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Everything posted by Playaslaya56

  1. Yes, but a lengthened day night cycle would benefit everyone also by increasing mob spawns.
  2. The day/night cycle on LOTC is very favored to day loving creatures(Elves, humans) but is entirely unfair to races who are not fond of sunlight (Trolls, ghosts). What I am proposing is a much needed event that will end with a possibly lengthened night. How I am planning it is the Trolls, Gravens and such will recruit an extremely powerful mage who may be able to lengthen the night. The mage(Rp-ed by a admin or ET) will request an object or such that is in control of a heavily human/elven place(Possibly Petrus). Lets say the city chosen is Petrus, this would create a direct conflict and rivalry between the two groups. The event would not be much battle as much as possible strategy to get the object(A crystal or something). If the object is recovered then the mage would be able to cast the spell to lengthen the night. This is an EXTREMELY rough draft and it would be appreciated for you guys to discuss this in the thread, I do not plan on having a large role in this event as my persona is just a Spectre but this is just an idea. If you like this message me or add me on skype(Steven.reese32) so we can discuss. EDIT: The T in the title should be capitalized.
  3. The night on this server is incredibly short, I was wondering being that I RP as I spectre and a troll both of which are incredibly weak in the sunlight. If not an increased night is there anything a ghost can do to be more able to walk around in the day.
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