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Posts posted by SodaiKamikaze

  1. If you're thinking of leaving, the best thing to do is go quietly. That way, if you ever feel the urge to come back, there's not that sense of being a little ***** for going back on what you said and returning.

  2. One Half, Gone: The Death of a Squire



    “How goes your studies,  Uilleam?”

    The words of a trusted man, met with no inkling of suspicion. The young boy gazes up at an idol figure, his usual broad smile kept high upon his childish features.

    “They go very well ser.”
    “... How old are you now, Uilleam? Fourteen?”
    “No, thirteen ser.”
    “Ahh.. A good age, one where adventure is to be had.”


    Odd.. But still, no cause for worry, right? It was he who said that he’d want to witness the young lad transcend into becoming a fully fledged Knight. He wouldn’t hurt him.


    A warhammer is drawn.


    What is going on.. Is there a need for him to wield his weapon? No, no. He wouldn’t kill me. would he? Knights are honourable, chivalrous. There’s nothing honourable in killing  me..


    “What do you think of this warhammer, Uilleam?”
    “I think it is a wonderfully made s-”


    The boy’s words were cut short by a dirk piercing through his spine and throat, jutting out from his young, sinewy flesh. Blood bubbles forth from the wound, the bright red liquid dripping down onto his tabard and soon, the ground near the stables. His arms flail about helplessly, clawing at the gloved hand slapped over his mouth. He tries to speak, to cry out for help, but is all his efforts were masked, made mum by the overbearing hand clamped upon his lips. With nothing but tears in his eyes, Uilleam’s last moments were spent engraving the man he had trusted, who inspired him, into his fading memories. Looking into the eyes of his killer’s accomplice, the small child knew his time had come early, before he had a chance to blossom.


    “I’m sorry.. But we have to keep the peace..”
    “If only you hadn’t been in the middle.. What a fine Knight you would've become..”
    “Rest well, Ser Uilleam..”


    OOC: Alright so, this is indeed a permakill post. Holy ****, great plot dudes, was nice roleplaying with you guys as this character. Damned sure didn't see it coming until it was too late.

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