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Ender VIP
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Posts posted by Remyy

  1. Denied

    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 24 hours,

    • Your corrections are incorrect! please find a more 'realistic' skin, and change where your character was born!

    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 24 hours.

  2. Pending

    Your application has been put on PENDING, but do not fret as this only means you only need to make several changes to your application before you may be accepted! please make the changes below within 24 hours, or you will be denied.

    • Greetings applicant! Your character would have been born in late Vailor, not Aegis! If you have issues with this, look it up on the wiki!
    • Why does your character wish to do this? why does he have these strengths/weaknesses? Perhaps explain in your biography!
    • Please reference AT LEAST three pieces of server lore in your biography, perhaps the end of Vailor?
    • Your skin is not roleplay friendly, remember this is a medieval fantasy! Leather jackets and scarves are not really applicable!

    If you have any questions/concerns don't hesitate send me a PM!

    Once these changes are complete send me a PM, and if you require help, I as well as any other AT will be sure to see to that! You have 24 hours to contact me, before you are denied.

  3. Pending

    Your application has been put on PENDING, but do not fret as this only means you only need to make several changes to your application before you may be accepted! please make the changes below within 24 hours, or you will be denied.

    • Greetings Flowergirl! your biography is much too short, please make it at least two paragraphs long with  at least three references to server lore! While it is not needed, if you want your character to be fascinated with the previous map of Vailor, perhaps you would want a younger character?
    • You may not apply as a 'noble' or royalty, please change this in your name!
    • Your weaknesses/strengths are a tad unbalanced and unexplained in the biography, could you explain why she is good with nature? perhaps she has a bad habit, or snarky attitude.
    • Wood elves do not have wings, and have darker skin. Please adjust your skin and appearance to resemble the lore! If you have issues, feel free to look at the wiki.
    • Here!

    If you have any questions/concerns don't hesitate send me a PM!

    Once these changes are complete send me a PM, and if you require help, I as well as any other AT will be sure to see to that! You have 24 hours to contact me, before you are denied.

  4. "Did- Did they just call a Warhawke quiet.." Chirr muttered looking over the page.

    "And where the **** is the drunk Hawke- tsk tsk." The Warhawke shook her head thrice before crumbling up the paper, tossing it to the local corner.

  5. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: _Krys

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: Kryyyyyy


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yups

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yup yup.

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Aye!

    How long have you been on LotC?: About a Year

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: Three!



  6. Denied

    Sadly your application has been denied for the following reason(s) below, yet do not fret applicant as this does not keep you from joining forever. You may reapply in 24 hours,

    • You did not wait the full 24 hours after denial! Please wait the time out before you reapply again, you may reapply 24 hours after this app!


    If you have any questions and or concerns please do not hesitate to send me a PM via going to my profile, and using the message button! You may reapply in 24 hours.

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