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Posts posted by SodaiKamikaze

  1. Minecraft name(s): Nalatac_Aicneta


    Skype ID: naltac.aicneta


    Time zone: Central Standard Timezone


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: I have gotten… two forum warnings. I am ashamed.


    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? I am a Mentor!


    What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present)

    Fable 1-3, Demon Souls, Darksouls 1-2, Dragons Dogma, Tak the Power of Juju, Super Mario Sunshine, etc.


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?

    Tiuth Ni’leya
    Ahmad al-Rhadid
    Dared Starbreaker (Inactive) 
    I am willing to sacrifice them all except Ahmad in the name of good roleplay….

    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.

    Probably the Dwarves or the Halflings, rolled with those guys for the longest so I understand their culture and what not. I’ve been hanging about the humans for a while now as well, and I feel that I would be able to cater some events to their tastes as well!


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    Major Flexibility- If someone goes for an eccentric way of figuring out a puzzle or something similar, the event should be able to accommodate what occurred without seeming power gamey or too scripted.

    Mood/Setting- Without the right vibe going on during the event, it all feels cheesy and embarrassing to participate in, meaning that getting the feel just right for each event is a must.


    When was the last time you saw a event?

    The last event that I participated in was TehLulu’s ‘magical’ Grove thing. In my opinion, it was well executed, due to allowing the participants to explore and learn as they wanted, instead of forcing them down a set path.


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?

    I believe that I can contribute to the Event Team with my knowledge of Dwarven and Halfling lore, along with my adaptability. I’m also quite decent at writing if that helps!


    Why do you want to be part of the ET?

    I want to be an Event Team member because I enjoy providing roleplay for people, whether it be in the form of blacksmithing a weapon for them, selling spices, or just by being around to give people a good laugh every once in a while.


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Kai, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

    1) For 1-3 person-

    The Scale of Morality

    An ancient balance beam scale is put up for auction by a mysterious masked woman, selling the item to the highest bidder. Handing over the scale, the woman slips into the person’s hand a slip of paper, giving directions to a pool of water surrounded by trees, along with instructions telling to gather two other close friends. Upon the arrival at the pool of water, the mysterious woman would appear once again, calling for the owner of the Scale to dip  each side into the water. The water going into the ancient weighing device, the balance beam would begin to glow with a bright light, seemingly forcing those around him to be rendered unconscious while their “Souls” appear upon the balance beam. The owner would then be tasked with the question of deciding the fate of his two close friends, choosing one to live, while the other to remain as a soul. Once the owner has made their choice, the illusion would fade, both souls returning into their bodies, leaving the person who had to make the choice realize who it is that is actually more important to him, providing a bit of depth to a person’s character..

    2) For a group of 5-10

    Haunting in the Kitchen​

    In a halfling’s abode, a pantry had been built over the grave of a long gone hobbit, Poncho Rudderwatter. The old and fat man plans to haunt the pantry until his silly wishes are appeased, or until his soul is banished by some form of holy man.

    3) For a group of 20+

    Rock Lice Swarm

    While the races construct their settlements, creatures residing within the earth and rock that was built upon have begun to stir. A flood of the large insect creatures pour forth from underground nests, and need to be culled.

    ((Pvp Fun Time))


    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?

    I plan to stay an ET as long as I believe that I can fulfill my duties, which is to provide fun events for people.

    As for the joke,
    knock knock

    Who’s there?
    Atch who?
    Bless you!

  2. MC name: Nalatac_Aicneta
    Character's name and age: Tiuth Ni'leya, age 155 years old
    Character’s Race: Mali'aheral
    What magic/s did you learn?: Earth Evocation.
    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: He learned basic connection to the void from Cyra (hex37) but then went on to apply his extensive knowledge of stones and earth-like materials into evocation.
    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:
    Earth evocation is based around drawing out stone material from the void.
  3. Name (Mc name in parenthesis after) -  Ahmad al-Rhadid (Nalatac_Aicneta)
    Age - 18 years of age!
    Race -  Qalasheen
    Citizen of Khalestine? - Of course!
    Brief description on who you are and what you currently do -
    I make money at the Burning Bush lounge. I like making money. I am the son of Ebram al-Rhadid, and I am a very skillful merchant.
    Position applying for -  Tajooru
    Why do you wish to take on this position? - Money is one of my favorite things. I can make more money with this position.
    What do you hope to accomplish by taking on this position?- Making many people wealthy, but not as wealthy as myself......
    What makes you qualified for this position?- I make a lot of money. I am good. 
    Anything else you wish to add? - Did I mention I like money?
    Signature here: Ahmad al-Rha@did
  4. Dear Esteemed Friend,


    I wished to extend upon you an offer to travel to the beautiful
    city Al-Dirakh and establish your bookstore there! Currently,
    a magnificent library is being constructed, and I believe it
    would serve you well to be close to where new works of great
    importance would be writ. Should you need space, I can certainly
    provide for you, of course, at a price to be discussed, should we meet in person.

    -Ahmad al-Rh@did

    ((add me on skype at naltac.aicneta !))

  5. Minecraft name(s): Nalatac_Aicneta


    Skype ID: naltac.aicneta


    Time zone: Central Standard Timezone


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: I have gotten… two forum warnings. I am ashamed.


    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? I am a Mentor!


    What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present)

    Fable 1-3, Demon Souls, Darksouls 1-2, Dragons Dogma, Tak the Power of Juju, Super Mario Sunshine, etc.


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?

    Tiuth Ni’leya
    Ahmad al-Rhadid
    Dared Starbreaker (Inactive)
    I am willing to sacrifice them all except Ahmad in the name of good roleplay….

    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.

    Probably the Dwarves or the Halflings, rolled with those guys for the longest so I understand their culture and what not. I’ve been hanging about the humans for a while now as well, and I feel that I would be able to cater some events to their tastes as well!


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    Major Flexibility- If someone goes for an eccentric way of figuring out a puzzle or something similar, the event should be able to accommodate what occurred without seeming power gamey or too scripted.

    Mood/Setting- Without the right vibe going on during the event, it all feels cheesy and embarrassing to participate in, meaning that getting the feel just right for each event is a must.


    When was the last time you saw a event?

    The last event that I participated in was TehLulu’s ‘magical’ Grove thing. In my opinion, it was well executed, due to allowing the participants to explore and learn as they wanted, instead of forcing them down a set path.


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?

    I believe that I can contribute to the Event Team with my knowledge of Dwarven and Halfling lore, along with my adaptability. I’m also quite decent at writing if that helps!


    Why do you want to be part of the ET?

    I want to be an Event Team member because I enjoy providing roleplay for people, whether it be in the form of blacksmithing a weapon for them, selling spices, or just by being around to give people a good laugh every once in a while.


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Kai, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

    1) For 1-3 person-

    The Scale of Morality

    An ancient balance beam scale is put up for auction by a mysterious masked woman, selling the item to the highest bidder. Handing over the scale, the woman slips into the person’s hand a slip of paper, giving directions to a pool of water surrounded by trees, along with instructions telling to gather two other close friends. Upon the arrival at the pool of water, the mysterious woman would appear once again, calling for the owner of the Scale to dip  each side into the water. The water going into the ancient weighing device, the balance beam would begin to glow with a bright light, seemingly forcing those around him to be rendered unconscious while their “Souls” appear upon the balance beam. The owner would then be tasked with the question of deciding the fate of his two close friends, choosing one to live, while the other to remain as a soul. Once the owner has made their choice, the illusion would fade, both souls returning into their bodies, leaving the person who had to make the choice realize who it is that is actually more important to him, providing a bit of depth to a person’s character..

    2) For a group of 5-10

    Haunting in the Kitchen​

    In a halfling’s abode, a pantry had been built over the grave of a long gone hobbit, Poncho Rudderwatter. The old and fat man plans to haunt the pantry until his silly wishes are appeased, or until his soul is banished by some form of holy man.

    3) For a group of 20+

    Rock Lice Swarm

    While the races construct their settlements, creatures residing within the earth and rock that was built upon have begun to stir. A flood of the large insect creatures pour forth from underground nests, and need to be culled.

    ((Pvp Fun Time))

    [i felt that there was nothing really wrong with these events, looking back on them, and as such I’ve decided to leave it as is.]

    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?

    I plan to stay an ET as long as I believe that I can fulfill my duties, which is to provide fun events for people.

    As for the joke,
    knock knock

    Who’s there?
    Atch who?
    Bless you!

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