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Posts posted by LatzMomo

  1. I do not mind Defender default. I would prefer PvP of course but I think that Defender default solves a lot of problems, but also creates a lot of problems because it is so complex, and quite easy to manipulate. However, defender default was originally written to cap at five players. (Meaning once the amount of players reaches five, you may call mechanics based combat.) Now, we've taken this number and doubled it. The system was built to work under a different number amount so it was a fair compromise for both parties, and tweaking the numbers hasn't made it better.


    Guard default is gay and complicated.


    RP default is still plagued by the same issues which caused us to change back to PvP default all those years ago, a system which we had used for most of the server's existence with the least amount of issues.


    Doubt there's going to be a change until people start realizing it's god awful for themselves though.

  2. MC Name: LEYD


    Character's Name: Ram


    Character's Age: 100+


    Character's Race: Uruk


    Link to your accepted MA: Link


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Dark Shamanism


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Three Ish'Urkal (Spirit eaters) Sook out Ixli, their patron, and had asked for even more power then Ixli had already given them, Ixli was not amused by the arrogance of his servants, and so he painfully stripped them of their magic, the Ish'Urkal drifted in the Spirit realm for a time, until they came across Leyd (The Spirit of Dominance) and begged him for mercy. Leyd agreed to help them, and gave these doomed three new powers as dark shamans. They could now enslave the spirits, rather then eating them. He taught the shamans to make Isthmus anchors, pillars of black that could hold lesser and greater spirits (Of course defeating a greater would be nearly impossible.) alike against their will. These Isthmus anchors can hold four spirits total, one of them, a specialized spirit, and the other three would be weaker spirits. Isthmus anchors' influence only reach so far, and so to communicate with the anchor across long distances, a shaman must use a Naakt. A Naakt serves as the Shamans main tool for casting this magic and must be both visible, and touched against a shamans skin while in use. Dark Shamans may not cast any other magic while their Naakt is active. A Naakt may not be a part of the Dark Shamans body as it would violently rip the shaman apart with a sort of terrible reaction, however it may be attached to the shamans body, like a ring or other jewelry. Once a Naakt is selected, the item will become the shamans tool, and glow a dark sickly looking color when in use, it cannot be concealed when being used either. These shamans may only use the abilities of four spirits, and only those chained to their anchor at the time. You may summon spirits to kill for their blood, or to enslave for your own use, you must simply make a fake totem to the spirit and chant a few lines in old blah, then invoke the power of Leyd, and the spirit will materialize, and attempt to kill the dark shamans. It will take a form similar to a muyakelg, but twice as strong. Spirit blood is used to make stronger weapons, or one can drink the blood (After it has been blessed by a dark shaman) for various effects although it is highly addictive and will end up killing your character. Instead of killing the spirit, you may dominate it and bind it to your anchor so you may use the spirits power.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Teaching dark shaman younglings about the ritual used to summon spirits in order to kill or enslave. (Written in Blah because that's how my character speaks.)


    "Kuhm, gathuhr round, mi wull blah laht da wahyz ub Burz-zhomo now." Ram sat down by a fire, his youngling students sitting around the fire after him, listening with a dark curiosity.


    "Now. Laht wuhll learn da rituahl uhv zummoning da zpiritz. Laht wuhll learn from ekzperienze now. Fohlow alohng." Ram placed a totem covered in moss and vegetation in front of him and went into a meditative pose.


    "We wull be summoning a lesser zpirit ub Freygoth, a nayture zpirit." he said sternly, beginning to chant in Old blah, his followers joining in with the chant. Ram sat there a moment, a triangle forming behind him and two other students who happened to be across from him, the barrier was impenetrable, and him and the students would feel a drain on their mana. Suddenly the drain ceased, and Ram stood.


    "Draw lahtz weaponhz. Diz iz gonnha be a tough klomp." Ram adjusted his gauntlet, looking around, Ram's students stood after him, adjusting their various weapons.


    Ram invokes the power of Leyd, an otherwordly scream emanated from a body which had begun to form, one composed of various plants and parts of animals, the Nature spirit had begun to form, it let out another deafening cry as the spirit fully materialized.


    The Uruk fought the spirit, it was a hard fought battle, exhausting and difficult, however Ram and the students triumph in the end, they overwhelm the spirit and beat it senseless to near death. When the spirit could no longer fight back, Ram raised his Naakt and began to chant in old blah, it would appear as if the spirit was being vacuumed into the Naakt, it's form twisting and morhping onto itself, the spirit letting out screams of agonizing pain, until it was fully absorbed into the Naakt, and transported into the Isthmus anchor. (This would be an event lasting 45 minutes to an hour and a half.)


    "Agh nowh. We muzt zakrifyze descendants tu tha Anchor zu the zpirit can retain itz powuhr. Go, ztudentz, rezt, agh when latz awayke, peep out fohr zakrifyzes." Ram allows the students to rest, they do so and return with sacrifices. Ram brings these descendants before his isthmus anchor, and draws a blade made from bones, performing a traditional Uruk sacrificial ritual on the students, pledging their souls to his isthmus anchor. (This would probably take the students a few hours to accomplish.)


    "Nuw, lat gruk from experience, lat zhuld hab paid close attention tu what mi hab zhowed lahtz."


    (This lesson is brief, however covers an entire important ritual for the dark shamans, and does so through experience rather than word of mouth.)


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nah


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yah


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nah

  3. MC Name: LEYD
    Character's Name: Ram
    Character's Age: 100+
    Character's Race: Uruk
    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Making Isthmus Anchors
    Teacher's MC Name: Enrohk/DivineJustice
    Teacher's RP Name: Kulgarok
    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nah
    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yah
    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  4. 2 hours ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:


    This event did indeed happen. I remember you specifically, it's still vivid in my mind because I was so shocked at how blatant the metagaming was, and it was one of my last RP fighting encounters.


    The player was indeed powergaming, however he was a new player, and there was no reason to call GM's when we were capable and happy to help the player ourselves. And yes, we did choose to attack him, we did not ask to change to PvP, we were all happy to do a role-play fight at the time, however, this event has changed my outlook on RP fighting with strangers.


    I would be fine with RP fighting normally, but fighting with 8 other players is just aids, especially if you don't know them or if they're mostly or all new players or players who continuously dodge all attacks because they are nimble elves and actions against them are impossible because they're buddy buddy with members of the GM team.


    I never said I should not be forced to RP fight. I enjoy RP fights when it is not blatant meta stall or powergame. I said I should not be forced to RP with eight other ******* players, that's ridiculous and it's not fun. It's too much and it's not the correct direction, people who already dislike PvP fights in the first place are only going to pull their hair out harder when it's a cancerous 9+ RP fight. This isn't going to change their opinion of RP fights, it's going to make it worse.


    You seem to lump me with the rest. You are wrong.

  5. 1 hour ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    Yep, exactly. You chose to attack them. Defenders dont choose to get attacked. Key difference.


    No ones forcing you to rP, because you have the CHOICE to not attack people who will ask you to RP. Defenders dont have that choice.


    Dunno why that's such a hard concept for you to grasp tbh



    RP fights are incredibly long, often boring and neither side wishes to lose. Last time I fought one of the elberu or sirame or whatever they're called, they literally went ninja mode acrobatics level 80 on me. It was not fun at all, he stalled until you and a group of your goons showed up to attempt to bail him out.


    I'll explain the situation for you. I am playing character Artyom Ruric, whom was the current King of Norland, Artyom has dispatched a diplomatic party to the High Elves, he was at the time attempting to gain ownership of the Krag islands from them. (This was during Vege's coalition with the Dwarves which ended with the destruction of Johannesburg.) For one reason or another, there is another diplomatic party of Wood Elves there, we spoke with some of the locals who expressed their distaste with the Welves, they explained they were being a general nuisance. Norlandic diplomatic party makes contact with a single Wood Elf in a far off isolated location away from everything and everyone else. Conversation goes south between two parties, Wood Elven party provokes response from Norlander party with insults and general arrogance, situation elevates into a fight, (Insults slinging back and forth goes physical) Elf player dodges every attack from 5+ players attacking him at the same time, doing incredible acrobatics in full armor (Yes, including backflips.) Player is slightly new, we attempt to help him with the fight in OOC, shortly after Leowarrior shows up with goons in the remote location and attempts to defend his player with diplomacy, diplomacy attempt fails, leowarrior retreats with goons, slinging idle threats as he leaves the new player to his fate.


    The absolute last time I got close to something like an RP fight was when I was playing an Orc, we asked for tribute from the druids, a dedicant provoked the Uruk party I was with (Once again, new player) began to use magic which he did not possess, of course I have never played a druid so I could not accurately say if he was powergaming his magic. (Other Druids attempted to help him, explaining he did not posess magic yet.)More druids logged on, I got into a 1vs1 fight with a druid, who proceeded to dodge my attacks for 3 emotes, the RP fight was stooped there when bunches of them slowly began to log on and trickle in until it was four raiders and four defenders. At this point, it was 30 minutes before a warclaim which we needed to attend. There were eight players, and we needed to go quick, so we decided to default to PvP since eight was the maximum at the time. An arguement ensued, the druids claimed there was two fights going on (Two 2v2's rather than one 4v4.) we explained we (The Uruk side) were only one party so it was in fact a 4v4. The Druids called a GM, one whom I believe was sympathetic to them, and he ruled in there favor, we only had 15 minutes before the warclaim, so we didn't have time for the druids to continue to dodge our emotes over and over, we left. Shortly after, one of the druids became a GM and blacklisted one of our players for that event, something which happened before he was a GM.


    This was the last time I did an actual RP fight, ever since then, the only combat I have gotten was from warclaims. Those are the last two RP fights I was involved in. I have not recently had a single fun RP fight that was not against members of the Event team.


    I could maybe agree with you that RP fights are nice and fun if you yourself did not abuse them to turn situations into your favor. RP fights are often used to meta stall, and it's incredibly hard for staff to get enough evidence to pass judgement. Metagaming is blatant and occurs often. Obvious metagaming probably happens more then once per day, when there should be absolutely none.

  6. This rule is pretty aids. I already said my piece on DPM's thread, but I'll repeat it here. I have problems reading already, but when you have 9 sweaty keyboard warriors all emoting in rapid succession, it's really hard to keep up, and it's not fun at all either. There's not going to be many fun 9 man RP fights on this server. This rule change was very inconsiderate to people with problems reading, and it should have never gone through.

  7. literally a useless plug-in I don't see why people care they don't have access to it, all you have to do is tab out change your skin on minecraft.net and then log out and immediately log back in.


    Like, it's a cool idea, and sure, give it to these higher tiers, but it's really unneeded and sorry to say, but it was honestly a waste of time imo.

  8. MC Name: LeLapin


    Character's Name: Veist


    Character's Age: 420+


    Character's Race: Uruk


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Dark Shamanism


    Teacher's MC Name: DivineJustice


    Teacher's RP Name: Kulgarok


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Ye


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nah

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