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warlord of filth

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Posts posted by warlord of filth

  1. On 3/13/2024 at 5:33 PM, Titanium430 said:

    Tobiasz Maxim Sarkozic smiled brightly as the campground was set up — The merchant went about drafting a trade route for the procurement of needed goods for the fledgling camp. "Wonderful, simply wonderful." He spoke within his new tent!

    Tobiasz looked down at his bedroll, it had bed bugs. He was overwhelmed with a feeling of sadness, and itchiness. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Xarkly said:

    Bishop Villorik rolls his eyes as literal blood splattered pages glorifying a skeleton don are spread throughout Canonist realms on an industrial scale without any apparent trace, pushing missive posting RP to a new level of siliness.

    thomas talbot thought back to houses with legs, automatons who have emotion and skin, magical flying cities, and he too looked down at the abundance of paper spread by the evil doer.


    “the evil cult must be stopped, they invented the printing press and vagrants to deliver missives. by the nine.”


    he then clutched his soul stone and teleported across the world to a magical pillar, before hopping on his horse and sprinting from city to city, because setting realistic expectations for this world is lame


  3. BOONE MINEPLENTY the great hypernaut completely unaware of his families return to the earth in their mineplenty pods (unused breeni character) screams loudly as he manifests from the sheer absurdity of a meteor. 



  4. 12 minutes ago, monkeypoacher said:

    Decentralization is a problem with the map more than anything. Consolidating a bunch of realms into larger realms won't solve it. You have to make the map smaller or move nations closer together.




    amount of realms doesn’t change the vast emptiness that fills the entire map, and the time it takes to get everywhere

  5. 1 hour ago, Islamadon said:

    Upon hearing the dour news, Tio Dante would ignite his censer with fresh sandalwood so that he might reflect amidst its fragrance. Upon issuing a guttural prayer, he found himself rather content - not an ounce of sorrow betrayed his maskless face. After all, the Tio knew that Tonito was not dead. His Kani still emanated throughout the World, and his blessings continued to inspire and guide others. One day, he was certain, he would reunite with the Little Father in this life, or the next.

    Skulls | Biker quotes, Biker love, Harley davidson

    “This is so raw.” stated Arch Inquisitor Kappa, pouring out a skin of wine for a real Owynist man.

  6. Spoiler



    From somewhere along the grapevine, those two men's words had made it to he who was most holy and true. The quarters of Bishop C sounded out with the pious scribing of a priest, as a reply was given henceforth to those that littered the thesis with commentary. A monk scribe delivered such, peaceful in nature, and fat in posture. 


    4 hours ago, Olox_ said:

    Heinrich II Lothar simply scratched his cheek as he read the missive "Someone has not done his homework properly. Shame. I pray that once and if you ascend to the Seven Skies, you will have the courage to say this to His Majesty, Charles I, who defended the Church so valiantly." The Lord Regent commented as Aaun was far from being unholy

    TO the dullard Heinrich Lothar, who could not for but a moment cease his lock-step marching to guage the error of his realm, failing entirely both in reading and heeding of this rebuke, I attest: I would not for a moment hesitate to ask on that most noble of Kings whos service to the Church was an unquestionable good his mind on the nation once his possession siding with the forces of the obscene. The laurels of that late virtuous man and King is no defense to you now, who in this moment are in error for your dealings with the enemy; a nation in league with the deceiver, and enemy to God's Church.





    4 hours ago, sashimichopped said:

    "Alliances are fine to be embraced, unless they are used for militant uprising against another nation within Canondom. Lets not pretend that such a thing as allying with nations who are of a different faith never happened in human history!


    It mentions all the Heartlander nations but this man forgot to mention the historical records of the Iron Accord? Remind me, which human Kingdom their signature was on that parchment again?" The young acolyte Frederick remarked.

    BROTHER, no matter the time, to align oneself not only militarily, but in full consent of foreign paynim law is an affront to the faith. I care not who has been guilty in ages past of this offense, nor think it any less the crime for the great host of offenders that a mind attunted to history may conjure forth, the fact remains, there is no purpose to such an agreement but to wage war against Canonist princes, fearing Canonist princes- from the perspective of Aaun. This repulsive Sutican nation, that has found itself AT WAR with Holy Mother Church for decades has much to gain, it is certain, defense from the faithful who rightfully aggress them for their harboring and perpetrating of evils.


    THERE is a sickly pride among the men of Aaun, and of Stassion, who would think that any and all criticism, however righteous or true, is the work of the enemy and must be wholly and entirely neglected, willfully ignored. It is a poison. No man aligned with God, with his Church, or with his Virtue must blind himself to the greatness of the men who have led him, or have led him in ages past- it is the attraction of the Godwinites, their temptation, the heresy that has prevailed among their people since the passing of Godwin himself, and such a heresy threatens still to take hold over the hearts of these people. This is true, and has always been known, and comes only to light now that they find themselves in abject error, but one must be all the more mindful and attentive to this FACT as the Kingdom turns deeper down this path of support of the reprobates.





    Fear me.

    I will teleport behind you and instantly kill you in a hardcore event. You will be PK’d and all that effort spent to get your precious MA and CA will be for naught. 

    Just your very application on the server leaves you susceptible to the consequences of living in a world which I will torment. 

    This post is meaningless because you can hide from PVP, you can hide from CRP, but you cannot hide from my events. 


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