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Posts posted by FreeHongKong

  1. 4 minutes ago, Narthok said:

    Because this kind of behaviour is generally not punished at all I thought it only fair to be more lenient rather than immediately handing out long term punishments. And while these players were acting unacceptably the worst of it was from a player who generally doesn't involve himself in villainous rp. I do agree with you where I feel verbal warnings are often forgotten about as there are many blacklisted players atm who are conducting villainy. We will see where the next few weeks take us in terms of correcting inappropriate behaviour. 

    Lore staff have several chats where we log issues that may need investigation and verbal warnings that have been handed out.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Narthok said:

    How do you see this emotive combat is not raiding rule matching up with the 10 person pvp default clause?

    Well if whomever is deemed the attacker is trying to make sure ten people are present, then that would be raid bait.

    So if your bringing like ten people or trying to purposely get the town guard to rally then that would be raid baiting but if you get caught doing illegal stuff, your victim just mashes out a /s "GUARDS! HELP!" or a defender sends a bird and it goes over ten then that wouldn't be a raid bait.

  3. @Narthok I do not think that RP combat needs specific raid rules. Any villain that isn't a baby brain should know not to do stupid **** at the gates or in the city square and the general meta gaming and power gaming rules should be valid for stuff happening else where. The only rules I think are needed is are; 1. Emotive combat isn't raiding. 2. Using emotive combat or excessive amounts of people to twist something into mass mechanical PvP is raid baiting.

  4. 1 minute ago, Narthok said:

    I don't really think conflict between residents has ever been counted as a raid no?

    While that might be true rules should be written as they are to be enforced. Players should be able to know they are allowed to play street urchins and not have to just hope that someone won't just decide that urchins are villains and get them blacklisted for operating inside of a region, as per the terms set in rule 5.3


    Also rule 2.1 requires a GM to make a broadcast that PvP is on and in combination with rule 5.3 that makes any sort of criminal emotive RP in a group impossible without getting a villainy blacklist. Also with rule 5.4 that means that Australians just can't have Villany groups. Like m8 mages ain't here to clicky clicky and take pixels. Why gotta deal with mandatory click click to preform some dark magic ritual or whatever?

  5. I know my comment is probably going to get tucked away in the 20 something replies of this thread but I think all typing should be excluded from raid rules.

    Its absolutely mental that a gang of five street urchins cant aggressively type at a lady in the city they live in with out making a modreq and having a GM announce PVP is on.

  6. Spending 2000 mina to take 300 mina worth of iron gear is utter trash.


    Give heisters iron armor.


    Make an EXPLICIT rule set for inside men. Bribed guards, etc. I ain't looking to get banned because someone paid me a grand to open the gates and this counted me as a 7th man.


    A single placed item is F A R to low for having to pay 2000 mina to touch it.


    Rolls are too high for spending 2000 mina to do this ****.


    Keep the price as 2000 mina or hell, raise it. 

    Lower the difficulty because of how ******* expensive this **** is.

  7. @Lark Your gonna need to clarify that inventory thing my dude. Also if i'm helping out with a build does that make it RP cannon that my wheel chair bound cripple is doing S I C C tricks on a wood beam 20 meters up in the air that is only supported by a pillar of crushed rocks carefully stacked on-top of each-other?

    Edit: Also is it RP cannon that i'm carrying seven trees in me pockets?

  8. Teaching rules

    Its implementation was trash, clunky, and subtracts from roleplay instead of adds.
    For replacement: 3 months in the user gains the ability to discover effects through experimentation or peer to peer training without the assistance of their original teacher. 4 months in the user gains the ability to combine effects and thus utilize the art to its maximum effect.


    Blood Magic clarification

    The core function of the resonant effect (taking energy from environment and body) and the core function of blood magic (taking energy from body) overlap. You cannot use utilize blood magic to pull genus from yourself to fuel aggressive resonance as genus is already utilized by default. A blood mage would have to pull genus from another person and similarly, with resonance utilizing every form of energy, if an Oscillit were to lay down in a pool of fresh blood it could be treated the same as laying down in a pool of liquid mana. Additionally the limit breaking of genus enhancement should be roleplayed the same as the limit breaking that can be performed with any other form of energy.

    Creature balancing and clarifications list

    (I am aware afflicted are not creatures.)
    Zephonim - Resonance may not be incited through any location covered by chitin.
    Frost witch's - Fine
    Nephilim - Cannot incite resonance through anything deemed hard. Through aggressive resonance consuming energy present over usage of such will snuff the inner flame, this putting the Nephilim into its coma like stone state. Conservative usage is required, liberal usage results in consequence.
    Afflicted - Cannot incite resonance at any location that claims to be hard or armored.
    Hou-zi - Fine
    Klones - Fine


    Continuous resonance revision

     It requires no teaching to take and may now be taken immediately upon starting Kani. The feat exists solely as a choice of balance for multiclassing characters and needs to be treated as such.

  9. Liquid Mana
    Apart from Mana Potions, Auric Oil, and direct usage in enchantment, Liquid Mana can be used to create potions that are said to have “pseudo magic” effects. Strange effects that don’t exactly make sense or are otherwise not possible such as bombs that explode into an electrical shock or a coal that becomes weightless when burnt.


    Alchemical substances in the liquid context. Whether they’re drank, applied to a surface, or exist as a midpoint to another state, potions are varied in usage with the common shared trait being that it is a liquid.


    Solids tend to lack reactivity in most cases and best serve as a state for storage or transport. Solid materials can be gathered as solids or be manufactured into solids.


    Powdered items are often more reactive state causing their effects to be far more present.

    For example an incendiary item condensed into a brick might smolder when ignited but if this incendiary was powdered then ignited it may cause an explosion.
    A brick of alchemically enhanced ice might be thrown into a furnace and not melt for hours while if this same ice was crushed up it might melt instantly.


    Advanced technique of Alchemy. Uses powders, solids, or quenching methods and allows them to infuse metal or ceramic with some properties. One example would be quenching a steel sword in something that is three parts water, and one part of a distilled burning representation. This can allow for the blade to easily be ignited when friction is applied, with the cost of weakening its structure due to the bonds weakening during combustion, or an insulator metal via using the proper formula (attachment, heat, perseverance). If an Alchemist wanted to make a metal with multiple alchemical properties, in this example a metal that is resistant to hot and cold but also durable, they would need to make an alloy comprised of the metals, as a singular metal can only have a singular alchemical infusion, whereas alloys can have multiple.


    Textiles and Treating
    Materials that are fabrics, meant to treat fabrics, or meant to be made into fabrics are considered textiles. The effects of a textile typically pertain to the properties of the textile itself, things that come into contact with the textile, and things that pass through the textile. Examples of what these would be in order of mentioning are; A fabric that is resistant to flame, A bandage that has been treated to disinfect wounds, and a cloth mask that filters the air that passes through it. Of course, this doesn’t only work for textiles, many alchemists treat materials, for example, an Alchemist may treat their shears to be more resistant to wear and tear, as well as the elements. 


    Either a solid or a liquid, most alchemical formulae have the possibility of being turned to gas. This is what is known as vaporization. By doing this, the Alchemist allows his potions to have a larger spread due to it being a gas. This proves an effective tool for something such as healing vapors that’ll clot blood, incense to invigorate folk, gas that’ll cause irritate someone or cause them tear up and cough uncontrollably; or deadly toxic or corrosive gas. The issue with this however, is that the Alchemist needs to be careful where and how they throw or release the vapors, due to the potential of the gas spreading around and hitting them and their allies. In addition to this, the use of protective items or tactics to divert, or rid the gas has proven useful; one such example are respirators and herb filled masks to banish harmful toxic gas that’ll harm someone if they breathe it in. Finally, exposure is something that needs to accounted for, unlike liquids. This means something like lethal toxic gas will require them to be in the gas and take in the vapors for some time, alternatively they take in a lot for a short period of time or be subjected to a lot of it in an enclosed area.


    Notable Points
    Most potions, unless stated otherwise, can be made into a vapor.
    Gaseous forms require more exposure to have greater effects, meaning most alchemists will opt to make potent potions before vaporizing them.


  10. Elements/Symbols
    A Symbol is a broad classification that is divided into five Elements. Each Element covers a range of representations that attribute to said Element, which are defined as features of the Element. An Element of Water would cover the representation of fluidity but not the representation of solidarity due to being the characteristics of a water symbol out of logicality.


    Representations are abstractions of features that a reagent holds. The abstractions are based around the effects of a reagent, where a reagent is found, or even the condition that a reagent exists in. It must be possible to attribute an abstract concept to an element for it to be considered a representation of an element, otherwise the abstraction could be built from almost any concept ranging from simple chemical features, such as corrosiveness, fluidity, resilience; to abstractions of emotions, such as hate, anger, and calmness. Alchemists will be able to find herbs and material that represent something incredibly similar to pre-existing reagents, though new representations that are different from pre-existing ones must be submitted.




    The element of air covers features that are more difficult to pinpoint and easy to overshadow. While a observation of the reagent shows that it is has roots in things such as travel, speed -- such things one would generally associate with air, property and symbolism wise. It is also delicate, reflecting in the wispy qualities to some of the plants of the symbol. Often it's effects on the mind, and other parts of the body -- namely parts that revolve around motion, awareness, and communication -- the reagent attributes to most; this is due to the quick, light, and ever present qualities of air. Air often covers stimulants and hallucinogens.


    Common representations: Speed, Travel, Grace, Quickness, Fragility, Light(ness), Perception, Control, Sound, Wisdom, communication.


    The Element of earth covers a wide variety of attributes, being so closely rooted with all things. Representations namely revolve around the properties and symbolism of Earth, typically some form of attachment, or fortitude, though it is not uncommon for earth to be rooted with health and nature; this is due to earth being something of a stubborn and very tough concept that is connected to many other things. Earth shares similarities with air in that it commonly covers drug like effects but in the opposite end of the spectrum; depressants. Chemically earth elements are often stable.


    Common representations: Death, Resilience, Strength, Attachment, Perseverance, Impediment, Connection, Solidarity, Endurance, Structure, Hardiness, Continuity.


    The element of fire covers features that are very spontaneous due to the nature of the volatile concept, after all -- representations are mostly based off properties and symbolism of Fire.These are mixed between the obvious and the subtle. A plant that uses the reproductive system of the mythological Phoenix is an obvious choice but on the subtle a parasitic life-form that slowly consumes another would hold the representation of consumption. The chemical features of the fire element are often volatile and acidic, though can sometimes be energizing and empowering; even linked to emotions. 


    Common representations: Power, Consumption, Life, Heat, Destruction, Corrosion, Combustion, Burning, Anger, Vigor, Courage, light/luminosity.


    The element of water covers all representations in life, generally based off the aspects and symbolism that pertains to water; it is kind, calm, adaptable, nurturing; but it can also deal great harm to others. The symbol tends to be moderately notable, as any chemical properties are often harder to find, but it's almost always linked to water in  and the cold in a literal sense. Typically water elements are medicinal, or linked to health in nature, though much like water, some elements are dangerous; some emotional representations might be linked to things of a serene nature, much like water.


    Common representations: Life, Balance, Adaptability, Life, Rejuvenation, Cold, Hydration, Rebirth, Calmness, Fluidity, Growth, Sleep.


    The element of aether covers features that attribute to odd and mythical properties. This is a strange thing as an element of aether can quite literally an element of magic. While this element lacks many representations, it is notable for being used to give potions, oils, and other such concoctions, a near magical quality to it. One example would be the mana potion. Another usage of this element is the literal usage of magic in alchemy, such as directly using raw lifeforce as a reagent.


    Common representations: Life, Death, Purity, Corruption, Control, Chaos, Arcane, Time, Eternity, Magic.


    Reagent strength
    The strength of a reagent is defined by a mixture of its usage and its potential as a chemical. Its an observation in its raw form and does not include any modifications done to the reagent to make it stronger. Increasing the volume of a weak reagent will not increase its strength.




    Reagents that are considered weak rest in the realm of common household herbs, and weak pharmaceuticals. Nothing capable of creating an effect stronger than cough syrup would be considered a weak reagent. Weak reagents are commonly used as household items by many who are not truly aware they're performing alchemy.


    Most alchemists will find that the majority of their work includes moderate reagents. It includes basically anything stronger weak reagents but still easily rationalised. Strong pharmaceuticals such as a painkiller capable of completely numbing a deep wound, or a chemical capable of withstanding flame are the core of this classification.


    Strong reagents push strength, and reality; they sometimes does not always make sense. For a reagent to be considered strong its effects need to be counted as quasi-magical, if not fully magical.



  11. Symbols
    Five elements that divide reagents into five different broad categorizations. Symbols are important in organization for an alchemists archive of reagents and important in the recipes of a potion as many potions require non-specific ingredients and reagents can often be exchanged with other reagents of the same symbol. The five symbols are Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Aether. 


    Specific but symbolic descriptions of a reagent, think of them like branches from a tree. Representations are the meat of the formula, where Alchemists link these representations in specific orders to gain various effects. After all, form fits function, so something that might have cold, and then resilience would mean that the alchemist is concocting something that has a resistant cold, which could be very deadly if drank; on the flip side, something that represents resilience, and then cold will make for something that makes the user less prone to the cold.

    Distillation and Further Preparations

    The process of distillation and preparation are important processes as a reagent can be contaminated, or a specific component of a reagent could be what's needed while the rest is not used. Occasionally a reagent may have two different sets of representations or be from two different elements where the leaves of a plant could be an element of air while the stems are an element of earth. Distillation is almost specifically purification and “Distillation” where one is extracting the active component from a reagent and condensing it into a raw form. Naturally, other preparations can be used in tandem, aiding the Alchemist. 




    This is often used by alchemist who want to separate multiple representations from a reagent. This process involves standard distillation, and then the step is repeated, separating one representation from the rest. An example would be using a reagent that represents overgrowth, strength, and life in fission, it would take out Strength, leaving overgrowth and life; the same process can occur to separate those two, and if an alchemist wanted to mix two representations together, they can do it via mixing the two fluids (though it would only work if they are part of the same symbol). Further distillation on the split apart reagents cna pull representations from their symbols, which is useful in tandem with Pyrolysis. 



    Alchemists are renowned as philosophers of fire, using heat to crack open a reagent’s secrets. Pyrolysis involves dissolving the reagent via some means, either using heat, or some form of acid. Depending on the substance, it will either end up turning to a reduced liquid, or to ash. These substances will then be mixed with distilled water, and then inverted and shook multiple times to have the two fuse together. In doing this, Alchemists have a method of getting the symbols from reagents, rather than representation; it is effectively burning the reagent to its purest form. This symbol can then be used in tandem with a representation to combine the two. This can be done via an alembic or cauldron. To note, the usage of this requires the representation and symbol to be compatible, else the concoction becomes botched, meaning while one can make a fire symbol for life, they can not make a water symbol for destruction.



    The process of evaporation is similar to Distillation except done in a manner where heat is slowly applied until all liquid has been removed and the only remaining substances are solid, effectively having reduced the concoction down. These substances are referred to as “Salts”, and can be done to any liquid at any point during the alchemical process. A salt also dissolves extremely easily in a liquid.


    Whereas distillation is the act of purifying something fermentation is the opposite where it's the act of allowing an organic material to rot, or be consumed by microbes, and then using the waste product. This makes makes the reagent more reactive, which allows for a better quality. This boosts the reagent strength up one, meaning a weak symbol will become a moderate. 


    This method is employed by alchemists who want to weaken their reagents. By turning their respective reagent to a paste, the alchemist then pushes it through a filtration tool. This only allows for some parts of the reagent to get through, effectively making it weaker. The larger the holes, the less effective the straining is. Alternatively, liquids can also go through the filtration as to weaken it, to the Alchemist’s discretion.


    The boon of Alchemists who seek to make magical effects. This step is done via soaking up reagents with liquid mana, allowing it to take on magical properties, and partially converting it to an Aethier symbol, making its elements linked with Arcane.



    The separation of liquid mixtures into immiscible liquids to once more, be separated completely. With the extremely laborious usage of pedal and flywheel powered centrifuge, similar to some types of potters wheel, a substance may be broken down to its base components then separated into its individual components through the same way one decants wine. This supplies a valid, if flawed, method of reverse engineering to the alchemist.



    What a substance is brewed in, effectively the foundation. The base can determine the effectiveness and could potentially be tied in with the function of the formula. 


    Undistilled water
    Not the best base, but a base nonetheless. Undistilled water is likely to be contaminated which will tamper with the potion and reduce its potency. This is why Alchemists will typically distill water to gain a better base, or be in an incredible hurry to use something that will likely end up with the most failures.


    Distilled water
    Water that underwent a distillation process. It being pure and unsullied with any contamination means that it will not dilute or muddle with the potion in any way. The use of this will typically give the user moderate, if not fairly decent results, which is why it is generally used for most average concoctions, and is the best practice for an aspiring alchemist.


    Aqua vitae
    The most optimal base to work with, Aqua vitae is effectively pure alcohol, which is made via multiple fermentations, and distillations. Being an intensely pure substance that is very reactive, it  will enhance the potency of a potion far greater than distilled water. Concoctions made with an Aqua vitae base will typically be the most potent in regards to effect. 


    Blood - identifier of the person, or body.
    What blood does it is identifies the individual and supplies the potion with the framework of an individual person or framework of an entire species; that being descendant or beast.


    Liquid Mana
    Being mana in a tangible form, the use of liquid mana in a base will guarantee that the potion has magical properties -- though, liquid mana has been used as a representation for Arcane outside of being a base. Most alchemists mix liquid mana and aqua vitae if they want to make such quasi-magical potions, for effectiveness and these arcane properties. It also serves as a mean to make potions last for longer duration, given the eternal substance that is mana. 


    A base typically used for helping make oils and viscous materials. Acquired through many means, mostly through the abdomen of a pig, the fat is then taken and rendered down to lard. Effectively removed of its contaminates, this allows lard to have the same potency as distilled water, which is often why some Alchemists who want a more potent potion might mix lard with aqua vitae.


    Formula Set-Up


    Of course, the most crucial part of Alchemy is making the Formula for their creation. Without it, the Alchemist might be clueless as to what they’re doing; most formulas require the Alchemist to sit down and ponder, using their notebooks to work out what symbols and representations will be required, as well as  devices such as abacus’ to help them in their  calculations pertaining to amount of representation and symbols one would need. 

    When it comes to representations and symbol usage in alchemy, they are paramount. While it doesn’t matter how many symbols you put inside, the representations very much matter. Depending on the representation, and the amount, one might get varied effects; for example, if one was to use only vigor in making a potion, they would find that the concoction would do just that; invigorate them, though likely ineffectively due to it being a singular representation being used in a potion. The creation of formula is most effective when there are multiple representations, meaning the previously described concoction would do well with rejuvenation and travel being added into it, making it far more effective by reinvigorating and energizing the entire body. In Addition, symbols are also crucial, as they are what the representations embody, and their strength and design could make for greater effects. An example would be  fire symbol of life and a water symbol for life. Life in fire is far more chaotic and spontaneous, truly mimicking what life is, whereas a Water Symbol would more so embody the health and condition. Symbol strength also plays a factor, which can allow for greater effects in the potion, typically making it far more potent.

    While these representations and symbols can create wondrous effects when properly linked, the way one structures these representation for a formula is crucial, given that the structure and amount can define the formulae’s effects. 

    Look at these concoctions, each of which are made with the intent to be used to protect one from the cold:

    Formula 1:


    - (Moderate Water) Cold x5
    - (Strong Earth) Resilience x2
    - (Strong Earth) Perseverance x4


    While seemingly promising, the potion would do something grave and horrible. Due to the positioning of the Cold, and the amount, the potion would instead create a lingering cold in the body, and freeze up the stomach. It would be a horrifying death, to die of hypothermia.


    Formula 2:


    - (Strong Earth Symbol) Resilience x3
    - (Moderate Water Symbol) Cold x2
    - (Strong Earth Symbol) Perseverance x3


    Now, this formula is an improvement from the last. Rather than a lingering cold inside the body, this concoction would instead make the body more resistant to the cold. Due to the amount of Cold representations as well as Resilience, and Perseverance, the formula will let the user last in fairly cold climates without any warm clothing for a few hours, most likely. 


    Formula 3:


    - (Strong Earth Symbol) Resilience x4
    - (Weak Fire Symbol) Heat x2
    - (Strong Earth Symbol) Perseverance x3


    Much like Formula two, this concoction serves as a fully functioning cold resistant elixir, though there is almost always more than one way to skin a cat in Alchemy. Borrowing from the previous two concoctions, namely the first; though this time, it uses a weak fire symbol instead, one that mean heat. This makes the user warmer and able to survive the cold in a similar fashion to the second Formula. The use of a stronger fire symbol with more quantity could possibly cause the user to die of a heatstroke, so such had to have been kept in mind.


    Putting Formula together into a potion requires the use of a cauldron, or an Alembic. This process requires an Alchemist to be very careful, as small error might lead to the potion failing and becoming a ruined concoction. This is typically why teachers have most alchemists practice with minor healing potions, energizers, or poisons. However, once an Alchemist is well learned and able to carefully brewed, they will be greatly rewarded, able to make wondrous formula and grand discoveries.



    Special thanks to @The_Broken_God and all participants of the alchemy chats.

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