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Posts posted by Paleo

  1. 5a47b0106f754_Filanirfamilyinsignia.png.2c263bd88c2e558f57d25325c2821217.png

    "It is time to return."

    A familiar High Elf's voice sounded throughout Haelun'or's main square


    "People of Haelun'or. It has been too long that our Silver Council has gone incomplete. Now walking into a new era of prosperity and development for elcihi it is time that announce my nomination for the position of Okarir'leyun as to further smoothen the progress we are all making together. It is time for us to abandon the ideologies of stagnancy that had been imposed upon us by the teachings of Cenwall and the old guard as to spread our wings and fly away towards a more profitable and more efficient future, all while remaining conscious of our rich heritage.


    And I am quite certain that upon hearing me speak some of you remain cautious due to my reputation and or what they might have heard about me from third parties. To this I would respond that sometimes, when faced with adversity, you have to respond in ways that might be considered unorthodox. But never have I let this hurt, nor will I let it do so, the silver state of Haelun'or and its citizens. I think that my experience and points of view could be a positive addition to Haelun'or and may benefit to us all.


    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."

    Filanir Ilmoriel then stepped down once more, simply looking around at the people that flocked towards his speech

  2. On 6/30/2018 at 2:07 PM, Tato said:

    Can lesser moving be used on dead things?
    Like, someone gets really messed up when they die, so to figure out who died a chronomancer reverses the dead body?


    Not in such a way they'd be brought back to life, but their body repaired. Say, if the family of a dead person want a nice body to be buried after he was... burnt to death.

    To keep the answer short and concise, no. In the redlines it is stated that greater souls are too complicated to work with. Why not for an animal or so.


    On 6/30/2018 at 3:16 PM, Delmodan said:

    @Paleo I would provide some emote examples. It would help show the emote requirements and how this magic is properly RP'd. 


    Examples coming up.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Smaw said:


    All of these things are clear in their intentions. What you're proposing here is somewhat vague, and most definitely something that can be used in combat or to inconvenience others.


    For example: Freezing things in place, allowing things to appear at later times, et cetera.


    It doesn't matter whether you write "can't be used in combat" because people will always find a way or inevitably re-write it with additions that supplement that desire.


    I would also advise against grandfathering because it's altogether a bad idea.


    Anyone who gets the Magic should have to progress at the normal rate.


    It’s reasonable yes. But that would imply the magic would not be able to start teaching and thus spreading until after a few months. Crucial months to pass for example an activity trial that the LT put in place.


    But that’s something that can be considered for a change and doesn’t impact things a whole lot.

  4. 1 minute ago, Lark said:

    I have many reservations with this, primarily the ability to see into the future and past. I do not believe the powerscale of LotC, nor nature of LotC would allow for such. Plus it can, and most likely will be abused for metagaming. I have a few more issues, but most people have said them. I think we SHOULD have time magic, but it should be MUCH MUCH weaker. Not manipulate time within a minute or few with spells. Magic items could have more effects on time. I've been writing one too and would love to throw ideas at you


    Seeing into the future is essentially useless since there's millions of possible futures that are unlikely to even take place. A mage wouldn't have any form of foresight, as it has been detailed within the redlines.


    Seeing into the past requires being there with a person that witnessed something in the past. There's many more requirements than even mental magic has. So I would not judge this as overpowered.


    The system that was put in place ensures that time can only be manipulated in a linear amount of ways.

  5. 1 minute ago, drfate786 said:


    That's the thing, this isn't needed. That's why I'm so suspicious of it. 


    That's not what Aelesh is getting at. What he's saying is that you're applying some of the abilities in the magic in real life right now as to predict what will happen to the magic. It was not supposed to be taken literally.


    Bottom line is, we do not want this as a combat magic, it should not be. And I am sure the LM will do everything to keep it that way.

  6. 6 minutes ago, drfate786 said:

    After having witnessed what happened the last time time magic had been a thing and seeing how bad magic on LoTC currently is I'm going to give this a major -1. Too OP and too game breaking.


    I would ask you to read all of the red lines, and take a step aside from your previous experiences. This magic has purposefully been crafted so it could not apply to combat or force anyone into not very enjoyable situations. Give it a serious read before giving it your approval or disapproval.


    And if you consider it such after giving it a serious look, please consider submitting any form of constructed criticism and suggestions so we can improve this magic. 

  7. 4vJgq5HQu5wyY59atBWZx-cB-Y99uFNL4cM9N7OSGlp6odc1KsNKJJJi_5ZZWQ8YihEyhTPTjts6-DMg7fctExsF1VzEy_RDz9kJ2AmXHjN53kjdABTRocNwqvYVrJJdd2cjDQ3L


    “You will never ‘find’ time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.”

    -- Charles Buxton




    While the denizens of Atlas went about their normal ways two particular characters were brought together within the library of Dragur, analysing their way through all of the dusty tomes that were stacked up on the shelves. They stood there in the search of something that laid in their common interest, time. They were hunting the unhuntable, the untouchable and the unchangeable to attempt and defy those given rules. They spent restless days digging through infinite amounts of tomes before the elven clockworker finally yelled out “Come back here!” to his partner in research. A few fallen books later the red haired wood elf stood by his side, his eyes darting over the map that the clockworker had spread out before him. “I think we’ve got it.” Avalos the red haired then commented.


    The map, unlike any other did not show traces of any landmarks or landscapes but much rather showed a large amount of what they at that moment considered to be gibberish curves. Long lines stretched the papers possible to have been the productions of a drunk madman. A peculiar mark within the middle of the map though made them realise it was a bit more than that. It had the shape of an hourglass, intricately designed to catch the eye of anyone that were to be observing the papyrus. A few letters were marked just below in common tongue: “Where body and mind breach the wall, he who seeks shall gain control.”. The two mages furrowed their brows momentarily before a slight smile broke onto Vassago the Clockworker’s face first. “We have found it.” he stated solemnly, making sure to keep a straight face in front of his colleague. Vassago dragged Avalos by the arm and outside of the library. Avalos grabbed onto his leather bag while on his way out. “We’re going to find it!” The purple skinned clock maniac then exclaimed, his voice vibrant with his hopes and expectations.


    After weeks of running around the planes of the realm, as their stocks reached all time lows, they decided to call it a night for one last time; camping outside under the starry skies. The map they had acquired earlier hadn’t started making any more sense to the both of them. Their previous giggles of enthusiasm had now been replaced with deep sighs of fatigue. They had traveled almost all possible places and seen all corners of the realm at that point. The improvised campfire that they surrounded illuminated the face of a now almost limpid Dark Elf, staring away into the fire, and a Wood Elf, doing his best to concentrate on his meditations and enjoy a moment of peace and quiet. As the wizard took a few deep breaths his expression suddenly significantly changed, his eyes widening noticeably. “It is not a map to a physical location.” he remarked, the echoing of his voice awaking his companion. “I am seeing similar anomalies within the void.” Avalos boomed, surprise clearly noticeable within his voice.


    The newly made breakthrough had the two rejoiced and energised once more, ready to take on the challenges that w0uld come to them while they pursued that what they so desperately wanted, the control of time. Little did they know that they were not the first ones to tread within this area of the voidal arts. Many hundreds of generations before them a discrete wizard, capable of discerning the strange anomalies in the void, also managed to harness them and use them in his casting. This wizard would go to be known as the first Chronomancer. When bringing word of his boons back to his people, the populace reacted in an ambiguous form of awe. Noticing the mayhem the lord of the village summoned the wizard within his halls and asked the wise man for a demonstration. After the caster showed him what he wished for the lord gave a wave of his hand and his men tensed in place. A few barked commands later they surrounded the old sorcerer and prepared to usher him towards the dungeons. With no power left to fight the sudden revolt, the man complied and spent the rest of his days in a lonely dungeon cell. Afraid that his discoveries might go to waste he asked for ink and a scroll, that the tower guards so kindly provided him. Days he spent scribing away his thoughts and findings before noise echoed through the corridor. “The lord is having him executed!” a solemn and stern voice then called out. Throughout the sudden moment of panic the wizard knew what he was left to do. He grabbed the parchment and sent it into the future, hoping it would reach the hands of others capable of heeding his words.




    Time is a river. It flows as straight as the arrow flies. No wind can hamper it, no hill can deter its onward path. The future tumbles effortlessly into the present as the past is swept away into the abyss. Causes birth effects. Effects are born, flourish, and die in but a heartbeat. The world marches steadily onwards towards the end. The Void watches this with infinite interest. Thousands upon thousands of horrors marvel at the strange order of the universe. The newly lit flame, the blazing inferno, the dying ember, the black, charred coals. Every moment is a moment of death. A moment of transformation in which the laws of the universe transfigure matter and energy into new forms and states. The universe ticks like clockwork. Hidden gears grind endlessly in the background of reality as they regulate the laws set down by our Maker. Our universe is a great machine that dances to the rhythm of time. One would think such a great machine might cause a ripple in the ocean beyond. A great ripple, in fact, a ripple so great and complex that it might best be referred to as an ocean all of its own.


    The Ocean of Time is a sea of possibility that surrounds the Veil. As the great shield of energy fluctuates with the movement of matter within, it feeds the Ocean with ripples of change. As a fire is lit, a new ripple is added to the sea, a new string of changes that cause the universe to fluctuate ever so subtly. As the wind blows, as the earth moves, as souls are born and killed, the Veil ripples and gifts those ripples to the Ocean. In that tapestry of ripples can be found the Void’s witness of time itself. Every change that has ever been wrought upon our world has been carefully stored in a reservoir of energy. It is a tome that contains within it the stories of every minute change our world has enjoyed, every notch that has been scarred in its flank. Where the universe is wounded by the scathing claw of time, its blood leaks into the Ocean and builds the endless tale of its history.


    This ocean is the source of a chronomancer’s powers. Once they have established their connection to the Void, a chronomancer learns to search through the ripples for those of their target, before manipulating them in various ways to bring about their desired result.




    The Displaced Form: chronomantic spells require that a chronomancer interact with the Ocean of Time. Being a sea of Voidal energy, it is difficult to interact with when one’s body is comprised of unwieldy flesh. Flesh is slow and imprecise. Trying to manipulate the ocean with a mortal hand is like trying to build a fine sculpture out of liquid light; no crude material form could possibly hold light in check long enough for the sculpture to be even begun. The Displaced Form was perhaps the breakthrough discovery that allowed chronomancy to function. The first step in any chronomantic spell is to search for one’s own ripples in the Ocean before allowing those ripples to flow into the mortal realm by way of one’s connection. In doing this,  part of a chronomancer’s body is transformed into a strange, ghostlike form that glows with mana and aura. The more difficult a spell, the more parts of the body that must be transformed into their Ocean-wise counterparts.


    Chronomantic Marks: these circular marks are invoked by chronomancers as they work. Left as trails of mana and Voidal energy that dangle from the chronomancers Displaced fingers, these Marks are crafted from the ripples of the Ocean. All uses of chronomancy require that a chronomancer can easily draw their Chronomantic Marks so that they can manipulate their targets ripples. These marks glow with the colour of a chronomancers aura and partake of any other effects a chronomancers aura might have.


    Chronomantic Seals: used most often when enchanting with chronomancy, Seals function much like bookmarks or checkpoints. Once ascribed to an item, they allow an enchantment to rewind or run forward time, such that the appointed bookmark can be reached. For example, an enchanted sword could have a Seal placed upon it after it has been newly forged, allowing the enchantment to rewind the state of the object to the time that the Seal was placed upon it. These Seals are entirely dependent on mana from their mana gem and otherwise function identically to other enchantments.


    Lodestones: solidified from redundant ripples floating in the ocean, a lodestone is a crystalline shard that is used to sustain certain chronomantic abilities. They are generated during certain rituals and are left as anchors for long term spells. Should they be shattered, the spell to which they are tied would fail as its anchor is destroyed.






    All of a chronomancers abilities are tied to the degree to which they can harmonize themselves with their ripples in the Ocean of Time. As a chronomancer grows more competent, they will be more and more able to transfigure their body into its Displaced Form. Each additional Displaced bodypart requires one emote; so, to begin Greater Moving, a chronomancer must first spend one emote connecting to the Void, and an additional two emotes Displacing their arms and legs, and additional emotes for drawing their chronomantic marks and performing the Moving itself. This progression of understanding manifests itself in the ability to transform more and more parts of the body.


    The Arms: the first tier of transformation, a chronomancer who can Displace only their arms is considered a Tier 1, and is capable of Lesser Moving. Lesser Moving requires that a chronomancer Displace their arms.


    The Legs: the second tier of transformation, a chronomancer who has learned to Displace their Legs is now considered a Tier 2, and is capable of Greater Moving. Greater Moving requires that a chronomancer Displace their arms and legs.


    The Torso: the third tier of transformation, a chronomancer who has learned to Displace their Torso is now considered a Tier 3, and is capable of Suspending. Suspending requires that a chronomancer Displace their arms, legs and torso.


    The Head: the fourth tier of transformation, a chronomancer who has learned to Displace their Head is now considered a Tier 4, and is capable of Folding. Folding requires that a chronomancer Displace their arms, legs, torso and head.


    The Soul: the fifth tier of transformation, a chronomancer who has learned to Displace their Soul is now considered a Tier 5, and is capable of Travelling. With further practice a chronomancer can learn to Glimpse. Travelling and Glimpsing require that a chronomancer Displace their arms, legs, torso, head and soul.



    Credit: Nolamom3507 | Deviantart


    Lesser Moving: the act of searching through an object's ripples, past or future, before moving the target object either backwards or forwards through time to achieve the desired state.





    Lesser Moving is the most basic ability available to a chronomancer, allowing them to manipulate the flow of time over a single target object. The chronomancer will first Displace their arms before beginning to draw their Chronomantic Marks around the object. For example, a chronomancer could find a stone, and search for a potential future in which that stone has become a brick. With that potential future in mind, the chronomancer could then fast forward time to that point, transfiguring the stone into a brick. The process of fast-forwarding time is much easier than reversing time, simply because searching for uncertain futures in an uncertain Void, is much easier than trying to find a certain past in the same, uncertain realm. Where finding a future works with the chaos of the Void, finding the truth of the past works against those currents, making it much more difficult for the chronomancer.


    • Lesser Moving works on single objects.

    • Lesser Moving requires that the object be within touching distance, so that the chronomancer can draw their Chronomantic Marks.

    • Lesser Moving cannot be attempted in combat.

    • Fast forwarding an object into a state in which it was part of another object, will not manifest the whole object. For example, finding a future in which an iron ingot has been turned into a sword, will not manifest the whole sword. It will instead manifest the ingot in whatever state it is in, whilst it is part of that sword (as the hilt, part of the blade, etc.). No matter is ever created when Moving object.

    • Lesser Moving does not affect beings with Greater Souls.

    • The more complex the transformation, the more mana that is required to complete that transformation. Just as transfiguration needs more mana to perform more complex tasks, so too does chronomancy.

    • Futures in which an item becomes magical do exist, and can be manifested. However, the item will only appear to physically resemble that item, and will not have any supernatural effects attached to it. Under no circumstances can a chronomancer bring about magical effects from a potential future.






    Greater Moving: the act of moving an area either backwards or forwards through time, displacing it from the present with a veil of mana and Voidal energy.





    Greater Moving is an advancement of the chronomancers most basic ability, allowing them to Move not only single objects, but larger areas. The chronomancerthemself acts as the centre of this circular area. Having now learned to Displace their Legs, they have gained the necessary control to use themself as an anchor point for their spell, weaving the ripples of the Ocean around them. Greater Moving is identical to Lesser Moving in terms of the actions required to use it; first, the limbs are Displaced. Then the chronomantic marks are weaved about the desired area before the spell proper is allowed to begin. With the area veiled in chronomantic marks and Voidal energy, the chronomancer will begin Moving the area backwards or forwards through time. The one difference between Greater Moving and its Lesser counterpart, is the manifestation of ‘Temporal Figments’, the vestiges of the future. Whilst Greater Moving cannot manifest matter, it can manifest the ripples of objects present in potential futures. These images are ghostlike, representing whatever might have been in the future to which the area has been drawn; trees, buildings, terrain and all manner of other objects might appear as spectral remnants. Chronomancers perceive these Figments like they would any other matter, seeing not the spectral image, but the object itself. They are nonetheless, still intangible; a chronomancer is very much aware of their true nature, feeling the ripples emanating from within them.


    • Greater Moving can affect areas of: up to two metres from the epicentre at T2, up to three metres at T3, up to four metres at T4, and up to five metres at T5. Continued study after reaching T5 can slowly increase this size to an absolute maximum of ten metres from the epicentre. This should be reached after two or three months of study after achieving T5.

    • Greater Moving cannot be attempted in combat.

    • Greater Moving cannot affect areas beyond its chronomantic marks.

    • Greater Moving does not affect beings with Greater Souls.

    • Temporal Figments are intangible.






    Suspending: the act of sundering a target from the flow of time, freezing either an object or an area in the present.





    The ripples of the Ocean can be used to stay the currents of time, as much as they can be used to move it forwards or backwards. Lodestones are integral to this skill. A lodestone is a crystalline formation generated from some abandoned ripple still present within the Ocean. For whatever reason, these ripples have lost their connection to their target in the mortal realm. Solidifying them into gems creates a naturally attuned gateway through which ripples can flow and interact with the physical realm, once they have been constructed and bound by a chronomancer. By linking an object to a lodestone filled with the ‘snapshot’ of a particular area or object, the target can be locked in that snapshot. For example, a lodestone could be formed and linked to a glass of water. Should the glass be knocked over, the lodestone will expend mana to run time backwards, returning the glass to its original state; water would flow through the air before landing back in the glass, whilst any damage that might have come to the glass itself would be repaired. A door might be opened, only to have it slam in ones face.


    • Suspension may not be attempted in combat.

    • Suspension can only be used on a being with a Greater Soul if they are willing; otherwise, their ripples will simply be impossible to harmonize with. Once Suspended, the soul will enter a kind of deep sleep, whilst the body will heal itself nigh instantaneously if damaged.

    • Lodestones used to Suspend beings with Greater Souls are constantly running, and require large amounts of mana to sustain.

    • Lodestones glow with the colour of the creators aura when activated.

    • Lodestones can be easily broken if dropped, dispelling the magic.

    • Lodestones can be no more than five metres from their target area or object.

    • Lodestones can only be small enough to fit into the palm of one’s hand. They cannot be very small jewells.



    Folding: the act of secreting an object within the Ocean in such a way that, when a specific date arrives, the Fold will be reopened and the object will be revealed.




    The Ocean is a confusing place. Its many waves of energy constantly change to mimic the changes in reality. Walking along its many corridors is difficult even in the best of circumstances. Every corner hides a thousand others, every probability tree branches into untold boughs; hiding something amongst these boughs if done correctly, is very effective. Folding is the art of Displacing an object in such a way that, when the right time comes to pass, the object shall be revealed. For example, a door could be Folded such that it only appears come a particular winter’s night. On that night that door would materialize, flickering back into existence, before phasing out of existence once more once that night had passed. Should an item such as a door or a gate be Folded, the chronomancer will choose how the area appears when the door or gate is vacant. This can never create an illusion (such as a bookcase or a table to cover the area) of significant magnitude, but it can continue the wall into which the door or gate is set.


    • Folding cannot be attempted in combat.

    • The object must have a lodestone set within it. Should the lodestone be broken, the object would cease to Fold out of reality with the passage of time.

    • Living beings cannot be Folded.





    Travelling: the act of walking along the Ocean’s currents into one of many potential futures, vanishing from the present after a long ritual focused on encircling oneself with Chronomantic Marks.





    The future is a marvelous place full of wonders. The Ocean emulates this by forming myriad probability trees that branch off from the present. These countless paths may be walked by chronomancers who have learned to completely Displace their body. The ritual to accomplish this is incredibly taxing, asking that a chronomancer completely surround their body in chronomantic marks before they Displace their beings and enter the Ocean proper. The realities they witness can be interacted with, even lived in, for what may seem like hundreds of years for the chronomancer. Whilst Travelling, they appear in a spectral-state that allows them to easily cross back and forth between parallel futures. Yet the paths of the Void are not hospitable to a mortal soul. What the chronomancer might experience as hundreds of years, is in actuality no more than a handful of minutes. Just as a cognatist can lose their grasp on time as they hyperthought, a chronomancer Travelling through the branches of the future is completely disconnected from the present and functions at a speed of their own choosing as they pass between the potential universes.


    • Travelling may not be attempted in combat.

    • Travelling is a lengthy ritual that requires significant time to complete.

    • A chronomancer will vanish from the mortal realm for no more than ten minutes before rematerializing.

    • The realities experienced by the chronomancer are potential realities; it is incredibly unlikely that they will come true in the mortal realm.

    • These future realities are emulations are best, and do not truly exist. As a result of this, chronomancers

    • may bring nothing back from these realities.





    Glimpsing: the act of peering into the past or future by using a persons soul or a lodestone lens as a focus.




    The Ocean is filled with the events of the past, and of the many potential futures into which the present might slowly tumble. A skilled chronomancer can learn to scry the future or peer back into the past should they have a focus through which to guide their sight. To peer into the past, the chronomancer has need of a mortal soul who was present during the target event. For example, should the chronomancer be wishing to look back in time to view the events of ball some years ago, the chronomancer would have need of one of the balls’ attendees. The mortal would have to then accept the influence of the chronomancer, willingly letting the ripples of the Ocean flood their body before the chronomancer searches for the target. With the target found, both the subject and the chronomancer would experience a kind of dreamlike vision, gifting the two a twenty by twenty metre area through which to search. This area extends beyond the subjects line of sight, but not further than the aforementioned twenty metre mark.


    Peering into the future requires that the chronomancer have crafted a chronomantic lens, a variant of a lodestone that is tied to a chronomancers soul. Through this lens a chronomancer hears the whispers of Ocean as it shifts; by focusing their attention of this lens, the chronomancer can sift through the many potential timelines of the future. Their lodestone will manifest images of these timelines, allowing others to admire the chronomancers abilities as they search through the currents of time for particularly curious or intriguing events.


    • Glimpsing cannot be attempted in combat.

    • To glimpse the past, the subject mortal soul must be willing and complicit in the ritual.

    • To peer into the past, one must have a mortal soul who was present at the target event. The vision of the past will follow their movement, as will the twenty by twenty metre radius of vision.

    • There are many, many possible futures. Peering into the future does not give the chronomancer supernatural foresight or anticipation of events in the present.






    As comes to some of the Out of Character aspects. We wanted to bring some form of time magic back to LotC because the idea of it is grand and it gives a lovely flavour to some of the RP. We tried to avoid most of the things that the community disliked in the past with magic such as Muun and attempt to create a much more open environment for this ability to bloom in. 


    As for implementing the magic, our characters will grandfather the magic, much like has happened in previous magic and teach the next few generations. This is of course if the LT accepts this piece of lore. The Origins story is also set up so that it may lead up to some sort of event that could invite people to interact with and discover this new set of voidal abilities.

    Written by Sorcerous_, Paleo and Sug.

    We are currently searching which people made the pieces of arts in the proposal, so proper credits will be attributed soon.

  8. What is your Minecraft Account Name? Paleo

    Do you have a Discord account?  Paleo#3834

    How long have you played on LotC? I’ve played since September 2013

    How many hours per day/week are you available? I’m available an average of 5 hours per day, so I’d go with 35 hours per week.

    What lore do you hold the most experience with? 

    I hold most experience with all that has to do with magical lore (except for Awakened Blood Magic, Paladinism, Clericalism and Xan magic.) and have actively RPd most of them in game (especially Arcanism, Mentalism, Blood Magic, Druidism and Transfiguration). Other than that I can say that I’m quite familiar with most of the server’s unique flora and fauna.

    Do you have a solid grasp on the existing lore of our server? Would you be comfortable moderating it in-game? 

    Throughout my years on LOTC I have been able to experiment with most lore pieces and have gained enough knowledge to actively and productively be able to moderate them.


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past

    In chronological order:

    I was an admin of a small roleplay server a long while ago but it never really took off.

    On LOTC if first joined the ET for a while before deciding the team was not for me.

    Then I joined the FM team and after a while became FM manager and even FM director.

    Simultaneously I joined the GM team.

    I was at that time promoted to be an Admin on LOTC and became GM team Director for a while.


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it


  9. MC Name: Paleo

    Character's Name: Filanir / Synolin

    Character's Age: Old


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Seer of Vaasek


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  10. MC Name: Paleo

    Character's Name: Avalos

    Character's Age: Old


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Blood Magic


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Blood magic is the magic that draws its power from Blood. This can play out in several different ways:

    Empowering Spells:


    The blood mage extracts genus from the blood and 'feeds' it to himself or another so that they can reach abnormal heights in their castings. In exchange, the blood mage becomes significantly weaker. It should be noted that draining from yourself is easier than draining from another.


    Blood Ritual:


    The true power of blood magic is shown through rituals that are prepared by the blood mage and usually involve multiple mages (At least 1 blood mage), symbols and blood sacrifices. Rituals can accomplish nearly anything but we do distinguish three general types of rituals: Elemental Rituals, Summoning Rituals and Creation Rituals.




    At the higher tiers (From T4) a blood mage may explore blood bending as to slightly manipulate a target's limbs and later on (At T5 cause powerful) create blood clots and haemorrhages. 


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    Avalos stood there within the dark and moisty cave, allowing his eyes to wander over his student. "It will sting less the further you advance within the art." He commented before passing the dagger on to his pupil.

    The pupil took the dagger in his hands and embedded the metal tip into his flesh. His features crunched together and the newly found stinging sensation.

    Avalos simply nodded several times before he started musing "You have to sense the blood that flows from your wound. See it as an extension of your own body and will it to move as you see fit."

    The apprentice took a step back as he took a deep breath, the blood on his hand already showing some anomalies as if microscopic movements had begun to take place.

    The blood mage awaited in expectation of what was to come, a hand laying on his pupil's shoulder as he supervised his every moment. "You must take a step away from what you know is possible and broaden your mind. You have the power to control your blood."  he then remarked.

    The pupil shook his head several times as he seemed to not be able to make the blood move, ears drooping a tad before sad eyes looked up at his mentor.

    Avalos grumbled at that moment, looking away in a different direction. "You are not even capable of moving a small drop of blood, how in the nethers do you expect me to teach you in these conditions? You will stay here within this dark confine and practice until you consider yourself good enough to give it another try. I have not got loads of time I can just waste." 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.



    MC Name:




    Character's Name:




    Character's Age:


    Old (I haven't been counting)

    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:




    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:


    Mental Magic

    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Mental magic allows for the mage's mind to access other minds through the void. The mind can thusly be manipulated and communicated with through the several abilities a mental mage learns on their journey. Most importantly mental magic allows the mage to: Communicate with another mind through telepathy, Alter memories or remove them and even cast illusions on the mind. 

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Avalos quietly sat and looked at his student, watching the elf as he meditated.

    "Keep your back straight and reach out for the void... We've been over this already." 

    He then chimed with a slight tad of impatience in his voice.

    His student in the meanwhile was seen frowning ever so slightly, squeezing together his eyes "B-But."

    -"Try harder." Avalos simply riposted as he saw his student struggle before smirking as he noticed the student clumsily connected to his own mind and tried to communicate with him.

    The student sat there shaking "No.." his voice suddenly called out as his limbs shuddered, his mind had not been prepared for that what he saw within his master's mental scape. Caught off-guard the student soon found himself back in his seated position, looking at Avalos. "What was this, Avalos?"

    Avalos only smirked before whistling a calm tune. Many seconds later yet he decided to clear his throat and focused his gaze on the student "How do you plan on manipulating minds if your mind is not flexible enough to venture and see what is within them? No no... You have to meditate, even more, dear student of mine."

    The student then simply looked around himself, dumbfounded by how easily he was thrown off guard before his master once more spoke up.
    "If you do not understand the beings that surround you, you can not understand their minds and thoughts. If you do not understand them you will never be able to even aspire to venture through them as all mind walkers do. You have to think yourself.. You have to practice the philosophical ways before we continue your arcane training."


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:








  12. In fact, a Mina, according to the dictionary is a varying unit of weight and money used in ancient Greece, Egypt etc. generally equivalent to talent, 100 drachmas or 50 shekels.


    It comes from Classical Latin so the correct plural of Mina would be Minae. But since contemporary English speakers like to make stuff sound more English Minas would also be accepted. I am Minae all the way.

  13. What is your Minecraft Account Name?:


    How long have you played on LotC?:

    Since September 2013

    How many hours per day/week are you available?:

    Many hours, my schedule is usually sporadic but I am available 24/7 on discord.

    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?:


    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?:


    Fully fledged in all voidal magic, druidism, necromancy and blood magic.


    Write about a magic-related topic that you find interesting (e.g. How mental barriers work):

    Just going to use something I wrote up in the past:


    It was quite a hard choice but I finally decided to speak a bit of Druidism and how the most basic aspects of it, can provide many roleplay opportunities. To start off, one must first go through Dedicancy to even have a chance at getting attuned and ascending to the status of Druid. Any newly attuned Druid has a natural connection to the melodies of Nature and will most certainly be overwhelmed by such. This is usually where a teacher comes in handy to help this new Druidic sprout to bloom into a beautiful flower. Soon a Druid will learn to make more sense of these vague melodies, and even be able to understand messages coming from nature in the form of images. In parallel, this growing Druid will learn about the basics of Druidism through the magic that is usually referred to as Nature's control. They learn about how the Druids do not in fact directly 'cast' anything, but rather call upon 'favors'/'blessings' of their Deities, Cernunnos and Cerridwen (And yes, even Nemiisae.). Of course, these capacities evolve over time, and images would become being capable of communicating with any natural beings that one couldn't usually communicate with and making a vine swing weakly from side to side soon becomes being able to masterfully manipulate roots, even if this period is doubled in comparison to any of the other non-deictic magics.


    The beauty of this magic is that if you stay reasonable and within the logical redlines, almost anything is possible. It is a magic that can be used to create roleplay and even for the sheer enjoyment of magical RP. And this translates to my mentality towards any of the already existing magics upon this server. It is often the most simple things that provide the most roleplay opportunities and that can make the roleplay enjoyable for the people involved with you, provided that creativity and care are offered to the RP.

    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past:

    I was Admin on a different server before LotC. On LotC though, I was Forum Director and the Admin in charge of Creative content.

    Do you have a Discord account? (You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it. Note; Discord is required to communicate with the team):

    Absolutely: Paleo#3834

    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it:




  14. G’day denizens of Atlas and the interwebs!


    Today I come to you all with the first Admin update since Wrynn left the server’s administration team. Our focus was more on getting 6.0 off for a good start and making sure everything was in order to offer the best possible experience to all players. Now everything is settled and we all have a bit more time on our hands, it was about time to get a word or two out to the community about what happened to the administration in the meanwhile and clear things up.

    Since last update, Wrynn and Harold left the Administration, Vaynth and I joined, Harold came back, and Vaynth left. Leaving our current administrative lineup to be Harold, 501warhead and myself with Telanir in the seat of chairman. To make all of you familiar with our precise roles:
    -501warhead is in charge of server strategy, development and doing research into potential ways to help and improve the server.

    -Harold supervises all Moderation that takes place on the LotC medium and makes sure staff teams that are involved around the topic function properly.

    -Paleo takes care of the staff teams that revolve around content and content creation, the creative part of the server, and makes sure that the teams involved in content creation function properly.

    -Telanir, as the Chairman, oversees administrative operations, monitors legal & financial matters, and ensures protocol compliance.


    Without further ado, here come the personal statements:





    This month has seen less direct activity for me. I have taken a bit of a backseat right now after the twelve months of work that went into Atlas to see how it is going to progress. It's been wonderful so far and I must send out a sincere thank you to everyone who has already been contributing such amazing builds to fill this world up and make it lively. Right now one of my prime concerns is making sure that Atlas is going to be something that we can all be proud of four, five, or twelve months into the future and that is an ongoing struggle with rules and plugins to ensure that the map will be viable for a while now. In addition, one of my primary concerns moving into the future will be addressing the poor state we built CT in and considering revamping oppertunities to improve the spawn layout to improve navigation. There will be more coming from me soon on a variety of fronts so stay tuned!







    Well, well, well. You may be wondering how I got myself into this again. Me too. However, now that I’m here, I hope this update will help explain a little bit of why and what I’m doing back in Red.


    I am a seasoned Administrator, one who left with his reputation intact with the rest of the Administration and with some of the player-base. That’s quite rare for someone who ultimately was the end of the line with deciding on bans, appeals, and staff blacklists.


    Now I’m back, it’s been decided that my oversight remit will cover the Moderation of the community within the game, and the forums. This is nothing new to me. I’ll be working closely with the Directors to ensure that the Moderation of the server remains on course with the expectations of the community.


    Moderation on LoTC is the backbone of the server, and often times difficult for all involved. People expect the staff within Moderation to understandably be some of the best members of our community, and I agree with this sentiment. Our job is two-fold, on one hand we must keep the rules of the server enforced at all costs but we must also make sure that the wishes of the community are upheld throughout the server as a matter of principles. This means ensuring that rulings are fair and without corruption, that everyone is listened to on issues they may have in an open manner without malice, and most of all we have clear and concise rules for every area that the server offers or needs them for so when issues arise, fault can be attributed to one party or the other.


    So the goal for me then, is simple. Firstly, get the rules squared away, and onto the server for everyone to enjoy. This would include War Rules. This is something I’ll be prioritizing ASAP as it will take us back to the status quo we once enjoyed. Secondly, looking into and hopefully aiming to reducingthe amount of harsh punishments for little issues that have occurred in the past month or two by looking into creating guidelines on bannable offences and/or rules in the near future. I’ll also be working closely with the Development team on some exciting updates coming our way soon, and ensuring that the impact on the moderation of the server is minimal at best by working with the Directors and their teams to benefit everyone involved, and the rules are clear and released ahead of time for review.


    If anyone wishes to contact me about something they wish to discuss, or something I’ve mentioned, or maybe something they want me to focus on, please add my discord.

    It’s good to be back.


    Cheers, H.












    Hi there guys, Paleo here for my first Admin Update.

    With the way everything turned out as, I am in charge of the creative aspect of the server’s staff teams and for that reason am expected to set a clear direction and work closely with the Directors to make sure everything runs smoothly. I am also going to pick up writing out some of the admin-player communication that takes place, so expect more of that in the close future!



    In the past month I was in the position of Game Director and spent a lot of time tending to troubleshooting and the like, but now, because I have stepped down from that position a bit ago, I have been able to pick up my normal Admin duties again.

    Next month I will be offering a focus on the Lore Team and will be working alongside them to blow life into inactive creatures and help them give a new twist to lore. I also plan on reworking the Staff protocol in general and putting in place a Director handbook, which wouldn’t affect players directly as much. Other than that I have been working to help the Media Team getting a status as an actual team once more and have ensured that they were able to enter the trial state, I am hoping we’ll be able to pass the trial before the next Admin monthly update. All in all, working on all the creative stuff the LotC community is fond of.

    Other than that, if you want to discuss anything that is related to LT, MT, Media, AT or ET, or even just want to have a debate with me about some random topic you came up with,

    hit me up on discord @Paleo#3834

    Paleo out








    I took January off this year as typical of my annual habit. I return to a handful of unfinished projects, namely to address our outdated community guidelines and mission statement. Beyond this, I predict nothing of what will drive my hand this month as my work as Chairman is, by and large, derived from my observations (circumstantial). If you have sent me any messages please refresh them once again and I will provide you with a proper solution if I can.


    All the best,

    ([email protected], Telanir#7632)







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