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Posts posted by Paleo

  1. MC Name:




    Character's Name:




    Character's Age:




    Character's Race:




    What magic(s) will you be learning?:




    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching:



    How did you learn this magic(s)?:


    I learnt the basics through conversing with Conjurers (Mostly with Lhindir) and through studying the books that speak on this topic in the many libraries of our realm. Notably the Dragur library and the Eternal Library of the Mali'aheral.


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT):




    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning:


    Conjuration, or 'Life Evocation', is the Arcane art which allows summoning organisms, that exist within the natural world, from the void. This still relatively rare arcane art offers a mage the option to a mage to summon plants and animals most generally. Before one can summon anything, the mage would have to go out into nature and dissect or vivisect the organisms that they would like to cast, for it is as with any other magic, important to know the substance that one is treating. Then once this has been done, the conjurer can effectively cast the before studied being. As with any magic, the Conjurer will have to connect to the void. This is like his workshop and where he has to reconstruct the animal or plant he studied before.. If this is incorrectly done, the animal or plant will not be summoned alive. Furthermore, it is entirely up to the caster's discretion to decide on how they emote the actual appearance of the being within the realm, whether they want it to simply appear from thin air or make it very spectacular. The creature is then under the entire control of the mage and will fulfill his or her will no matter what happens (No matter the state the creature finds itself in.) until the creature is finally released back into the void.


    There are multiple distinguished forms of conjuration. The two most basic forms Morphon (Animals) and Perennial (Plants) are the first ones that a conjurer gets to learn. Then when he or she progresses they find themselves able to mix several types of animals and create hybrids like Bunnies with bird wings. Then quite a bit later still the conjurer might make animals and plants purely out of evocation, which can be called the primordials. Even if this magic allows for a lot of creativity, it has its limits. First of all, creations should not be excessively large (Like a whale) and if multiple creations are made, they should all be identical and should not be larger (together) than the largest conjurable creature. (With a limit of five creatures at the same time). The conjurer can also not create creatures which are half flesh and half evocation, for example, they can only be either one of those two. It should be noted that once the creature leaves the line of sight, it would be dispelled. Last but not least, Druids can not commune nor control the flora or fauna that are brought to this world by Conjurers for they are made of void magic.


    Provide evidence you have a proper means of learning this magic(s):


    I would ask Lhindir to vow for me.

    And then my character approached Gladuos's character ICly who stated he would be willing to help him if he had any questions (Gladuos will comment here in any case)


    And when it comes to books, Filanir would have used the following:


    Dragur Library:

    A book - Joe Blackman (On conjuration)

    Conjuration - Mythras Sylvari


    Eternal Library:

    Conjuration - Haadi Mubdee




    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:




    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:




    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



  2. As Minecraft Name: 



    Skype ID: 


    Discord: Paleo#3834


    GMT +1

    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions:

    Yes. I have been an administrator on a different server before (With the parkour that had to be followed to become one), then I owned my very own server once upon a time. I previously held a position on the LOTC Media Team (Rest In Peace) and now currently fill up a spot on the Forum Moderation team.

    Where do you grab inspiration from: 


    comes from many different sources and all kinds of different places. I usually inspire myself from what happens around myself. I do also seek a lot of inspiration from various rock songs, which help me come up with new ideas when I am on a creative down. Other than that I greatly enjoy mythology in real life, and sometimes add a hint of them in my works and productions.



    What is your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any:

    I currently play Filanir Ilmoriel and Draelor, the latter of which I am willing to sacrifice.

    What race, or group, do your events best cater to:

    Due to my quite neutral position within the confines of the server, I think I can cater to most if not all groups.

    Though I would most likely find myself catering to Elves and Druids.

    What do you believe are the key factors for a successful event:

    I find that the most important factors to creating a successful event are immersion and uniqueness. 

    I find that most players want events for their usual RP to be spiced up ever so slightly, to make such happen events should go a bit further than just simple creature events or basic PvE events. People want things that they can throw themselves at, which can keep them busy for a bit, while also having fun. And I think those two factors can make for such.

    What strengths would you bring to the team: 

    There are several things that I could bring to the team. I am usually a fountain of new ideas and don't regularly dry up on inspiration. I am also very vocal and never hesitate on discussing ideas and problems at hand. I can also throw my very dedication into ever event, and my organisational skills make that I usually get things done rapidly and well.

    Why do you want to be part of the team:

    I want to be part of the team cause I think that while I am in game I am perfectly able of providing events for our lovely player base, rather than jumping from one block to the other permanently when I am not on forum Duty.

    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organise: 

    1. The Lonely wizard's labyrinth


    During his travels, a lonely adventurer had bumped upon a small cavity upon the continent of Asul which lead him to a particular congregation of hallways which were decorated with beautiful flows of glowing wisps. When the traveller returned to the liveable world he was dumb-founded by what had come to him. He preached of these mystical halls and the creatures it held and offers those who approach him to guide them there.


    Ideally 3-5 people which would travel together with the ET in question to this mystical labyrinths. They would have to prove themselves in several smaller enigmas and tasks before meeting the Lonely Wizard who awaits them at the end of his creation.. Is he friend or foe?


    2. The Mysterious Shipwreck


    On a regular day, the people of Metz would be able to hear loud screams before a cannon shot. It did not seem that their city was harmed in any way, but upon further inspection of the surroundings, the beings within the city discovered a shipwreck from which several men came stumbling. These men seemed to have suffered from the blow and have forgotten about what had overcome them. It will be up to the players to discover what laid at the source of this wicked naufragum.


    There is no true player limit to this event, but I would enjoy seeing several ET members working together on this event to act out the several lost men as to add on to the scenario. It would though be the only be the first event in a line through which a small pirate terror would become apparent, thus allowing for even more events.


    3. The Return of the Phoenixes


    It appears to be that a Mali'ame that had once been a Druid had dedicated his life to the protection of those amidst these magical creatures that wandered without a master, and made sure that his heritage to this world remain safely hidden until the time was right before they were to appear once more. Before the Ame inevitably died, he decided to leave behind clues within the realm to guide those that were witty enough to the location of the Phoenixes, thus showing them to the descendants once more. Cryptograms would appear over the planes of Axios, leading to the location of the Phoenixes.


    This is an event in which the entire player base can participate as they wish, and can be hosted by one or more ET members. I am writing this event up because I am the lore holder for Phoenixes and am trying to reintroduce them into roleplay correctly. I think an event like this could be fun and exciting.


    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team:

    I plan on working on the team for at least the coming year.

    Tell me a joke: 


    A joke.

  3. Moved to The Great Library. It shall be sorted into the appropriate category shortly.


    If you feel this is a mistake, please contact myself or any FM and we'll restore it. 

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