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Posts posted by 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍

  1. 2samspan and Ultravioletpixie have been implemented into the Fellowship.


    Meeting Minutes: 

    • Liberation and Knowledge of Whitewashes

    The Shaman Fellowship collectively agree to seeking Whitewashed Orcs that wish to propose redemption of their person. Trials will be held by the Fellowship Council and have the Whitewash reevaluated and judged before the Spirits and the Rex.


    • The Hunting of Infamous Dark Shamans

    There will be a gathering and compilation of Kulgarok's offenses with Dark Shamanism including those who may follow him that will be presented before the next Fellowship meeting.


    • Grand Rituals and Festivals

    Research of Spiritual Rituals for the Winter season will be conducted. A primary consideration are Spirits of the Hunt due to Game and food sources depleting during Hibernation.


    • Organization of the Fellowship and Disconnection Rituals

    Unattunement Ritual will be examined and researched further in conference of the Spirits.


    • Temple of Yar Construction, Fellowship Headquarters

    Progress is being made with the building of the Temple. An objective is being made to be completed in a Krug Year by the next Fellowship meeting.


    ((Attendants: Hedgehug, Kizumachan, Subsistence, HugeWud, InfamousTortuga, 2samspan, Hakkaido, Ultravioletpixie, micbox2, Z3m0s))

    Meeting Minutes: 1:30 - 2:30 PM EST

    Saturday July 22nd, 2017

    8th of the Grand Harvest, 1621





    Reborn by the Storm

    On a cloudy day, Elphaba'Gorkil called upon her apprentice Zlash'Lur to continue his seeking of a Storm Spirit. Some Orcs tagged along the journey to see what transpired during the Lur's lesson with the Spirits. They climbed the steps to the guild the only place in the War Nation that allowed seaside rain. With the great might of Olog strength Durzy'Nub struggled but threw open the gates showing off his prowess of power as the rest of the group stepped inside. They all set up their places as the rain poured down onto the gatehouse while Zlash'Lur places his offerings of Vourukh remains, Halfling Meat, and a Rock Sturgeon which are beasts of the air, land, and water like he promised during his initial meet with the Spirit.


    During this time, Zlash brings comfort to his body as best as he could while he took in the features of the storm. He received the pelting of rain and the wind whipping across his body as he induces his trance with the aid of a very rare and extremely strong cactus green, 'Thunderkrug'.


    Meanwhile, the storm only grows more chaotic as the whirlwinds slap the orcs and goblins and the lightning cracks through the skies causing great flashes of light. "Spirit of the Storm heed my call! I have brought the offerings that I have promised to you" the Shaman calls out while he concentrates on holding a consistent trance.


    After a few moments, the pulse of the storm rages through the Orcs mind as he reveals himself in front of the Shamans eyes "You have called to me?".


    "Yes" the Orc states confidently "I have made you a promise, and so that promise I will fulfill. These offerings are more than I told you I would bring including beasts of air, land, and water".


    The Shaman's body stifles with the connection of the Spirit while the trance stabilizes around the Spirits dominion as the Storm speaks "You remember the trial I have proposed to you, yes? Are you ready for it?"


    "Yes I remember." the mortal would state with slight tone of worry as he shifts around the realm "Give me one moment to prepare myself this isn't exactly something I have done before" He hesitates a moment tensing his muscles to prepare for the bolt.


    Without a moments notice, a lightning bolt strikes down from the skies landing upon Zlash'Lur's chest while the branches of the bolt reach his arm and neck. As this occurs, each of the Orc's eyes widen while Zlash's steaming and bruised body drops his staff and falls backwards onto the floor, unresponsive.


    No mercy was shown as another lightning bolt is zapped into the Shaman's chest with a thunderous roar. The electrifying pulse shoots through the Orc's body causing his eyes to gape open and gasp for breath but shortly falls unconscious while his body twitches from the electrical shocks.


    "I think the lightning flatted him! What a sad story" Schnub'nub declares as the he observed the spectacle before his eyes.


    Elphaba'Gorkil checks Zlash's pulse in a panicked state "Spirits.. please.. do not take anyone else away from me please.." shes sighs in relief as he slowly begins to take in breath "He will be fine.. He must come to on his own though".


    As the Shaman apprentice slowly opens his eyes to the exposure of the sky after his near-death experience he is left with some words of the Spirit "You did well in receiving the element of Storm.. Your worthiness is noted" the Spirit's voice slowly fades from his mind leaving the Shaman with his true name.

  3. The Curse of Bloodlust



    The Curse of Bloodlust that Iblees cast upon Krug and his children causes a perpetual form of thought often thinking about the thrill of battle where the Red Mist (blood) fills their vision. The curse works in a way that is similar to a person with an addiction for drugs. The more an Orc fights the more the curse provides a sensation, however eventually like a drug addict if an Orc continues down a path of combat and battle their bodies will become more resistant to the high of bloodlust. This means an orc that's susceptible will want to continue battling perpetually. It is simply a strength of will to maintain themselves but it is easier for some than others.


    Due to this, the Bloodlust often splits the Orcs into 2 separate sections of a  combined group. There are those who try to resist the curse who often consist of the Shamans and their followers with aid and guidance of the Spirits. Which leaves us with those who must often embrace the curse as the shield and sword for the Orcish people which often consists of the Rex and his warriors. Both sects commonly have an intimidating presence whether it’s from great Orcish strength or their great magical abilities of communing with the Spirits.



    (( Thank you, @Tythus for your contribution of Orc lore


    The Shamanic Fellowship


    The Fellowship


    The Shamanic Fellowship is a faith mainly followed by the children of the first shaman and founder Krug, The Oldfather. It is known that many people of different racial backgrounds have converted their ways in worship of the Spirits. The Fellowship is an order of Shamanic peers that are dedicated to the balance of the Spirit Realm and representing Mortals to the Spirit Kind. Many of the fellowship are guided by the Shamans whose duty is diplomacy between the Mortal and Spirit Realms. There are many who return to the nomadic ways to bring others the teachings of the Spirits, but the Fellowship lies within the lands of the Krug who was the first to bring the influence and teachings of the Spirits.


    The collection of Shamans and Spirit worshippers are led by the High Shaman who is influential and renown by the Spirits as well as other Shamans. Many have worshipped the Spirits for a long length of time but the Fellowship is always willing to accept new dedicants. The High Shaman would also be willing to accept anyone who might seek forgiveness but more than often requests Spiritual judgement of the punishment. Those that consist of the Fellowship may seek spiritual guidance from or for any of their peers should they wish to do so. The Shamanic Fellowship collectively seeks a balance of the Spirits and a preservation of the powers that were bestowed to the Old Father Krug, his children, and the rest of Mortality.

    Shaman History & Lore

    Not much is known since the days of Aegis as much of the knowledge that was passed from ancestor to ancestor was lost with many of the older generations. There are records of Shamanism dating back to the early ages of Krug and the formation of Dark Shamanism during the Clan Wars. There are scribed accounts of the First Shamanic Revival being led by a great Farseer and Orc by the name of Mogroka’Gorkil The Farseer prospered greatly from Enrohk’s rise to become a Greater Spirit. In the most recent archives lie the tribulations that occurred of Kharak’Raguk and Orgon’s blight of Vailor that eventually cast it into destruction.



    The High Shaman, Motshams, and Dedicants

    The rankings within the fellowship are obtained through great lengths of dedicancy and guidance alongside their peers.

    The High Shaman

    The High Shaman’s responsibility is the lore keeping of Shamanic events and rituals. This rank includes the most experience of the Shamanic faith and is not easy to come by. The position provides both stability of the Fellowship as well as the Spirit Realm and brings guidance of the Spirits to the newcomers of the faith. The High Shaman maintains the diplomats of the several Realms of Spirits and keeps a watchful eye for some that might try to meddle in the politics and hierarchy of the Spirits.

    The Motsham

    The Motsham’s consist of knowledgeable and fierce teachers of the Shamanic faith. The responsibility of this position lies with the diplomacy and guidance of Krug’s children through the Spirits. There lies 5 positions a Motsham can gain that is diversified by each subtype holding a council formation with the High Shaman. A Motsham is a loyal follower of the High Shaman and the Shamanic Faith where they gain most of their knowledge from. The path to become a Motsham is long and difficult gained only through reputation and representation..

    The Dedicant

    The Dedicant’s consist of Shamanic Teachers, Apprentices, and Worshippers. Their responsibilities include presenting shrines, rituals, and worship to the Spirits. Shaman Teachers and Apprentices may commune with the Spirits to negotiate praise for blessings. Spiritual worshippers have the duty of  learning as well as assisting Shamans in any Spiritual matter if they ask for it. All together dedicants of the Shamanic Faith have the obligation of introducing others to the ways of the Spirits.

    Teachers and Dedication

    Dedication to the Spirits is one of the most vital things the faith calls for. For many it takes great lengths of time to prove themselves a faithful worshipper of the spirits. Though Teachers may provide teachings of the Spirits and their Realms, they must not be bugged about learning Shamanism. The Teacher may provide an understanding of meditation but ultimately it is the Spirit that chooses to appear to the apprentice. If a practice of another kind is taken up by a dedicant, it is very unlikely the Spirit would ever reveal itself due to the dislike of Voidal and Dark magic and/or concentration on other deities.


    The Spirit Realm

    The Spirit Realm is a vast province that is separated into 3 different dominions: Ancestral, Immortal and Elemental.

    The Ancestral Realm

    The Ancestral Realm is widely known among Spirit worshippers as a place named Stargush’Stroh. Here is where deceased mortal spirits live in harmony alongside their ancestors. Lataumen have the ability to converse with such spirits in Stargush’Stroh.

    The Immortal Realm

    The Immortal Realm consists of Spirits that are created from concepts, ideas, emotions, and more specific things. A house may be made of stone held by Elemental Spirits of Earth, but an Immortal Spirit reigns over the concept of what a House is and can influence it in a way to improve or weaken the structure. Immortal Spirits are often worked with by Witch Doctors, Farseers, and Spirit Smiths.

    The Elemental Realm

    The Elemental Realm influences physical aspects of the Mortal Realm. Elements can be used by Spirit Smiths and manipulated by Elementalists in the categories of Water, Fire, Earth and Air as basics. Elementalists with time and experience can manipulate intermediate elements such as Metal and Storm. There are more advanced Elemental spirits but they are beyond in-game comprehension.


    Spirit Grand List:



    Ordinance of the Fellowship


    • Do not interfere with the hierarchy and politics of the Spirits.

    • Do not attempt to bargain with the Spirit of Forbidden Knowledge.

    • Do not misrepresent mortality during diplomacy and bargains with the Spirits.

    • The Fellowship will act as a prevention of any instability caused in the Spirit Realm that might originate in the Mortal Realm.

    • The Fellowship will update the Motshams and High Shamans of any developments they have made or projects they would like to work on.

    • The High Shaman and Fellowship must remain as lore keepers in the Ancestral lands of Krug, but other Shamans may fall on a path of nomadism if they wish.

    • Fear the Spirits, Praise the Spirits.


    The Current Fellowship

    High Shaman:

    Elphaba’Gorkil (Elementalist, Witch Doctor)


    Gukdan’Raguk (Spirit Smith)

    Olnin  (Witch Doctor)

    N/A (Farseer)

    Zlash’Lur (Elementalist)

    N/A (Latauman)



    The Banished

    Those who are banished from the fellowship of Shamans are those known to have contempt for the Spirits as well as intentions of bringing instability to the Spirit Realm. These figures also represent those who bargain with Ixli to learn the ways of Dark Shamanism and individuals who conspire alongside them.


    Banished Offenders:

    Kulgarok’Dom (Dark Shaman)



    Fellowships will be held every Saturday (Grand Harvest) at the Yar Temple of San’Raakh, 1:30 PM EST.


    Note: The Fellowship is not a means of learning Magic.


    MC Name:
    RP Name:


    Fellowship Ranking:
    Shaman Sub-type (if applicable):



  5. I continue to keep my stance on the Core Lore of the descendants and in no way do I think Krug was or should ever be mentioned as a woman. One of his noteable mates was named Grahla, the mother of Gorkil and Dom, how could Krug mate with Grahla and give birth to Krug's children if he were a she?

    There is no point why there should be any change in the core lore when it's been set in stone for several maps. This sort of thing also confuses other players so it should stick to what is already laid out rather than something we are trying to change. 

  6. 51 minutes ago, A Wandering Wizard said:

    Why in the Dead King named God’s name would a man who ruled a War Nation give two shits about his looks? Because Krug was a beautiful woman.

    Krug didn't give two shits about how he looked. Krug bred all of the Orcs with a bunch of Fe-Orcs, he still definitely had the spark whether or not he was ugly.


    53 minutes ago, A Wandering Wizard said:

    Crap, it'd even lend to Krug's credit as a powerful leader and warrior when considering she's actually a woman.

    If you really consider the history of LOTC and the past maps, how many accounts are there of women players taking up leadership roles and actually act as an intimidating figure?

    53 minutes ago, A Wandering Wizard said:

    I am 100% writing humorously because the material may come as a shock to nerdbois, but am also 100% not joking and want these insights to be considered.

    If you are writing humorously, how do you expect something to be considered rather than taken as a joke? (This is Core Lore we are speaking about, something that's driven the server since the first days of Aegis.)


    56 minutes ago, A Wandering Wizard said:

    Someone may even ask why it matters if Krug was a woman or not? It matters because the lore points to it being the case! An oversight by Availer whom referred to Krug as a he!


    Just no... :/

  7. All Nexus decides in PVP is who will win a faster fight. In Vanilla Minecraft, fights especially larger one can go on for a good time allowing actual strategy within the battle since people are able to sustain so much damage, fall back regen, and then fight again. Crafting on the other hand is quite bland and simply boring. You take the time to gather items and press a button and wait minutes to days for the crafting to be done, rather than a simple vanilla crafting recipe. Most of the time when you are trying to craft something in your profession you might have to lean on another person's profession to even get that item, compared to someone being all around.

    I also was banned due to a glitched nexus weapon that I didn't even know I had (if devs can't make a balance with a system they introduced then why continue if it has so much collateral damage) :/

  8. On 7/4/2017 at 6:13 PM, The King Of The Moon said:



    In witnessing the power the former Ish’Urkal had over the other spirits, Leyd saw it as fate. They had begged for his mercy, and so he wished to grant it. In teaching them, and in subjugating the realm as his own. He granted them new strength, power to surmount the spirits and their trickery and in turn created a paradigm shift in the ongoing war of the spirits. In Leyd's vision, he would have his dominion.

    This is a bit off still in my opinion and seems like the rewrite offers the Greater Spirit's opinion on things, which I had always figured was a rule in Shamanism we don't step across. My main question of the whole Dark Shamanism switching from Ixli to Leyd is, why would Leyd all of a sudden decide that the Ish'Urkal were the best representatives of Spiritual Dominance when there have been several Dark Shamans before the Ish'Urkal?

    On 7/4/2017 at 6:13 PM, The King Of The Moon said:

    The source of a Shaman's power, an Isthmus Anchor is first formed in the spirit realm when one (granted the necessary knowledge by the tome) successfully dominates and imprisons a spirit. Only following this may the Dark Shaman then return to the mortal plane and form an anchor for the spirit’s power over the realm. They manifest in the physical realm a 6(( 9 ))ft tall, 3((6))ft wide monolith of piano black marble whilst in the spirit realm an identical object of piano white marble is formed. These monoliths are not to be considered separate entities but rather differing iterations of the same object in each plane; an Isthmus Anchor, a forbidden totem which serves to imprison spirits and force their powers into the mortal plane. A Dark Shaman will find themselves unable to craft more than one Isthmus Anchor at a time, these Totems only able to house three spirits of a less complex variety ((See list of available spirits on this thread)) and one of a more complex nature. Whilst an Isthmus Anchor can house four spirits in total, it is essential that the first of these four is permanently housed by a more complex spirit to establish the totem’s potential, meaning that only three of these slots are available for consistent use to imprison an elemental or immortal spirit; the fourth (or… first, as it were) will house a spirit of either Transport, Slavery or Death. This is process is outlined by ‘The Three Rites’ below, which requires the assistance of Leyd himself to complete.. The owner of the totem may remove a spirit from the Anchor and eventually replace it, though no new spirit may be added for another month.

    A Dark Shaman with the necessary power from the Tome could still only use the initial spirits they had met when the Shamanism was taught because they could subjugate it by having the knowledge of the Spirits 'real name' (the source of each Spirit's power). If an Ish'Urkal wished to subjugate any other Spirit they would have to have quite literally a Spiritual Battle with the Spirit in it's own domain, unless you could subjugate the Spirit through it's real name. 

  9. 9 hours ago, iMattyz said:

    What is the point of these? Yeah, the pictures are good. But these just seem to be yet another creature clogging up the system.

    I agree with iMattyz to an extent. Many Spirits are created and observed and filled with information but most of the time these pretty much go unused just as Smawton's had. Especially with the extreme low count of Shamans it's difficult to do most things with the Spirits that might appeal to others that might want to be Shamans, especially since most of them are still in training. Unless you know, a Spirit randomly decides to enter the Mortal Realm for whatever reason? What is the relevance of these Horsemen in RP, and why is it in the order of Ixli (Forbidden Truth), Fire, and Death?

  10. MC Name: Subsistence (Marijuanaology)


    Character's Name: Zlash'Lur


    Character's Age: 44


    Character's Race: Orc


    Link to your accepted MA: 



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Elementalism (Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Metal, Storm)


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): Elementalism is only one of the sub-types that branches from the general sense of Shamanism. It is one if not the only combative magic there is of any Shamanism sub-type by manipulating Elements such as Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Storm but only uses natural resources compared to creating the Element from the void. In order to gain this ability, one must first show his/her honor and loyalty to the Spirit-Kind in order to gain the Elemental Spirit's trust and learn the source of the Spirit's power being the Elemental's true name that is revealed through a pact created between the Shaman and Spirit. Once the name is learned, a Shaman must learn to bond with the Spirit and understand it's ways in order to completely master and manipulate the Elements to the user's will. As a Shaman continues to learn further mastery of the Element they must also present rituals and role-play to please the Spirit as well as providing knowledge and experience to others who might become interested in Shamanism.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student: Zlash would lead the student to an (varies) environment such as a lake of lava where they could gather more of a physical feeling of the Elements. As they settle in a safe place, Zlash has the student attempt to relax and fall into a meditative trance helping them as much as he could. If unable to concentrate as hard in order to induce a trance Cactus Green may be used in order to create a dense high and help the Shaman. As he helps guide the student, he tells them to focus on the environment and the element that consumes the area surrounding in an attempt to draw on the Elemental Spirits and catch the Spirit's attention through chanting. As the student begins to acquaint themselves with the Spirit that appeared to them, Zlash would help explain ways to make the student's bond stronger with the Spirit by making a pact and dedicating themselves to the Spirits.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Agreed


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: 


  11. "Me wants to the peep Artimec's face." The War torn Orc and Shaman grumbles as the Rex sends out the reparations "After the respect me popo has shown, he was flatted for such skah." He clutches tightly onto his staff as he remembers the cannons destroying the walls of San'Kharak "Vorgo wus a messengur between Thurak and the Ascended, if onlee Thurak wus dere to peep the murder and flat of hiz hosh freynd."

  12. On 6/5/2017 at 1:06 PM, DivineJustice said:

    Shamanism has always been an orc first magic to be, regardless of whatever flak or bias I may receive from it. Though Hellfiaz gave dark elves lutaumancy, I still would like to think all of the forms have been locked to essentially the orcs.

    In reference to many archived Shamanism posts, Krug is considered the Old Father of Shamanism meaning that he was the first to bring teachings of the Spirits and from many old and reknown players have said that Farseer and Latauman are a crucial part of Orc Roleplay as Farseers guide the Orcs through Spiritual empowerment.



    On 6/5/2017 at 1:06 PM, DivineJustice said:

    Essentially. If you want shamanism more used by the orcs, RP it. The rework will be done shortly, and those who actually put themselves forward to roleplay their interactions and character development with the spirits will find themselves with shamanism. I'd gladly do events for those seeking interactions with the spirits as well. Simply PM me your idea or what spirit you'd like to discuss with. 

    Reading past archived posts about Shamanism, i'd like you to consider the following as it would be convenient and canon since currently there are only 1 source of self-teaching Farseeing from the Or'Gok scrolls. This way it could prevent any future problems that might resurface as it has recently.



  13. 3j4XsmO.png


    [!] The Shrine of Kharak'Raguk on the sandy mountain looking over Azaghol and the Dwarven Desert.

    The sky above looks to be gathering a cloudy appearance causing the landscape below to appear gloomy as the lava bubbles and flickers with fire atop a mountain in the Dwarven desert. Zlash'Lur peers over the peak a last time taking in the barren distance of the mountain and the fortifications of Azaghol but turns his head as he faces a shrine of the Orc his father had once served, Kharak'Raguk. He had traveled in search for some sort of answers or clearance of his mind but only could take in the features of what Kharak might have appeared as. With all that was available before him, Zlash decides to sit himself down in front of the shrine closing his eyes to connect with the Elemental Realm and call out to the Fire Spirit as the environment was perfect for such a meeting. The Orc closes his eyes and begins his meditation as he chants the Fire Spirit's name in order to reach out from the Mortal Realm to the Spirit Realm.

    "What an interesting location you found" the Spirit says as he appears to the Orc "Such a fine display of the qualities of my Element". Zlash offers a small grin as he recognizes the familiar tone of the Spirit "It is a place of fortitude; my people and I have survived out here for a number of years. How do you fair since my last visit, Spirit?" the Orc would ask considerably to the Spirit. The Spirit remains silent a moment until the voice pitches a deep and troubled sound "Something is amiss with the elements in your Mortal Realm". A barren landscape signifying somewhere in the Mortal World begins visualizing around the domain as the Spirit continues to warn the Shaman "A land of fire and a cone of doom lie in the wake of these abnormalities that have been occurring, I wish for you to follow my word and follow this trail I have permitted to you". After a short explanation and discussion, the Shaman opens his eyes to the bubbling lava in the pits of the mountain as the Spirit expelled the Orc from his domain throwing him into the journey that was tasked "Skah... I suppose it's time to set off then."



    [!] Zlash'Lur observing and investigating the mysterious ruins of a Shrine a few chunks away from an active Volcano. 

    After days of travel, the Shaman eventually stood upon the familiar landscape assessing the area for anything that might had been off. A few chunks from an active and hot volcano Zlash wanders into a steamy and mysterious area with pillars erected in an odd formation. The Shaman moved forward to take a look at the pillars attempting to figure out what they may have been for but after many moments passed he could come to no conclusion. Instead, he had another idea and continued his travels until he found a nearby village consisting of a multi-ethnic community as a place to start his investigation. The Orc passed through the village eventually arriving into a tavern and approaches the bartender asking for a drink.

    The Shaman tosses mina onto the table as the bartender approaches on other side of table with a Pale Ale in hand. He places the ale in front of the Orc and scoops up the mina but pauses as Zlash speaks towards him slightly intimidating the bartender by the Orcs large figure.
    "Say, Human, have you ever been around those ruins surrounding the Volcano a few chunks away?" he asks in Blah attempting to commonize his speech to communicate as best as he can. "Unfortunately, I have not it had not even been an idea to go around that area for I am so busy here and trying to keep my family fed that I have not had the time" the bartender says with a slight frown not being able to satisfy the customers question. The Orc frowns with slight disappointment and decides to down the ale in front of him, get up and leave "Rulg for your time."


    [!] Lava bombs rain from above as the Volcano naturally explodes causing ash to cloud the skies.

    As the Shaman departs from the tavern he slowly comes to a stops in the square of the village next to a family of whitewash Orcs as an odd feeling overcomes him. Without hesitation, the land of the Realm would begin to fiercely shake causing many of the villagers to drop or fall onto the floor with a large boom of smoke following and exploding into the sky above. Within the confusion, the sky would slowly darken as ash covered the brightness and flare of the sun while molten rocks fell from the sky crushing many homes as well as the tavern and killing many villagers along with the parents of the whitewash Orcs. The Cubs stared with a confusion, fear, and unbelief as the blood of their parents splattered onto them and the smell of death bubbles from underneath the volcanic rock causing their eyes to widen greatly. The Shaman did not hesitate for the death of the cubs parents, whistled for his Lur Wolf Dash, and ran to the boy and girl cub pulling them atop to run away at top speed from the village "Hurry the skah up!" the Shaman yelled as they started dodging the lava bombs left and right until they were safely away watching from the top of a hill as the village was quickly destroyed in the fire and buried in the ash.


  14. MC Name: Marijuanaology


    Character's Name: Zlash'Lur


    Character's Age: 44


    Character's Race: Orc


    Link to your accepted MA: 



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Elementalism (Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Metal, Storm)


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): Elementalism is only one of the sub-types that branches from the general sense of Shamanism. It is one if not the only combative magic there is of any Shamanism sub-type by manipulating Elements such as Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Storm but only uses natural resources compared to creating the Element from the void. In order to gain this ability, one must first show his/her honor and loyalty to the Spirit-Kind in order to gain the Elemental Spirit's trust and learn the source of the Spirit's power being the Elemental's true name that is revealed through a pact created between the Shaman and Spirit. Once the name is learned, a Shaman must learn to bond with the Spirit and understand it's ways in order to completely master and manipulate the Elements to the user's will. As a Shaman continues to learn further mastery of the Element they must also present rituals and role-play to please the Spirit as well as providing knowledge and experience to others who might become interested in Shamanism.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student: Zlash would lead the student to an (varies) environment such as a lake of lava where they could gather more of a physical feeling of the Elements. As they settle in a safe place, Zlash has the student attempt to relax and fall into a meditative trance helping them as much as he could. If unable to concentrate as hard in order to induce a trance Cactus Green may be used in order to create a dense high and help the Shaman. As he helps guide the student, he tells them to focus on the environment and the element that consumes the area surrounding in an attempt to draw on the Elemental Spirits and catch the Spirit's attention through chanting. As the student begins to acquaint themselves with the Spirit that appeared to them, Zlash would help explain ways to make the student's bond stronger with the Spirit by making a pact and dedicating themselves to the Spirits.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Agreed


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  15. I'd have to say I am pretty interested in this villainy focus group. In the past, I have committed many villainous acts such as banditting and raiding in Vailor but now consider myself less villainous (it kind of varies depending on how you try to see it, but imo I do it for a reason not simply for pixels.) since most of what I kill is for the Spirits. Orcs follow a Daemonic Faith but are not a villainous people which is often assumed. My skype is sexyman123456436 i'd like to see how this group develops and what the server can gain from it.

  16. rp93y8rvamT1zK8z7krvifrb60LyEw9KdHfMIZYHkpWjZUb38jhDwvZ5SJC6yiUMBwCctAQJL-RxXuVwK_Iibo5XFddVhIg9xudbMb1FzwHaV0xFpww_Q_jPGnsA4dGCwNISJkhf



    The wind whistles as it pushes through the dying blades of grass disturbing the silence of the long night. Headstones litter the area covered by a withered tree darkening the words and making it difficult to read the text upon the stones. An Orc passes through the unfamiliar lands that used to once be a Shamanic Campsite called the Angathgûl, though many have disappeared and faded from the camp leaving only gravestones in it's place. The Orc approaches the shade of the tree scanning over most of the headstones attempting to read the writings upon them seeking a specific headstone. As he moves swiftly between the graves he settles upon a single grave covered in decorations of the Shamans that had previously lived there.


    Zlash'Lur withdrew the hood and began circling the tombstone seeking any sticks or branches that might had been on the floor in order to start a campfire. He drops the bundle of sticks before the gravestone and presses a flint and steel together illuminating the campfire through the shade of the dead trees. He reaches over the fire sweeping the dust from off the tombstones embedded words "Here lies Vorgo of the Clan Yar". Zlash sighs as he looks somberly at the words but stands and moves along the campsite hunting small animals to have some sort of snack that would subside his hunger. When he returns, Dash, the Lur Wolf is huddled beside Vorgo's gravestone darting his alerted eyes towards Zlash as he approaches the fire but relaxes as his familiar scent creeps towards the Wolf's nose.



    [!] Wild wolves hiding in the blankets of snow surrounding the Angathgûl campsite.

    Zlash looks through the flames towards his father's gravestone while meat slowly roasts above the fire, he takes a moment to take a few breaths and speaks "Father, it has been so long since you have disappeared from the Mortal Realm but it still feels like yesterday you were here". He frowns as he feels a stab towards his heart speaking his suppressed feelings "Many a time did I almost fall down the same route towards Stargush'Stroh, but here I stand walking in the same footprints you have left, away from our people". The Orc laughs lightly at the irony looking back through the fire "Though I do admit, I have seen much more than most in the short lifespan I have lived and it still puzzles me how I still survived to this day" the flames spark and crackle shooting small embers towards the sky but quickly turn to ash "Perhaps Ghorza has blessed me with the fortune of life". He leans over the campfire watching the incineration of the small rodents and vermin while he slowly turns them for a perfect roast. Zlash grabs one of the vermin and reaches his fingers into it's deceased mouth in order to remove any excess bones before he eats it until a low growl is heard by Dash as he glares into the darkness surrounding the fire.


    As the shroud of darkness lingers over the two, growling and snarling would be heard from the vast blackness from what would seem like every direction. The Lur Wolf arose in a defensive manner as an Alpha-Wolf of it's pack approaches from the darkness facing Dash as if to appear more dominant in the territory despite the Lur Wolf having greater size. Within a moments notice, the wild Wolf leaped after Dash smashing its paw into the Lur Wolf to try to throw him off his balance and take a bite at his neck. Instantaneously, the Orc rose to his feet dropping his food into the fire and prepared to defend himself and his Wolf as the growling slowly got louder and louder from the opaque darkness. As the two Wolves battled, Zlash closes his eyes in order to focus on a mental schematic of his current surroundings and under his breath he chanted and mumbled with a quick pace.


    As the darkness flared it's fangs at the ongoing battle the fire crackles louder and louder as the wolves beyond draw closer. Dash regains composure and bucks the wild Wolf off of him and leaps onto it's flipped body biting at any area that was vulnerable of defense but a tough fight the wild Wolf was putting up. The wolf pack slowly closed in their snarling faces finally beginning to fade in from the shadows with their mouths watering with great hunger for flesh as it began salivating down their canine mouths. Dash eventually pins down the Alpha Wolf and locks its jaws on the neck pulling with great ferocity causing blood to splatter across the floor and the Lur Wolf's face. The Wolves close in on Dash as their leader is defeated until a large and bright flame begins sweeping the edge of the shadows aiming for each one of the wolves burning the minions fur and killing them through torturous heat. 

    Zlash ceases his concentration and growls underneath his breath as he watches his Lur Wolf feast on his opponent as the dominant Wolf of the territory "One day soon the flame will burn a bright path before us and we will allow no contest to those who insult and think us beneath them. We will be guided through fire and ash and represent the people, our people, in great vitality and strength."

  17. The Orc Zlash'Lur continues praying to the Spirits asking for guidance when word is received about the Undead withdrawing from the Westerlands "They win a quick wagh against one of da most active human natiuns and simply wiffdraw? The Nubdead am trying to get out of dodge for sumthin."

  18. 7 hours ago, zaezae said:

    is shamanism race-locked?


    Shamanism descends from Orcish Ancestry and the Old/Black Tongue which is the language of the Spirits. Most prove unworthy since they can't even get used to learning the regular Blah.

  19. 35 minutes ago, GrimReaper98 said:

    I believe it either gets re-worked and revitalized or it spreads to other races, or the drastic option is killing it entirely.

    It doesn't need to be re-worked it just needs to redistributed. Any race can have a faith of the Spirits but that's up to them, Shamanism remains as an Orcish faith because they have a history since Krug himself with experiencing the Spirits even speaking the Old Blah or Black Tongue like the Spirits as to where most people don't even try to understand Blah. Killing it entirely would be the most disappointing thing ever to happen on this server and in no way should go that route.

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