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Posts posted by Remyy

  1. Name: Cookie

    Age: 51

    Race (if not mali'ker, an interview will be conducted before citizenship can be required): Black Elf

    Notable skills and/or professions: Baking, making people face palm.

    How many will be housed under your name?(Please provide their names and information as well): Hubby, Baby, Angry Teen, Sister, and her to be born baby.

    Do you accept the Onyx Law and by extension the law of the Dominion?: Aye!



    Name: Thessa

    Age: Adult (37)

    Race (if not mali'ker, an interview will be conducted before citizenship can be required): Half-Ker-Ame

    Notable skills and/or professions: I can make things explode

    How many will be housed under your name?(Please provide their names and information as well): Just one other

    Do you accept the Onyx Law and by extension the law of the Dominion?: Sure


    You know my ooc ****.




  2. Denied

    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 24 hours,

    • Greetings applicant! you did not use the whole whitelist format, which is found here.
    • It is extremely rare and strange your characters parents would have died from old age, considering elves live up to almost 1000.
    • Your biography contains very little lore, and there is no current record of an event titled 'The emeires'.
    • It does not explain why he was a hired soldier, or why he needed to protect himself. This could be a very interesting core part of your character, in your next application please explain it!

    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 24 hours.

  3. Pending

    Your application has been put on PENDING, but do not fret as this only means you only need to make several changes to your application before you may be accepted! please make the changes below within 24 hours, or you will be denied.

    • Greetings applicant! your application overall is very good! you just need to change a minor thing before you may be accepted. In your biography, it states your characters father worked as Bailiff in the castle and in Chambry. This is lore breaking against current RP, and will need to be changed before you're accepted!


    If you have any questions/concerns don't hesitate send me a PM!

    Once these changes are complete send me a PM, and if you require help, I as well as any other AT will be sure to see to that! You have 24 hours to contact me, before you are denied.


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