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Posts posted by Thornz

  1. The few fishmonger families litter the ruins, mercilesssly slaughtered as they hid in the tunnels under the local fishing village. Left to face an army outnumbered ten to one, the local fishermen underwent a brutal siege wanting Reivers. The empire had falsely propagated a patriotic victory against notorious bandits, when in actuality it was a massacre of innocent fishermen backed by a malicious ruler.

  2. Once again, you’ve provided assertions about us that are inaccurate. Honestly, I did not expect more than another bigoted, bogus response with no backing. Go ahead and pretend that you are enlightened on the matter by using a minimal amount of outdated or plainly incorrect examples. 



    The “current state” of the Reivers does not exist. But of course you should knew that... right? 


    Anyways, I will have to decline your open invitation to discuss your errors and end here as I do not want to drag this any further.

    (( despite your faulty, malicious attempt at trying to slander us, I do appreciate the consideration put forth when taking the time to Try and better the raid rules.

  3. 15 hours ago, Narthok said:

    I've accepted this in the interest of responding to this as I feel the points you bring up here are valid. I will entirely admit that I was banned for the majority of the reivers activity. So my assumptions are mostly based on what I witnessed from you and your compatriots during my associations with them. As for having never seen me roleplay, thats an outright falsehood as i've interacted with you several times on Mah'r Volaren. I know for a fact that individuals like Collectivist and Havok hated roleplaying as it was repeatedly voiced in comms. Beyond that Silent became infamous for roleplaying in a monkey onesie while Lionbileti would play a turbaned character named Achmed and use it exclusively for raiding. Pancakes played a random black elf named Daequan which has absolute no basis in either variant of dark elf culture. So you'll have to forgive me If I find the paper tiger of your outrage regard my assumptions a bit hard to swallow insofar as my experiences with each of the reiver core prior and following my ban. I have seen that many of you are capable of roleplaying I just have observed that you choose not to or avoid it whenever possible. And it is from this extended observation in association with observing other banditing cliques that I concluded what I have concluded. And as for the inherent lack of value in lotc loot at the moment, well you wouldn't be banned for what you're banned for if that statement was anything but fallacious in your eyes. 


    But to address your last point, I completely agree that raids in their current state degenerate into toxicity, with both the attacking and defending parties being at fault depending on the scenario. CRPers throw just as big of a tantrum about raiders as raiders do about CRPers. So in attempting to rectify this issue I looked to the community, trying to gather data from both sides about what felt bad about raiding and what we could do to improve the system that we had. While there may be some extrenuous additions that I have added out of my own thoughts of what I believe will improve raiding the rest is drawn from an attempt to rectify complaints. The defenders are frustrated because they feel there is no way to stop raiding harassment or punish raiders in any meaningful way. While attackers are frustrated with cooldowns, meta, traps, ambiguous raid baiting rules, just to name a few. So in making this ruleset I have attempted to provide an adequate compromise to both parties while favouring neither. Hopefully I have not failed in doing so

    I should reinstate the idea that iron armor and swords hold little value. What I duplicated using creative given to me by staff was bezerker axes and soggy stompers, items that not everyone carried around. Excuse my digression but part of my motivation to do so would mainly be a subconscious desire to receive a ban for my upcoming school year. Regardless, I can assure you that the loot acquired from raiding and roleplay banditry had become so plentiful and identical in quality that it was a minor bonus and not a main goal. In short, you’re saying that abusing op to duplicate items - items, I should add, that one would not normally acquire in raids- is proof that I raided for “pixels”? Doesn’t it seem contradictory that I would raid for pixels when I already had an infinite supply of whatever I wanted? I’ll make it easy for you: yes, yes it does.


     Regarding the ignorant accusations made against our motives: you are correct in providing Silents use of a monkey onesie when playing a child; however this was something that Silent did in Axios when he was not with the Reivers, and therefore not currently representative of them. Additionally, this instance is too dated to provide validity to your assumptions on our playerbase. As for Collectivist and Havoc, they may have said that before when surrounded by the Norlandic playerbase that was so heavily dismissed as a toxic, pvper group. — In fact, the hypocrsy evident is just ironic. It’s hypocritical that this is all coming from the leader of a widely known toxic group. Just days ago do I remember that Norlanders we’re having a “meme” orgy. A “meme” orgy. — Getting back on topic, I’m sure many people have been in a mood where they just don’t feel like roleplaying. This does not mean that these two roleplay in a one dimensional manner. In addition, collectivist has been banned for the entirety of the summer and then some; thus it isn’t an up-to-date example which really undermines its validity.  Concededly, lion is the outlier of our group, and to my knowledge his character isn’t as developed. I would attribute this to his amount of time playing said character. In contrast, delving into MCPancakes, you didn’t even get the race right, so it should be clear that you don’t have the right to proclaim how developed or undeveloped his character is. Perhaps now you understand that you can’t falsely assume our characters did not have a backbone, when you yourself had little to no recent interaction with us. You’re undeniably free to conclude what you want about us or any player group, but don’t go around spreading your incorrect, outdated assumptions and pass it off is an axiomatic truth when it is a flawed, prejudiced conclusion.




  4. On 9/19/2018 at 12:29 PM, Narthok said:


    As to your last point. I'd say its a bit of both. Groups like the reivers and the broskis are undoubtably excessively memey and toxic. They don't roleplay or if they do it is merely to get victims into a position to be killed for pixels. Those members of each group can protest but i've interacted with them enough on a personal level to smell the bullshit under the flowers. I think that removing the cap and forcing groups like these to suffer the consequences of their own unbridled aggression may contribute towards resolving this issue organically. But even in light of that myself and other GMs have been trying to crack down on that kind of behaviour as much as possible so any reports or evidence, even that sent in PMs is incredibly helpful. Not all offences need a ban report filed for us to hand out a ban.



    I never knew of our “personal” engagements Narthok. If you truly did know anything about us, then you would not be slandering us with your fallacious accusations.


    You claim that we, the Reivers, did not provide “roleplay” during our existence, but this uninformed allegation is simply just not true. You claim that we fight for “pixels”, something so plentiful, it’s become useless. You claim our natural aggression is one of toxicity and constant “memeing”. You heavily imply that we disregard roleplay and brush it off as pointless while portraying us as a stereotypical bandit pvper that doesn’t care for rp. Grr!


     In truth, you are just making a prejudiced judgement off of baseless assumptions or unverified judgements by others that you may have heard.


    Each and every Reiver character had an in-depth backstory to provide backbone to the roleplay we did. We did not do a whole spiel laying out everything about our characters when banditing, but it no way should that justify the ignorant assumption that we play meaningless, stagnant bandits. Moreover, as a group, we have found roleplay means to diplomatically solve conflicts, therefore proving that we did not raid only  for “pixels”. If situations have devolved into a toxic state, the blame cannot always be pinned on the attacker, and more often than not, the few toxic situations that we have been present in came as a result of the defending party as well. 


    I personally have never seen you roleplay, so through your false logic I can deduct that you do not roleplay? 


    In brief, you’re wrong to besmirch a playerbase of such acts only based off of groundless allegations. You clearly don’t know about us or our actions or you wouldn’t be falsely tarnishing us.


    Also don’t fix something that isn’t broken, leave raid rules as they are. 




    Ps I think writing this on mobile may have given me brain cancer 

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