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Posts posted by bumblefina

  1. 7 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    You have confirmed all of my suspicions. You are too afraid of the chance that this 30+ player community with well-written lore and experienced players will suddenly flop to even give it a shot at success.

    Why not let them at least try? So what if they fail? Not every story on LOTC can be a success. By trying so hard to prevent failure, unexpected success no longer exists. There are no more surprises on the server due to policy like this. The server is politically inert and stagnant. The old process of nations rising and falling has ended. Nothing happens anymore, especially not when all the NLs are too afraid to declare war on one another.

    I don't mean to be rude, but when people talk about the server being bureaucratic and unwilling to try new things, they are talking about YOU.

    Please consider that you have obligations to people who aren't a part of existing Nations. Please consider that your staff duties shouldn't just be constantly telling people to go live in Nations even if they don't want to. Please consider that your mentality is largely responsible for everyone constantly whining about the server being lame as crud these days.



    4 minutes ago, Excitedly said:


    Well, it's fine that you disagree. Just also consider the manpower and hours that go into keeping the map going, and that are necessary to remove builds and revert them or create ruins out of them. I don't believe in a nation-centric server, in fact, I loathe nations more than any other group on the server as a personal rule of thumb. But my part in voting isn't to vote purely by my own biases, it's to decide whether or not a settlement will most likely succeed. 


    NotEvil's response is perfect. Not everyone is going to want to play in the big nations. The server has a system in place meant to deal with settlements and nations who fail. The people who play on the server shouldn't suffer because there is a lack of manpower. It's not like you guys are implementing and removing settlements every other day. That's a bullshit excuse.

  2. I really wish we would have just been given a chance. There are checks and balances in place meant to punish settlements that can't keep their activity up. There's no reason we should be denied our chance to create a new experience, and calling us unoriginal and saying we should just vassalize is a failure on the part of the World Team. If we wanted to vassalize, we would have done that. We wouldn't have bothered with all this hubbub of making a settlement app if we thought vassalizing was in the best interest of our community. 

  3. 1lo76xv.png


    Shannon's Gently Used Skins

    Welcome! I'm going to be auctioning off some skins that either only got worn a couple times, or were made for myself but never used! Unfortunately this means there are only female skins available right now. I will be hosting an auction with male skins in the future so stay posted! This auction will be in minas and rules are as listed:

    • All skins start at 50 minas
    • Minimum bid increase is 10 minas
    • You MUST properly tag the previous bidder so that they know they were outbid
    • You may not edit previous bids. Make a new response for changes to your bid.


    Bidding Format:



    Previous Bidder: (@ them or your bid will be ignored)


    Bidding ends Thursday, April 22nd at 9 pm EST!

    Good luck and happy bidding!

    Roses and Cream





    Silken Coat






    Red Regency



    Ancient Roman










  4. Somewhere in a dark cave, a ragged looking Wick held a dagger in hand, it's tip dulled and broken. Upon the wall, words repeated, over and over. The figure carved continuously, dark circles around their eyes, pupils wide.
    The words on the walls read:
    "We ain't done yet."

  5. 1 minute ago, doreebear said:

    What has been your favorite character? 

    what is your favorite food? 

    Who’ve been friends with the longest?


    do you love me? 


    See above answers for favorite character.


    My favorite food is probably ramen, but like real ramen from an actual ramen shop. 


    As far as people who are still on the server and friends with me, that'd be UnBaed and NJBB. I met Jake and Hurfer not too long after them. That was back in early Vailor, so around the summer of 2015 I'd say!


    I love you so very much.

    2 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Yeah I remember back when it was normal for big playerbases to have massive shakeups, for races to have civil wars and change ruling family/clan, for empires to shatter and then re-form. Now the biggest force of geopolitical change is the staff and their activity policies, which is what creates and destroys nations in modern LOTC rather than wars and inter-player politics. Activity checks were a mistake

    With that in mind, do you think Almaris would be a good map if we removed activity checks, seeing as the other things besides activity checks on Almaris are quite similar to Axios that had many aforementioned playerbase shakeups?


    100% we need to remove activity checks. They are SO bad for the server and quite possibly have permanently changed the server's culture and approach to roleplay. I think as long as the staff doesn't intervene more than they should, we are going to see some pretty serious shakeups in the next 6 months. I have a feeling this summer is gonna be one for the history books.

  6. 1 minute ago, Quantumatics said:

    What's one thing that makes you hopeful for the future of LOTC?

    What's been your favorite character to play so far?

    Is a hotdog a sandwich?


    After this many years, you start to learn that no matter how bad things seem, they will get better. They can also get worse, but.. eventually they get better. Staff changes, rules change, nations change. Sometimes it's rough, but if you can ride it out, you'll come out smarter and stronger.


    My favorite character I've ever played was Katherine Vallberg/Aislin Maar. She was a commoner who became a renowned alchemist and in her pursuit of knowledge, was murdered and turned into a homunculus, who then had her own story arc. Sadly, she never got a proper ending, but I still cherish that time.


    A hot dog is indeed a sandwich.

    5 minutes ago, capiital said:

    who was your favorite character and why?


    lake or ocean?


    mountains or plains?


    have you ever played beaten the ender dragon?


    what is your favorite genre of music?




    fly high shannon leigh 🕊❤️⚰️ (i hate men)





    See previous answer for favorite character.


    Lake, mountains!


    No I have never beaten the ender dragon lol


    I like rock/metal, emo, electro-pop, and lofi

    5 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Is the server actually less interesting than it was in the ol' days or am I just a nostalgic boomer.

    It's only less interesting right now because we lack conflict, which is a fault of both the playerbase and the staff. I think in the last two years the server has suffered greatly by the publication and subsequent emphasis put on activity checks. Nations are more concerned with activity than creating interesting storylines, which leads to a lack of conflict and a focus on stability.

  7. Just now, Proddy said:

    What's kept you on this server for 6 years, and do you still have faith that it is the premium minecraft roleplaying experience?


    What times on the server have made you the most nostalgic and would you ever return to them if given the chance?


    What do you look forward to the most in the future?


    Honestly, it's the best medium for roleplay. Trust me, I've looked for alternatives. 

    I feel a lot of nostalgia for the Vailor era. It was a time before I knew so much and I just kind of existed in that happy space between noob and old fart. One of the things that ruins LotC the most for me is that there isn't much left to discover, and that's what I miss the most. Learning new things, meeting new people, so on and so on.


    I look forward to helping forge new stories, cultures, and nations. I think the best thing we can do for the server is keep things flowing, don't let things stagnate.

  8. @UnBaed

    want to vc? [told you i would do this....]


    what is your favorite color and why?

    purple because it look nice

    what is one on of your favorite moments on this server?

    Me and you throwing that ******* door into the volcano. 

    what is one of your favorite moments with ME on this server?

    See above. Also pretty much any time from Vailor. That was a happy time. A simpler time.

    if you could do something differently on lotc when you were new, what would you have done?

    I wish I hadn't killed off my first noble when I did, but at the time it seemed like the only option. Otherwise, I don't really have any regrets from my noobhood

    don't you just want to go wild, let loose?  be a cycle path?

    go crazy go stupid


    4 minutes ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

    u are literally ancient, its not  a question im just telling u, u are

    **** you

  9. "Unsurprising to hear that over many decades, Haense has consistently mistreated the people who were literally trying to save them." commented Juniper to a companion of hers after having read the publication. "The nation is sick, deeply and perhaps incurably. Their hearts are rotten."

  10. "Someone actually tried diplomacy for once instead of genociding a foreign group to make themselves feel like heroes? Wow. I'm actually proud of Norland. Well done." said Juniper after reading the announcement.


    (( It's nice to see someone not just going in and being murder hobos. Good job. ))

  11. Juniper Wick felt some strange twinge in her chest as she gazed on the corpse of the man she hated, the father of her child, the one who'd ruined everything. She thought perhaps for a brief moment she had some regret in her, some feeling for the man, but the twinge was gone just as quickly as it came. She felt nothing as she turned away, leaving him to rot. She was glad he was gone.

  12. ((MC name: ShannonLeigh))
    Name: Solana Kelora
    Are you a Captain or Resident of Freeport: Resident
    Desired role: Lord Code
    (If running for Lord Dock) Relevant experience:
    (If running for Lord Dock) Plans once in office:
    Any loyalties to note beyond the Admiralty of Freeport: None whatsoever

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