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Posts posted by Sybbyl0127

  1. Student has been dropped due to going on a hiatus, student will be stuck at T3 transfiguration until another teacher picks them up or their lessons with Suicidium continue, when a slot opens up on their TA.


    If a new teacher is gained or student is put back on Suicidiums TA, feel free to message me to have these changes made to the MA / TA

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             450-500 ish


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Sorvian - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/206997-mart-96-uplift/


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Hareven Lorenthus


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

           Sorvians are a 'race' of constructs, created by someone who is a Sorvian sculptor. These clay constructs are made with a skeleton of particular materials surrounded by a layer of clay. When unanimated [unfinished] the body is just a husk, and they don't become a sorvian until they are animated.


    When the sculptor puts the final piece, the mask, on the sorvian it awakens. The placing of the mask creates some magical affects that brings the sorvian to life. The mask is one of the most crucial parts of the sorvians body, if it were to be cracked or damaged [with at least 3 hits] the sorvian would surely die, losing their ability to maintain sense of self and their body going back to the state of an unanimated husk.


    Sorvians can be revived though. For the average sorvian, the revival process can go a couple of ways. Their sculptor could somehow recover the mask if it is undamaged, and place it on a new husk, doing so would allow that sorvian to revive in the husk, forcing the body to transform to resemble their previous. If the mask can't be obtained or if it is broken, then the sculptor will have to know the sorvian is dead, and recreate their mask as it was, placing it on a new husk. The end result is the same.


    A few important notes about sorvians could be things such as how their injuries to their physical form do not heal or regenerate, they will have to return to their sculptor to get repairs. As well, a sorvians mask will  change or develop in appearance as the sorvian develops, most starting out with a smooth porcelain mask with little to no decoration. As they grow, the mask will gain parts that represent who they are, like a sorvian who is a joker or comedy entertaining might gain purple and green colorations similar to a jester. Or a sorvian that perhaps runs an orphanage and cares for young children, might gain a more soft & doting expression upon their mask.

    [sorvian masks are for all intensive purposes aside from the durability, a porcelain mask, and do not contain dynamic motion. Such as smiling, or otherwise moving at all.]




    Glothir is a relatively normal sorvian, aside from the added portion of the cylinder in his chest, as he was transformed into this body via great effort from his Impera, Hareven Lorenthus.


    Sorvians don't technically have subtypes, but there are also the Sorvian Newts. Teeny little sorvians a sculptor can make, which unlike regular sorvians, cannot speak language.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Glothir appears like any sorvian normally would, though there are some parts of him which set him as an individual from others. Glothir was made with a darker grey colored clay, to match his previous aesthetic as a golem who was consistently formed from Darkened deep mountain stone, rather than materials of lighter colors.


    As well, though it will change in due time as he grows and develops as an entity with feelings and morality, in the beginning his mask will mostly resemble the stone-like, empty expression that he had as golem. As he is not starting out as a fresh undeveloped entity, but rather one with memories, and an old enough golem to have developed a "pseudo-personality" of sorts in his lifetime. Though it is still a new mask for a new sorvian body, and because of this, the mask will remain as a clean white porcelain, unmatching his dark grey body.


    His body was built at about 6'2 in height, and a relatively lean build, not quite like the chiseled masculine features he would consistently be constructed to resemble in his past as Golem.


    He will also be adhering to the following redlines, as per the MArt that was used to create him

    - Including all the weaknesses that Sorvians already incur, Uplift Glothir will also be weak to blows to the Cylinder in its chest, which lacks the durability of the mask and will fell it as if ones heart was damaged.


    - There is no way to revert the process and return Glothir back to a Golem. 


    - Uplift Glothir cannot learn any acts that use soul essence, meaning it cannot be a Sorvian Sculptor, unlike other Sorvians.


    - Uplift Glothir, just like other sorvians, can be revived by a sorvian sculptor as long as they are aware of the necessary chest-cylinder and are able to recreate his mask, revival mechanics will be the same as sorvians as long as the cylinder is included.


    -The Cylinder contains both Golemancy and Sorvian writing. To this end, for Glothir to be restored back into working order, the Crafter must have both Feats, or have two people with one each, when repairing and restoring the Construct.


    -Upon Glothirs awakening, and that of any replications of this process in the future, a loading period begins effect. This translates into weeks of emotions not registering, adjusting to a new body, and coming to grips with new morality and outlook on its past. This instability will last three In-Game years (3 OOC Weeks) and will be heavily affected by its surroundings.


    Examples being: Mood swings, struggles to acclimate to the far smaller and weaker form, strong moral confliction, attention span issues, Construct-Style Body Dysphoria. Memories are no longer rigidly organized and mass confusion might be experienced trying to recall them as it did as a Golem, disassociation under stress. Broadly defined as issues that something strongly non-mortal being shifted into a mortal-mentality would encounter.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             Yes, Glothir is no longer a golem: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/131374-construct-golem-theglassprincess-aka-glothir/#comment-1256371


    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand ov o


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. 1 hour ago, tadabug2000 said:

    Username: tadabug2000 [but a gift for Animewolf0080]
    The Jar you want: Big jug [if the jug is more clear and the rest of the body can kind of be seen] if not, Magic jar, please

    Character's Name: Kin
    Char's Race: Oyashiman Wood Elf
    Front & Back images of the skin: unknown.pngunknown.png


    Also done

  4. 16 hours ago, Moribundity said:

    Username: Moribundity 
    The Jar you want: Magic Jar
    Character's Name: Valindra
    Char's Race: High elf
    Front & Back images of the skin: I’ll send you my namemc but I also have art references that I’ll send to you over discord! ( Morigung-oog#8519 in case I can’t find you)

    Yours is done now too, msg me ur next around for payment

    12 hours ago, Ztrog said:

    Username: Ztrog
    The Jar you want: Alchemy Jar
    Character's Name: Fayneth
    Char's Race: Snow Elf
    Front & Back images of the skin: Fayfrontandback.jpg

    Your skin link is broken, you can send it to me on discord if you need to

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