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Status Updates posted by asianaidan

  1. Are you serious with all those msg server crashed

  2. Can anyone join the server???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. asianaidan


      STILL doesn't work.....

    3. asianaidan


      I joined finally!!!

    4. Erfaron'doldir


      Nah I can't get on the beautiful server to do /seen and then log off.

  3. I am finally out from hospital!!!

  4. I still can't join server .....

    1. Snap Peas

      Snap Peas

      What update is the server on?

    2. Neri


      Server is on 1.6.2 but the Mojang servers are having problems with 1.6.2 servers so many people can't join.

  5. is server fuxed?

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      If you can get on :yes

      If you cant get on :no

  6. Server what hsppen

  7. We will miss you danny :(

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