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Posts posted by UnBaed

  1. There is a blood smear on the wall from the amount of times one of them banged their head against it, while the other goes off about random stuff and probably plays wonderwall

  2. When I was newer on the server:

    • Learn how to make my own skins:
    • Get character art that wasn't of my making:
    • Lead Dragur Library:
    • Become wise enough in RP to give other players quests:
      • I strive for this on all my characters tbh...
    • Wanted to RP in every major group/nation on the server and I managed to check off every niche as my Nemir character before she was shelved :D:
    • Get one of my human characters made into a saint:

    My current goals:

    • Figure out and build a neat lair
      • Gather enough people interested in in a lair first...
    • Form a new niche/aesthetic for Mysticism for others to explore with
    • Incorporate my art into more posts I make
      • Primarily wanting for posts of character notes/studies
    • Make an elaborate character card of my main with my art
    • Continue to try and make interesting stories:
    • Never become an NL:
  3. if you could improve one thing about the server and have it executed efficiently and perfectly, what would you decide on?


    what's a source of your inspiration for your rp?  Is it music, a show, movie, book, game, ect?


    what type of rp do you see yourself wanting to try out in the future on the server?


    lastly, whats something u like about ilaria :D?

  4. 3 hours ago, Burnsider said:


    I am not, nor ever have been part of administration.


    I never implied you were, I just said your point in having players be the ones to call out bad behaviors has never worked out well in the past.  It always explodes in a toxic mess on the forums and rarely resolves stuff.  Sorry if what I said wasn't clear, I've been dealing with a headache all day


    3 hours ago, argonian said:

    There are none though. No spawn points. You can TP to wherever you want.


    It may be that the staff prohibit fast travel to an inexcusable degree, but they should just justify it here then.

    Players can TP wherever they want next map?  Or are you implying that I can do that as staff?  I try to avoid warping around to places personally since I like riding around on my horse to find new builds around the server--the most I commonly do is warping to either spawn or one of the main hubs and heading to someplace mechanically


    If any player can just warp to a nation or settlement next map, I am curious what sort of system will be used to ensure there's no BM/abuse -- I've been a bit distant from new stuff coming for the next map, so I wouldn't know.  I got my semester wrapping up this month

  5. 1 hour ago, Sarven said:

    CT will be off map, next map though

    whatever spawn point there is for players to move around to the hubs, idk what system is in place - clearly something that would involve roads


    26 minutes ago, Burnsider said:


    If this happens, I say call them out and shame them for all to see. Let them defend their anti-RP stance.

     last time administration told players that calling out others for something bad was our job and not theirs, it didn't go well 

  6. letting nations build on roads just gives any nation closest to CT the ultimate advantage of screwing over anyone behind them


    "sort it out irp" isn't a solution and is just a piss poor excuse to avoid having to deal with something as this - rules can and have existed on how things are conducted on this server.  don't give NL's the power to further dictate where players go around this server, stuff has already been bad for a while with how activity checks are 


    sort it out irp excuse can also be applied to literally any other existing rule protecting players from BM

    "hey this guy griefed my build, could mods help me?"

    "duhhh sort it out irp!" 



    if this ultimately DOES end up passing though and nations block off roads to funnel players into their cities - then side roads should be immediately built for detours so players aren't left to get lost and roam in the wilderness 

  7. A half-crazed and half-asleep elf would later have clarity return to her fatigued mind in the light of the morning; those golden rays illuminating the feverish drawings she had made onto the wall at her bedside.  Watching over Ilaria were dozens upon dozens of scratchy eyes and bat-like shapes painted in her inks.

  8. What brought you to the server?


    What's your favorite aspect about LotC?


    If you could fix one issue about the server and have everything be executed efficiently, what would you fix?


    Favorite book you've read?

  9. In the gelid north, Ilaria sparks alight one of her matches in order for her to indulge in her ponderlot; it had been another sleepless night.  The north wasn't as quiet as she had hoped, reclusive living was hardly even possible and she dearly missed the days where she'd feel safe at The Arch.  Yet. . . the rumors of Mori stalking those woodlands, growing ever nearer to her sanctuary brought her much trouble.  The second fall of Elvenesse's citadel across the forest and the destructive rift that erupted and loomed over the city of Fi'Andria had been too much for that weary elf to handle.


    Although she held on by a thread, she still hung on.


    Inhaling the sweet-scented smoke of her cigarette, Ilaria contemplated the rising sun that stained the snows in its peach-colored rays of light.  "Peace will be found again.  In time." 

  10. sleep-deprived elf perks her head up as she hears rumor of this spirit's presence within the capital, word had already spread to the Bard's Caravan not too far from Karosgrad of such gossip.  Her fingers brushed over the metal chords of her dark guitar, producing for a lulling and somber thrum of notes from her instrument.  Perhaps she would find another soul to guide to peace, even if the rest of the world around her was being consumed in chaos.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Gridlock said:

    If something an internet troll told you five years ago seriously traumatized you, you should not be on the internet. 

    Kids these days have not been in enough CoD MW2 xbox lobbies and it shows.


    On a serious note, what he said is bad and all. But it's a long time ago and you decided to unban him. You should have either stood by that decision or not have unbanned him at all. Huge fault on the staff in this situation, regardles of which side of the fence you are on. It goes to show once more how the LOTC staff are set up entirely wrong. Justice should not know personal preferences and it clearly does on this server. It may be time to review the way we have this server moderated.


    just outing yourself as a freak, aren't you?

  12. 9 minutes ago, Creator_Alan said:

    Ive always known that the admins of lotc were incompetent which is why I could never fully immerse myself in the community. Everywhere you go on this server no matter what group you join the admins have their firm grip on whatever they touch and seemingly do whatever they can to make things worse.  Every staff member affiliated with the events that led up to this final decision should resign. Not for banning charlemagne but for consistently flip flopping on various issues which do nothing but spark up anger among players. It is no surprise why there are consistently large bodies of communities breaking away to form other servers or just dissolving entirely. Be better or resign.

    didn't you say this thread was harassment to charlemange lol



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