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Status Updates posted by masonf11

  1. Just a bit of news for you that you may want to prepare your server for is that ToxicApple1, Dragonmaster0219 and Failwhale6666 have all said that they want to DDOS this server, i am not sure if they will do it but still be prepared just incase

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xDK


      So.. What you're saying is that.. 3 of your friends are supposed to DDOS one of the biggest RP minecraft servers out there.. Seems Legit.

    3. Lark


      Temper Tantrum x1000

    4. mmat


      We're all terrified. Really, we're quaking in our boots..

  2. My inner demon, he is screaming at me "TAKE HER NOW!!!"

  3. Why don't the GMs just go ahead and perma ban me now, it will happen eventually anyway, i have lost all of my friends on this server because they were all banned, i see no point in continuing to play on a server that has Staff that are so full of themselves that they think it is fine when they break rules but if other break rules it is bad.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. masonf11


      Just a bit of news for you that you may want to prepare your server for is that ToxicApple1, Dragonmaster0219 and Failwhale6666 have all said that they want to DDOS this server, i am not sure if they will do it but still be prepared just incase.

    3. Demotheus


      We get DDOS'd all the time anyway.

    4. masonf11


      Most of the DDOS attacks that this server gets are from Celestial Dreams members.

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