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Posts posted by UnBaed

  1. First off, I'd like to point out that I've not made this post for the sole purpose of whining and crying over the state of RP.  The fact that you would jump to the conclusion that I cannot tell the difference between RP and OOC in conflict is actually pretty hurtful, and only goes to show our vastly differing perspectives of this whole mess of an issue.  Part of that is why I will TRY to not make the effort to write an essay of a response back to you, because I've come to accept the fact that there will be people in my life, including close friends, who may never see things as I do no matter how hard I try to communicate with them.


    It's evident that you and I have differing opinions on what good conflict is on the server, and what can drive a narrative.  I understand others may not share my opinion, they might think yours is more reasonable, or not agree with either of us on what the point of the server is--LotC is a broad community for this reason.  To me, LotC is like building sandcastles with your friends on a beach.  It's fun to build them together, or make your own - the sandcastle is our own narrative we take time to build up; they aren't permanent and they won't be perfect in the end.  We'll never really be able to successfully construct an immaculate piece of architecture in this sand but we still have our fun with it and feel proud of what we've managed to make in the end.


    Conflict is always exciting and can really help drive a character on, sometimes it's fun to throw rocks at your friends sandcastles and make towers fall.  It allows for change to come, for you to try out a whole new direction and see a different outcome from these experiences.  What isn't fun and what I felt like essentially happened was the equivalent to kicking my whole sandcastle down and reducing it to just a small pile of sand.  And when I got sad, I was told, "Hey, it's just how things go, man.  If you don't like it, maybe you shouldn't be here."


    I don't mean to be rude when I say this, but I feel like being forward is the better way to go with this: You have an issue with how you perceive RP and what you consider to be correct and incorrect RP.  Once you establish an opinion on something, it's nearly impossible to change that--it feels like there is only one right way to conduct RP for you most of the time.  If anyone seems to think differently than you on how a narrative should go, they're just RPing it all wrong then.  I'm not claiming to be perfect in my judgement of RP either, by saying this.


    Siliti lore clearly states "The EVENTUAL dissociation" a silit would experience after their transformation.  I read over the lore multiple times for that section to understood that what I was reading was being interpreted correctly--that my character's shift in personality wouldn't be an immediate flip as soon as her CA was accepted.  It's written in the lore that the dissociation was a low yet certain thing [which I was RPing out], and is at its full after a character has been a silit longer than they've been mortal.  My character was turned pretty late in her life, too.  Your take on this only further solidifies my belief that there was just no wiggle room or hope to have altered the path of our characters relationship because of how you perceived my in-line RP as lore-breaking.  I would have still be content with the whole conflict and imprisonment of my character in the end, if I didn't feel as if this have a strong influence over the narrative--along with the displayed behavior following my character being forcefully shelved in lore.


    I won't go into depth on those latter points, though I do find it immensely disappointing that you would assume Molia's escape to have been based purely on metagamed information.  I believe I only told Hurfer in the end of what happened, and held my tongue on any other information when friends of Moliana sought her out.  As for Hurf's involvement in the judgement of that meeting, I'm not upset with him at all because of how it felt as if he were true to his character.  Although you didnt' see these emotes during the conflict, both HurferDurfer and JEEGK's characters discreetly tried to aid in Molia's escape because they didn't agree with your character's behavior in the end.  I feel like at this point I might as well mention how I felt like I was powergamed against toward the end of that chase--given how my character threw a lantern down behind her to start a fire, which one of her pursuers opted to just hover over it to reach her- despite siliti having a major fear of flames.


    I never felt entitled to learning magic either, which I also consider to be pretty hurtful to see you accusing me of feeling mighty enough to be deserving of lessons.  I actually felt really grateful to be given a chance to prove myself as a silit, and tried to do my best to bring good RP to our group and help out with rituals and hunts wherever I could.  I never intended to come off as just greedy, but usually when you take in people for a lore group, it is really over-presumptuous for them to expect to be actually shown that lore for RP?  @The King Of The Moon

  2. Ilaria was sat cross-legged on the floor of her bedroom, a row of freshly bound books in front of her; that of her writings for The Shore.  She had been working on this set all day, in order for them to be further spread across the realm to lead others toward that path of introspection and redemption.  Yet now as the sun was setting, and her room was glowing with candlelight and memorial wisps wrought of an ancient urn, Ilaria needed only apply the stamps that shall decorate the cover and spines of her illustrious work; a day of careful craft ending in with this simple moment of precision.


    Tap, tap, tap. . . She readied the stamper and leaned forth to press the mark onto her books, though. . . BONG, BONG, BONG!!! That deific light arched across the twilight sky, flickers of its golden light dancing in her room--filling her with a sudden bout of terror and caused for her hands to jerk and for the elf to scramble back.  "WHAT THE SCALLOP?!" she shrieked while seeking to dive under cover of her quilt.


    A tense and frightening moment, that left the already fidgety elf a sputtering mess.  Though, perhaps she was more troubled to see that she had spilled her ink all over her books in her moment of fright.  A day of work ruined!

  3. Pasted, though if it's for starting groups I like it when the builds start small and additions are only made when required for RP.  I'd probably be more open to hand built if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to currently get building materials due to the nodes on this map.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bumblefina said:

    Zhione smiles, pinning the missive onto her bedroom wall proudly. She looks at it, hands on her hips and speaks to a companion at her side. 

    "It's all coming together."

    Ilaria happens to be that companion, who is actually frowning as her sister posted this government missive over her mural that she was painting for her.


    "Zhione. . . What the scallop are you doing?!"

  5. Where do you get your inspiration from for you RP, if you've got any sources?


    What is your favorite piece of lore on the server, current OR outdated


    If you could theoretically change one aspect of the server and have it go smoothly and efficiently with no issues, what would you implement?


    What's been one of your most favorite characters to RP on?


    Name a few characters that you enjoy but don't RP yourself


    Thoughts on me? :DDD

  6. Ilaria squinted at the curious flower in her hand, having been in the process of drying out clumps of these lavender-like flora.  Her eyes felt strained in the morning light; having been up well before the dawn.  Her sleepless nights were increasing with the tension spilling more and more over the land, more matters began to haunt her than usual.


    Ponderlot, a voice from memory explained. That's what I use; helps keep me from going mad.  It could help you, too - eases the nerves.


    "It'll help me get through these turbulent times," Ilaria muttered.  "We all need to get past the end."

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ilaria Des'Nox


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Mysticism is an occult magic, considered as a dark practice, for how it meddles with souls of the dead.  A mystic has the ability to commune and interact with spectral souls through the manipulation of ectoplasm, an ability granted to them by melding their own soul with that of an Elysian spirit/phantom.  The ritual of this intertwining of souls is described as Conjoinment; where the mystic's soul is wounded, the scar filled with their new ethereal companion and uniting them.  It is a genuinely harrowing process, and will leave the shepherd traumatized and left with various sorts of mental ailments.  The relationship a mystic may share with their spirit can either be a positive one, or a negative - left to the interpretation of the player to give them creative freedom for their narrative.  No matter what, however, a Mystic will be afflicted with those mental ailments and an ache deep within them from their conjoined soul.  Physical detriments are also acquired, yet the severity of that is determined on which of the two paths a shepherd may take; Blades, or Conjurer [which will detail more in the section below].


    As a few additional abilities a mystic has in working with with the spectral dead is summoning spirits [playable ghost characters] and even creating eidolas/paleknights [another playable CA].


    A mystic may take on two spirits throughout their journey, the second being acquired in order to reach T3 and expand their powers.  For them to ascend further in their powers, however, they would need to go beyond their mortal flesh by being transformed into Barrowlords; accurately known as Wights, which are powerful beings of ectoplasm and an amalgamation of anguishing souls formed into the host.


    A mystic's power is from their ectoplasm, which is drawn from their conjoined soul; being a cross of mana and lifeforce.  Its use is tied to the shepherd's well-being, and can give the mystic health detriments should they breach their limited supply tied to their tier.  Overuse of a mystic's ectoplasm would leave them with fever-like symptoms and aches, along with chills or headaches, or even a bloody nose -- until enough time has passed for them to replenish their strength.  Continual overuse of ectoplasm could have these effects made permanent on a mystic.


    Ectoplasm can take on various appearances, left to the player's interpretation - for the most part - to give them creative freedom on aesthetic appearances.  While it always appears as either a dense fog, or quasi-gelatinous substance, its color may appear as various blues or violets, to sickly greens, and fiery oranges or yellows.  Whenever a mystic is to try upon their supply of ectoplasm, they are required to have visual tells called Gleaming that give them ethereal and ghastly qualities as they connect more to that Elysian spirit bound to them.  The higher the tier a mystic is, the more prominent the effects of their gleaming are - which are also left broad, to grant a mystic creative freedom to design their aesthetic.


    There is a passive ability that all mystics acquire, when their souls go through conjoinment; a special sight that allows for them to peer through the worlds of the living and the dead.  A sight to pierce the veil, called True Sight.  Although they can tell the difference between a spectral soul and a living one, it can still become an overwhelming thing; making this both a gift and a burden.  Granted with a tool to better shepherd or command the spirits around them, even regarding phantoms and geists attempting to hide from mortal view - yet creatures of this unseen plain would be drawn to those of true sight, tormenting them in both the waking hours and in rest.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are two paths that a Mystic may take, when going through conjoinment - it is based off of how closely infused they are to their spirit companion.  An incorporeal connection would leave the mystic as a Conjurer - viewed more as a caster, with specific spells tailored to that path.  A Mystic Conjurer would be weakened akin to a voidal mage and left with frail and haggard countenance, seeming aged - yet still with a surprising agility, despite this appearance.  A mystic with a corporeal connection with their phantom, meaning one more closely bound, makes them a Mystic Blade.  Blades are strong physically, still appearing harrowed and gaunt - yet are prone to more extreme bouts of melancholy, with a struggle to enjoy festive areas and merriment.  They grow to dislike saltier foods and even feel discomforted when touching aurum, due to the sensitivity of their spirit companion.


    In order to extend their powers even beyond what's granted to them with two infused spirits to their soul, a mystic can go through amputation and take on an ethereal arm - which would grant them access to a handful of spells.  Beyond this step, should a mystic wish to earn more power, they would need to go through the process of becoming a Wight [explained above].


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Enervation; T4 - 2 emotes - lasts for 4 emotes


    Ilaria's eyes were no longer crimson, they instead gleamed entirely - shining an ethereal light of sea greens and murky blues.  The shadow of age crept over her features, turning her dark hair into greys and whites as her grip on her knife shifted.  "Do not make me use force against you," the elf rasped, two strange voices trailing her own as she gave her warning.  "Back down."


    Yet her display at intimidation did not work as she intended, her opponent advanced toward her - before soon lunging with his own dagger, its blade gleaming in the torchlight as it sought to stab into her midsection.


    Ilaria tensed and jerked her knife forth to parry the aggressor's attack against her, a harsh hiss of metal on metal erupted from their crossing blades.  Their momentum brought them closer to each other, nearly colliding and reducing their battle to a wrestle; however, Ilaria's free hand shot forth and sought to grasp her attacker's bare arm.  Thick trails of fog drifted from her fingers, reminiscent to the color of her shimmering eyes.


    Her attacker grunted and struggled to wretch his hand free from the elf, her grip was firm and a coldness was spreading all over his body as those energies seeped into his flesh from where she grasped his arm.  It was a near paralyzing chill that settled into his joints now, turning his movements sluggish and painful - to the point where he would struggle to use effective force or move at any pace beyond a walk.  Panic gripped his mind, yet he was also smothered in an immense exhaustion.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    ". . Did you know her well?" Ilaria queried, keeping her voice soft as her solemn and heavy eyes sought to peer toward her student at her side.  Rested before them on an unlit pyre was a corpse of a woman, her hands folded over her chest.  Paw shells were placed over her eyes.


    The student stood there for a moment, evidently distraught; lost and grieving eyes weighed over the woman before them.  How still she was.  "Not-. . Not well, but I knew her," they replied in a hoarse voice.  "She. . She was kind, always generous." A heavy pause.  "Do. . Do you think she could have-. . Could have been sent to Ebrietas, too?" Her student could not mask their worry with such a question, an evident fear that gnawed at the back of their mind.


    Ilaria's lips thinned in sympathy as she caught that fear, her hand rose to grasp her student's shoulder in order to provide a comforting squeeze.  "If she was pure of soul, I am sure she has a peaceful rest.  She was blessed with a gentle life, one with little to no knots that would make her stray from her true path." Her hand fell from their shoulder then, as her eyes took on a familiar gleam of sea greens.  "We can still honor her memory, she shall be a light for others to follow for the life she lived."


    "Now. . ." Ilaria continued, as the full effects of her gleaming were in place; her dark hair now white with age, as the bags of her eyes grew more prominent.  Her purple-toned skin grew more translucent to reveal her gleaming bones within her.  "Tap into your essence," she instructed, her collected voice was paired with two others that echoed her words.  "Imbue your energy into her. . . speak your payers, give your thanks.  Honor her."


    Her student followed her example, taking on their own effects for gleaming.  They followed her instruction and stepped forth to the pyre, a hand placing upon the cold corpse of that resting woman.  Their ectoplasm began to spread into her, over her. . . a liturgy's worth, surely.  All through out, the student muttered words of honor to that kind soul moved on.  As they concluded, Ilaria stepped closer with a piece of kindling set alight to place onto the pyre.  The fires swelled and consumed the woman, a lengthy process in which those two watched in silence together.


    As those fires died. . . smouldering embers remaining with trails of smoke rising into the air, something danced in those dark plumes.  Small wisps of ethereal light, no more than six of them dancing in the air over those ashes; the remnants of the woman's essence represented as Will o' Wisps.

    "Voyagers of The Shore," Ilaria whispered to her student.  "Collect her ashes, and keep them safe and together.  Although she has moved on, hints of her kindness will remain with us."



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I'll approach them and figure out the situation, and correct them where they need to be corrected.  If student isn't showing signs of improving, I will bring matters to the ST and go off of what they say.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  8. 1 hour ago, Nectorist said:

    3. this one is the most obvious, but couping KP is probably the biggest moment of mine on the server. It's still something that, almost a year later, I can't really believe I did during the rush of finals week. I grapple with it even to this day- whether it was worth it, whether it was the right decision, what I could've done differently, etc. I've talked about it to death with people, and I'm still willing to talk about it with people who have questions, but the reputation and my on-server persona I have today wouldn't be nearly the same had I just stayed away, or returned on a different character, or never have left to begin with. I won't say I regret the decision, but I did hurt and screw over various people who I had a positive relationship with, such as @MunaZaldrizoti, @ErikAzog, @UnBaed, and @VIROS, among others. it's tough to reconcile being seen as some weird hero, both oocly and irply, to some while also being a total enemy and snake to others, especially because I personally liked both groups. it's something that I think will stay with me for a while and is probably my biggest "what if"


    I hope you know I don't resent you for all that stuff that happened.  Yeah, it was a really sucky time for me and I felt betrayed with how stuff in Dobrov was being handled - but it was just a messy and stressful situation for everyone involved.  In the end, I felt like I managed to make a cool enough narrative with having the castle teleported away in RP


    Always a W to give KP the boot, though.  I will never get over him asking Molia (HIS STEP GRANDDAUGHTER, 60 YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIM AT LEAST) to marry him


    ANYWAYS question: what are your thoughts on conor :DDD

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