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{Charles Redwing} -Pmck6-

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Everything posted by {Charles Redwing} -Pmck6-

  1. Anybody have a map of Anthos I can have a look at? Keen to see the locations of everything :)

  2. Anybody have a map of Anthos I can have a look at? Keen to see the locations of everything :)

  3. (( Minecraft Name: Pmck6 )) A piece of parchment, covered in flowing and neat script, is carried into the main offices of the Ministry by a small owl, whose feathers is tinged with red. It's soft hoots bring attention to it quickly, and it drops the parchment on one of the desks. Still hooting irregularly, it waits to be given a response to be taken to it's master. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Applicant Name: Charles Redwing Race and Age: Human / 24 What Position are you Applying For: I am applying for the position of Librarian, and if possible, to also study as a Phrenal List Any Experience You Have: I was born to a family of scholars, with both parents working as authors and historians. This exposure to the scholarly arts meant that I began to read, write and speak much earlier than other children. I was taught by my parents until age fourteen, learning about the history, culture, politics and law of our world, as well as the various other academic subjects such as mathematics and science, however to a much lesser extent. At age fourteen I was taken in by the Grand Librarian of Solace, and became an apprentice at the library there. I was allowed free reign to read and learn there, and was personally taught by the Grand Librarian himself. Because of this upbringing, I believe I have plenty of experience to be a Librarian at the Ministry, as I have had experience in running, organising and maintaining a proper library and the books within it. I also believe I have the necessary experience to study as a Phrenal, as I more than most understand some of the true nature of knowledge, and how to pass it on. Describe Your Interest: At age 23 I left the Library of Solace, and began travelling through the world to find my place in it. My aim from the outset was to learn all I could in my travels, and ultimately become a professional author and historian in my own right. This passion and drive was put at a new level when I heard of the Ministry and it's goals, and I will do all I can to learn what I am taught, and care for the Ministry's library and other academic facilities. Should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses, do you understand this: I understand this and willingly subject myself to the Clauses. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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