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  1. (( I would prefer all who want to apply do it on this thread, rather than via message. It shows the community the amount of people we have and makes it less messy. ))
  2. Accecpted. You will be contacted shortly and assigned to a captain.
  3. (( The Order is being discontinued, most likely permanently, due to attacks, political and physical, and assassinations. We sincerely apologize. ))
  4. http://gyazo.com/decd412df275fe6deea5fbbcd944a3fd Petrus internatial fair. You can see the Werdenberg and Petrus peeps.
    1. Jarek2


      Totally spelled national right.

  5. That moment when you IM your parents not to meta where you are. LOTC IS BREAKING MEEEEEE

  6. Wikipedia definition of Carrion - Carrion refers to the dead and decaying flesh of an animal. Carrion is an important food source for large carnivores and omnivores in most ecosystems. Examples of carrion-eaters include vultures, hawks, eagles, hyenas, Virginia opossum, Tasmanian devils, coyotes, Komodo dragons, and burying beetles. Many invertebrates such as the burying beetles, as well as maggots of calliphorid flies and flesh-flies also eat carrion, playing an important …

  7. CEDRIC EITH'EL GENERAL INFORMATION Full Name: Cedric Nomtenn Eith'el Nicknames: Ced Year of Birth: 1441 Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Health: Supreme APPEARANCE Hair Colour: Brown-Red Eye Colour: Sky Blue Tattoos/Markings: 3 parallel, long, large scars on his back. Height: 6 feet 2 inches Weight: 234 lbs. Skin: Fairly tan. Further Details: Cedric is tall and muscled, from long days of slavery as a child. He has fairly handsome features, but rarely smiles. PERSONALITY General Personality: Cedric is grim. His childhood permanently scarred him. He was forced to work the fields and labor heavily for days, with starvation rationing. (The only reason he lived, and is well-built, is due to his family smuggling fruits from the slaveowner's orchard into their quarters.) He, however, will defend the innocent, and believes in justice... no matter how cruel 'justice' can be. Flaws: Cedric absolutely despises the high elves (see why in Cedric's Timeline). He turns into a volcano when around one, ready to erupt at the slightest poke. His grim mood also drives away companions. Strengths/Talents: In the rare occasions when he IS social, Cedric has a way with words. If he wants to, he can build someone up, or absolutely cut them down. He is also very skilled in persuasion. (Find out why in backstory.) FAMILY Parents: Wren [Mother, born 1371, died -] and Acculus [Father, born 1369, died 1456] Eith'el Siblings: Intec Eith'el [brother, born 1478] Pets: Due to his little companions... Cedric befriends animals. He has a betafish named Bill. CEDRIC'S TIMELINE 1441 ~ Cedric is born into a Wood Elven family enslaved by High Elf landowners. The conditions were harsh, and labor constant. They were given starvation rationing, but maintained good health by secretly eating some of the owner's crops and vegetables they harvested, for their own survival against the High Elf slaveowners. 1448 ~ Another enslaved family finds a crate of 17 language, history, and government books that had fallen from a passing carriage. By the time they recovered it, the carriage was out of sight. As reading was the only thing any of the slaves could do in their little free time, Cedric received a rather spectacular education on each of the three subjects, rereading each many times for fun during long nights. He learned a way with words, and practiced socializing on Ned, a small bonsai tree outside the slave quarters. 1456 ~ Cedric's father is beaten to death when caught eating some harvested vegetables. The grief pushed Cedric further down, from his already bleak looking life. Cedric himself is lashed thrice on the back for his father's 'crimes.' 1457 ~ Days before the great flood of Anthos, the slaves begin an uprising, and break free of the clutches of the High Elf slaveowners. Cedric's family takes some of their harvested food and exits hastily to the Fringe to begin a new, free, honest life. 1458 ~ Cedric's family's hope for a new life simply shatters. They aren't wanted, and beg for food for several years, living on the streets and in makeshift tents. 1465 ~ The Eith'el's struggle continues through Thales. 1468 ~ The Eith'el family begins to give up, upon entering Athera. However, they still had a spark of hope for the new land... and it grew into a flame. The Eith'els were welcomed into Laureh'lin, and found a job and small, but nice, residence. They worked as free farmers, and Cedric receives a comprehensive education in known sciences, defensive combat and mathematics. 1478 ~ The Eith'els adopt an orphan newborn, who's father died days before the birth, and mother died during the birth. They name him Intec. A few years later, during the racial split, the Eith'els move to Leyulin, in which they currently reside. Cedric is still scarred by his childhood and vivid loss of his father. He swears revenge on the High Elves.
  8. Greetings, peoples of Athera. On this thread, via posts, I will list my characters and their profiles. Please do NOT post on this thread. Please, read on and enjoy! Full profiles will be released shortly.
  9. * Posters would find themselves tacked up through Athera * CHASE EXPORTS INC. Greetings, peoples of Athera! I am pleased to announce the formation of Chase Exports Inc., owned by Jonathan Chase. We are a marketing company based in Petrus. For questions on exact location, or delivery purchases, contact Jonathan Chase ((Deutschland63)) to purchase anything! Our products are natural and collected by the company itself, no question about the sources! We are selling every product possible! See below! Ferrum Ingot: 10 Mina Each Aurum Ingot: 15 Mina Each Redstone Block: 2 Mina Each Emerald: 5 Mina Each Lapis Lazuli: 1 Mina Each Ferrum Armor Set ((Proficient Grade)): 250 Mina Chainmail Armor Set ((Proficient Grade)): 100 Mina Ferrum Sword ((+1 Mina per each percent, 1-20%, 20+ is 100 Mina each, 30+ is 250 Mina Each)): 20 Mina Each Carbarum: 35 Mina Each Tanned Leather: 3 Mina Each 64 Hardened Clay: 50 Mina 64 Stone: 30 Mina 64 Stone Brick: 40 Mina Region Pillars: ONLY 500 MINA! AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Come see us today, or contact us!
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