today, but I just wanna say a few things. This system was designed to motivate people to cooperate, and where they aren’t interested in cooperating we can surmise that the conflict will not be a healthy endeavor. The incentive to cooperating is you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT. You can decide your warclaims on Mount and Blade. You can decide it by a duel between two champions. Your rules guys. if you’re upset that you can’t impose conquest or war on others, that’s not an unreasonable thing to be upset about. I would say, though, that I would rather make an effort towards making a happy, healthy community that tries to work together to make interesting roleplay. Better that then the constant toxicity. This will work, or it won’t. If it works, that’s a huge win, and if we fail, we go back to the drawing board. But the system we have now is just not viable.
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