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Posts posted by 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍

  1. Spoiler



    Falum near the borders of Krugmar ventured into the sands and placed a Shrine to Skathach in honor to the pact he holds with the Fire Spirits.




    The blood of the wolf within Falum binds him to the Spirit, Freygoth , and thus a shrine was built in respect of the Wild Spirit, life-mate of Votar. If you notice, behind the shrine there is also a tomb displayed that is to be known as “The Tomb of the Ancients” in dedication to the Ancestral Spirits.





  2. Spoiler




    1.1 To initiate a raid the leader of a raiding party must modreq one hour in advance of the raid

    The handling GM must then provide a warning regional broadcast to the target. The raid will arrive one hour from the broadcast not from the posting of the modreq.




    1.2 Raids must be launched from an established base

    A base being henceforth defined as a Major Freebuild or Nation. You may not launch raids from random freebuild huts or dirt holes. RP cave hideouts are fine but must be of an appropriate scale.



    1.1 - I find that players can more than often resolve their own situations and can lead their our combat pursuits, but if it is a large raid I can understand calling a GM though I believe that the broadcast very much goes against the rules of the server and falls under Meta-game.


    1.2 - I feel indifferent about this. On one hand it prevents the pure PVP bandits who live in small shacks from pursuing a raid unless they have a major build, but cave hideouts are accepted so it's not all too bad. In other words, do not suppress bandits to mere banditry they should be allowed to raid if they pursued it.




    1.4 Any individual that is downed during the duration of a raid (within the confines of the raided settlement and its immediacy) may be captured even if they are popped or D40. To do so make a modreq while providing a screencap of the individual being downed, ideally accompanied by a timestamp.

    1. If someone is executed or bleeds out during the raid they may not be captured / tped back.




    1.5 Any individual that is downed during the duration of the raid (within the confines of the raided settlement and its immediacy) may have their head or body taken without consent.

    1. NPCS may be made of an individual to represent them having been executed. Or a head can be requested of a moderator without the need for player consent.

    2. The victim who’s body or head has been taken must be alerted.



    1.4 - I've personally been moderated by this rule I don't find it quite all that appealing. It is what it is, but I think role-play shouldn't go beyond the action of a raid. Raids should be PVP events and end on that note, and if you are looking to go capture someone and make a train of slaves and prisoners then you could do it any other time beside a raid.


    1.5 - Indifferent, but I think it must be a designated receiver so there aren't too many of your heads in rotation



    2.3 Battering Rams may be purchased at the Cloud Temple for (20000 minas for heavy or 10000 for light).The Ram comes in the heavy (with arrow shield) or light (without shield) variants.



    2.5 You cannot construct "Instant" Death Traps.


    2.3On one hand I don't mind the idea for the battering ram, but it seems a bit much for a raid.


    2.5 - Insta-death traps can seem quite inconvenient for a player at times, but I can find it reasonable to use these traps within the boundaries of RP. As civilizations were built these types of traps were used all over in order to keep from having to use close interaction.



    4.3 If the defenders are victorious the settlement’s raid cooldown shall be Fourteen Days from the day of the raid.



    5.4 Emotive combat is not raiding

    1. Trying to twist an ‘emotive combat’ scenario into a raid or a mechanical resolution is raid baiting.

    2. If the attacker is trying to ensure 10+ individuals are present this will be deemed raid baiting. Guards responding to rp would not be held as raid baiting



    4.3 That's a bit of a stretch considering they are the victors. That's practically half a month of cool-down without any real materials to recover for the winning side. Instead of rewarding victors the system should be impartial since they won and had nothing to lose, the previous raiders or new raiders will swoop through again soon to try and reclaim what was not obtained the first time around.



    1. I find this rule to be very anti-PVP. If I was in a situation I should be allowed to pursue a mechanical resolution rather than sticking with the ordinary RP-battle which occurs literally every single combat scenario.
    2. I had always thought raid-baiting had to do with dragging the opposition away from their cool-down region. Raids should be organized with the set numbers instead of looking to strangers to pick up the slack. 


    Guard Default ≠ Defender Default 





  3. It only makes sense that the majority fits between RPers and PVP/RPers (as I consider myself PVP/RP) while the pure PVP section is at a very minimum.


    Though oddly I find it quite funny that the Role-Play community often directs their aim towards the Pure PVP group even considering how small of a fraction they are, unless they aim at both RP/PVP as well and simply want to just be rid of Player versus Player all together.


    It'd be nice to see PVP (including the rules) in a harmonic balance with RP, but more often than not there is a varying Nerf with rules to the PVP community, but there is not often any counter-action really taken against RP since you can't really Nerf role-play.


    I find that both RP and PVP have their perks and it's fun to do either or, but I stay solid when it comes to the actual dynamic combat system of the Minecraft platform which is PVP, though there are many flaws with PVP such as hacking, passing accounts, and auto-clicking that mainly affect smaller encounters compared to larger battles. At the same rate, it isn't by the same means but role-playing can be abused and power-gamed through old and new sporadically added magics, magical artifacts, and creatures even considering that when magic was released it was meant to refrain from combat as it could easily be power-gamed, but to this day it seems to be the norm.


    Mechanic/RP PVP = Mechanic/RP Magic or otherwise a sword-user should be on par along with a magic-user.

  4. Falum'Lur smashes his head into Azhug's as he joins in the roar of enthusiasm by the bustling activity of the Orcish brothers. He raises his spear his into the air and holds the banner of the Lur Clan to his side "My spear is lats, Gilgamesh! Mi hunt da foes of the Rex and pass judgement of the Spirits unto dem."


        Sketch Gothic School Regularalum'Lur followed by his servant walked upon the sands of the desert as they traveled toward the small lump of dirt in the sandy dunes. They braced themselves as they covered their eyes from getting irritated and pushed onto the lift that slowly sunk into the tombs of the ancients where Falum keeps to his shaman duties. They continued on climbing the steep path deeper descending into the crypts and tunnels where they eventually met their destination. It was very dusty and claimed by a habitat of spiders with their nests, but one section in particular was filled with offerings, grains, and gems.  As they stepped closer into the crypts and observed at the offerings Falum nods his head towards the tombstones and remains of several Orcish brothers that had passed onto Stargush'Stroh.




        The Orc stands near the few tombstones and raises his arms towards his servant "Which do lat choose to Spirit Walk with?" he grunts as he looks towards the display of memoirs and speaks of their individual spirits and their efforts in life. Asariel stands near the tombstones and examines the memoirs for a moment until she walks back to Falum wielding a large War-Axe that once belonged to a brave and noble orcess by the name of Lukra'Braduk. "Ah Lukra..." he'd say dragging his words out as he draws upon his memories of his old war mother "Then we will begin shortly" Falum withdraws a loaded blunt of cactus green and lights it with the torch he carried with him and the air filled with smoke and relaxed their thoughts. As they sat idle for moments, Falum held the axe close to him and dragged his hand over the detail of it as he began to chant words creating the tether to the Ancestral Plane. Asariel would watch Falum as he speaks very foreign words to her tongue and was slowly dazzled as the tombs and tunnels began to materialize into a vast plains with crimson and golden skies.

        The duo rose from the plains and spotted a Braduk rhino in the distance grazing upon the lands. They broke out into a sprint and began a pursuit of the rhino who turned tail and fled from the foreign spirits. As the terrain materializes into different biomes through the chase, the rhino halts before a large desert palace surrounded by fields of cactus. "That's not fair!" Asariel says with disappointment as she watches the rhino dematerialize before her eyes "This is where it led us to the beast wus not the prize, the Spirit lies ahead" Falum says as he examines the Realm and the sandstone palace "This almost peeps like that old Doomfort"The travelers continue on as the sand palace looms grandly above them and their forms enter the darkened halls of the structure.

        As they lingered closer to the grand doors of the palace they hesitated and looked to each other for a moment. A voice booms from the other side of the wall almost as if there were nothing blocking the sound "Wub mortals have stepped foot into my realm of the Stargush'Stroh reveal lat selves before me", Asariel would be the first to take a shove at the large door firmly pressing it forward as Falum follows closely behind her. The Orc and Elf step forward into the palace room as Lukra'Braduk raises from her ancestral throne "Throm'ka Lukra, it's been many ages since I last peeped lats face" says Falum as Lukra raises her voice with great enthusiasm. She chuckles heartily finding her old war companion before her "Falum! It peeps that lat am still as ugly as ever, even with all that tusk polishing!" the orcess cackles with great humor as she notices the elf and turns toward her "And lat are?". Asariel steps forward and peered up softly to the great Spirit of Lukra as her eyes widen "Oh miss Lukra, you are even more strong and beautiful than I had anticipated..." she spoke in awe, as she lifts herself up and dusts her dress "I am Asariel".

        Lukra's Spirit looms brightly over Asariel and raises her heavy orcish head "It peeps that we are well met then if lat arrives here alongside Falum" Lukra looks between them with a tusky grin "So wub is it that brings lat to my Realm". Asariel grows a wide grin upon her feature as she looked over Lukra and asks Falum "Sir - How can I get teeth like yours and hers?" and his laughs heartily in response as he remembers an old halfling "Well.. there was an old honorary named Bobo'Lur and he lahed that some Orcs punched him in the jaw until it fit right" Asariel laughs nervously at the thought sways her head back to Lukra. She looks upon the great spirit and brought her qualms before Lukra "I wish to learn to klomp! I want to be as strong as you one day!" Asariel ties up her dress in a loose and combative knot "I learned to do this and I like to think I have a spirit of your kind". The large braduk laughs at her display of spirit "So be it then, My days of klomp yielded me my own realm here in the Stargush'Stroh. Unlike the mortal world, mi could flat both of you where lat stands". Shortly after Lukra spoke Asariel would collapse through the plains as she was overwhelmed by the great limits of the Spirit Realm and was left unconscious in the Mortal Realm.




        They'd watch as the girl fainted and vanish from the Realm causing Falum to turn towards Lukra as the tether only lasted so long "It has been long, Lukra. Mi wishes dat I could have done more during lats life. I wish I could have stopped Drokon when he flatted lat" he displays a frown as he looks upon the large spirit. Lukra draws her eyes deep into his as she places a heavy palm upon his shoulder "Do nub be conflicted, Zlash. Time has passed and you still be walkin but it would seem Drokon also met his fate since I have seen him here in the Stargush'Stroh klomping alongside the Ugluks". Falum nods his head as relief drains from him accepting her fate "Everything you blahed to me was true. Kulgarok was doing dark things with the Spirits and in the end he led Drokon to his flat". The Orc presses his weight upon his materialized staff "He came to San'Torr in those days and challenged me, for he was banished for his dark use of the Spirits. We klomped and the ancestors looked upon mi that day, but the dark shaman was nub seen since". Lukra nods her head in an understanding motion as she thinks back on her mortal life "If I did not make the effort to relay the information to lat it is likely that lat could nub have avenged me like lat did, lats has mi bubhosh respect Falum".

        As the moments passed for what seemed like years, Falum and Lukra continue to hold conversation with one another with Lukra asking "So wub is it that goes on within the goi now? How dus Krugmar stand these days?" Falum's eyes grow displeased with the question as he lowers his head with a bit of shame "The Wagh Nation is nub wub it used to be. The whitewash Horde was accepted into Krugmar by Shakul'Gorkil and now wish to make changes as they see fit! They have begun reclaiming the name of the Iron Uzg, but many clans oppose the actions of Shakul". The Spirit's demeanor grows with rage and displeasure as she offers a heated growl "What is made of the Braduks, how do my kin hold during this chaos?" Falum then raises his head with an even deeper wretch in his eyes "The Braduks are led by an Orcess like you, but she fights for the Iron Uzg and flats her own Braduk brothers. I have held my tongue during these chaotic times, but it only can hold so long until it slips". Lukra edges closer to Falum as she embraces her Spirit against his "So you will join the klomp then, brother?" she'd ask him and with a glow of his tinted red eyes he would respond "Yub, but mi is conflicted.. These Orcs used to once be my brothers, and now I must make a choice of klomping against Clans that once used to be an ally". As Lukra pulls away and slowly begins to fade due to the Tether running low on mana she leaves him with the best words of guidance she could provide him before he fell unconcious entirely "Falum, you must decide. You have always grukked wub lat will do and who and when lat will klomp. It is lat decisiun that am to make things right again."


    The thoughts run at amazing speeds through Falum's head as he grew dizzy and fatigued and passed out. After time passed and he and his servant rose from their slumber Falum reaches for Lukra's War-Axe and growls with ferocity as he clenches his teeth and tusks

    "The Lurs will not stand idly by and peep our brothers bleed on the soils of San'Kala for nothing! We will hunt those that wish to destroy the honor of our civilization and cleanse the Clans of weakness."


    Falum returns to the Clan Hall where many of the Den Keepers and Huntsmen reside as they tend to their wolves and trophies of the Hunt. He stands upon the feast table and announces to each of the Lurs nearby

    "My blood, my kin, we shall klomp alongside the War Alliance of Krugmar! The Horde will not do as they please as long as the War Nation Orcs still stand! We bring them Wagh!"






  6. Spoiler





    Basic Statistics


    Name: Zlash of Clan Lur
    Nickname: Falum
    Meaning of name: "Lum" in Falum is Old Blah for Charm, while "Lur" in Old Blah means Gold
    Origin of name: The word Falum originates from the language of the Old Blah
    Age: 100
    Sex: Male
    Ethnicity: Green Skin
    Race: Orc
    Current status: Nomadic
    Birth date: 8th of the First Seed, 1571
    Birth place: Departing through the Spirit Portal between Vailor and Axios
    Occupation: Hunter
    Title/Rank: Shaman
    Talents/Skills/Powers: Falum among many of the Orcs is a known combatant and warrior. He deals well with his luxuries and wealth but keeps it distant from his heart. With his Shaman abilities, Falum can converse with the Elementals and Ancestrals as well as Spirit Walk among the Stargush'Stroh.


    Past History


    Hometown: San'Kharak (fell in year 1581)
    First Memory: Hunting in the Jungles with his father, Vorgo'Yar
    Most important childhood event that still affects him/her:  The death of Vorgo'Yar after the fall of San'Kharak and the War Uzg.
    Why/How? Falum always looked up to his father as a great and renown Orc. Vorgo passed on many tales to his son of his adventures and heroic actions during his early years. He grew up looking to his father as a hero figure, but as he was sent away from San'Kharak he became troubled to hear of his father's executions for crimes that were falsely placed upon the Orc. In Falum's later years, he would gain the ability to Spirit Walk the Stargush'Stroh and frequently visit his dead Father in search of guidance.
    Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why: His failure to save his War Mother Lukra'Braduk from death by challenging Drokon'Ugluk while he was being mind controlled by a Dark Shaman.
    Biggest role model: Eath'Lur & Shreck'Lak
    Why? Eath was a large influence and mentor in Falum's life as he grew up and was once a close friend of his father Vorgo. Shreck in Falum's early years saved his life from Undead by using Shamanism to bury their opponents.
    Backstory: After the fall of San'Kharak, Falum and several other tribes ventured deep into the Deserts of Axios where they rebuilt under the Dwarves of Urguan. War soon broke out in which Falum led the Orcs a while until Drokon'Ugluk assumed the mantle as Rex and named Falum his Targoth (Commander). After some years, the Axionite war came to an end when the Oren Empire was vanquished and the Orcs were able to build anew away from Dwarven lands. Through Axios there would be many run-ins between Dark Shaman to the Undead of Devirad until the thanic wintering began to destroy the landscapes of Axios and they had to sail into the new continent of Atlas.


    Physical Characteristics


    Height: 7'5
    Weight: 270
    Posture: Straight
    Build: Ectomorph
    Skin: Green
    Hair: Warrior's Braid
    Eyes: Red
    Nose: Snout
    Mouth: Sharp Teeth and Large Tusks
    Describe their smile: Giddy
    Hands: Large
    Feet: Large
    Tattoos/Scars: There are burns upon his arms from throwing a cauldron at an Undead Orc. He has claw cuts deep in the side of his face from battling a Feral with Kurak's Blessing. A large bruise can be seen upon his chest where the Elementals struck him with lightning.
    Who does he take after; mother or father? Falum has his mothers looks, but the combat ability of his father.
    Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Adventurous
    How does he dress or what do they typically wear? He casually wears a Scaddernak hide over an ancient Raven cloak. He carries around a leather satchel across his body.
    Jewelry: He wears a necklace of the tusks that were cut from his father when he was executed.
    Weapons:  Falum is known to be carrying a Spear and an Aurum Ancestral blade called, Maturz'Matl.





    Ethnicity and/or species of the mother: Orc of Clan Lur
    Ethnicity and/or species of the father: Orc of Clan Yar
    Birth order: Yotul, Rilug, Falum
    Any important/infamous/famous ancestors, and if so, who? Distant Ancestors of importance include Lur & Dom
    Birthparent(s): Yertub'Lur & Vorgo'Yar
    Are they still alive? Only Yertub
    Siblings (if any): Rilug (Half-Brother) & Yotul (Adopted Sister)
    Describe how each one treats this character: They are very distant with each other and do not interact much other than Rilug and Falum on occasion. Yotul only acknowledged Falum in his early youth.
    Does this character still keep in contact with their siblings? Rarely.
    Describe their family life/dynamic, growing up: Much of the family life included hard labor and an incredible amount of time spent Hunting to bring food back to the family.


    Partner(s): Xem'Lur
    Children and their ages: Bayek'Lur - 23, Merk'Lur - 20, Sharam'Lur - 15
    How does this character's relationship change with their child/children as they grew older? Much of Falum's teachings to his children include the importance of the soul and teaching them to follow their destinies. As they grew, Falum spent much time with his sons, Bayek and Merk, to help them grow into strong Orcish Men.



    Spiritual Characteristics


    Religion: Shamanism
    Does the character believe in a god or goddess? He praises the entirety of the Spirit Realm but devotes most of his tribute to Krug, Votar, and Lur.
    What are the character's spiritual beliefs? He is a very conservative Shaman.
    Is religion or spirituality an important part of this character's life? Yes.
    If so, what role does it play? It provides guidance in times of strife during his life and creates a model figure with each Spirit to live his life by.
    Element: Fire & Storm


  7. 7 hours ago, Pun said:

    This is not fun for anyone, nor is it healthy for people to have to stay up to defend what they love. This is not good for rp either , people log on for the raids, then log off. This isn't just on the defenders side but the raiders as well. These raid times do nothing for roleplay on this server except kill it.

    If you might be worried about your health, it isn't a priority for you to stay up til late night hours to defend a city on a game. In the end, it really isn't up to the ones who are getting raided to determine what times they should or shouldn't be attacked. Instead of killing the role-play I would actually think that since it's during off-peak always most of the active role-play is preserved.


    7 hours ago, Pun said:

    So why are raids now mostly occurring during the off peak hours , so that you know you can win oocly, you know that you can get those pixels. It makes no sense at all for a server which is meant to be an roleplay server.

    You can't tell raiders when and how they should attack any given place. You can say that it might be about winning OOCly, but I believe raiders should be allowed to choose when they'd like to attack especially if they scout and find out that they might get overwhelmed during the raid which would be no fun for them, only for the side that would be most likely to win just like how the Defenders wouldn't want to have a 40 man raid (which isn't allowed with the current rule-set) and only be able to rally 10-20 people to defend. There are any multitude of reasons for anybody to raid or bandit but I don't think it needs to go as far as obtaining some sort of Cassus Belli for the attack unless it's a War.


    (The only reason that nations don't go full out against one another is because the current rule-set suppresses a country from sending out a full-force against another. Say you have 40 people that are ready to raid and pillage a settlement, basically if you went out with all those 40 a Sky God will appear and tell you that you must drop 30 of those people since you didn't give a notice ahead of time. Why would a country suppress an aggressive attack against another? How does it pay off for the Attackers who are given two choices which consist of either dropping 30 players from the event, or receiving a ban if you continue to pursue since you rallied everyone together?)


    7 hours ago, Pun said:

    At the end of the day, Lord of the Craft is a roleplaying server


    Lord of the Craft is a Minecraft platform before it is a Role-Playing server. I'm not disregarding role-play as I can find it quite descriptive and expressive but at the same rate, I believe that clicking & swinging is the actual dynamic combat system of Minecraft. Not to mention that it is the exact combat system that allows you to defend against Mobs, Animals, or aggressive players.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Pond said:

    lol if u find blah hard to read/write, your dumb, its easy. u ppl just dont want to take the time to to click on 'wiki' at the top, and then goto orcs, and scroll down to blah  : ), it's quite easy !!! sry that orcs have a UNIQUE language and actually speak the native language instead of speaking common 100% of the time. you must also remember, some blah words seem 'dumb/cancer' because of the tusks that orcs have : D, it's quite easy to literally do /looc 'sorry but can u translate?', step out of your comfort zone and just ask for a translation, any orc will be happy to provide ?



    It's funny because people who are foreign to the English language that i've met have even said that if they never played an Orc and tried to learn Blah, they would have never learned how to speak English. Blah has legit helped foreign speakers how to communicate in English

  9. 5 minutes ago, Whimsycal said:

    Intentionally butchering every english word is what should go away. I feel like this is what makes orcs sound like moron cavemen.

    I agree, but at the same rate it was intentionally meant to be a different language for Orcs because originally they only spoke it because of the structure of their tusks as well as it being passed down by Krug and his dialogue with the Spirits. I personally like to find a good mixture between Blah and Common. It's even possible for people of different races to become honoraries or slaves and eventually learn it through affiliation.

    I think people just purposefully don't try to learn Blah. You and I both can say that it's actually rather simple to learn and it is, but others don't think it is but at the same rate they don't even try to apply themselves to it. I have come to know many unintelligent people that were able to even make out how to use Blah, so if you can't understand it at all then i'm sorry for your education. 

  10. vo3q9GvmWUhsDc-v7GaMl-WfzIhG02KfGgzJVWAbhb0R9Rx3alKqjEc0B62iY0ZZ6ClIIytnYfzsy5Grw6Uo0jyDUkq45IXHkxTKnffU4Z2eZBMq8sZ3Rp4gOp9m3F0t5dNkUHXM







    Fighters & Combatants from the many clans of KRUGMAR will register for the tournament and battle to prove the strongest of the many.  This contest will be taking place for those who bear upon them the royal titles of Keshig Boss & Targoth. 

    Keshig Boss ~ 1v1 battle with a ladder system to reveal the Champion of Tourney

    Targoth ~ 1v1 battle with a ladder system & the last combatants will prove their commanding ability through small skirmishes


    ((Date: 7/17/18 @ 6 PM EST))



    KRUGMAR is now recruiting and seeking those of different blood and racial backgrounds to serve the Clans and civilization of the Orcish & Spiritual Culture. The Snagas of KRUGMAR are commonly known to be the labor workers under the Clans & Clansmen. In order to achieve the Honorary status, one must first undergo the trials of the Snagatry and prove themselves to be devoted to the Clans and to KRUGMAR. After enough time has passed and the Clan Leader that they serve has provided their blessing to the Snaga the trials of achieving Honorary Status may be presented by the Rex.




    In honour of those who died during the Clan Wars the Lur go on a great hunt where the Lurs use black spears and arrows. The beast that are killed in the hunt are put in a great bonfire where they are sacrificed to the spirits ones who were murdered in the Clan wars.


    ((DATE: 7/19/18 @ 3 PM EST))








    As the seasons of Atlas pass, a new wind of change flows through the Realm as KRUGMAR sits idly after the execution of Rex Puknaak'Lak and the recent defeat of Morlak'Lak during a duel. The Clan Halls loom with the ringing of a great silence as the Men and the Woman of KRUGMAR abandon their respective Halls after San'Kala was wagered through a duel. Many had left and many were continuing to leave As the stagnation grows within the country-side, a single Orc rises from the depths of the Lur Den into the brightness of the blazing sun and presents himself before the Clan Halls with a great announcement. 


    "Time and time again, our Rex's have fallen so short of their campaign. For too long haz we taken upon our people the many spirits of failure and for too long haz we . With there being nub Waghgoth council to come tugether in these tiks, mi Falum of the Clan Lur will take upon miself the duty of leadin the Orcish peoples and place my claim upon da Rexdom. If any wish to come before me and challunge mi in mi prestige den meet me in the da San'Kala Arena and prezent latself before mi"


    ((There will be a meeting at exactly 6 PM PST in the San'Kala fighting pit))







  12. 14 hours ago, B3ast_mod said:

    Half-Body (up to waist)
    (S) $10


    Could I perhaps get a  commission of my Orc, Falum along with his Lur Wolf beside him? Hit me up on Discord im ready to purchase those hot sketches  Humanistic#9501






    After a day full of spiritual labors, Falum of the Lurs retreats back into the Wolf Den as he drags the remnants of Minotaur that he claimed for a trophy. The scarred Orc climbs through the wilderness that grew within the cavern and deposits his trophies into treasure chests deep within the Den that is guarded by the great Lur Wolves. The rest of his claim is dragged toward the feast hall and a great lump of flesh and meat is tossed onto the table prepared and cooked by the skillful Clan Father, Eath of Lur. Falum rests upon a lone seat next to the feasting table as he lets out a loud and tiresome groan as his restlessness grows upon him after the Hunt and battle between his two Sons. He places a large orcish palm upon his forehead and begins to let his mind drift for many moments until a wanderer goblin draws upon his attention.




    The Wanderer shifts along into the Den with a large pelt draped over his head and a cane to keep his balance. As Falum begins to notice him they make direct eye contact as he approaches closer, a great cloudiness and weathering were the deep pupils of this Goblin. The grey and cloudy eyes of the Wanderer peered deeply into Falum's Spirit and bewildered him amidst his presence as they greeted one another with a headbutt. This mystical wanderer began to speak to Falum and asks, "How are yew, Lord uf Lurs" with a bit of a howl to his vocal tone. Falum recedes from the Wanderer and groans "I have been better, wise one. I fear that my Spirits have been down and I fail to prove myself to the greats of the stargûsh." 


    The Goblin hops upon a stool resting himself as he speaks to Falum with curiosity inscribed upon his features "These Spirits, perhaps you have not failed them but they have failed you? What is it that keeps your devotion to these deities?" The Stranger begins tapping his cane upon the wilderness grown floor and continues pressing upon the Orc "Many greats have came before you, and many did not seek the Spirits and achieved greatness." A confused expression grows across Falum's face as he contemplates the influence that the Wanderer cast upon him. The Lurs face grows dark as he droops his head beading his eyes deep into those of the Goblin.


    "Many have devoted their livelihood to countless different walks of life, but only so many reveal the truth of the world the way it is and does not try to obscure it. Many wish for the World to grow into a peaceful state but do not wish for opposition or adversity in their lifetimes. With no strife and with no challenge to change the world it will crumble in the hands of those who will seek this stagnant life. The Spirits are undeniable for I have walked with them, I have spoke with them, and I have even been lent the blessings of their godliness. In the Spirits, those who wish to follow down the path of redemption can prove themselves to their brothers and those of the afterlife.


     Sacrifices must be made regardless of your position in life and is the only truth that anyone must encounter. I seek to prove myself to those who came before me and those who now stand alongside me. The Ancestors shall see my strife's and shall see the civilization's I continue to build and fight for in the name of the Immortals. In the name of the Spirit of the Hunt, in the name of the Spirit of the Wild, I will earn my place in the afterlife alongside Lur and the Ancestors of  Stargûsh'stroh and leave my name  immortalized in these lands of mortality."


    The Wandering Goblin raises his cloudy eyes directly upon the Lur's figure and bobs his head letting out a grand chuckle as he continues to tap his cane upon the floor. The great burst of laughter surprises the Lur and they both come to a stand as the silence drowns the air amidst their presence. The Goblin lingers around the campfire glaring deep into the flickers of the flame as if he had the ability to see the deepest embers within the Element. The Wanderer remains silent as he drags himself with the use of his cane back towards the entry of the Den and lets out a wispy cackle as he speaks to the Lur "So be it, young Lur. The Spirits will look upon you as you have upon them and shall spectate the challenges that you face. I accept your answer, but words alone will not prove to the Spirits what your ability is capable of. Only will your actions prove any of the things you speak."

    As Falum loses sight of the Wanderer and follows the figure out of the Den and into the brightness of the heavens only the whispering winds were left amidst the Orc. The Wanderer in plain sight vanished amidst the winds and was no where to be found.

  14. 5 hours ago, Jentos said:

    Woah there mister shaman person. If you want to destroy the concept of necromancy, sure. Apart from a single rogue necromancer I can remember, none praise Iblees. And for good reasons. Necromancy is not a vile and pure evil magic, if that's what's you want, return to Disney World, I'm kidding. But just so you know;

    Necromancy is a perverse, godless magic, stemming from Iblees, from unknown sources, somehow bent. A lot more mysterious than shiny angels dropping down. This magic is filled with gray zones. Necromancy used to be primarily used by Xionists. 

    Meaning, folk that literally want to kill gods.

    Necromancy does come from a higher power, it was stolen, like I stole your mama last night.


    None of that ug-blug "i kill ugh-ugh praise ibLeyz"

    orcs do a good enough job with that kind of stuff


    The magic in it's current state is exactly that, a gray zone. These are apparently teaching's that stemmed from Iblees but if strayed away from the Daemon, then why is the power source not cut off as well if not receiving magic from the God of the Undead? If it is from unknown sources then it will be nothing but bent with no actual platform. Funny stereotypes but all i'm saying is that the ability that is granted to revive people from the dead who ultimately hunt the living is not a simple school teaching and it has to come somewhere. You can have just as good role-play even if you do murder people, believe it or not.


    5 hours ago, h e x said:

    dark magics are not deity magics sir


    It was still considered a Dark Magic when Iblees passed the teaching onto necromancers.

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