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Application Comments posted by Chorale__

  1. I4WEKvE.png

    Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    Happy RP'ing!

  2. I4WEKvE.png

    Unfortunately, your application has been...


    -Your powergaming definition is almost there, but not quite correct. If you can, the next time that you apply, allow the AT member an example so that they're fully understanding that you know what it is. If need be, you may look on the LotC Wiki but remember to not plagiarize. 

    -Where does Killian live? What's the Dwarven City? If you can put these responses into your next application that would be grandiose. 

    -Please note that if you wouldn't have been a guest account then you would have been put on pending, but guests cannot edit their applications. I really recommend creating a forum account if you can. If not, then that's fine too and you can just reapply as a guest once more.


    You may re-apply once you have made the changes required. I suggest joining the New Player Help Discord where you will be greeted by Application Moderators, General Helpers, and many members of our Community - they can answer any questions that you might have regarding the server. Here's a link: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw. Good luck, and thanks for applying!

  3. I4WEKvE.png

    Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    If you have any questions at all then feel free to contact me via Discord @ Chorale_#4767, PM's on the forums, or on the server. My username is PiousChorale_. Good luck, and thanks for applying!

  4. Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    If you have any questions at all then feel free to contact me via Discord @ Chorale_#4767, PM's on the forums, or on the server. My username is PiousChorale_. Good luck, and thanks for applying!

  5. I4WEKvE.png

    Unfortunately, your application has been...


    -To start off, I think that you did great on your application. There's one minor change that needs to be done before you can be accepted though. This is; that you must at least have one(1) to two(2) pieces of lore in your biography. I would have put you on pending but seeing as this is a guest account, that can simply not be done because you have the inability to edit your application. I really recommend creating a forum account for when you re-apply. Thanks for applying, and good luck.


     You may re-apply once you have made the changes required. If you would like to join the New Player Help Discord, here's a link: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw. You'll be greeted by many of our General Helpers and Application Moderators should you decide to join. If you need me personally, you can send me a message on Discord @ Chorale_#4767.

  6. Your application has been placed on...


    -Your application is good, but I would like for you to expand your biography. I like for there to be at least a paragraph or two of backstory.

    -I request that you use a different skin, if you need any help finding another one then just let me know and I can assist you with that. 

    -Hagu cannot be apart of the Raguk Clan per the applying process, but once you get in-game this can be adjusted.


    If you find yourself confused then LotC has a new player Discord where we have helpers in there to help alongside the Application Moderators. Here's a link: https://discord.gg/brPt8We


    You have 24 hours from the time I post my reply to make these changes, if you fail to do so then your application will be denied. You can go about doing this by using the [Edit] feature on the bottom left-hand side of your post. If you're denied, then you no longer have to wait to create another application from the time that it's denied. When you make the changes then contact me and I will review the application again. When you're done editing your application for the second time, respond to this thread or PM me via the Forums. 


    If you have any questions at all then feel free to contact me via Discord @ Chorale_#4767, PM's on the forums, or on the server. My username is Chorale_, I have another whitelisted account that's named Chorale__, so you can PM either one of those. Good luck, and thanks for applying!

  7. Unfortunately, your application has been...


    -We cannot put guest accounts on pending, else that would have been done with you. I recommend creating a forum account so that you can be put on pending if you make a mistake with your next application.

    -Your skin is not canon with our time period, and will need to be changed. Let me know if you need any help finding a new skin and I can assist you with that. 

    -You cannot apply with magic.

    -Chelissa will need to appear like a normal snow elf for the sake of this application and cannot run as much as 24 miles per hour. 


    You may re-apply once you have made the changes required.

    If you require any help at all then be sure to contact me via forum PM's or by Discord @ Chorale_#4767. I also highly encourage you to also join the New Player Help Discord where AT Members and General Helpers can help guide you with the application process. Here's a link: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  8. Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    Happy RP'ing!

  9. I4WEKvE.png

    Your application has been placed on...


    -Your powergaming definition is incorrect, you can find the correct definition on the LotC Wiki - but be sure to not plagiarize. 

    -There is no such thing as 'thief' language, so I'd like for that to be removed from your biography. 

    -Where did Aldorei grow up? Answer this question for me. The main wood elven cities can also be found on the LotC Wiki.


    If you find yourself confused then LotC has a new player Discord where we have helpers in there to help alongside the Application Moderators. Here's a link: https://discord.gg/brPt8We


    You have 24 hours from the time I post my reply to make these changes, if you fail to do so then your application will be denied. You can go about doing this by using the [Edit] feature on the bottom left-hand side of your post. If you're denied, then you no longer have to wait to create another application from the time that it's denied. When you make the changes then contact me and I will review the application again. When you're done editing your application for the second time, respond to this thread or PM me via the Forums. 


    If you have any questions at all then feel free to contact me via Discord @ Chorale_#4767, PM's on the forums, or on the server. My username is Chorale_, I have another whitelisted account that's named Chorale__, so you can PM either one of those. Good luck, and thanks for applying!

  10. I4WEKvE.png

    Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    If you have any questions at all then feel free to contact me via Discord @ Chorale_#4767, PM's on the forums, or on the server. My username is Chorale_, I have another whitelisted account that's named Chorale__, so you can PM either one of those. Good luck, and thanks for applying!

  11. I4WEKvE.png

    Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    If you have any questions at all be sure to message me via Forum PM's or through Discord @ Chorale_#4767. I recommend that you create a Forum Account too, as you'll need it later on! Happy RPing!


  12. Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    Happy RP'ing!

  13. Everything on this application looks good except for the metagaming and powergaming definitions. Feel free to use our Wiki to look at what we've defined them as, or any other reference. Just remember not to plagiarize.


  14. Your application has been placed on...


    -You cannot be born of royalty, nor can you apply with magic. 

    -Tell me more about Maerel. What city, or realm was he born in? (If he's 900, you'll need to go way back!)

    -Your metagaming and powergaming definitions are nearly there. Just give me an example or two to show me that you know what they are and fully understand.

    -I would like for there to be 1-2 pieces of Lore in your biography which can be found on the Wiki or in the Lore Subforum.



    If you find yourself confused then LotC has a new player Discord where we have helpers in there to help alongside the Application Moderators. Here's a link: https://discord.gg/brPt8We


    You have 24 hours from the time I post my reply to make these changes, if you fail to do so then your application will be denied. You can go about doing this by using the [Edit] feature on the bottom left-hand side of your post. If you're denied, then you no longer have to wait to create another application from the time that it's denied. When you make the changes then contact me and I will review the application again. When you're done editing your application for the second time, respond to this thread or PM me via the Forums. 


    If you have any questions at all then feel free to contact me via Discord @ Chorale_#4767, PM's on the forums, or on the server. My username is Chorale_, I have another whitelisted account that's named Chorale__, so you can PM either one of those. Good luck, and thanks for applying!

  15. I4WEKvE.png

    Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    I noticed that you have another Forum account, Mapleveins. I've reviewed this like a normal whitelist application but if your intent was to apply for an alt, it's under the "personas" sub-forum. Nonetheless, happy RP'ing!

  16. Your application has been...


    I enjoyed reading over your application, and I'm very glad to welcome you to our server! Hold tight, and you'll be implemented as a whitelisted player shortly. While you wait, feel free to browse the forums or the wiki. We also have a New Player Discord, where there are helpers at hand alongside Application Moderators. If you'd like, you can also join our general Discord where you can chat it up with our community.

    Here are the links:

    New Player Discord

    LotC General Discord


    Happy RP'ing!

  17. Unfortunately, your application has been...


    -Your powergaming and metagaming definitions are incorrect. You can find them on the LotC Wiki, but remember to not plagiarize. 

    -We require you to have at least a few pieces of Lore in your biography, this can be found on the Wiki or in the Lore Subforum.

    -We cannot put guest accounts on pending, else that would have been done with you. I recommend creating a Forum account so that you can be put on pending if you make a few small mistakes, they can be corrected rather than needing to re-apply.

    You may re-apply once you have made the changes required.

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