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Everything posted by PurpleGirl9

  1. Dose pending mean a W.I.P.

    1. Rassidic


      It means it's being read and replied to , if it's an application.

  2. :( i kida think server app checkers are kinda harsh no offense :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. argonian


      i was like 11 when i joined

    3. Elindor


      I am 25 and when I roleplay I expect others to be fully involved too. Here comes the "no offence": childish behaviour OOC irritates me and makes me feel yet more distanced from a server that I really like. So the apps are to make sure that every player is a good fit and knows what to expect.

    4. Porko


      Keep in mind this server is PG-13 and as such there is a higher standard for maturity and writing ability.

  3. sry for my applications and plagerising'

  4. sry for my applications and plagerising'

  5. sry for my applications and plagerising'

  6. :3 sup peeps! :3

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