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Status Replies posted by AC

  1. So how would you feel that special ability only your character and his friends has was suddenly accessible to everyone else?

  2. Can someone explain the martial law that protects the stone road or whatever? Haven't been able to find a post for it.

  3. give us non-deity based healing or give us death!

    1. AC


      Magic is cooler than poking people with needles!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Is MPM still a server thing? If so what version of minecraft and MPM?

  5. Is there any way to transfer my VIPdom to my alt?

  6. im just a dad on the internet having a great time

  7. Ready to dive into the world of LotC! Lets go!

  8. im just a dad on the internet having a great time

    1. AC


      Tell us a dad joke or I wont believe you.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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