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Posts posted by SodaiKamikaze

  1. What is your Minecraft Account Name?: Nalatac_Aicneta
    How long have you played on LotC?: A year and some months.
    How many hours per day/week are you available?: All days of the week before 11 o'clock at night and after 10 o'clock in the morning.
    What lore do you know best on LotC: I know Golemancy/Dwarven lore better than any other lore on the server currently.
    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: I am an Event Team member, and I'm not sure if being a Beta Tester is a formal staff position.
    Do you have a Skype account? You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it.  Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team: naltac.aicneta
    Have you ever written any lore for LotC? We are looking for LKs who either know a lot, have a lot of ideas— or preferabl both. So lets see what you have done. If you want a part of the app to pay most attention to-- pick this one : I have not written lore for LotC, though I like to think I know enough and have ideas for things that would fit into LotC. Though not very fantasy-like, I worked with multiple people to write this up. While it may be incomplete, I hope this gives an example of some ideas I'm able to generate.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KL0yxwgwmC87NgwjSt20tSUXXYSaR4EIhsGlNtjhULA/edit
    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, ban or other blacklist if so, please link it: Never in my life, I swear.
  2. MC name: Nalatac_Aicneta

    Character's name and age: Dared Starbreaker, 559


    Character’s Race: Cave Dwarf

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/130861-golemancy-ma-nalatacs-magic-application/?view=getnewpost

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Golemancy


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    Golemancy is the art of using runes and placing them upon stone to create a being bound to your command. The various parts of golemancy include construction of the physical body, the construction of the runic core, and the implementation of runes upon the golem’s body. The core is essentially the heart and brain of the golem, whilst the runes are its nerves. The core is either crafted from magegold and a mortal soul, or thanhium.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    "Le's git tae work, eh?"

    "Yehr finalleh finna teach meh somethin’, yeh damned ol’ bat?”

    "Aye aye. Git some fokin' stone, and git yer tools readeh. " The elderly dwarf paces about, combing a hand through his beard. “T’Only way the learn ‘ow to make a golem es /THROUGH/ makin’ a golem. Yeh go’ t’at?”

    The student pulls out his hammer and chisel with a nod. “Yessir.” He points over to slabs of stone stacked high, "T'ere is sum leftovah stone weh could use." The dwarf sets his tools on the anvil carefully, going to grab two stone slabs.

    Dared scowls darkly, readying his tools with a heavy sigh before squinting at the student.  “Yeh cannae use damaged stone tae forge a golem yeh ignoran’ ****. ‘Ave yeh nae been payin’ a-fokin’-tention to anythin’ Oi say?” He sets his tools aside to place the stone inside of the crucible, heating it to temperatures which would liquify the stone. Upon the stone going into a liquid state, he grasps three iron cast molds, preparing to pour stone into them.

     He dumps the molten stone into each individual mold, quickly scraping off the excess and plunging it into a tank of water to set, the stone rapidly hardening into leg like segments.

    Dared begins to carve upon the stone. ”Oi. Begin tae wurship.” He barks out, shooting a dirty look at the young dwarf. The student would move to the rock, folding his hands in a prayer.  "Yemekar es tae Savior.." he mutters softly, one of his eyes shifting to peek at the elderly dwarf.  Dared's facial expression would be blank, as he picks up his tools. “. . . Hrmph.”  He begins to carve runic lettering around the arm.  Each strike would etch runic markings smoothly into the stone.  The prayer become louder and the strikes become heavier as the young dwarf reads off of a prayer sheet, his hand resting upon the stone Dared is carving.

    He carves the rest of the arm, the student keeping it steady whilst offering praises to the Brathmordakin. Dared stops at the hand piece. Striding away from the table, the elderly dwarf takes a gander at the cooled molds, exhaling as he runs a hand through his beard. “Phrm.”

    Dared forces open the ironcast mold, setting them down upon the anvil and grasping his hammer and chisel. "Narvok oz Yemekar.." He mutters, as he goes to work chipping away at the stone, creating socket holes to place the legs into one another, before finally finishing. He closes his eyes, saying a prayer in silence and opens them, raising his hammer and chisel into the air.

    With each strike from Dared's chisel, a spray of dust rises out of the crevice in each individual rune. As he works his way towards completing the runes upon the legs, the lad utters prayers with intensity until he finishes the leg runes. He grabs both pieces of the legs, fitting them together one at a time until the lower body is completed. The elderly dwarf groans softly, moving over to a chair and taking a seat. “Lad. Take a luuk at tae legs fuhr a fokin’ moment, eh? Trace yehr fingahs through t’ose ruhns.” His expression hardens as he watches the young dwarf move towards the legs. “Dese are tae ruhns t’at provoide the golem wif’ movemen’.. Take care t’at yeh  dunnae fok et up.” The grey dwarf grumbles,  scratching his eyebrow idly. “Oi maynae be tae bes’ instructah, bu’ wit’ toime, yeh’ll get et. Learnin’ through buuks and all t’at othah useless shite will onleh keep yeh frum yehr tru’ potential..”

     His expression brightens as he grins broadly at the lad. “Done runnin’ yehr fingah through tae ruhns? Alroigh, now copeh dis forty toimes. Den we’ll move on tae finishin’ tae rest later.”

    “Don’ gimme t’at. Oi need some shut-ey’.” He chuckles, resting his hand upon his stomach as he drifts off to sleep, snoring.

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