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Posts posted by Paleo

  1. Name of Artifact


    The Celestial Pair


    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:


    Paleo, Slayology


    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact


    Filanir Ilmoriel, Ysmay Amethil


    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact:


    Paleo, Slayology


    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact:


    Filanir Ilmoriel, Ysmay Amethil


    Effect(s) of Artifact:


    The celestial pair are a set of two crystals, one blue, the other purple, that are linked together in a bond. If only one person would be to wear the gemstone, it would be useless. Though it is when the two gemstones are worn by two different individuals that things become interesting. Were the two to be standing close-by (within 15 blocks of range) it would seem that their mind would function as one. This range is slightly impaired if there were walls in between the two. (5 blocks of range)


    What does this imply? This implies that anything that would be related to the mind would become common between the two individuals. Notably, when one’s mind is propped with hallucinations, the other would too observe these. Even the emotions and thoughts of the two individuals seem to be shared amongst them.

    Two individual minds who seem to work as one.


    And when the block range of 20 is breached, the crystals have little to no more effect, and all that was stated before would have disappeared entirely.

    Yet, the wearer of the crystal would feel an intense urge to go back to the other, and would feel like he was missing a part of him or herself. The more time they spend far away, the more they would feel emotions that they can not lay a finger on, which seem to have appeared out of nowhere. These effects only go stronger with the time that the crystals have been worn.


    Red Lines of Artifact:


    -Any effect or emotion that is experienced by one party, MUST be RP’d by the other side. You can not hand select what you do and do not want to share. This would be considered powergaming.


    -This does not allow for the two to communicate with eachother at long distance.. No calling the other when you’re in terrible need of a meta squad. That would both be powergaming and metagaming.


    -Due to the several minds being communal, a novice Mental Mage would find himself having a hard time joining the party,  though an Adept or Master Mentalist (T4-T5) can easily tell the difference between the two and thus will not struggle


    - Can be warded as any other magic


    -The ranges must be respected carefully.


    Explanation of effect(s):


    Filanir and Ysmay set out to create a simple enchantment together because they wanted to maintain a link between them. After long days of searching they had finally found a gemstone that appealed to their eye but it had a strange appearance.. It were as if two gemstones were stuck to each other, indeed one purple and the other blue.


    They worked together to set the enchantment upon the integrity of the gemstone and when it was done, the bright idea came to them to separate it into two parts. Usually this would terribly harm the quality of the gemstone. As they worked hard to separate the two parts, a sudden flash was emitted… When the light faded, the two crystals laid separated, and Filanir and Ysmay smirked at the sight of their latest creation.


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:


    1 pair of two.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:




    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



  2. 6 hours ago, EPICBEAST6209 said:


    MCName: Irongroot



    Name: Yeulf Irongut


    Reason to Join: I'd wish to expand my connections withing the mage community as well as to further the cause of Magic in the realm


    Please list your Magi Standard (Journeyman, Evoker, Etc): Evoker


    Have you read and understood the Codex: Yes



    "Dear applicant, please send a bird to Filanir Ilmoriel when you wish to meet at the Enchantry fort and undergo an interview."


    *An elegant handwriting would sign the letter..*

    Enchanter Filanir Ilmoriel

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