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Posts posted by š•¾š–™š–†š–—š–Œš–šš–˜š–

  1. 32 minutes ago, Sporadic said:

    We will continue to use the Mineworld going into atlas. The policy on this, for now, will be similar to that of Axios. The ore rates have been rebalanced as follows though:

    • Extremely high (higher than vanilla) coal and iron supply.


    It might be interesting to have the Mineworld be a normal supply of the regular resources and somehow set up a wilderness resource-gathering location that would be higher in supply, but the risk of that is encountering someone else in the region. This would essentially create a way for settlements to battle for greater resources.



  2. Ā 


    Image result for dividing line transparent



    "Come Brother" the ghastly voice of Wurzik would call upon Falum as he led the Wargoth into the depths of the Lur Den. "So what brings you here brother?" Falum would ask as they take the lift deeper into the Den. Wurzik remains silent dropping the gates behind them while Falum draws an odd gaze upon him asking "Is that necessary?" while he moves over to lift the gate once more. Falum places his palm upon the lever looking back to Wurzik as he shakes his head glaring at Falum's palm while he jokes with him "What did a scaddernak get your tongue?" he'd slowly take his hand off moving towards Wurzik curious what he might have to say. Falum seats himself upon the log giving faint sniffs of the roasting meat and of an odd scent filling the air.


    Wurzik shifts his body forward with no hesitation "You have grown weak, brother. The shamans are cowards, using the spirits for power."


    Falum gazes upon Wurzik in a questionable manner "It is a matter of how one works with the Spirits. Those who follow the path of pure devotion of their every day life to the Spirits are cause for an easy death. The body does not belong in the Spirit Realm."


    Wurzik who was covered in open wounds and dried blood slowly wreaks of rotted flesh as it decays "I have been gifted a blessing. One that will finally help me put an end to the Spirits on this plane."


    Falum responds back quickly looking deep into Wurzik's emptyĀ eyes "There is no end to the Spirits influence.. For what reason would you turn to such a thought?" his eyes eventually draw upon Wurzik's open wounds "For the longest time when I seen you in battle i had often believed that the Spirits were fond of you"


    "We have long since fought an endless war against the descendantsĀ of Krug's brothers. We have been deceived. The Spirits are our eternal enemy" Wurziks jaw speaks with very sluggish movements


    "An endless war?" he grunts squinting his eyes at Wurzik sniffing the air as the decay begins to grow stronger "Only fools are deceived by the Spirits. What are you saying, Wurzik.. maybe I should get Thurak to Spirit Walk and make these bad spirits flee from you."


    "You say that the Spirits are strong? Yet why do they not fight our enemies? That is because we have been deceived. They're not strong, they're weak and have been using us. I offer you two choices, Falum, you will gain redemption by joining me or be killed here." Wurzik lowers his decaying hand towards his belt


    Falum growls as the scent grows stronger irritating his nose "The only redemption I need is in the eyes of the Spirits and the Rex." he reaches for his battle-axe his tone growing more serious "You got a bad stink about you, Wurzik. You do not determine my destiny."


    In a great fury, Wurzik roared at Falum and his resistance "Falum I loved you like a brother, do not do this."


    Falum bares his tusks in great frustration "I will offer you the same thing. You need a cure brother, that demon can only wish to screw your mind up more!" while Wurzik retaliates yelling towards him while gripping his axe even tighter "FALUM"


    The Lur Wargoth with his rising rage grabs hold of the sitting log and with a great snarl flips it over making more room for the fight "This was not your destiny, Wurzik! You have betrayed the Spirits and you have betrayed your own brothers!"


    The last words of the Wargoth left a great agitation between the two turning words into action as Wurzik steps forward sending his battle-axe to cleave into Falum. The Shaman Wargoth steps backwards evading the blade of Wurzik's axe as he raises up the pole of his axe attempting to jab it into Wurzik's forehead to daze him but the Ghoul took advantage of the situation by ducking and sending his body forward to tackle Falum's lower body. With the weight of Wurzik's body the two collapsed while the Shaman sent his fist into his opponents face though he easily absorbs the attacks. As Falum completely reaches the floor he looks around his environment discarding his battle-axe and reaches for a Hookah. In the meantime, Wurzik regains his sense and violently digs his tusks into Falum's abdomen goring him with his large twisted tusks.


    "GRAAAHHH!" the Shaman Wargoth roars in great pain as his skin rips and the tusks dig deeper while he grabs the Hookah and sends it to Wurzik's head. The Hookah makes contact with the back of Wurzik's head likely cracking his skull but the ghoul forcefully rips his tusks out of Falum's body creating a bigger gash as he rears the Hookah once again sending a stronger swing towards Wurzik's jaw violently dislocating it and sending him rolling to the side.


    While blood rolls off Falum's stomach he raises himself and begins chanting with very heavy breathing attempting to focus while reaching for his battle-axe. Wurzik stumbles to his feet tumbling over to the gate for balance "Fagum I warhned yew." he raises his bloodied hands against his jaw desperately trying to shift it back into position. The Lur Shaman bares his tusks and begins to chant louder and louder the last of his strength pouring into his body whilst he speaks in Black Tongue. Wurzik takes notice of the charges forward blindly attempting to stop him mid-chant.


    The Lur in a race against time calls upon the Ancestors as he was already weakened from the start. Falum manages to spit out the rest of the chant as Wurzik hurdles the log and makes impact with him aggressively thrusting his tusks into Falum's upper chest, goring him once more. The Shaman stumbles backwards as the tusks pierces his chest gathering up as much Spiritual strength he could manage left and upon the tackle twisted his body to ram Wurzik into a Cauldron also ripping the leather-like skin upon Falum's chest and giving him third degree burns from the boiling water.


    Wurzik stumbles backwards again, holding onto one of the pillars holding up the cavern speaking very slurred due to his dislodged jawĀ "Surrender, Falum."


    The Lur raises himself off the ground as his bloodrage and blessing began to affect him he'd mightily roar grabbing hold of the hot cauldron and with great rage launches it towards Wurzik breaking the cavern pillar along the way causing part of the Lur Den to cave in. While the cauldron burned Falum's hand further Wurzik evaded the cauldron but the remaining water boiled upon his skin causing him to scream in anguish taking damage from the attack.


    "WURZIK!" Falum clenches his burned palms tightly upon his battle-axe baring his tusks as the great pains of his body fuel his anger and bloodrage


    Wurzik leans against the wall, his hands fumbling for the gate winch "You are dead, you will bleed out Falum." he'd limp into the lift cart


    "If i am going to die, then so will the demon you have become" Falum drags himself forward grabbing onto the collapsed column snarling in frustration at Wurzik as he easily replies "I can not die, Falum, this is my blessing."


    "So you would hope." the Lur discards his battle-axe throwing it next to the bloody Hookah as he withdraws an Aurum Blade dedicated to the Ancestrals stabbing it towards Wurzik knowing he would fall short "You must be purged..."


    Wurzik's empty eyes look upon Falum as he slowly gains ground on him yanking the lift lever as the Shaman throws his sword slicing against the lift door. After Falum takes the next lift pursuing the Ghoul that used to be his brother pulling himself out on the upper layer using the aurum blade as a cane.


    "I can not die." Wurzik would say again simply pointing a finger to Falum "You are dead, put your sword down."


    "No...." Falum slowly approaches him as he continues to resist Wurzik'sĀ influence coughing up blood meanwhileĀ "I will fight to the death, the warriors death that we are supposed to recieve, Wurzik."


    "Your magic has made you weak, let me rebirth you anew. I will make you strong again." the Ghoul stands still, not hesitant by the Shamans approach


    The Lur growls weakly "I am not.. weak." he sluggishly moves forward bringing his burned fingers towards his mouth whistling and groaning loudly


    Wurzik stands ghostly still as he listens to Falum whistle "You will die, you will bleed out."


    As Falum stopped whistling as intimidating growls are heard through the halls of the Lur Den as a large monstrous shadow emerges across the wall. Wurzik looks to the large gashes in his lower and upper chest watching blood seep from his wounds "A Hunter nevers fights without his dogs, should of expected the infamous Lur Wolves. Put them away, I will not kill your animals. You are dead for certain, no healing can save you. I offer you to be reborn anew beside me, strong and able bodied."


    The Lur Shaman continues coughing up blood from whistling barely able to hold himself up as his Lur Wolf prowls out of the hallway next to his ride sending a wild snarl towards Wurzik "Begone Wurzik... you have succumbed to a demon. The only thing you deserve is this sword ending your miserable existence."


    Wurzik looks upon Falum's injured body "Falum you glob. You will die here today, I am surprised you have not fallen to your wounds already."Ā 


    "You will not... decide my destiny." he bares his tusks once again in great anguish as his body slowly slumps over while his Lur Wolf circles around him placing its paw forward to contest Wurzik.


    Wurzik the Ghoul shakes his head and walks over to the gate winch turning when Falum calls out "Wurzik... y-you..." he'd cough blood onto the floor as his wounds create a pool around his body


    Wurzik pulls hard on the gate winch causing it to rise up as he slowly turns his head to Falum "Say it, brother."


    Falum focuses his best attempts on his raspy breath trying his best to not fall unconscious "This... is not over.." he glances up one last time meeting Wurzik's empty eyes as the ghoul walks away letting Falum bleed outĀ "It is, you are dead."


    OOC: Great RP combat i've had in a while, this isnt a PK post either but I finally had the time to write it all down. A ghoul v shaman is an interesting match-up and clash of faith

  3. Warlord Falum of Clan Lur hangs about his throne in the midst of the Lur Den as some of his clansmenĀ tendĀ to his battered and scarred body from his previous encounters.


    "Kahn be prowling the Deserts? A pilgrimage of the sands can only further vitalize ones Spirit. If only Lukra couldĀ see Kahn still holding strong."


  4. On 11/5/2017 at 9:51 AM, HedgeHug said:

    For the conflict between Aspectists and Spiritualists was a wrongful one. The shamans falsely assumed that those following natural deities other than the spirits acted against them. Whereas those following the Aspects path thrived in the arts of natural communion, and upheld natural balance. By doing so directly empowering the spiritual entities representing all nature: Freygoth, Greater of Nature. Votar, Greater of the Hunt. Arwa, Greater of Fertility.


    And by the druids power of herblore and advanced knowledge of medicine: Akezo too was pleased.


    It became apparent to Shagarath that there was no strife between these divinities and in order to let others know - struck a deal with Freygoth.




    I really don't think it's even considerable that Spiritual Meditation can somehow merge and allow access to the Eternal Forest of the Druids. The most a Druid could learn from the Shaman is the meditation alone for since they have a bond with the Aspects (and not the Spirits) they could not use their concentration and meditation for Spirit Walking in a completely separate realm from the Spirits.

  5. So is this supposed to be another Rune Cannon/Trebuchet (They practically work the same exact wayin a siege anyway)Ā or something more similar to a Bridge Ballista but rather launching Golems onto the settlement rather than connecting a bridge to it's walls for easy access


    1 hour ago, Twilight Druid said:

    steam powered trebuchet


    Also is a Steam Powered Treb just for appeal? I wouldn't think it'd be given any extra ability since siege weapons should practically be just as fair as any other treb or cannon.

  6. 10 hours ago, Sky said:

    Which was?


    Proving your worth as an Orc by accomplishing something outstanding. Orcs are born with the tusks, but must earn their horns. While tusks are a prideful thing for an Orc to have; horns are more of an honor to achieve through the trials tasked by the Shaman.


    4 hours ago, Gladuos said:

    So basically if you aren't an orc and still a shaman then you can't grow horns even if you prove yourself to some ancestral spirits? What about dark elves and proving themselves to the ancestral spirits they are related to?


    This pertains to: Male and Female Orcs, Goblins, and Ologs.


    Orcish horns have always been relevant to a smaller extent on LOTC until recently when people started throwing horns on their characters out of the blue. A reason for this is due to Krug who was the first to knock Iblees down but was burned by the acid skin and passed it ontoĀ the descendant Orcs who received a type of mutation on their bodies.


    This lore tributes the growth of the horns not only to the Lesser or Greater Ancestrals but also to Krug as well whom is not the racial father of the Dark Elves for that would be Malin. If you are interested in growing some horns on an Elf, Human, Dwarf look into being an Azdrazi.


  7. 1 hour ago, Brazilianski said:

    Yea, put this up and just completely ignore the Lore that says all Rams naturally grow horns? I hope you do know that


    Clan Ram barely came around this map to pursue as Civil War with the Orcs. They naturally grew horns from what seemed like nowhere when there used to be an actual reason why Orcs grew horns instead of just to have them.



    10 hours ago, Smaw said:

    However, can you explain what kind of system you would be using to determine the worth of ones actions, and when they would be deemed worthy enough to be blessed with horns?


    Who will play the Greaters? ET? Shamans? Those who played the characters?


    Practically, the Shamans would be the ones playing these characters and since horns aren't exactly moderated we don't need any staff to handle this for us. I would imagine to obtain horns it would practically be a Shaman giving Ancestral guidance on what their Ancestors have accomplished and what kind of task that specific Orc should embark on.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Dunstan said:

    92cce8add31f62bdc94830eba85a3edb.pngĀ **Daemon of Faith and Ambition


    Sorry it can be a bit confusing andĀ a mess when people shift something from one thing to another.Ā 




    All the same, the guidelines I mentioned are still relevant.

  9. On 10/24/2017 at 12:39 AM, Babehab said:

    Joretel grew envious of dedicated Izkuthii, longing for her own followers to spread mirth in her wake. She sought out skilled chefs and bakers, those she deemed worthy to carry out her will, and bestowed her teachings upon them.


    Izkuthii are no different in the sense that they worship another deity being Llahir the Daemon of Trickery, Thievery, and Luck. The Spirits wouldn't reach out to another deity follower because they were created by Apohet the Daemon of PrideĀ (though no-one would actually know this IRP)Ā if one wanted influence with the Spirits they would have to fully devote themselves and not just a portion of their worship.


    On 10/24/2017 at 12:39 AM, Babehab said:

    Veist, Spirit of Tricks, Thieves, and Illusions observed the unfortunate events from afar, and saw opportunity. He opted to prey upon her desperation, offering his assistance in the matter.

    The two collaborated, creating the craft of the Feastmasters.

    Unbeknownst to the content and comfortable Joretel, Veist continued to work. He twisted theĀ spiritā€™s vision to his own benefit, cursing unfortunate descendants to harvest dark energies for later mischievous use, these cursed descendants would come to be lightheartedly referred to as Susteknights.


    The two Spirits 'collaborated' helping create the Feast-mastersĀ and Susteknights while Veist to his own benefit twisted Joretel's vision. This sounds less like collaboration but rather Veist backstabbing Joretel.


    On 10/24/2017 at 12:39 AM, Babehab said:

    -Susteknights are able to learn most other magics, aside from deific magics, andĀ dark magics that fully corrupt or alter their being. The act would either break their mind beyond repair or cause them to literally eat themselves to death. This only results in a PK if they willingly let this occur.



    Susteknights are practically created through the Spirits 'collaboration' meaning they would have been created through Shamanic means to begin with. Reaching towards other magics and teachings is practically spitting in the face of the Spirits that began their creation.


    On 10/24/2017 at 12:39 AM, Babehab said:

    Becoming a Feastmaster

    To become a Feastmaster, a specific, special broth must be brewed, the chefs hissing quiet prayers to JoretelĀ in Old Blah. Should the prospective chef drink the broth, they would lose consciousness, briefly communing with Joretel. From there, the spirit bestows her blessing upon them.


    Old Blah is something that's passed from Shaman to Shaman and unless you have a teacher that knows Old Blah you wouldn't have RP knowledge of it. It was recently added to the forums but is not grounds for having RP knowledge of it. This sounds extremely familiar in relation to Witch Doctors.


    On 10/24/2017 at 12:39 AM, Babehab said:

    For the short time that this sound and feeling persists, if the Susteknight desires, they may summon forth a crude illusory imitation of the consumed beingā€™s related magic, oftentimes to the detriment to both themselves and their opponent.

    Like all illusion, Mimicking tricks the minds of those affected. Regardless of if theyā€™re certain itā€™s real or not, their brain, and especially their body, will react reflexively to the stimuli.


    I'm not really sure where I stand with this or where the other LT or MT might stand on this. It ultimately is only illusory magic but it's practically absorbing other's magics for theĀ projection which is a bit of a stretch.

  10. 19 hours ago, Babehab said:

    The obscure spirit Joretel looked upon the Clerics of Tahariae, and longed for such loyal and devoted servants.


    Firstly, Spirits don't long for servants because anything that happens in the Mortal Realm benefits them anyway. Shamans are practically Mortals who have the capabilities to walk about the Spirit Realm, serve and make deals with the Spirits, and commune the way Spirits wish to recieve sacrifices.



    A Tahariaen Cleric would hold no influence whatsoever with the Spirits simply because they worship another Deity and not the Spirits themselves.Ā That's also not to mention that Farseers are more than often the Shaman form of a Cleric. It wouldn't be rational for someone (especially one who receivesĀ a magic from the deity) to be completelyĀ devoted to the AengulĀ as well be completely devoted to the Spirits.

  11. Ā 




    [!] Falum of Clan Lur turning towards his brothers after the conclusion of the skirmish of Jornheim Fields


    Blood is splattered across every body adorned in rugged or shiny armor all together. As the last of the forces were struck down and the red mist of war begins to vanish most were quick to boast and celebrate of their well-met victory and survival of the War, but what rang out most to Falum is the short silence that held for an eternity. As his awareness slowly grows back and his eyes dim from itā€™s bright red nature the silence helped his Spirit ease back into tranquility and away from the beast that lies within. He turned to see his Clansmen and the rest of the Orcs flaunting their weapons in victory as they exclaimed great praises to the Spirits and even praised themselves for withstanding such a battle. While many of the Coalition were in great spirits of joy; the celebration Ā lingered above many whose spirits were extinguished and had succumbed to the blade.




    After the battle, many who had fought looted the corpses of the field and argued over who deserved what boasting they had more kills than the other. Falum disregarded those yelling deciding not to concern himself with klomps over material things, because such a thing did not matter to him. These things may grant you more money or more value in life, but they do not remain forever. Anything Falum had ever done in his life was with his own two hands and the basics he was provided with. The Orc walked about the field finding his own clansmen chuckling to himself as he reminisced on the days he used to take on Ologs with his own two fists.


    The journey back to the Lur Den was long and exhausting while the Coalition stationed their numbers preparing for the next assault. Falum upon arriving back to the Den alongside his Clansmen dropped the gates and exhaled deeply. As each of them withdrew their armor and weapons bruises and fresh scars adorned each of the Lurā€™s bodies from the battle. Each of them withdrew into their blargs receiving whatever rest they could gain before the victory feast. Falum upon entering the Wargoth chambers seats himself along his bed of tanned and exotic leathers picking up his journal that lies upon the desk before him.


    Falumā€™Lur begins to scribe into the journal leaving his revelations of War before the feast:


    ā€œWe will alwayzĀ remayn in ah conztant staytĀ uf klompĀ whether it be inturnal or exturnal. I hasĀ lost clanzmen all daĀ zame azĀ the oppozitiunĀ but we continue attributing in onleeĀ daĀ flatĀ of otherz. It izĀ common of the othur dezcendantzĀ tuĀ blahĀ on prozperity throuĀ peaze, but striving for zuch a way of life will onleeĀ deduze Man and Woman alike tuĀ submizzion under a greater hand. OnleeĀ on daĀ field of waghĀ is when thoze of ztrong Zpirits present their strengths before the Realm. AzĀ for the weak-spirited, they muzt grukĀ the truth of strength or will be brokun and collekted among the Spirit-drained corpzes.ā€



    (Common Speak)

    ā€œWe will always remain in a constant state of battle whether it be internal or external. I have lost clansmen all the same as the opposing forces but we continue attributing in only the death of others. It is common of the other descendants to speak on prosperity through peace, but striving for such a way of life will only deduce Man and Woman alike to submission under a greater hand. Only on the field of war is when those of strong Spirits present their strengths before the Realm. As for the weak-spirited, they must learn the truth of strength or will be broken and collected among the Spirit-drained corpses.ā€


  12. On 10/15/2017 at 5:39 PM, Smaw said:

    For unknown reasons, the Dark Shamans are haunted by creatures referred to only as Seekers. These entities appear to randomly emerge around these Shamans and attack them on occasion.

    I understand an ET will play this but what are the odds of Seekers appearing during one of these events, or is it determined by rolls or something?

    Overall, the lore looks significantly well written and contains a stable link to the Origins of Dark Shamans as well as keeping a reasonable balance with their abilities and forfeits for those powers. I am kind of on the fence about the stagnant spirit manipulation simply because any Mortal can use stagnant spirits and evoke them from their own Spirit causing them toĀ fileĀ in under the Greater Spirits. Although, I can understand how such a thing might be able to work.

  13. 11 hours ago, Charles The Bald said:

    Letā€™s face it, you cannot actually win this war as we have way more soldiers and gear than you have. Without any allies, we still have more soldiers than your whole kingdom can rally on a good day.Ā 


    Falum'Lur scouts around the War Zone for any signs of hostile life but to his dismay could not find any Urguanic warriors but only the occasional Orenian goon.

  14. On 9/15/2017 at 4:05 PM, Teegah said:

    for tomorrow we plan to fix that by having you respawn at your status's spawn point.

    I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself during the combat. Though for some reason I think latency might have an affect on bows, because they were utter **** during the battle at least from what I seen. It'd also be nice if maybe each time people log in and out to restore gear they didn't end up switching sides so it could be a balanced battle the whole way through.


    On 9/15/2017 at 4:05 PM, Teegah said:

    however we're eager to see how a siege will be so it's super important if you're free to come participate!


    Please don't make sieges as quick as it was today. Otherwise, sieging will be too easy for the offensive side when imo they shouldn't be easy for either side.

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