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Posts posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. 4 hours ago, Pancho said:

    My ferryman character is the son of a character that was a 4th Brigadier in Oren. People can attest I was in fact involved in Oren for a while, considering I was also Deputy Mayor of Providence for a while and even put out a few posts. Try using your brain for once instead of just saying "Vc! Vc!"


    You and those who play characters for a week or two to shove your noses into every corner of the server is what ruins it all. 


    Dwarves go to war. You get involved.

    Orcs go to war. You get involved.

    Elves go to war. You get involved.

    Humans go to war. You get involved. 


    Those like you that always have to be center stage is what ruined, ruins, and will always ruin lotc for any player that gets in your way. 


    You don't like the truth so you dive into insults. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Mik- said:

    I mostly agree with that sentiment when it comes to that sort of thing. Generally, mercenary companies and such negatively impact the server and are a facet of that OOC NLing issue they tried to crack down on some months ago. Ostensibly they try to be LOTC’s OOC praetorian, and as such habitually flip flop sides. Even if it’s slightly accurate to how real mercenary companies worked I would at least prefer some system that enforces loyalty or neutrality. Ie a mercenary company must wait x amount of conflicts before fighting someone who was previously an ally(unless betrayed or whatever).

    That or you just completely wipe out the system and get rid of mercenaries, whichever. 

    My only disagreement is that the staff who were present wholly contradicted the current wording of the rules. Violation of rules in spirit, is of course something to consider, but I think that argument has been forfeited when that raid leader asked clarifying questions (several hours in advance) about said rules/planned raid, indicating, whether you disagree with them or not, they were conducted in good faith. As for rules going forward, I agree that they should be amended to discourage OOC entities like mercenaries, after this situation is resolved. I think it’s a bandaid solution and warhawks are still gonna find ways to warhawk(IE members of the rally could have just as easily been peasant larpers, any rules will always be stopgaps), but you’ve gotta try to fix things, right?


    edit:clarifying questions were asked in advance


    As stated in the rules.


    A raid must be performed by an outside nation. If it was led by acres. It is an internal conflict which falls under rebellion terms of war. 

    8 hours ago, Borin said:

    Most people told to leave were Acre players or part of groups who were wrangled following hours of RP and IRP planning. A minority weren't. Why not a justified cause? The cause was fine, IRP motivations again, discussed at length IRP. Matta was out of order for making such a stupid decision to kick people out of a RAID then void the whole thing.


    Read the rules. A raid must be from outside of a nation.


    My understanding acre is apart of oren atm and you tried to raid oren. Violation of the rules. 

  3. Looked at the screenie. Many of the people who were involved are involved in almost any war and magically have characters they don't play until the moment they need em.


    Why is pancho and orlanth and every other ferrymen always have Human XYZ who is a guard of a nation but never play em till there's a conflict that requires them to have an internal character. I pitty @itdontmattabecause selfish individuals that only care about their own wants and needs destroy the servers rule sets and leave it to the admins to try and fix it.


    Players who are war dogs should be banned. Conflicts should be one playerbase versus another. Not world wars without justified causes. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Havsbris_ said:

    Reminder you specifically came into Celia’nor vc with me and twi to propose dismantling Elysium, giving us their land, amd playerbase, just so you could remove tigergiri and crines. Don’t start throwing rocks at glass walls unless you wanna get into it.

    Papa never went into vc with you. I did.


    Don't accuse papa of shit he wasn't apart of. 


    I joined to check availability and schedules if papa were to take a rp route which he later wanted nothing to do with because the direction of his character.


    Know your facts. Cope and seethe kid.


  5. 7 hours ago, Jentos said:

    is this why twi was banned genuine question because that sounds unacceptable and really shows just how far the servers fallen

    It's not. 


    She's banned for harassment, blackmail, and overall being an individual that harms the server because of their ooc agenda to destroy all communities who they believe ever wronged them. Ryan's the same way.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Faded_Dragon89 said:

    I think we should be pushing to see exactly what got her banned thoroughly instead of a vague reason. What specific rule did they break? What was the evidence submitted against them? This isn't a ban that makes sense for the evidence to be quietly swept under the rug to keep confidential information since it's literally just banter or toxicity depending on the view and context which we have 0 about. I don't believe we should just take the staff's word for it no matter if we hate or like the person in the community. 

    They were banned for harassing people.


    Let's just reveal who reported them so everyone who is lacking brain cells can harass the players that made the report.


    Squak revealed a lot of details. The player in question harmed lotc by trying to nuke multiple communities. An example is Twi tried to barter oocly with krugmar to destroy haelunor. When krugmar refused. They engaged in a rp war based on ooc hatred. 


  7. Just now, Faded_Dragon89 said:

    Administration should step down at this point. Iblees wasn't casted into the void but instead the administration. Rip lotc


    Cope and seethe. 


    Server ruining behavior was punished and you cry about admins enforcing rules.


    ******* cope and seethe.


    “and four hundred years of stories.”





    The empty void is all he knew. The empty void is all he saw. When the dark skies covered the earth, the moon rising high above, his eyes closed and he lived it all again. 


    A gopher of earth.

    A owl of storms.

    A snake of fire.

    A horse of water.

    A crane of air.

    A wolf of metal.


    The same creatures, the same spirits, had filled his dreams. Those who he had worshiped visited him throughout his dreams. The orc had been tortured for decades, tormented whenever he had closed eyes to rest for even just a moment. In this realm, a century passed for each second he had lived. Countless attempts ended in failure as he could not escape the fate that followed him throughout his life. He had lost count how many times he has experienced these scenes, but tonight, it was different. The orc’s eyes fell shut as he sat on the cliff sides, he was free.  


    The black void shattered, breaking apart to reveal a familiar scene to the orc. A grove of trees formed a wall around a small fire pit, stone seats fashioned around it. Four seats were filled, with one left open. As the fire grew brighter, pushing the darkness away, the orc’s heart stopped and tears rolled down his face, smearing the paint of war. At each seat sat a relic of the past. 


    The shaman, the juggernaut, the soldier, and the clown.




    The orc wiped away his tears as his eyes scanned over the relics. Pain covered his scarred body, decades past his prime, he moved to join the others. As the orc sat down at the edge of the flames, he felt a release. A light flashed through as each of the six animals who watched over disappeared to join the void once again. The orc’s face broke into a smile as he felt the wind race against his body, the feeling of falling had never felt godly until now. To those that went looking, the body of the aged orc would not be found.


    [!] A journal of ancient notes is found on the cliff side.


    To Rusk’Dom: When all had treated me like table scraps, cast me out into the desert to suffer on my own, you had brought me in as a brother. You taught me to learn, you taught me to laugh, you taught me to live. Without you, I would have passed in that desert and become a base to another cactus. Instead, I lived to become a base to the future generations. 


    To Urolem’Dom: I was a stranger who was forced in front of you. You had no obligation to me, yet you showed me the path of the spirits. Through Elementalism and Lutaumancy, you trained me to act as a vessel for the years to come. Even with recent years, my connections stripped, I strived to complete your work.


    To Shreck’Lak: You hated me. You beat me. You tortured me. Yet, you will always be my brother. When I meet you in the Starguzh’Strogh, I pray to the Spirits we can mend what split us apart.


    To Richard Revlis: I was a dumb orc, barely able to swing a sword or shoot a bow. You made me a warrior and taught me what honor truly means. The set of armor you gave me when I had first joined Dunamis sits close, ready to put on to remind me of what loss is and how it feels to be a champion.


    To John Owyn: As Dunamis had fallen and the Orcs had cast me aside, you brought me in like an old friend. Let me sit in your court and learn the ways of the humans. Experiencing a new culture and a new way of life was something I had never dreamed of. You blessed me with sympathy and compassion and a will to protect not just my own.


    To a couple of Fat Old Dwarves: At a point of weakness, you brought me in. You owed me nothing but treated me like a fat ugly dwarven brother. May you and the children of Urguan who aided me live a long and wealthy life, you fat ****s.


    To Fishbref: A Raguk and a Dom were never meant to see eye to eye. Yet we did. You were a brother to me Fishbref. Though you think recent actions were plotted by me, I would never cross a warrior like you. Though, I have failed you before. And for that, I ask for your forgiveness.


    To Ar-Borok and Ar-Tarok: I was a blind old orc until I came across you. The fresh generation. Stubborn and stuck in my ways, you taught me to live once again. The lesson you taught is one I had experienced but forgotten. May the Spirits smile upon your reign. The Fresh Generation to continue the endless Wagh.


    To Billy Bob: Enjoy life, my old friend. You and the other Llir I have made along the way carried me farther than you thought. 


    To any dumb idiots who peak into my journal: I have roamed the Mortal and Spiritual Realms for centuries. I may have laughed with you. I may have drank with you. I may have fought with you. In the end, you helped me write the story that is my life and for that I will be thankful. Live a life you are proud of and do not hesitate a second. 



    My adventure began just over 8 years ago. You may have called me a friend or just hated me, but every interaction put me on a path that I am on today. And for that I am grateful. Gug'ye bruddas. Cheers until we meet again.


  9. When shit gets rewritten. It gets handed out to the writer and people the writer prefer to give it to. Sometimes. It's circle jerked. And it gets messed up because of it. Teachers should never removed individuals magic applications because they disagree oocly. This is a roleplay server. 


    But in the end. Staff don't understand shamanism. They've never wanted to work along with shamanism and spiritualism. Constantly portions of orc lore have been stolen and rewritten to fit whatever the lore team wants to work with. A popular example of this is inferni. Completely removed from the spiritualism lore and made its own stuff because lore team never cared. Staff have also retconned important portions of orc/spiritualism/shamanism lore without a care about the repercussions because the people who vote on these things aren't members of the community. They lack a critical portion of the decision process. Magic and lore on lotc is all about who you know and who your friends are. 


    All this aside. I'll give @ScreamingDingocredit, he's tried to fix this problem. As much as I hate him, elementalism shouldn't come back at the moment. Farseer and lutaumancy have been nuked into the ground and need to get helped first. 

  10. If it was a Monday morning in June, snow falling from the sky as you walked down the sidewalk, and you found $20 after three quarters of a mile. You continued on for another five eighths of a mile and found $10. Upon picking up the $10 you found yourself in the middle of the pacific ocean. How many quarters were in your pocket. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Tigergiri said:



    7 minutes ago, Privet said:


    Hu-din hums to himself before having a conversation with a goblin covered in guzzoline. "Imagine if latz gave a ztarving child a thanhium bombar. Dat iz a olog. Theze people will nevar underztand ologz make uup azh percent of da population agh onli commit a hundredth of a percent uf da crime."


    He stops himself, thinking about Grishluk the Witch Doctor. "Poor Grizhluk. Da Zky God Militari took him away too zoon."


    Hu-din says to the goblin, "Do latz remember when gahk people came to da Goi blahing dey were from Elyzium agh opened up a crossbow barrage intu Buk'z tavern flattening seven urukz.... Mi too..."



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