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Everything posted by TheEpicMoney

  1. Should I do LOTC as a video series on my YouTube channel?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      A couple people have managed to make it interesting, so yo could try it!

    3. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      If you do 'em right- they can be really fun to make.

      Just... dont have looping music- if you're gonna have music, get some varied tunes.

    4. Munch


      The only thing that I have had success making were battle videos, but then again they aren't for everyone.

  2. I'm hoping to see some new factions in the new islands

  3. I'm hoping to see some new factions in the new islands

  4. I'm not on the server much but that will change soon!

    1. xenenxnennxnx


      Hope to RP with you! :)

    2. StevenQuick


      I'm not on the server much but when I am... I rp moderately.

  5. ((MC NAME)): TheEpicMoney ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): I don't have skype or teamspeak. I hope this doesn't matter Name: Kiron Hallard Age: 21 Reason for signing up: Adoros asked if I wanted to join Weapon of choice: iron sword (or any sword) Previous combat experience: if you mean on the server none but I do have PvP experience and I can RP fight Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): I'm a wanderer right now Any Questions: none
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