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Posts posted by gandalfo

  1. nR3CC4A9laYHdLjQrRn6lKv1pQOD3crEmm2a2uwtpQ7feePMyKqKZYrCiySj3j_JP8v2oJBsNBT7kmHfONaJDUDFGywyr3HIMbyIueK94fms2gmLr-L9rYjg-FbbFwJ8Psig_WdM

    An artist’s rendition of a Kro’Bakk in its natural habitat, a lava lake.



    The Stone Swan



    Kro’bakk, commonly referred to as Stone Swans, are large creatures with titularly stonelike feathers, born of crystalline eggs and found in caverns or any habitat with lava lakes and rivers. These majestic creatures stand at roughly ten feet tall, with an average wingspan of 17 feet. At birth, these creatures are only the size of a small boulder and only reach their maximum size at around twenty years of life. Kro’bakk are very slow creatures as their feathers are made of an almost stonelike material. The stonelike material allows for them to swim freely around lava lakes, however, if they attempt to swim in normal water they will drown. 


    The resemblance to stone goes beyond just color, formed tough and resilient almost exactly like stone, though naturally grown. Their feathers act as a natural armor to the elements and enemies, though when under intensive attack may crack and break off the swan. Their internal anatomy is softer in comparison to their rock hard feathers, a rule of thumb being the deeper into their body the softer it is. Just beneath their feathers is skin that is tough like hide, beneath that a rough flesh that would take twice the effort to cut through. This effect is due to a natural phenomena of the creature, in which over their development they slowly become more hardened starting on their external. This is dubbed colloquially as ‘Stone Disease’, due to its similarity to a dwarven plague rumored to turn miners to stone. This results in juvenile Kro’bakk having much softer feathers, though a light gray in color and rough skin even at youth, and the older ones becoming harder and tougher to kill. If a Kro’bakk lives long enough, it is their Stone Disease that kills them, as at 80 years old the internal anatomy begin to turn rock hard, and the creature becomes less able to move or operate, until over a suffering process of 10 years they finally stop moving, and are entirely petrified. Most Kro’bakk, perhaps fortunately, do not live long enough to suffer this fate, as due to their rarity and lack of many combative capabilities they are often hunted and die before petrification. 



    Typically, these beasts are found within mountainous or volcanic regions, setting up around lava lakes. Kro’bakk are extremely territorial so only one nest is typically found in an area. These creatures prefer creating their nests in remote locations and mineral-rich areas, due to their unusual diet. Kro’bakk consume ores and jewels, the rarer the more nutritious to the beasts. This is theorized to be the purpose of their long necks, to reach greater heights and reach nooks and crannies hiding precious food. Kro’bakk eat a large quantity of mineral food, though can go long periods without feeding, roughly a year.



    Wild Kro’bakk are extremely territorial, chasing away any creatures smaller than itself from its nest, though fleeing from a fight if it knows its in grave danger. Kro’bakk combat their foes through their size and sturdiness, simply charging them or smacking them with their long wings and necks, though the creatures due to their weight are sluggish in movement. Kro’bakk lay crystalline eggs which hatch after a year, after which the parents care for the youth until 15 years of age, when it wanders from its nest to make its own or find a female’s nest.


    Kro’bakk though territorial and cannot be domesticated, can be tamed to live calmly among descendents. The method of taming is simple, though expensive and requires rigorous upkeep else the Kro’bakk become hostile once more. In order to tame Kro’bakk, they must be given a large quantity of ores and or jewels over the course of four years, often leaving it as an offering at a distance else to upset the territorial beast. After the four years, the creature is accustomed to the presence of descendents, and will willingly enter confinement if fed regularly. If unfed it will try to escape confinement, often violently, and return to the closest thing to its natural habitat. Once tamed, the creatures become mostly docile, and will not attack creatures or descendents that come close, and if attacked will simply flee, under all circumstances with the aforementioned exception of confinement without food. Kro’bakk if born among descendents will default be tamed and not frightened by their presence.



    • Kro’bakk may not be used as mounts, they resist being ridden for extended periods.
    • Kro’bakk may not be used by players for any combative advantage, the birds instead fleeing conflict.
    • Kro’bakk eat a volume equal to their size OOC weekly, though can eat up to twice their size.
    • Kro’bakk if not fed OOC weekly in captivity will become violent and try to escape. 
    • Kro’bakk cannot be tamed in captivity, must be tamed over the course of four OOC weeks on their own terms before willing to live in a pen.
    • Kro’bakk if not near a source of lava or equal amount of heat will become restless after an extended period of time.
    • Players may use Kro’bakk in player events, be it hunting or seeking them out to be tamed.
    • A player cannot RP having a Kro’bakk egg without valid RP to take one from a nest.
    • Story Team members may use Kro’bakk in battle nodes to provide rare minerals.



    This lore piece is designed to create more flavor for caverns, primarily dwarven but other communities are welcome to use it as well. It can provide player events as well as generate RP of caring for them.



    @Nooblius, for helping clean up and write part of this lore.

    @sneakybandit, for helping come up with the original idea for this lore.

  2. OHYTc4t.png

    Edition #28


    Dwarven Witches Spotted Patrolling Urguan


    Be careful readers of the DNN! For a group of dwarven witches has been spotted patrolling the Urguani lands that have turned blue. You are advised to not travel alone and stay away from these lands at night. The Urguanian vassal city of Vasiyeva has been completely desecrated. The surrounding lands have been attacked by some sort of dark force, and the city itself is abandoned. No official report has been given by the Grand King or his advisors, and many are unsure of why and what has happened. Officials tell the DNN that initial reports say that the Dwarven witches may be behind this.


    Jorvin Starbreaker Called Before International War Crimes Tribunal


    Jorvin Starbreaker’s attorneys, Irongrinder, Irongrinder, Irongrinder, Irongrinder, Irongrinder & Sons Law Firm have told the DNN that a supposed War Crimes Tribunal led by none other then High Prophet Norli Strarbreaker have summoned Jorvin and his defense team before the tribunal. Jorvin Strarbreaker and his legal team have told the DNN that they believe this is a targeted hit by his archenemy Norli and does not believe that slaughtering seventy-eight orc babies is a war crime. Jorvin’s legal team has stated that Urguan has no actual laws against war crimes and that the clergy does not have the legal authority to prosecute war crimes either.


    Idiot Starbreaker Falls Down Hole


    Idiot Norli Starbreaker fell down a hole. His doctors have told the DNN he may have become brain damaged from this incident.

  3. OHYTc4t.png

    Edition #27


    Old Dwedmar Collecting Seashells


    Dwarven Hero, Zahrer Irongrinder, was spotted collecting seashells. His relative, Darek Irongrinder was also spotted helping Zahrer gather them. The DNN moreover believes that Darek was ensuring that the old dwarf does not fall into the water, as he is not sure if Zahrer can swim or not in his old age. Sources tell the DNN that ever since his release from the Urguani Retirement Home, Zahrer has taken up the hobby of collecting seashells. They say that it is strange that he has picked up this hobby as he has never been spotted doing it before in his life. This is the second time this stone month that this dwarven legend has been spotted.


    Dwarven Arena Open, Games Tomorrow


    Local Goldhand, Gildroc has been appointed as Gamesmaster of the Arena by orders of the Grand King of Urguan, Ulfric Frostbeard. This news has excited many within the Urguan state as there has not been much to do recently. More surprisingly, the first games within the Arena will be held the next stone day from now ((10/29 at 5 PM EST)). The victor of the tournament shall be declared the Grand Champion, along with the benefits that the position holds. For more information, one is advised to contact Gildroc Goldhand ((UnusualBrit)) and come to the games at the Grand Arena.


    Balek Irongut Spotted


    Dwarven legend and architect behind Kal’Darakaan, Balek Irongut has been spotted wandering the roads of Urguan once more. Notably, the old legend has aged quite a lot in his disappearance from Urguan. The DNN noted that he was seen walking quite slowly around, along with his beard appearing even more white than usual. Upon hearing the news of Balek’s return, High Prophet Norli Starbreaker gasped and continued on with his day.

  4. 1 hour ago, Elite_Snipes_ said:


    A dwarf would note that none of these people are being made heroes outright with this declaration, only that they had actions worthy of recognition, and some of them might become heroes.

  5. OHYTc4t.png

    Edition #26

    Nurse Leaves Gate Open to the Retirement Home


    It appears that Nurse Ulfric Frostbeard and his caretakers accidentally left the gate to the Urguani Retirement Home open. Elderly dwedmar such as Fili Grandaxe, Kalviin I., Darek Irongrinder, and former Kings, Atandt Irongrinder, Zahrer Irongrinder, and Fimlin Grandaxe showed up in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. The Urguanian community was shocked at the appearance of the old guard. It’s said that the dust on Zahrer’s beard was so thick that Lord Chancellor Azkel Frostbeard passed out from inhaling it. Many a dwed ignored Fili Grandaxe as he ranted something about Indagolof and the glorious olden days of Urguan. A grand feast was held where thousands of minas were spent and many dwarves passed out from the great celebration. High Prophet Norli Starbreaker reaffirmed the Heroship of Zahrer for his great actions in the Urguani community.

  6. The Wronged: Lord Atandt Irongrinder


    The Assailant: Oliver Renault and Joseph Brandt


    The Wrong: Mismanagement of troops and men directly leading to the stabbbing of Lord Atandt Irongrinder while he was working on a boat at Tor’Sjorvath. 


    Date of Wrongdoing: Year 45, of the Second Age


    Terms of Settlement: The extradition of the men responsible and 500 minas.

  7. OHYTc4t.png


    Edition #25: Election Special


    DNN Projects Ulfric Frostbeard as Next Grand King


    The Dwarven News Network is ready to project that Ulfric Frostbeard will become the fifth Grand King of the Fourth Grand Kingdom of Urguan. DNN reporters and election experts have  been polling dwarves over the course of the election and found the following:


    • The Grimgolds support Alaric Grimgold

    • The Majority of all other surveyed clans supported Ulfric Frostbeard.


    Therefore, it is expected at the council meeting that Lord Regent Chancellor Azkel Frostbeard will announce that the winner is Ulfric Frostbeard. Ulfric Frostbeard's victory in the election is also historic. It is the first time since the dissolution of the Third Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the multiple Frostbeard Rebellions that the elder clan of Frostbeard shall once more sit on the Obsidian Throne. The last Frostbeard Grand King was Algoda Frostbeard, more than 250 years ago. 


    It is also expected at the upcoming Council that the date and time of the new Grand King’s coronation should be announced. 


    This concludes the DNN Election special.

    May the Brathmordakin help guide the new Grand King, Ulfric Frostbeard.


    Also, Tree People are not real dwarves.

  8. OHYTc4t.png

    Edition #24: Dwedsmas Special


    How to Properly Celebrate Dwedsmas!


    Dwedsmas Anvil


    Dwedsmas Trees? Dwedsmas Stockings? No, Simply no. The correct way to properly decorate and to receive your gifts from Jesus Silverbeard, is to put up your Dwedsmas Anvil! The Dwedsmas Anvil can be put up in any location in your home or clan hall, it does not matter, as long as the flame is lit on your anvil Jesus Silverbeard will deliver your gifts. Local dwarven traditions say it is necessary to kiss your Dwedsmas Anvil in order to properly bless it. 


    Dwedsmas Apparel


    Onto your Dwedsmas apparel, there is no set in stone holiday apparel. However, for the past several Dwedsmas’, many Dwedmar have been seen both wearing a custom made Dwedsmas sweater. It is said that four Dwedsmas’ ago, Pargaon Hogarth Irongut was wearing his Dwedsmas sweater when a rock fell from the ceiling onto him and he was only saved because of his Dwedsmas sweater. Since that point, most dwedmar chose to wear that as their primary holiday clothing. Additionally, some Dwedmar choose to wear a red and white Dwedsmas hat to honor the upcoming Pargaon Kjellos Day.


    Dwedsmas Meal

    Common mistakes that Dwedmar makes on Dwedsmas is the meal. The largest mistake that they make is going out and getting some kind of boar or cow in order to serve a nice Dwedsmas meal. However, Jesus Silverbeard decreed on the first Dwedsmas that the traditional Dwedsmas meal is to find and kill some random stranger's pet, as that is the tastiest meat a person can find. Common pets that people make on Dwedsmas is a nice Elven parrot and or dolphin. 


    Dwedsmas Songs

    The DNN has chosen to include some Dwedsmas songs, these are obviously not all of the Dwedsmas songs that exist, however this is meant to simply spread some of the classics.


    O’ Dwedsmas Anvil: 

    O’ Dwedsmas Anvil, O’ Dwedsmas Anvil

    Boi how thy iron glistens!

    O’ Dwedsmas Anvil, O’ Dwedsmas Anvil

    Boi how thy iron glistens!


    Not only in the forges!

    But even in the deep halls thy prime!

    O’ Dwedsmas Anvil, O’ Dwedsmas Anvil

    Boi how thy iron glistens!


    O’ Dwedsmas Anvil, O’ Dwedsmas Anvil

    Much pleasure doth thou bring me!

    O’ Dwedsmas Anvil, O’ Dwedsmas Anvil

    Much pleasure doth thou bring me!


    O’ Dwedsmas!


    Zahrer Got Ran Over by an Dragon:



    Zahrer got ran over by a dragon


    Walking home from our hold Dwedsmas Eve

    You can say there’s no such thing as Kjellos

    But as for me and Darek we believe

    He’d been drinking too much dwedsnog

    And we begged him not to go

    But he forgot his medication

    And he staggered out the door into the snow

    When we found him Dwesmas morning

    At the scene of the attack

    He had dragon claws in his forehead

    And incriminating Kjellos marks on his back


    Zahrer got run over by a dragon


    Walking home from our hold Dwedsmas Eve

    You can say there’s no such thing as Kjellos

    But as for me and Darek we believe


    Sponsored by The Tinker-Beard Company! Your Best Source of Dwedsmas Gifts & Accessories! Find us in the DwedCorp Mini-Mall along with Kazrin's Konstructs and other wonderful companies!


    Sponsored by Clan Irongrinder! Clan Irongrinder is currently recruiting new dwedmar into the clan, please seek out Darek Irongrinder 



  9. OHYTc4t.png

    Edition #23

    Ram Ranch Explosion


    Breaking News and DNN Exclusive! Apparently the major dwarven farm, Ram Ranch, has exploded in a terrible incident. Ram Ranch is officially owned by the dwarven mega corporation, DwedCorpTM. DwedCorpTM spokespeople have officially come out and stated that the Ram Ranch incident was not caused by the company themselves but instead by rogue human bioterrorists. The farm is the major food source for the nation of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and major food shortages are expected to happen with a possible depression in the economy. The Grand Legion under Dimlin Irongut has announced restrictions for entry in and out of the capital along with quarantines around the Ram Ranch area and possibly the Heffrum village. Top dwarven scientists have announced that a fungus disease is being spread by the explosion and warning that possible symptoms include paralysis, hallucinations, nausea, and muscle weakness. However, a possible cure for the disease has already been discovered which includes swallowing a bucket of lava or incredibly hot rocks.

  10. OHYTc4t.png

    Edition #22


    Scales to Be Melted Down!


    Breaking News! Grand Elder Arch-Runelord and future Paragon, Zahrer Irongrinder, has announced his intentions to the Irongrinder Clan on melting down the Scales of Tungdil! Clan Elder Zahrer Irongrinder stated that the priceless artifact was doing nothing except collecting dust on an old bookshelf in a far away hidden location. Clan Irongrinder is now having an internal voting poll with what to actually melt the scales down into, with DNN reporting that the option of a weird type of ring in the lead with 48 percent of the vote. After the official vote ends, Zahrer Irongrinder intends on calling his closest kin to his home so they can participate in a very old dwarven ceremony of converting an item in jewelry. DNN reports that this will be the end of the scales after they were first handed directly to Zahrer Irongrinder by Urguan himself with them being blessed by Jesus Silverbeard.

  11. OHYTc4t.png

    Edition #21


    Utak Ireheart Abdicates

    Grand King Utak Ireheart, resigned from Grand King recently. After having a long tenure the dwarf decided it was time to hang up the hat and let the Fourth Grand Kingdom of Urguan have a new leader. Some dwedmar expressed to the DNN that it came at no surprise believing that he was planning on abdicating after the Grand Kingdom of Urguan defeated the nation of Krugmar however Utak reigned for a few years after and reinstated a new version of the Articles of Urguan. Charles “the Bald”, Jorvin Starbraker, and Dorinmur Goldhand were all nominated to be the successor to Utak Ireheart and to be the first dwarf elected Grand King of the Fourth Grand Kingdom.


    Urguan Election Polls


    The DNN went out and asked over 20 dwedmar in the Grand Kingdom who they planned on voting for. According to the first DNN Grand King Election Poll, Jorvin Starbreaker leads the open race with 56.2 percent of the vote. He leads the next highest candidate, Charles “The Bald” by 28 points. Charles “The Bald” has 28.1 percent of the vote. The Goldhand candidate, Dorinmur Goldhand, has just a small 4.5 percent, however, Undecided voters were at 11.2 percent putting the election wide open with the top two contenders for the race being Jorvin Starbreaker and Charles “The Bald”. The poll has an error rate of ±3.

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