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Status Updates posted by benpowell123

  1. With it being almost ten days, my daily ritual consists of waking up, checking my appeal, browsing the forum a bit, and then going to work, Before coming back, checking it again, and then chilling. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. benpowell123


      I've got a.. complicated ban.. It requires an admin vote, or that's what I've been told. I don't mind, Patients is key.

    3. Dreek


      maybe they'll look upon it in a better light w/ your dedication to the server even tho ur banned

    4. Dreek


      good luck matey

  2. I remember.. Seizing Sevantis, THEN petitioning to oren for food. That was a fun day,

    1. benpowell123


      For all those that don't know, We put in the warclaim, and gathered an army within 12 hours, and won by a landslide.

  3. You know, I don't actually mind having to wait for a verdict, I'm more bugged that i've seen every film on netflix.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sambosefus
    3. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Orange is the new black every episode?

    4. benpowell123


      ONB Sucks.. But still watched it

  4. How many members do we have in the admin team? I've only ever seen 4

    1. AGiantPie


      Tythus, Kai, Rittsy, Viper, and Urasept.

  5. Ode the joys of having a Difficult ban, Five days now, Mind you, I've not been told of for status updating and creating skins for people, Inbox me for a skin!

  6. Quite suprised to know my appeal has 7 likes. ^^

  7. ALRIGHT! so I've done my fourth skin today. Anybody else want to try m'skins? Inbox me! [ Just passing the time. ]

    1. benpowell123


      So far today, I've done mine, burksters, King chaos's, and GanonLosesAgain's.

  8. Roight, I'm quite tired, back from London, if you want a unique, never to be uploaded anywhere but in inbox / skype , inbox me.

  9. Third skin down, won't be doing anymore until I'm back, but if you -Do- want a skin, feel free to inbox me!

    1. benpowell123


      Ahem, Back from london, but Again, completely free off charge, Infact if you want a more able direct involvement in your skin, add my skype at benpowell987 and we can talk further there.

    2. benpowell123


      Also, my skype, just incase my appeal is unsuccessful and they close my account before I am back.

  10. Two skins down, one more to go, Inbox if you want a skin, doing them until 4GMT and then maybe after i've been london

  11. Feel like there's no point to sleeping when I'm up in 4 hours.. Does anybody want a skin made? Inbox me.

  12. I have a sudden inpatients to the residence of the house next to me, Singing and dancing atop their voices at 12 AM. A party is a party, but it'd be better if between all of them, they could sing properly.

    1. Arkelos


      Call the cops if its too loud. Noise complaints are a thing.

    2. benpowell123


      I know, but on a normal day, the family is quite nice.

  13. Congratulations on my boy Roy on Trial.

  14. Updating my ban appeal

  15. Anyway Mon'frere's ( is that how you say it? ) Wish me luck on my appeal, I cannot write anything else on the forum!

  16. I'm A Goofy Goober! Rock!

  17. Validated, Thank you to Roy and Moogles for your help!

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