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Posts posted by Remyy

  1. Under Review


    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 6 hours,

    • Greetings applicant! you did not use the whole whitelist format, which is found here.

    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 6 hours.

  2. Under Review


    Your application has been put on PENDING, but do not fret as this only means you only need to make several changes to your application before you may be accepted! please make the changes below within 24 hours, or you will be denied.

    • Greetings applicant! you still have hardly any lore in your biography! Three pieces are required.
    • In your personality, it states Eve cannot feel pain. This is illogical and nearly impossible in a physical sense, If it is mentally it is not explained.
    • People bringing up a deceased loved one is not a weakness, and is very unbalanced with the 'masterful' weaponry. I suggest you change this, to something more balanced. Bad temper, allergies, physical weakness. It is also not explained as to why he is good with a pickpocket, either remove this or have a very well explained reason!.

    If you have any questions/concerns don't hesitate send me a PM!

    Once these changes are complete send me a PM, and if you require help, I as well as any other AT will be sure to see to that! You have 24 hours to contact me, before you are denied.

  3. Under Review


    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 6 hours,

    • Greetings applicant! you did not use the whole whitelist format, which is found here.

    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 6 hours.

  4. Hiya guys!

    I got bored, so here are some random art things I have done!

    They are all sorted into different categories, I will add things as I find 'em.



    Portraits of characters




































  5. Denied

    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 24 hours,

    • You did not wait the full 24 hours after denial! Please wait the time out before you reapply again, you may reapply 24 hours after this app!


    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 24 hours.

  6. Order form:


    Gender: Female

    Age: Physically late teens

    Race: Dark Elf (Black Elf)

    Picture: https://gyazo.com/00ad134bb825930eec44dcce7d194fd5


    Body type:

    She stands at a very tall 5'11, she is not very muscular with a larger bust and curve. (Bigger rear than Forestyne's ;) )


    What do you want them doing:

    More than likely eating a cookie, or some other baked item.


  7. Denied

    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 24 hours,

    • Greetings Pie! sadly you have been denied for the following reasons, although! this does not end your journey, you may in fact reapply in twenty four hours!
    • Is there a reason why your character goes with the Forest Dwarf? Is there a reason your characters family dislikes the Forest Dwed? This is all quite confusing, and unexplained.
    • Your character would not be able to pretend to be an Elf, considering Dwarves have a rather noticeable accent, and tend to be MUCH shorter than the average Elf.
    • Once again, your personality is not explained in your biography and is faintly confusing, next time please build on this!
    • It said your character went off with a Forest Dwarf, meaning he would not be alone his whole life. Perhaps add more weaknesses and alter the one you currently have to fit your biography.

    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 24 hours.

  8. Under Review


    Your application has been put on PENDING, but do not fret as this only means you only need to make several changes to your application before you may be accepted! please make the changes below within 24 hours, or you will be denied.

    • Greetings Emma! your application is very good overall. But there is one thing you need to change in order to be accepted! You mentioned one piece of lore in your biography, we ask that you include three pieces at least!

    If you have any questions/concerns don't hesitate send me a PM!

    Once these changes are complete send me a PM, and if you require help, I as well as any other AT will be sure to see to that! You have 24 hours to contact me, before you are denied.

  9. Under Review


    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 24 hours,

    • You did not explain what rule you agreed with the most.
    • Your definitions are extremely vague! Please refer to the wiki, or simply google them! Be sure to not plagiarize though!
    • Wiki!
    • Your character must at least be 18!
    • You did not do your characters biography! this is an essential part of the application, and must at least have three references to server lore!
    • By skin, it refers to you minecraft skin! please include this in your next application!

    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 24 hours.

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