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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Lordfulger

  1. Yo...turtles are lit



  2. Do you know da wae?

    do you know da wae.jpg

  3. Gosh I ******* hate Norland

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _pr0fit
    3. LatzMomo
    4. Lordfulger


      Literally the orcs of the old days (Back when I played a high elf). Sees people....Hey lets go murder them!


  4. Dammit who broke the server....

    1. Varstivus


      The answer is always Liri

  5. Oh hello Micky Mouse. :D

  6. bears.gif


    Pretty much sums up my life...

  7. Why do I feel like creating a persona called Edgar Allen Poe......too much college I swear.

  8. Just finished my first college classes! Now to begin some more.

  9. bum dum dum bum dum....im bord....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ducklingator


      ...Banned people still have a life. Just, a sadder life.

    3. Lordfulger


      Yep just gotta wait till I can rejoin the server...

    4. Lordfulger
  10. Great, my left eye got damaged/scratched/killed by who knows what and my vision is starting to dim...I think I'ma gonna see a doctor...:P

    1. Lordfulger


      Still hurts but vision is better...guess I needed sleep and rest from college exams and work. :/

  11. Ugh 6 more days!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nekkore


      rules are rules still. you'd still get banned for having them even if they aren't on lmao

    3. Lordfulger


      and forgot to take it off....

      Yep and that's why I gotta be more careful to not have em and not forget to turn them off if something like this happens :D

    4. Lordfulger


      Annnd I could actually appeal on the 9th...wow I thought it was the 12th...rest in piece my soul.

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