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Posts posted by Sybbyl0127

  1. Mmm, It's a difficult point to make, I'll precede with that.


    As someone who suffers from some mental illness, mostly ptsd and depression, I sort of stand in the middle of it all?


    You see, I've been roleplaying.. oh god like, .. Since I was 12 so, 15 years? But the events that brought on my difficulties didn't happen until 2013, so I can see it from both points of view here.


    Obviously when I roleplayed as a youngin', as you do, you make those characters who are "cool" and "edgy" with multiple personalities, ptsd and whatever else it was we decided they should get from a bump on the head, lol. So I understand what's going through a person's mind [usually] when they decide to roleplay that stuff.


    It would be cool if someone properly roleplayed out the mental illness, but at the same time as someone who experiences it, I don't think Realistic mental illness is a very fun thing to roleplay. And I wouldn't really ever feel like anyone should *have* to do it all that accurately, lighten it up a bit if you'd like to in order to make it more enjoyable, that's totally fine, cuz we're here to have fun. Not adhere to some super strict storyline x)


    However, I also understand to an extent, the viewpoint of the other folks who have experienced those afflictions or know someone who has, who might feel offended by how people roleplay mental illness. However, unfortunately in my own personal opinion I think it's just one of those things that you kind of have to just accept, it's just not very nice to walk up to someone and say "Hey, I don't like the way you're deciding to have fun right now and it offends me" and expect them to stop, 🤷‍♀️


    Now of course not everyone does that ^ , but I've absolutely seen it from a few. The stigma or stereotypes of how mental illnesses are portrayed doesn't come from inaccurate roleplayers, it comes from media & movies / TV shows, so I wouldn't wanna be mad about it *nodnod

  2. 2 hours ago, BongoCat said:

    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    In this section you're supposed to summarize your understanding of Epiphyte Lore itself, not the lore behind your character. However, the lore behind the character is also well written so feel free to leave that there, and just add above it the explanation you can give on epiphyte lore.


    This is to be certain that you've read the lore and understand the redlines and limitations of the CA

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