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Posts posted by z3m0s

  1. Sounds like a lot of the problems mentioned here atm are due to everything being put on top of the spawn in small quantities for testing during the transition map, a vast majority of these issues are going to be solved on the actual map. I'd encourage you to withhold judgement on the plugin until you actually see it, rather than looking at the trash tier transition map setup we threw together to allow people to have some fun with it while they wait for the new map to go live.

  2. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/70/70/d6/7070d68ed70577ac37eb0179f32b5944.jpg


    MC Name: z3m0s

    Character's Name: Kalgrimmor

    Character's Age: Old

    Character's Race: Dwarf

    What magic(s) will you be learning? Conjuration

    Teacher's MC Name: mika1278

    Teacher's RP Name: N/A (OOC Overseeing)

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?: Yes

    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character? Yes

  3. 8 hours ago, CaesarTheFirst said:

    Although it's a neat concept, I'm really eh about it. It doesn't seem to have any sort of gimmick to it besides being an improved version of Earth Evocation shields that are more malleable. There's no drawback at all for something so powerful and it makes things a bit worse when it can be used by anyone and controlled by the wearer of the amulet, which leaves a lot of potential for powergaming imo.


    What would you expect in terms of a gimmick it would have? I don't know exactly what you mean by that.

    The drawbacks are that recharging it takes a significant amount of mana and it needs constant recharges, the armor when summoned causes additional damage to the wearer if they're struck and substantial movement hindrance.


    The benefits being a four emote weak suit of armor and a five emote basic earth evocation spell at the cost of the armor.


    I didn't nerf it super hard with a drawback because it's mostly just a utility enchantment. Also can't anyone use any enchantment they get a hold of? It's as powerful as a guy in armor with earth evocation, except that guy is stronger because he doesn't have to wait and cast for his armor, nor does he sacrifice the armor for a projectile, nor does he need so long to cast.


    I just don't really seem to see eye to eye with you on the "so powerful" aspect, would be cool to get some clarification, thanks for the feedback.

  4. [!] An old dwarf sat alone within an empty tavern, an old book before him. . . His mind wandered off to old times, of his teachings and leadership within the void, he smiled a rare smile as he thought of Eliza, one of his first mentors.



    Oh thank god, I thought you were pking lmao, nearly had a heart attack. I hope you're doing well. 🙏

    Thanos Smiling, Full HD Wallpaper







    Name of the Artifact: Thrumm-ethos Gorix

    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations: Yes

    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: z3m0s

     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: Kalgrimmor

    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items): z3m0s | Miss_Confined

    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Kalgrimmor | Brynaelda Grandaxe


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:



    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):

     To any and all who looked upon this amulet it would be evidently clear it was the make of a master craftsman as incredibly fine runic symbols swirl and pulse all across the face of the amulet, a myriad of infinite spiralling energy swirling within the center were one to peer within it. Any voidal mages would feel the immense power emanating from this piece as it embarked about the realm upon the neck of its wearer, feeling cold to the touch to any and all that held it within their grasp. Upon the back of the masterful amulet there appeared an imprint of the head of a dragon.


    Effect(s) of the Artifact:

    Through the truest forms of magical augmentation and much experimentation, a mad old Dwarven sorcerer has been able to weave, whittle and mold the mighty efforts of evoking earth from such brutish simplicity as creating a wall of earth before himself, all the way down to the intricate finality of allowing him to conjure forth malleable plates of earth, able to shield his body without major hindrance. Such evocation is able to be manipulated by the wearer to utilize them as minor projectiles as well at the cost of the protection they would otherwise provide.


    Red Lines of the Artifact:

    (Dot points just kinda look like ass atm, couldn't ix it, sorry.)


    General Redlines

    • The general aesthetic of both the armor and the projectiles are free form to be emoted as the wearer pleases as long as they follow the redlines listed within the Earth Evocation lore regarding the magics Aesthetics. They are as follows:
    • As Voidally Conjured Earth is only a mimic of real material stone, sand, or other earthen element, it holds slightly different properties as opposed to the real counterpart, differentiating it from typical earth one might find in a desert, mountain, or quarry. 
    • Earth Evocationists may conjure sand, dirt, rocks, and gems. Sand is coarse and rough, while rocks are rather rigid, rarely being smooth. Gems may be more refined though this is purely aesthetic. 
    • Any form of rock element may be conjured for aesthetic purposes (sandstone, basalt, etc), though will always have the same level of solidarity as any other form of stone. This applies to gems as well.
    • Gem materials may not be conjured until tier four, though this is purely aesthetic and offers no mechanical benefit, having the same solidarity and endurance as conjured stone. 
    • Rocks and crystals alike will either crumble or shatter with enough force upon contact, before vanishing back into the Void.
    • Given the intense nature of the enchantment, utilizing it’s full form (both armor and projectiles) would completely drain the enchantment, requiring it to be recharged. While partially utilizing the enchantment (Only the armor) will half drain the enchantment, meaning that the wearer is able to summon the armor twice from a full charge, but should they wish to utilize the projectiles, the enchantment must be at 100% charge.
    • Recharging the enchantment takes ¼ of the users mana pool up in one go.
    • Each spell within the enchantment can be abjured as per usual.
    • The amulet can be broken like anything else can be, destroying the enchantment within.


    Defensive Redlines

    • Having utilized the “Earthen Dome” spell here to create and balance the armored effect, I in turn reference the following redlines under that spell for this piece as well (not 1:1):
    • Earthen Dome takes [4] emotes to cast [1 connect + 2 charge + 1 Cast], able to be maintained for up to [10] emotes assuming the wall goes without being interrupted.
    • Each strike against the “Dome” removes 1 emote from the initial 10. A spell has it’s correlating tier removed from the emotes (Ex. a t5 fire projectile would remove 5 emotes).
    • Please note that the total amount of emotes the enchantment lasts for has been boosted from 7-10, this is an effort to balance melee and magic combat to the same degree, as with 10 emotes the enchant can be broken with two strong spells, the same as it can be broken with two strong melee strikes (see below for melee combat specific redlines).

    (From here on out are my own crafted redlines for this Mart)

    • The breaking of the shield following the defensive redlines listed below risks serious injury should the nature of the impact suggest that earthen shards would penetrate inwards.
    • While the defensive capabilities of the initial “Earthen Dome” spell warrant significant protection against physical attacks, the fine nature of this enchant demands a less severe level of protection from the conjured earth. While the “Earthen Dome” is listed to be “virtually immune to piercing/slashing attacks” “However, harsh blunt attacks from pickaxes, broadswords, or other harsh weapons will be able to smash it after six direct hits”. In the case of this enchantment, while it is still quite resistant to piercing/slashing attacks, blunt weapons such as the examples listed above, have quite a strong effect upon the enchant, being that two strong blows to either of the listed armor pieces (labelled within offensive redlines below) would result in that entire piece of armor faltering and breaking, leaving that area completely devoid of the protection the enchantment once offered.
    • While the enchantment requires two solid hits to be broken by blunt weaponry, the wearer still faces potential harm should the blow pierce through the enchanted armor piece and into the wearer themselves, the blow is only somewhat weakened by the enchantment. A death blow reduced to a serious injury, a serious injury reduced to a substantial injury, a substantial injury reduced to a minor injury.
    • As listed above, examples for the levels of injury would be as follows:
    • Serious Injury Example: The severe piercing of a limb, warranting immediate medical care and impediment of further combat, or the hindrance of a limb via the breaking of bone.
    • Substantial Injury Example: Various substantial puncture/slash wounds across the body, or the fracturing of bone.
    • Minor Injury Example: Minor cuts, scrapes and punctures across the body.
    • The above mentioned specifics of dampening the severity of wounds about the labelled body parts that the enchant protects does not completely negate death blows, it merely initially reduces them should the enchantment be summoned in the area that is impacted.
    • Movement capabilities while the armor is summoned are dampened somewhat, purely due to the sluggish efforts of the enchantment to maneuver the summoned armor pieces to the wearer's desired location at will. This results in the wearer having their movement restricted to medium level bodily movement. For further specification for “Medium level bodily movement”, I’ll specify an example here: While the wearer may be able to fight in combat as someone would in full plate, they’re not able to sprint at full speed or perform any kind of acrobatic / specialised movements. (movement speed limited to ¾ of otherwise maximum amount while enchantment is active as armor.)
    • For further clarification, the armor puts no weight at all upon the wearer, however they face the same movement limitations of someone weighed down (Full plate wearer for example) because of the sluggish limitations of the enchantments movement capabilities.
    • The enchanted armor pieces protect the same surface area of the wearers body that full plate armor would (except for the head), although utilizing all of the custom parameters listed here within the redlines rather than the specific parameters of Full plate armor.


    Offensive Redlines

    • Having utilized the ‘Earthen Rocks/Spikes” spell here to create and balance the projectiles, I in turn reference the following redlines under that spell for this piece as well (not 1:1):
    • Rocks may be conjured as listed above in the second general redline, able to bruise flesh and fracture bone upon direct contact with unarmoured individuals, though only able to lightly dent plate and cause light bruising at most in the case of an armored opponent – primarily a concussive effect.
    • Spike projectiles, require emotes as listed below to perform, and may leave cuts and bruises, equivalent to impact of a heavy hammer on armor- but may never pierce through a target. One can have up to three rocks/spikes conjured at once requiring additional emotes per projectile as stated in redlines below.
    • At most, blunt rocks will cause the fracturing of bones upon exposed flesh, and a well-placed shot to an exposed head could induce concussions and perhaps knock an individual out if hard enough, though it wouldn't cave their head in by any means. Spikes, meanwhile, will be able to puncture exposed flesh up to the bone, and could skewer an individual’s head were it not protected sufficiently. It will be unable to penetrate armor or helmets and would likely crumple upon impact with such.
    • Projectiles will never exceed the size of a baseball if blunt, nor the size of an arrow if sharp.
    • An Earth Evocationist can only conjure one or the other at once. One cannot conjure a mix of the two.
    • Projectiles will not fly faster than a thrown baseball (rock) or an arrow (spike), both able to be dodged with sufficient distance, timing, and awareness of the target.
    • All projectiles, if fired simultaneously, must be fired in the same general direction.

    (From here on out are my own crafted redlines for this Mart)

    • After having waited the four emotes for the enchantment armor to form (as listed within defensive redlines), the wearer is then able to emote transitioning the pieces of the armor into projectiles and cast them off in one emote, amounting to a total of five emotes for the “Earthen Rocks/Spikes spell to be cast upon the wearers command via utilization of the armor pieces.
    • The ability to cast “Earthen Rocks/Spikes” is limited to the completed casting of the “Earthen Dome” spell, meaning that the wearer must wait for the 4 listed emotes required to summon the enchanted armor first before being able to utilize any of the pieces of the summoned armor as projectiles given their place upon the body is properly listed as is labelled within the redlines below, and also that the type of projectile being converted is emoted clearly, being either Earthen Rock or Earthen Spike.
    • Additional use of the enchantments armor pieces as projectiles requires one additional emote per projectile utilized. A total of 5 projectiles of either kind can be converted from the armor until the wearer is entirely devoid from protection from the now utilized enchanted armor pieces.
    • The wearer is required to clearly emote the piece of the enchanted armor that is being utilized as a projectile, the maximum amount being five. They’re to be described as - left and right shoulder respectively, chest, and left and right leg respectively within the given transitional casting emote, detailed within the redlines above.
    • Should any named enchanted armor pieces as listed above be converted into a projectile, the area described in the emote will be then baron of any protection that the enchantment once gave.
    • No protection is provided to the head whatsoever via this enchantment.


    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):

    Earth Evocation, specifically the spells “Earthen Dome” and Earthen Rocks/Spikes” are molded by the abilities of Transfiguration, specifically “Alter Shape” to allow an altered form of “Earthen Dome” to mold to the body of the wearer at the cost of integrity and movement. This allows for heightened protection of the wearer, and the potential for the armor to be utilized as a projectile given it follows the listed redlines.


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: There is no duplicates of this item (1 in total)

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?: Yes

     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

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