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Status Updates posted by iKurstee

  1. Greetings!

    Long time, no see, huh? Two years is a long time, and even longer for people who knew me waaaay back when I first came to LOTC.



    If you don't know who I am, my accounts everywhere used to go by "SuperMaxo1000" and, you can still look up that name on this website to this very day. The character that used to be affliated with that particular account went by "Olette Horrosa" and I won't expect any of my old RP buddies (if they're even around anymore) to remember me too well, because I left that old account and LOTC behind YEARS AGO. And, mostly because my old MC account got hacked.


    Nowadays, I go by iKurstee after two years of debating, I did come back to LOTC back in 2014 but, it didn't last for too long.

    Now.... Part of me just came here to visit, mostly to check and see if any of my old buddies are still around.

    (Barry, Alakabam and anyone in the old Skravia town a long time back, I'm looking at you.)


    I have no idea if I want to come back to the server at all, like I said.. this is literally just a walk down memory lane but.. I might think about it, I might think about it... Who knows at this point.


    Anyways, I'll be around. Glad to be back, somewhat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iKurstee


      I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing--

    3. Moochael


      the server literally just got hacked

    4. iKurstee


      OH.. Well.. That's not good.

  2. Just thought I'd... drop by and greet an old friend.

    Though... Heh. It's been two years - I'd be surprised if you remembered me all too well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PraiseTheLord


      I can only imagine how it must be to return after two years.. With all that has changed.


      Welcome back

    3. iKurstee


      Like you wouldn't believe.

      Though.. there are a couple of things that look familiar.


      But, thank you. 

    4. Angmarzku


      Welcome back to 5.0 Axios. :)

  3. Achievement Unlocked: Helped against the Gravens!

  4. Achievement Unlocked: Meredith made a German friend :D

  5. Got my e-mail working annnnnd sent in my application. Now, for the wait. :3

  6. I wish email validation would work :(

    1. DecoLamb


      do you use gmail?

    2. iKurstee


      I do now. Thanks, really helped me out.

  7. So, this is a new account due to the fact that my old one is linked to my previous Minecraft account that got hacked :( Anyway, it's been a while, can't wait to get back into LOTC. - SuperMaxo1000

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