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Posts posted by Paleo

  1. MC Name:




    Character's Name:


    Filanir Ilmoriel


    Character's Age:




    Character's Race:


    Mali'aheral, High Elf.


    Link to your accepted MA:




    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:




    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Arcanism is the eldest of all magic and is essentially the manipulation of pure voidal energy. It transcends beyond natural properties seen in elemental evocations. What is evoked is highly variable and the colour of the substance depends on the caster (It takes after the colour of the aura)

    It is too a higher tier of magic (Unlike the other evocations) that requires more effort when learning. Arcane evocations can be described as being composed of a multitude of translucent coloured and bright arcanist wisps.

    Arcane evocations can be separated in 4 main sub-types.


    Shielding: A defensive sub-type. The sub-type revolves around casting from smaller flat discs to the larger spells as bubble barriers around the caster (Or even around an entire city) all while maintaining a perfect balance in both body and mind. Arcane shields are stronger than any natural metal and causes blows to recoil.


    Projectiles: This sub-type offers the caster a wide range of projectiles to launch at enemies. Smaller spells (missiles for example) are smaller than an apple and when thrown cause a concussive blast. The Larger spells such as Arcane beam would be ten times this power.. They also have concussive blasts but as the power ramps up (With an increase of mana) so does the chance of simply destroying the target.


    Weaponry:  Weaponry in Arcanism is the sub-type with which tools and weapons can be created. All the weaponry or tools that are created by the caster are up to their creativity and are light weight. When used weapons will cause concussive hits stronger than natural weaponry. It though should be noted that most weapons only last a few hits before breaking.


    Art: And then the last but not least sub-type, allowing for the true expression of creativity of the caster, Art. Art revolves around creating entertainment and sculptures. It is said that only the most skilled Arcanists will be able to master this sub-type. Due to its nature, it is impossible to give a list of spells


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    *Filanir would hum quietly as he motions for his student to take a seat at a large table on which laid a blue and white cloth… A gigantic chandelier would swing above the pair as the Aheral clears his throat, leaning back into the chair*

    Mhmm.. It has been some time that you have been practicing now.. And I have noticed that you started hitting as if.. some sort of limit..” *he would speak slowly towards the end of his phrase, eyes narrowed in anticipation of his student’s response*

    “You wish to know why? You come to me.. Seeking for this power that not even the masters of this art truly understand.. You seek for a blunt way to use something that needs so much deepness and tenderness..” *The Aheral would bark out..  probably overwhelming his student.*

    “Now.. Stand up and close your eyes… Do not think of the effects you are trying to cause.. Do not think of your worldly possessions.. For once.. Let go of these earthly tethers.” *The Student would be seen following his teacher’s steps carefully.. bending through his knees ever so slightly and taking in a deep breath* “What you need to understand is that Arcanism knows no defined limits.. It is all within your mind.. The limits that are imposed upon your casting are those put there by your own lack of creativity.. By the lack of fire within your heart and soul.” *Filanir would narrate carefully, as he too would rise to his feet* “I do not want you to cast.. I want you to feel that what you are doing.. I want you to experience what you are doing… Arcanism is not just something you can pick up as a tool.. It is not something you just own.. It is a way of being.. A way of thinking.. It’s beauty all while being destruction.. it is balance and chaos..” *He would say before coughing, placing a hand upon his student’s left shoulder* “And the power.. Is not something you should be proud of.. You should brag of.. It is something you should fear yourself.. For it eats away at your very body… The Arcanist remains in an everlasting dance in between reality and the void.. And that, my pupil.. is what you have yet to learn.” *The Aheral would conclude before giving the student a nudge.. noticing that he would wobble in disbalance he would frown* “You need more meditation before we continue any sort of casting.. You are not ready.” *The Aheral would exclaim before striding in a different direction “May Larihei save your soul."


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:




    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:




    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



  2. 7 hours ago, ski_king3 said:

    I don't support the French...



    Good thing I am dutch but live in France ;)


    7 hours ago, ArcanicFable said:

    but can you do cool pen tricks



    Only when I am bored 

  3. Minecraft Account Name(s):







    How long have you played on LotC?:

    I've played on LotC since September 2013.. so about 4 years now.


    Time zone and availability:

    GMT +1. I'm available almost all week, and mostly in the weekends.


    What sub genre (refer to LM specifications list) are you versed in most?:


    I think I can verse in most of the topics that would be required to write in, yet I greatly enjoy writing up racial lore, creature lore and world lore. On top of that, I utterly enjoy thinking of all things that are mystical and thus magic lore too. 

    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC:

    I have been on the MT back when that was still a thing. I also hold the position of Forum Moderator (Nearly two months now) on the current version of the team and also participate in the Event Team as an Actor.

    Have you ever written lore for LoTC? (this will not augment your chances at obtaining the position of LM.):

    I have. I wrote the lore on Phoenixes and then on Treants. I have still got a lot of ideas in the works and projects I had to set aside for personal reasons. If anyone would like more information or for me to explain these ideas, you may ask me in this topic, send me a pm, or hit me up on Skype.


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?:


    I have never received anything of the sorts.

    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?:


    I get along with everyone... At least I hope.

  4. Good morning, afternoon or night people of LOTC!

    As you can see we, of the Forum Team, have decided to also launch a your view thread as to gauge the public opinion on our team and to attempt and find ways for us to have a more transparent way of handling (if this wasn't already the case according to the LOTC populace) and generally give everyone a better time.


    To help us out with collecting information in the most effective way we are going to ask you all to follow in the following form:


    How long have you played LOTC?:

    What is your opinion on the Forum Team as a whole?:

    How well does the Forum Team perform according to you?:

    How do you feel about our communication with the player base?:

    How could we improve the previous?:

    If you have anything to say on the side, leave it here:

    If there is something you dislike, consider proposing a better alternative.
    Looking forward to seeing all your responses!

  5. [!]



    All around Axios, people would seem to be shaken.. Though you continue on your path.

    It is when you bump into a large crowd, standing around some improvised notice board that the events would peak your interest. You make your way through the herds of people before you find what they were all looking at.. A spectacularly designed paper would have been attached to the board, upon which some weird arrangement of letters could have been found.




    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Phoenix emblem


    Under the parchment of code an emblem would have been branded, leaving an undeniable trace just above the disclaimer.


    “I advise you all to take note of these letters.. For he who cracks the code shall find great rareness.”

    It would have read in an elegant yet practical handwriting.


    Word had gone around that a lot of these improvised noticeboards had been able to be found all over the realm of Axios, and even some heralds of mysterious news would have been able to be found handing out the mysterious news before wishing you farewell


    “Hail the rise of the Phoenix!”





    Yes, there is now 9 phoenixes out there, and each of them can be found and tamed ;)



  6. On 7/23/2017 at 1:42 AM, Fury_Fire said:


    MCName: Fury_Fire/Swgrs_Fav_Lich



    Name: Llor/Tylendel


    Reason to Join: I've nothing to do, and this seems enjoyable.


    Please list your Magi Standard (Journeyman, Evoker, Etc): Journeyman, near Evoker.


    Have you read and understood the Codex: Yes.



    *An elegant letter would be received, signed by the initials F.I.*


    "Dear applicant, come meet Filanir Ilmoriel at the Sutica Guild Hall, he is expecting you."

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