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Posts posted by Remyy

  1. MY App thing 3.png

    Applicant has fit the requirements to be accepted,

    Your application has been accepted! on behalf of the AT, Welcome to LoTC.

    If you have any questions regarding the server send me a PM, my ign would be


    If you need help adapting to the server, feel free to PM any of the Application team members or myself!


    "Welcome to Axios Valah.."

  2. Under Review


    Your application has been put on PENDING, but do not fret as this only means you only need to make several changes to your application before you may be accepted! please make the changes below within 24 hours, or you will be denied. Please be sure to contact me after the adjustments have been made!

    • Your Powergaming and Metagaming definitions are vague, please build on these!
    • Your biography is too short! please have at least two paragraphs, and three references to lore! It also seems that your biography was cut in two, please be sure to fix this!

    Please contact me after you have made the changes needed, if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to PM me! You have 24 hours to make the required changes!

  3. A young Dark Elf blinked staring at the victim list, a growl escaped her lips

    "Vas is an innocent, that just proves this group is a load of ****..- I'm going to bloody kill one of these fuckers."

    The woman hissed before returning to her baking.

  4. Under Review


    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 6 hours,

    • Greeting applicant! You have been denied for not using the full application template found Here, Please use the full template next time you reapply!


    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 6 hours.

  5. Pending

    Your application has been put on PENDING, but do not fret as this only means you only need to make several changes to your application before you may be accepted! please make the changes below within 24 hours, or you will be denied. Please be sure to contact me after the adjustments have been made!

    • Your biography is great! although several changes need to be made. There was no war titled 'Duke War', although there was a war between Oren and the Dreadlands! Laureh'lin does not exist in Axios (Since Linandria is the Axios version of Laureh'lin) Meaning your character could not leave from Laureh'lin, and go to Linandria.
    • Your characters skin does not quite fit wood elven lore, the skin tone is too pale. Please darken it to the lore fitting standard! If you need help, refer to This for a base idea!

    Please contact me after you have made the changes needed, if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to PM me! You have 24 hours to make the required changes!

  6. A certain red eye'd Elfless scanned the poster shaking her head thrice, before crumpling the paper and tossing it to the side of her bedroom.

    "I bet they will all perish in under a week."




    A soft giggle escaped a Black Elf's visage, she leaned back in her seat munching on a cookie.

    "Sounds interesting, more than likely a new source for the witches to get some food.."

    She blinked turning her orbs to the cookie that she munched on, the Elf hummed pushing it onto her mouth with a faint sigh..

    "I wonder if they are able to eat cookies.."

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