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Posts posted by Gnomemancy

  1. MC name: AgnusDei


    Character's name and age: Alder Tundrak,  240


    Character’s Race: Elf


    What magic/s did you learn?: Monk Magic


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Alder learned from Monk Spike Vondar and Monk Yohei.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Alder learned t5 Monk Magic from both individuals. Soul Magic allows for the repair of a mortal descendant by reversing damage done to the body using the soul as a blueprint. Monks must meditate very often to keep connection to the Celestial Triumvirate (Rellenia, Tariel, and Keldrith). When a monk seeks to heal an individual he prays to the patron that chose him, invoking their name. A light would come forth from their staff or hands and would work on reversing damage done to the individual. ((Monk Magic can only reverse damage up to 1 week old))


    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype: I was a student of the current/past two Elder Monks


    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: No

    Old App



    Name: Gamin Ambertoe

    Age: 29

    Race: Halfling

    Allegiance (Current nation of residence): Halflings

    Past Military Experience: No such experience

    None-Military Experience/Skills: Trained in using wit in combat


    OOC information

    MC Name: AgnusDei


    Skype Name (Used for updates, news and information): baron_von_dietz


    Teamspeak is a required tool for battles and major events, it is recommended that you at least download it.


    Do you plan to make this character one of your primary?: Ye

  3. kafanov_flask.jpg


    Previous story:




    Beros Oathcast and Prohan would descend down into a newly renovated lab in the island of former Destati. The lab would be under a tall tower, with many small repairs. An old laboratory that Beros knew about, one once belonging to another alchemist, one named Elvira. At the center of the room, there was a pool of still black liquid, covered by a thick layer of glass, and a solid iron lock. It wasn’t long until their conversation topic changed to that liquid.


    Beros would take a deep breath as he makes his way down the steps looking over the lab  “You have done well.”


    Prohan: “The centerpiece… the most important…” he looks down at the motionless black liquid


    Beros turns from time to time looking over the various regents before his attention is drawn to the pool, he would stand to the side peering down into the black liquid “Hrm…”


    Prohan: “The Cloud Temple has the pool of life and death… This one is like both combined.”


    Beros would smirk “I quite like that.”


    Prohan moves from the center to one of the corners, looking through the many bottles

    “You can take some of it, I just ask that you wash yourself very well before descending. Even your breath has to be clean… it is that important of a potion…”


    Beros: “Well, I only wish for a vial full of the liquid but if you would like for me to clean up before gathering it I could.” he takes a step closer shaking his head slightly as he looks into the pool.


    Prohan picks up a vial of a very white color “The potion… concoction… it allows the creation of… let's call it a living being. This being is able to recreate itself.”


      Beros would narrow his eyes looking up to Prohan


    Prohan “Living, is a wrong word for it, more of…” he turns to Beros “It grows and recreates by itself…” he grins a bit “Place a powerful pure symbol inside, and it uses the full potion to create more of it. It stops if there’s nothing around to use of course.” he says walking towards Beros. “More of it, from everything around.”


    Beros would smack his lips as if he had a bad taste in his mouth “How long have you worked on this brew?” he would question looking in again


    Prohan: “Night and Day…” he stops close to Beros “I could find good ingredients around here.”


    Beros: “Vailor’s Isles seem to have quite the strength.” He says as he takes a deep breath once more, looking behind him noticing some eyes on a shelf. A deformed red eye, clearly not from a descendent, and another one, with a green iris. Both eyes, appearing to stare at the two alchemists talking in the center of the room.


     Prohan would then hand Beros a white vial instructing him to drink it after he has cleaned himself off.


    Beros would wash himself outside and then would wander back in ready to collect some of the black liquid.When inside, he would drink the white liquid... peculiar, it would taste like nothing, even water had more taste. The door to the lab is then closed by Prohan.


    Prohan: “You said I looked like another alchemist once, correct?”


    Beros: “Yes, Daniel was his name, he was a wise mate. I have not seen him since Athera though, he is probably long gone now.”


    Prohan: “I researched him a bit more… since everyone kept confusing me for him. Found an old laboratory, in ruins, with some of his research and ingredients.”


    Beros: “And what was he last working on, the old bugger?”


    Prohan: “He was quite remarkable, so much of what I did here, was because of his notes. It came to be that he had a thought… about how to extend his life.” he leans down and opens the trapdoor to the pool. No smell coming from inside, and the liquid stood unremarkably still.


    Beros would frown with a nod “Many a Human have come to me with that question, many long since gone.”


    Prohan: “He believed that he could not reach his whole body from the outside, nor only from the inside. He created a recipe for two liquids that would attract each other… and when together would create a new result… a powerful healing result. ”


    Beros would not respond as he would look to the trap door, then to Prohan


    Prohan motions to the trapdoor “You can go when ready.”


    Beros would nod taking out a vial moving to the side


    Prohan: “He believed that Earth would be the best to use for such a potion. Resilience… I took a different approach.... could I take a look at that vial?” he says starting to stare at it.


     Beros would peer down for a moment, and then would hand him his collection vial “Sure…”


    Prohan takes the vial and looks inside it and around it “Oh no… this can’t be… far too unclean…” he shakes his head and sets up the vial to the side.


    Beros: “Are you sure…. I usually keep a pretty clean vial….”


     Prohan: “Something peculiar would happen with the liquid inside such a dirty vial…” he moves a bit and points inside standing just next to Beros, looking down at the liquid, leading the gaze of the dwarf to it as well.



    Prohan: “How peculiar how an air based potion can be so… black… does it not?”


    Beros: “Er… well, did you add enough reagent? I am use to light blue… or white concoctions.”


    Prohan: “It is only half the potion….” he says as he moves to grab hold of the backside of Beros’ neck. The dwarf would feel the hold, the hand cold, ruff… like moving dirt was gripping his neck.“ The other half.... pure white….” Prohan says as he tries to force throw him inside the container.


    The Old Dwarf with his footing rested on the ledge would make an easy plunge into the shoot, flailing as his hand would ketch the side glass allowing him to hold on… he would make out a “Grah!” as he still holds on, facing Prohan


    Prohan looks down at him, reaching for his hand now, the grip unnaturally firm and ruff. The man that looked so much like an old known friend, now holding the dwarf’s hand, controlling it, deciding when he would fall into that unknown liquid.


    Beros “What are you doing!”


    Prohan: “This…. Daniel… Rosso.. he was quite smart…. inside and outside….” A grin was on the being’s face, his only eye looking around as he thought of the potion.


    Beros would flail to the side trying to prop his foot on the wall


    Prohan “He needed everything to come together… it…. worked… in a way…. He got much younger... his body did.... have to change….”


    Beros would pause as he gains his footing “Who are you?”


    Prohan: “I don’t remember how it all changed… I don’t know if he was in pain…”


    Beros grinds his teeth as he is oddly stuck in position


    Prohan: “You’ll have to tell me that… Because a liquid coming from inside your body… while another presses from the outside…” he then whispers “It sounds painful….”


    Beros would widen his jawline as he shrieks reaching around to escape


    Prohan: “You’ll be reborn anew… either like me… or like one of those you created…”


    Beros shouts “You’re a madman!”


    Prohan tries to twist the hand of Beros, to try and let him fall inside - he continued whispering - “And you’re a disposable mortal.” he grins at him. “Be reborn as my brother.”


    Beros would cling to the side, his old muscles giving out as he is sent down the shoot screaming one word “[hidden] ”     


    MC Name: AgnusDei


    IC Name: Beros Oathcast -> Lotho


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Dwarf


    Transformed Form: Homunculus:  Doppelganger


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: ((Jistuma)) Prohan


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Creations of Alchemy.


    Homunculi are constructs created from alchemy, they are formed from a dead or living body. There are three types of Homunculi; Deviants, Fiends and Doppelgangers. Fiends are filed with tumors and die quickly. Deviants look more humanoid, but their skin color is still all wrong, and they still have a few tumors and die, but not as quick as Fiends. Doppelgangers look completely normal, they have the same skills, but no memories of the person that died to make the Doppelgangers. A PK is required to make one. Their personality and physical attributions are comparable to the symbol of their creation. In Lothos' case, Air would give speed and the personality would be of higher intelligence (smart). The weaknesses consist in the face that they don't actually get hurt the same was as mortals (Blood and the like doesn't really exist), gold harms them more, and they have extreme weakness to the element that they are weak against, in the case of air, fire.


  5. MC Name: AgnusDei

    IC Name: Bordak

    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: n/a

    Transformed Form: Troll

    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: n/a

    Original App: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134811-ca-troll-javawizard/


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Trolls were natives to the land of Anthos, long did they live there in forests and freezing mountain caves. For many years Trolls lived in small packs  or clans in the land of Anthos stealing tools from one another and hunting. They have only one purpose: to survive, and survive they do - in what others think of as extremely harsh environments- ; such as caves. Trolls have thick Hyde as well as scattered hair patches which keep them warm and safe from the effects of the cold. They are known to carry around primitive clubs and use trees for fighting. Since the introduction of Descendants, Trolls have slowly been adapting to life with them present. Because of this adaptation Trolls have learned to speak common and carry out tiny conversations, yet are not seen as the brightest of creatures, often the most dim in fact. Trolls avoid the sun at all costs, during the day they stay within the confines of caves, or find refuge in a dense forest. The reasoning behind this is that a Troll's skin can petrify when struck by sunlight, this event greatly pains them. Trolls typically do not live in big communities due to their argumentative nature, they will usually be spotted in groups of one to three. Bordak the Troll founded his family; the Mudstones, with his Wife Barundina in a cave atop the Dwarven City of Kal'Agnar at the beginning of Athera. Since then Bordak and his mate raised two sons; Groot, the first, and Vordak, the second. After coming to the Isles of Vailor the Trolls set up a cave home near the Dwarven City of Kal'Akash, but have recently migrated north east in search of more private land away from descendants.


  6. *A gold envelope would be sent to many of the Canon diocese, inside a thesis relating the faith and the art of brewing would be contained*


    Along tens of years being a Brewer, I have constantly paused and reflected on the mere softness and care needed when performing the art. While I studied with the aged Orenian Alchemist, Solomon I heard his praise of the art and it’s power in showing the balance of GOD.


    Brewry is an art that requires extreme dedication, and through this dedication and adherence a final product; pure and perfect is rendered. The relationship between the pure and perfect creations in brewing mirror those of the pure and perfect lives we must live to move on to the Seven Skies, free of the Heresies which lead us away from the fullness of the holy power within the Church.


    GOD is our Brewer and we are his creation, the art of  brewry can be viewed as the tool he uses in his infinite power and glory to create us. We are perfect, we are the creation of GOD therefore we are the perfect rendered concoction of his Holy and merciful hands. We received a similar form of  creative power at our birth, when we were born we were given the power to make choices these are choices of good, or those of evil. The pure choices added into the cauldron of our lives displayed the likeness of the Almighty Creator, while the poor or evil choices we made, that went against our faith displayed the weak and impure reagents included in our lively creations.  


    It is the moral duty of the Church to lead us on the right path to the Seven Skies, as it is the duty for a book of recipes to lead you to a complete creation. Although it is the duty of the church, the recipe can only be followed by those who spend their time dedicated  to perfecting their lives in accordance to the Church. So it is above all things of great importance to adhere to the faith of the Church of the Canon, to allow it to be our recipe book as we make decisions and choices that will affect the outcome of our lives.


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