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Posts posted by Gustando

  1. Actually revolting.


    This event has no interesting properties to it other than “Hey who wants some free powerful minecraft magical artifacts??!!!! Haha u just got to collect me the blood of a virgin and i’ll make u it!!!”

    Like, come on, give the players potential character development. Not indulge in their obsessive addiction of hoarding magickal pixels.

  2. A certain old friend, Elnirith, upon hearing such atrocious news lowered his head – frown present on his face. 
    His lifeless, unorganic eyes glimpsed up in the sky –  the high elven man bidding his old friend farewell in a short prayer.

  3. IGN: UgBrainHurty

    Discord: Snow#7181

    Character Name: Cooper

    Profession: Shoe shiner alongside a group of triplets, professional dealer of [redacted] items.

    Short Bio: A young malnourished street urchin rat – oft darped in torn, stenching of otherwordly creatures garbs. Conversing in a accent probably uncomprehendable to most.

  4. 4 hours ago, Boruto said:

    yeah, no. give this a hard pass.


    no balance, no elements of any intrigue, this effectively boils down to little more than a powergaming instrument for people who just watched the overblown netflix show to indulge in their edgy fantasies of copypaste geralts of riva who are, and mark this, likely to end up drunk in some sutican tavern with yet another psuedo vengerberg. The protagonism in lotc has already seen its culmination, it shouldn’t be encouraged any further.


    yeah the whole sutica hate-train has grown to be a stale meme but the issue is real, y’all know what sort of players will get their hands on this. I do not endorse.


    If the Story Team even considers this, I’d truly lose heart.

    couldn’t have said better myself. 

    Awful lore, just copy-pasted from witcher, the abilities are easy to powergame, they do not give any unique traits to this ‘mutation magic’. 

    Like come on man, we all know you just changed the name from witchers to shikari, even the ref art is from witcher.

  5. 3 hours ago, applesfor10 said:

    Like. Everyone take a moment to imagine my surprise when I woke up today and came to check my post and see how the world was doing. Shockingly I discover this personal attack on my intelligence. Sad.


    That’s okay though Missile, some people just don’t appreciate the finer things in life. However, you can’t diminish the quality of my post and insult my intelligence like that. Apples is big smort. Now move along sad boy.


    You won’t always appreciate things and that’s okay. Other people do. Understand?


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